My Simping System

Chapter 6: what is it call?


The decoration of Qixi's room has always been simple.

Apart from the basic necessary furniture, there is nothing else.

Normally, when she wants to talk about things, there is no time to do so in the room.

Even she rarely rested here.

It had been many years since I last went to bed and fell asleep.

But tonight is different.

"Well… "


Qi Xi fell on the bed, his face buried in the pillow, his hands holding the quilt, and his whole body rolled back and forth.

Since Ye Anna left, Qi Xi's pretty face has always been red, like a burning cloud, even spreading to his neck and ears.

No one knows such a thing—

After living for hundreds of years, her first night is still there, and she has never even experienced such a thing as falling in love.

It was like seeing a big scene at this moment, and the state of mind that had been calm for a long time also had huge waves.

His heart was beating extremely fast, and the blush on his face refused to go away.

When she met the maid before, she had to take some Jingxin Pills and then use the exercises to calm herself down.

Therefore, the maid felt that her expression was extremely scary.

But to her, none of this mattered.

"It turns out that there is so much knowledge in those matters of love and love."

"Ah... so troublesome."

"But now that I have an outcome with him, I have to do this."

Rather than having to do it...


Is there such a good thing

Even if she was alone at the moment.

This empress is also so arrogant that she wants to save face, and she only speaks to herself.

Qi Xi stood up again and picked up the papers and pens scattered on the ground.

What was written on it was what the maid had just told her about falling in love.

"That maid... looks like she is very skilled. What she just said should be correct."

Qi Xi stared at the words written on the paper and murmured to himself:

"When it comes to falling in love, first of all, I want to give him something personal as a token of love."

"From now on, we have to share the same bed every night... Mian."

"Go to the land of Dongyue to see the sea, take a vacation, and enhance your relationship."

"Go to the Southern Forest to collect herbs and raise spiritual animals. I want him to see the side of me that loves small animals... ah."

"Go to the Western Desert to explore and take risks, and let him see my awesome side."

"Go to the lively market in Zhongzhou to watch fireworks and eat sweets."

"Finally, go to the Holy Cloud Summit in the north to wait for the sunrise, and lean into his arms when the sun and moon alternate between reincarnations..."

"There's more later...well, let's not read it for now."

Empress Qi Xi, who was innocent and naive in this regard, did not notice anything was wrong.

Half of these places are dangerous places, and half of them are not suitable for her. The contents are all made up.

But she didn't know any of this.

"Hey, do you have to travel across the entire continent to fall in love this time?"

"I see, falling in love is hard work... Mortals must rarely fall in love."

"However, as for Ye An... I need to complete it one by one in the order above."

After silently cheering myself up in my heart.

Qi Xi put the note away and waited uneasily.

She was ready with her personal belongings.

Sharing the same bed...and being mentally prepared.

If Ye An can do it, they can embark on a journey around the continent.

Everything is ready, just waiting for someone to come.

"I wonder if Ye An will come."

"It was a miscalculation. Just because of face, I deliberately told him whether love would come."

"If he thinks I'm angry and really doesn't come..."

Qi Xi crossed his fingers and rubbed the back of his hands.

A long time has passed and Ye An has not come yet.


"How about taking the initiative to find him?"

This idea had just come up and was stopped by Qi Xi.

"No, wouldn't it make it appear that I like him instead of him liking me?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute..."

She became increasingly restless.

Finally, there was a knock on the door.

Dong Dong Dong—

Qi Xi was buried in the quilt, his pretty face was red, and he was rolling back and forth.

When I heard the knock on the door, I thought to myself: It must be Ye An here!

She stood up, took a deep breath, took a Jingxin Pill, and used the exercises to get rid of the lingering blush on her face.

Soon he opened the door with a nonchalant expression.

"His Majesty."

Ye An said: "Are you looking for me?"

"Yes." Qi Xi nodded slightly, with a calm expression, "Come in, I have something to discuss with you."


As soon as he entered the room.

The door was closed and locked.

Then, Qi Xi suddenly became motionless, with his back to Huai'an.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Thinking of the maid's weak face, cold sweat, and panic look before, Ye An felt a little strange.

Could it be that something indescribable is going to happen

But the last one was a maid, so that’s not right either.

He said again: "Your Majesty, why are you looking for me...?"

However, Qi Xi breathed a long sigh of relief, turned around slowly, and opened his mouth slightly.

"Still calling you Your Majesty?"


A flash of inspiration flashed in Ye An's mind and he said: "... little baby?"

Qi Xi: Σ(゜ロ゜;)…


In these short two seconds, Qi Xi's cold and calm expression changed.

The first second was shock.

The second second was a silly giggle.

He immediately reacted and put away his silly expression.


Qi Xi once again used magic to calm down and said in a cold voice: "Holy Son, I just wanted to ask, how did you learn these words?"

Ye An hesitated for a moment: "I..."

Qi Xi said: "There are order and rules in the temple. Before one's cultivation is complete, there should be no sexual relations between men and women..."

"Tell me honestly, do you have any personal relationships outside?"

Ye An was shocked and said, "Your Majesty, I don't have one."

Qixi frowned slightly and said, "Is it true...?"

Ye An nodded and said, "I am innocent. If you don't believe me, Your Majesty, come and see for yourself."

"That's not necessary."

Qi Xi snorted softly, feeling a little relieved and said disapprovingly:

"It's just that there have been some rumors recently. I just asked casually out of curiosity. It's okay if there are no rumors."

Where did the rumors come from.

Just a random question out of curiosity

You obviously take it very seriously.

Damn arrogant.

Ye An forced a smile on his face and said: "It's already midnight. I wonder if Your Majesty is looking for me...?"

"Zi Shi? That's still early."

Qi Xi said: "You still call me Your Majesty?"

Ye An: "Baby."

Qi Xi: (*′▽`*)…


Almost as a reflex, she first had a silly expression on her face and couldn't control it.

Then he reacted and said softly with a red face: "No, that's not right! Stupid... idiot."

"You no longer need to call me Your Majesty, just call me 'Qixi'."

"I don't want you to be so disgusting as to keep calling me Bao... Bei."

Ye An nodded and said, "You should have told me earlier, Your Majesty."

Qixi: "?"

Ye An slapped his head: "I'm used to it, I forgot to change my words."


Qi Xi: (*′▽`*)…