My Senior Is Always Salivating After Me!

Chapter 57


In this flower field, well-bred piranhas grow. The blossoms are bigger than Lin Suci, and the color is very beautiful and beautiful, except that you don't rub your teeth against Lin Suci, everything is good.

The flower field is not too close to the yard below the mountain. Lin Suci walked from the mound of the flower field to the outermost purple piranha, and spent a day in it.

In the flower field, every step is a bit difficult. The air and soil here are different from other places. Every step of Lin Suci's foot is like molten iron is poured on his feet, making him lift his feet heavier and heavier.

But these flowers are not easy to mess with.

Obviously, they are just spiritual plants that have not yet opened their spiritual wisdom, but they have the ability to protect themselves. Except for Ruan Linglu, the approach of anyone from the outside world will stimulate the piranha to attack the outside world.

It was too late for "color", Lin Suci was still standing ten feet away in front of the purple "color" piranha, staring at the big flower face in the darkness.

Master said something before going back. These flowers are so delicate that they cannot be picked with violence, otherwise they will wither. You can't use spells either, otherwise the "medicine" and "sex" will be broken.

From the big mouth of the blood basin in the flower, a poisonous "liquid" was spit out. Lin Suci dodged quickly and turned around. The position where he had just stood was corroded by the poisonous "liquid", making a sizzling noise. White smoke rose, and a big pit appeared on the spot.

Lin Suci's face was paralyzed by the bright moon's "color", and she faintly scanned the pitted holes and sighs.

It takes one day to step into the flower field, and he hasn't done anything yet. The night is coming. If he turns around, he will go back to sleep, and he will have to continue to repeat today's behavior.

Lin Suci rolled up his sleeves, his delicate face was full of fierce energy.

He won't sleep anymore, and he has to pick the flowers!

The sun rises and the moon sets, a few back and forth, in the cold and autumn season, Lin Suci took off her coat and wore only a thin layer of white "color" shirt, rolled up his sleeves, holding a small flower hoe, twisting in the purple "color" piranha flower While spitting the poison for the first time, he leaped to the left and right, and learned how to use the time difference to knock the teeth of the cannibal while dodging.

In an acre of flower field, countless piranha flowers open their mouths, like sunflowers chasing the sun, and all the heads of the flowers follow the direction of Lin Suci's beating. Around the piranhas he started, many piranhas also spit venom at him like the wind.

Lin Suci's arms were slender, his wrist bones were dazzling white in the sun, and a piece of talisman was pasted on the small flower hoe in his palm. As he kept waving, the talisman fell and fell together, floating and falling.

Five days, five full days!

Lin Suci panted and stopped the offensive action, bent over to support her knees, panting heavily, raising her hand to wipe off the thin sweat on her forehead.

He was thrown here by Master for five full days. He thought that even if it was a piranha, he could finish it in a day or two. However, it took him five days and the first purple "color" cannibalism. Flower fight is now.

Haven't taken it off yet.

Lin Suci's nose was sweaty, and the air outside gradually turned cold, and his whole body was sweaty.

I couldn't stop. When Yan Baishen took the senior sister to successfully kill the man and came back to forget the dust pill, they found that he, a volunteering little junior brother, couldn't even pick a flower for her. They would definitely laugh at him.

Lin Suci backhanded herself a cooling charm, panted, and rushed up again with a small flower hoe.

He went out and practiced for a few months, playing rabbits, monks, and spirit beasts. No matter how bad he was, he is not as helpless as he was when he was born. Lingzhi, he can definitely win!

A flower, it took Lin Suci a full eight days, waiting for him to "force" the first purple "color" piranha flower to spit out the venom, and knock out all the teeth in one mouth. He couldn't defend him anymore, so he quickly picked off the flowers and threw them into the fresh-keeping sac.

Start a head, and then it will be easier.

Master explained that three purple "color" cannibal flowers were all in his bag. There are seven red "color" flowers, twelve blue "color" flowers, six white "color" flowers, and yellow "color" 18 flowers...

Lin Suci lifted his sleeves to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and counted the other piranhas that were getting more and more grumpy in the flower field. The amount of Master's account is enough, but the distribution of these colors is slightly closer and closer.

Unlike the original purple "color", it was at least half a meter away from the other piranhas, not to mention anything else, enough for Lin Suci to stand in it.

The red "color" grows densely together, if he learns the method of picking the purple "color", I am afraid that before a while, the dozen or so piranhas will open their mouths to eat him.

After thinking about it, Lin Suci squatted in the flower field and began to draw amulets.

Hui Lian once taught him the double talisman, used for a short time, and disappeared after receiving an attack.

It's not very useful in other places. At this time, as long as you can avoid it, it's fine.

Lin Suci leaned on a dozen avatars and forcibly picked all the dense red and blue piranhas.

It has been a full month since he was thrown into this flower field by the master.

Lin Suci tilted the "medicine" bottle in his hand and poured out the last bigudan from it.

For a month, he relied on the "medicine" balls to barely survive, and he was busy fighting the piranha, and he couldn't even gnaw a bite of the dried fish.

He remembered that Brother Huilian made many boxes of dried fish for him and put them in the kitchen

In the flower field, half of the piranha had already been broken by Lin Suci, and the rest almost smelled the smell of Lin Suci. They were full of war spirits. They shook the head of a flower that was bigger than Lin Suci and clicked. Wiping his teeth.

Lin Suci "touched" and "touched" her own belly, bent down decisively to pick up the coat on the ground, threw the little flower hoe, and sneaked back to find her own ration.

It takes more than a quarter of an hour to walk between the flower field in the mountain and the small courtyard below the mountain. Lin Suci meows hungry, transforming her sex into its original form, and Sa Yazi ran away.

Around the path, Lin Suci saw their yard.

Smoke curled up from the roof.

Lin Suci's eyes lit up, Brother Huilian is back? !

Brother Huilian equals the kitchen equals all kinds of delicacies. The cat cub for a month of bigu can't hold back at all. His four feet are swiftly planing. The cat's face is full of excited smiles, and the light and fluttering voice is full of joy: "Senior brother!!!"

The path goes around, and there is no shelter from the tree, and the courtyard is in front of you.

Lin Suci was in a hurry, and several soil prints were caught on the ground.

His eyes widened, his beard was trembling, and he couldn't come out.

In the courtyard surrounded by fence posts, there are a total of five rooms, one main hall, left and right wing rooms, which he has been familiar with for more than a year. Even a month ago, he followed his master to the flower field, still like this.

But right now...

The yard was in a mess, and the ground was full of coke that had been burned by the fire. The rest of the fire had not yet been cleaned, and there were strands of green smoke.

In the yard, the wooden stools Ruan Lingyu used to repair the artifacts were already blackened, and only coke was left on the tripod frames where Zhong Li Liming had piled up the goods. The bluestone slabs in the yard have been washed all the year round, but now there is no trace of cleanness.


Lin Suci panicked, his heart seemed to be held tightly by an invisible big palm, he slammed his head over, stumbled up and turned into a human form, staggering under his feet.

what happened! Why is there a fire at home, Master

Is this fire a natural disaster or a man-made disaster

Lin Suci had all the thoughts in her heart, but she was not allowed to think about things in her life and death.

The beams of the hall in the center have been broken, and the ground is full of ruins. The commonly used tea cups and vases with flowers are broken all over the ground. The dots of white glaze are the only colors in the ruins.

Lin Suci fought desperately in the ruins, and the horizontal wooden beams were broken. Even if it was burnt, it was so heavy that Lin Suci could not move it with bare hands.

He knelt in the coke, his hands trembling while digging the ruins.

"Calm down, calm down..." Lin Suci closed her eyes and gritted her teeth and said to herself.

He took a few deep breaths, and finally his hands stopped shaking. In his chaotic mind, he remembered that bare hands were unnecessary.

The talisman he was carrying was still there, and Lin Suci quickly picked a few useful ones, and threw out his hands.

The wood that had been burnt to the black coke all floated up, and the ground was in a violent wind, soot flew up, and the wind stopped.

Only empty courtyards were left on the ground, and the ground was stained with withered yellow color.

Lin Suci's lips trembled a little.

No one, is no one a good thing or a bad thing


Lin Suci squeezed her thigh fiercely, forced herself to be calm, got up and shouted while looking around.

He stumbled along the way, the melon sheds growing in the mountains, and Lingzhi's "medicine" cattails, ran everywhere to see, no.

Lin Suci plunged into Yan Baishen's cave, the empty cave. It had been cold and cold for several months without anyone living in it.

no one!

Lin Suci searched for the small river in the mountains, from top to bottom, on both sides of the river bank, the "holes" in the mountain streams.

Still no one!

Lin Suci bit her lower lip, turned her head, and ran in the opposite direction.

There is one more place.

Hanging on a straight suspended ladder in mid-air, Lin Suci made two steps in three steps and rolled down to the bottom of the cliff.

The misty cold pool has always been the place for their teachers to practice.

A blessed land full of aura.

However, here, there is a strong bloody atmosphere at this moment.

Lin Suci's face changed suddenly.

He was sure there was someone here, and rushed away quickly.


There were a few white-clothed corpses on the ground. Lin Suci accidentally kicked on the corpses, and rumbling around, stumbled and "touched" his head and got up. It was just by the cold lake, and he saw it at a glance. Among them, the white-haired young man standing with hands down.

"Little porcelain..."

Qing Shou's hair bun was slightly loose and "messy", and the clothes were soaked in water, and there was nothing to see. It was like his usual posture, but when he raised his eyes and saw Lin Suci, he was two more surprised.


Seeing that Qing Fou was fine, Lin Suci finally breathed a sigh of relief, his heart beating all the way, he sat on the ground, panting and patted his chest, with a look of shock and uncertainty: "Our house is on fire, and the house is burning. No more. I am worried that something will happen to you. I have been looking for you for a long time. You used to be practicing here, and I was shocked."

The "color" of Qing Fou's face hesitated slightly: "Little Porcelain..."

"It's okay, it's okay..." Lin Suci's head was full of bad associations just now, and she pressed it forcibly. Now she relaxes, "touching" her forehead with sweat.

Standing in the cold pool, Qing Fou's face was a little unclear through the smoke.

Lin Suci had enough rest, stood up, stretched out, and smiled and said: "Master, I have collected all the purple flowers, red flowers, and blue flowers. Let's go back and eat them. Rice... Oh no, you need to repair the house first."

Lin Suci sighed: "What's the fire in our house? The kitchen is gone."

Qing Fou in the cold pool seemed to raise his eyes and glance at him, but there was a long silence.

"Master, don't you go back now?"

Lin Suci suddenly panicked, he took a step forward, paused, and stepped on something.

He bowed his head.

There is also a corpse that was accidentally kicked in the back of his head that he had just ignored.

White clothes, bright red blood.

Lin Suci took a breath.

"Little porcelain."

In the cold pool, Qing Fou smiled helplessly: "I can't go back."