My Senior Is Always Salivating After Me!

Chapter 37


When Lin Suci met for the first time, a person would transfer the pain that caused him to collapse for him. After the transfer, I still didn't see any clues at all, and even wanted to take the transferred serious injury to help him.

Even in his past years, he has not met such a person.

In the whole world, or in three thousand worlds, Yan Baishen is the first.

Also, a unique one.

Lin Suci lowered her eyes and was dumb for a long time before she said, "I...I will be obedient."

"Well," Yan Boshen seemed to be a little surprised, but he pressed his lips to accept decisively, "I will supervise."

Lin Suci is obediently running his tail right now, honestly standing beside Yan Baishen, actively supporting his arm, hesitating for a long time for extra words, can't say it, only a pair of big eyes staring at the banquet. Bai Shen, looks like the best-behaved cat in the world.

Yan Boshen looked at him and wanted to laugh, but held back.

In just a few words, the situation there has changed rapidly.

Peng Sheng, who was surrounded, ignored all those disciples, but said loudly: "Sifang Sect disciple, hand over my disciple!"

The first few chief disciples who have been "forcing" questions do not know what Peng Sheng wants to do. Right now, the elders of the sect have not arrived in time. If Peng Sheng is asked to take the captured Jin Yuge disciple back, then It is estimated that it is to resist the denial.

The disciple who was deceived by Jin Yuge was so angry that he couldn't encircle Peng Sheng, so he turned around, drew the sword, and held the sword, firmly surrounding the brothers Lin Suci. middle.

"This little brother," the speaking was a young man in his twenties who was also the chief of a large martial arts group. After nodding at Yanbai, he said to Lin Suci, "Don't be afraid. Once the certificate is installed, we will protect you."

"Yes, don't be afraid, Junior Brother, we will protect you and we must never let them take away the witness!"

The young disciples firmly surrounded the Sifang Sect Master Brothers, and the magical tools were facing Peng Sheng who was not far away, with vigilance in their eyes.

"Senior Peng, you are so ridiculous..." The shriveled man was so angry that he murmured, "I just caught that kid quietly. Why did you make such a big noise? If you let the pavilion master know, I'm afraid it will be bad."

"If it wasn't for that kid who caught my apprentice, could I get ahead?" Peng Sheng didn't care about it. "

"The most urgent task is to rescue my apprentice from the little bunny who knows nothing about life and death." Peng Shengyao looked at the crowded group of over a hundred disciples, and the few black-clothed teenagers who were firmly guarded in the center were cold. Humph.

The shriveled man was anxious: "I didn't see that they all put out a distress signal! When their teacher comes, it will be over!"

"When their teacher comes, they don't remember anything."

Peng Sheng said compassionately.

Lin Suci said nothing else, the sharpness of the beast ears was very high, and he heard Peng Sheng's words clearly even far away.

Want to erase the memory, come to a confession

Not to mention that Xiaobaicai and Shu Chang had already slipped, even if they hadn't slipped, he still had a way to spread the news all over the sky.

Lin Suci supported Yan Boshen, watched Peng Sheng in the distance, and passed the sound secretly: "They want to erase our memories."

Yan Boshen did not transmit a voice, but directly replied: "The means of erasing memory are rude, and it is easy to cause harm to people."

The disciple closest to them heard this earnestly, and hurriedly asked: "Jin Yuge wants to erase our memories?"

"Yes," Lin Suci immediately understood what Yan Baishen meant, and moved his pair of cat ears, "I heard that, they want to take away the witness, erase the memory, and come to deny it."

The disciple gritted his teeth: "What a golden jade pavilion! It's so arrogant that he played me in the palm of his hand!"

Lin Suci continued: "I'm worried now that if someone resists, they will kill them directly, and after the memory is erased, they will pretend to be dead in the secret realm. If the teachers are not in time, I am afraid the damage will not be small."

"I definitely won't give them this opportunity!" The disciple gave an order to the people of his teacher, "Everyone protect this little junior! Cover him and the witness to leave first!"

"Brother," Lin Suci said, "I'm leaving alone, who should I call for help?"

The disciple was taken aback.

Lin Suci continued: "There is no cover in the sky, so many of us, just staying here like this?"

"Then... According to Junior Brother?" the disciple asked.

Lin Suci: "It's easy, just run in all directions, just take advantage of him alone and can't catch him."

"But you..." Before the disciple said, Lin Suci shrank back, raised his hand to grasp Huilian, "Senior Brother, you can help our Senior Brother."

Then, under the cover of the crowd, he quietly turned into a kitty cub, hooked his nails, rubbed Yan Baishen's boots and climbed onto his back.

Yan Baishen is dressed in black, and Lin Suci is dressed in black "hair". He is lying behind Yan Baishen's shoulders. If you don't look at the emerald eyes, you will hardly find a cat hidden here. .

Lin Suci didn't care about anyone next to him. Taking advantage of the cover, his small paw hooked up the skirt of Yan Baishen's clothes and rolled in neatly.

A small bag bulged in front of Yan Bai's deep abdomen.

Lin Suci stretched out her head and grinned, "That's it."

The disciple hesitated: "This won't work, I can't find you, I'm afraid..."

"Leave this to me." Huilian took out a talisman from his pocket and shook it. The talisman quietly transformed into shape, and a black-clothed youth who was roughly the same jumped out.

"It's so good..." The disciple paused, thinking of something, and quietly spread his voice to others. Not long after, nearly a hundred disciples here knew it in their hearts.

On the other end, Peng Shengduan was extremely arrogant. Facing these young disciples, he seemed to treat ants like ants, and he pinched a spirit group in his hand.

"Just get out of the way, when I kill the little beast, you can go."

Lin Suci hidden in the deep placket of Yanbai raised her little paw, a little, a little, a little more.

In the next instant, nearly a hundred disciples dressed in five-faced and six-colored clothes shook their bodies, all changed into a set of black clothes.

At the same time, the disciple pushed Lian back.


Lin Suci watched the scene he hadn’t expected, and dared to see it in his heart. His paws gripped Yan Baishen’s shirt, stretched his neck and said to the disciple enthusiastically: “Hey, my little brother, who is your name or sect? Turn back to me. Go and thank you..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Bai stood up deep, walked with Huilian Yujian, and quietly disappeared among the countless disciples hovering in the sky.

The overwhelming black-clothed disciples fled in all directions. This outburst caught Peng Sheng off guard. He watched the Sifangmen crowded among the crowd and couldn't find it.

"It's over!" The shriveled man looked at this, and was not angry, pointing at Peng Sheng and his fingers trembled, "You! You are brave, now, it's over!"

Peng Sheng didn't expect this. He paused and made a decisive decision: "First kill the little bunny and snatch my apprentice back. If there is no evidence, let these little guys talk about breaking the sky, don't be afraid!"

Amidst the black "color" of the sky, Peng Sheng distinguished the half-beast figure, shaking the cat's tail against the cat's ears, no longer hesitating, the spirit group in his hand was thrown straight at the black-clothed boy!

Brother Jindan's thunderous blow caused the black figure in the crowd to suddenly disperse, turning into a blue smoke.

"Not good!" Peng Sheng's face changed suddenly, "I was tricked by those little rascals!"

And at the same time he took the shot, the group of black-clothed disciples had already scattered and fled, and now they can't even see a single figure.

It was at this moment that Peng Sheng really realized that something went wrong.

Lin Suci didn't care what happened to Peng Sheng behind him, Yan Bai raised his sword deep and shrank the ground to an inch. Only in a short time, he had already leapt over several hills, far away from the jurisdiction of the Jinyu Pavilion.

As soon as he left the danger zone, he emerged from Yanbo's deep chest and transformed into a human form again.

"Now it's all right," Lin Suci squinted, "makes him talk so much nonsense, "force" "force" to talk, and give us a bargain."

If Peng Sheng did it directly, a Golden Core monk, and their group of disciples would not get well together, how could they escape so smoothly.

Lin Suci smiled and asked, "Bai Shen and Bai Shen, do you know what it is called?"

Yan Bai glanced at him deeply, with a cheerful smile on the face of the heartless kitty cub.

He frowned slightly and his lips were slightly white.

Lin Suci immediately remembered that his elder brother transferred the injury for him, which was still an injury.

With a smile, Lin Suci hurried to support Yan Boshen's arm, and Yan Boshen was not polite, sharing the weight of his body with Lin Suci.

Lin Suci was not strong enough, she was crushed tremblingly, she still used her strength, gritted her teeth and stabilized and became a banquet Boshen, a little worried: "Boshen..."

Yan Bai turned pale, shook his head slightly, and whispered: "I'm fine."

No matter where this is nothing, it is clearly to be brave.

Lin Suci was in a mess in his heart, but he didn't know what to do, so he could only look at Yan Boshen pitifully.

The three of them walked together. Huilian waited for a long time. Neither the senior brother nor the younger brother gave him half of their eyes, and snorted coldly. What is it called?"

Lin Suci is no longer in the mood to laugh, and honestly said: "This is called the villain's death due to a lot of talk."

Huilian: "He's not dead."

"Almost." Lin Suci sullen his face, "I have booked him a luxurious funeral package!"

Huilian was curious: "You bastard, what would you do without us?"

Lin Suci "Lu" made a sinister and cunning expression: "The secret of heaven cannot be vented "Lu"."

As soon as he pretended to be deep, Lin Suci was a little proud and couldn't help but want to show off: "Wait, my lovely white..."


Yan Boshen gave a dry cough like a breath.

Lin Suci's attention was immediately pulled, nervously: "Uncomfortable? Where is it? What should I do?"

"It's okay..." Yan Bai said deep, but his brows were locked. Compared with the appearance of his face without changing his "color" when he was just injured, his "color" is pale at this moment, and the "color" of his lips is lightened. A lot of sickness.

This is not a way of being innocent, Lin Suci regrets it, if he pays more attention to avoid getting out and not remembering his name, Yan Boshen will not be injured for him.

On the next journey, the little cat became obedient and stopped talking about him. He turned around him like Yan Baishen's little tail, hushing coldly and intently, focusing on Yan Baishen's body.

Feijian slowly landed, and Lin Suci's small body in front tried hard to support Yan Baishen who was a bit taller than him, and walked slowly step by step.

Huilian, who had been forgotten all the way, stayed in place. When the people walked away, the room heard the movement of Qing Fou and Ruan Lingyu coming out, only to see the two people who were fused together drifting away.

Ruan Linglu was surprised: "Little Junior Brother is supporting Senior Brother? Senior Brother is not injured, right?!"

Qing Fou was also surprised: "Can Bo Shen put down his face and be supported by someone, could it be extremely hurt?!"

Seeing that the heart of the master and the younger sister was lifted up, Huilian held back all the way, looked at the two figures disappearing in the path, and finally coldly hummed out: "Of course the injury will not let the senior brother be like this, he is just... "That's it."