My Son is a Transmigrated Prince

Chapter 102


Song Yuan felt uncomfortable.

When they were together before, when she didn't know his identity, she heard that he was an orphan, and she still felt sorry for him. Later, when she knew his true identity, those soft emotions were taken back by her along with the disparity in status. Think about it carefully, this relationship has come to this point, is she not wrong at all

The identities between them were there, and it was basically impossible to have a happy ending at that time, but if she could work harder, maybe—maybe after she came back, he would also be able to have no regrets.

"Why did you tell me these things?" Song Yuan couldn't help being puzzled, "You didn't tell me before."

Rong Heng put the wine glass on the table in front of him, put his hands behind his head, and leaned casually, he glanced at her, smiled, the smile was bright, just like back then, "I read in a book that women It's different from men, sympathy will arouse their feelings, I was thinking, telling you these things, maybe you will feel a little pity for me."

Song Yuan was speechless again.

But she also understands him. If he really has such thoughts, then he is not himself. Maybe if she really shows pity for him, he will be very angry.

"Okay, let me tell the truth." Rong Heng smiled softly, "My thoughts are relatively bad, I just hope to be fair in this matter, I will never fall in love with others, and I will not stay with others forever, then I hope you can do the same, even if we are not in the same time and space, you should never fall in love with someone else. We are all alone with each other."

This is the truest thought in his heart.

In his life, he would never accept that she fell in love with someone else, married someone else and had children.

Before leaving, he told her all the most secret and most embarrassing things in his heart. Is he the best person in her mind? After she knew that he cheated on her, she still liked him, but she was not so calm. Isn't it a disguised proof that he is the favorite person she has met all these years? Now that he even got rid of this shortcoming, will there be anyone like him in the future

Song Yuan: "... I don't think my parents will agree."

Rong Heng was amused by her words, and looked at her seriously again, "Listen well, you have returned from ancient times to modern times, you have to live happily and freely here, no matter what you do or say, everything How come you are happy, or else... how is it a good deal?"

Song Yuan understood what he meant, her eyes turned red quickly, but she still nodded slightly, "Okay."

Finally, Rong Heng hugged her gently, and whispered in her ear: "Be happy."



The days on the island passed quickly. Rong Ting was very happy every day. Song Yuan even took him to dive and saw some marine life. Putting on sunscreen, every time Song Yuan had to talk dry, he reluctantly agreed. In the past few days, almost every meal was seafood, and Rong Ting was getting tired of eating it. When he went back, Song Yuan took him to buy a lot of local specialties.

Song Yuan hoped that Rong Ting could properly separate from the people who cared about him and the people who appeared in his life.

As the day when they were going back was getting closer and closer, Song Yuan's panic at the beginning gave way to her calm acceptance now.

Maybe she will not be used to the days when Gugu is not around, but she thinks, she will definitely be happy again. Not only did she agree to Gu Gu, but she also agreed to Rong Heng.

From ancient times to modern times, and then to the separation of mother and child, wouldn't it be too uneconomical for her to live a happy and unhappy life in the future

Chen Linjing and Song Haiping knew that Rong Ting was leaving, and they both cried. Song Haiping held Rong Ting with a sad expression on his face, "Tell me about you, how many years have you improved from ancient times to modern times? Don’t stay, you have to go to the backward feudal era, aren’t you a smart kid, how did you lose the chain at this juncture?”

Rong Ting couldn't laugh or cry at this, "But if a dynasty has no leader, the common people will have a hard time."

"If you don't get on, someone will get on. The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge!"

"Even if I don't go, who wants to go?" Rong Ting comforted Song Haiping in turn, "Grandfather, I am the prince, so I should be the prince."

Song Haiping is also a man, even now sometimes he likes to read novels about conquering the stars and the sea. He also understands Rong Ting's ideals and ambitions, but it's just a little uncomfortable at the moment.

"A prince should have the responsibility of a prince, and a man should also have the responsibility of a man." Rong Ting said such a sentence inexplicably.

Song Haiping: "..."

Why did he feel that this brat was alluding to him

Song Yuan later took Rong Ting to the learning center. She had already told Teacher Helen that Rong Ting was going to study abroad. Teacher Helen applied to the center and said that she would hold a farewell party for Rong Ting.

After Rong Ting knew about it, he asked a special question: "There shouldn't be a segment where everyone sings birthday songs around me, right?"

He thought of a little friend's birthday that day, and the whole room sang birthday songs together... it really suffocated him.

"You think about it. It's not a birthday. Who can sing the birthday song? It's just playing with the friends. I have agreed with you, Teacher Helen, and I will buy some pizza and desserts when the time comes. Gugu, I I know that for you, those little friends are not your friends, but I think you have studied together after all, so please say goodbye to them, maybe you will miss them in the future."

Rong Ting coolly said no, "I won't miss them."

Song Yuan laughed, "Then let's make another bet, I bet you will miss them."

Rong Ting became interested, "What's the bet?"

"The bet is, if I win, you will still be your mother's child in the next life, okay?" Song Yuan looked at him and pointed to her stomach, "OK?"

Hearing this, Rong Ting suddenly became sad. He lowered his head and gave a muffled grace, "Whether I win or lose, I will be your child in my next life. I won't leave you at that time, and neither will you." leave me."

When the mother and son talked about this topic, they were happy again.

After going through the past and the present, Song Yuan feels that nothing is impossible!

"Then will you recognize me?" Rong Ting asked again.

Song Yuan thought for a moment, "Mom will recognize her child immediately, and she should."

After agreeing on the next life, Song Yuan was not sad, and Rong Ting was not sad either. The mother and son went to the learning center happily.

Teacher Helen prepared a small gift for Rong Ting. It was the English version of The Little Prince. Rong Ting still liked it very much. He quietly said to Teacher Helen, "Mr. Helen, I think you will be happy in the future."

He was still thinking about Teacher Helen's ex-fiancé's change of heart.

Seeing her happy again during this time, he was relieved.

Teacher Helen froze for a moment, then nodded vigorously, "Well, I think so too, when I get married in the future, if you have time, you can be my little flower girl, okay?"

Rong Ting lowered his head, "I probably don't have time."

He has too much to do, and he's leaving soon.

Teacher Helen smiled, knelt down and hugged him, "It's okay, I have received your blessing. Thank you."

Song Yuan was always worried that her son would be an orphan in the future, but what she didn't expect was that the little girls in the class liked him very much!

The little girl who often sat at Rong Ting's back table, heard the news that Rong Ting might never come back after going abroad, her eyes were red with sadness.

When Rong Ting saw her, his scalp felt numb, and he remembered the fear of being dragged to talk by her little chatterbox.


Seeing the little girl about to cry, Rong Ting was a little flustered and a little scared. He took a step back and didn't know where to put his hands, "You don't have to call me that, I don't like this name very much."

"Lance, I like you so much!"

Without warning, the little girl suddenly stepped forward and hugged Rong Ting. She was quite strong, and Rong Ting was stunned.

It's okay to be hugged by my mother, my grandfather and Teacher Helen! How could he hug a girl of the same age!

After Rong Ting reacted, he wanted to push her away. After a while, the little girl let Rong Ting go. She smiled, her eyes were bright and clear, "Lance, I I love you so much! I will look for you when I grow up, but you have to be as handsome as you are now, if you become ugly, I don’t like you anymore.”

Rong Ting twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking, your liking is quite superficial, so don't worry about it.

He had no psychological burden and even said coldly: "Then don't come to me in the future."

"I must look for it!" The little girl also became stubborn, "I must look for it!"

"I don't even know you."

"It's enough for me to know you."

Rong Ting was speechless, "I won't tell you anymore."

Rong Ting is also very happy today, he should know that he will never see these friends again, so this time he put in an unprecedented investment, eating pizza with them, playing Lego together... He is equivalent to graduating here, Helen The teacher pasted his photo on the background wall, and gave him a colored pen to write what he wanted to write on the background board. Maybe it will be a special memory when he returns to China after a few years

Holding a pen, Rong Ting stood on a small stool, looked at the background board, thought for a while, and finally left a sentence in English on the background board—

Mommy, I love you.