My Son is a Transmigrated Prince

Chapter 32


Recently, my colleagues are very happy. For nothing else, I can take three days off after working five days a week after Christmas.

This time is really wonderful, New Year's Day falls on Monday, plus weekends, we can have three days off.

Song Yuan has submitted a resignation application. She is a bit reluctant, after all, the boss of this company is her uncle, no one dares to give her small shoes to wear, and the colleagues are not playful, everyone gets along very friendly, the uncle is the boss, and the salary he pays her is higher than that of outsiders. a little higher.

Just reluctant to resign. Last time, the four members of the family held a meeting on the household registration issue, and finally decided to take Rong Ting to Beijing.

Although this city is also a first-tier city, in terms of education and medical environment, Beijing is better.

Song Yuan is a local, but she has a Beijing hukou, and Beijing and Shanghai hukou have always been popular. This is also thanks to Grandpa Song's foresight. Grandpa Song was assigned to work in Beijing when he was young. Although he was just an ordinary employee in the unit, he was also included in the settlement at that time. Grandpa Song settled in Beijing, and the whole family moved there. , Later, Grandpa Song retired and returned to his hometown in this city, and his household registration was still in Beijing. Song Haiping divorced Chen Linjing, and Song Yuan was awarded to Chen Linjing. This woman who can't tolerate sand in her eyes did not move her daughter's household registration come out.

Song Yuan used to think that it was a very, very troublesome thing for her to go to school in this city while her registered permanent residence was in Beijing. Her best friend Xie Ya also said that she didn't know her happiness while she was living in it.

Now that she has graduated from university, she is suddenly glad that her household registration is in Beijing, at least this solves Rong Ting's problem of going to school.

Song Haiping also made the right decision a few years ago, that is, he bought two houses in Beijing, which also solved their housing problem.

Rong Ting didn't have any opinion on where to study, but he still made a small suggestion in the family meeting that had nothing to do with this topic, "I don't want to go to kindergarten, but I went to see it, it's all children, it's very noisy Very annoying."

This suggestion was ignored and rejected by the whole family.

The holiday starts tomorrow, Song Yuan packed up her desk and found a cardboard box to pack her things.

"Yuanyuan, don't you have a gathering last day? The finance director said that the funds can be allocated."

Song Yuan shook his head, "There is no financial appropriation, I see Lao Liu and the others are in a hurry to go back to their hometown during the three-day vacation this time, and they must not be able to get together. Well, I'm not going to the capital right away. Next week, find a day when everyone is not busy, I treat you to a good meal, how about everyone going to sing again?"

Even though Song Yuan usually keeps a low profile and doesn't show off her wealth, her colleagues in the company also know that her family has money and is a rich second generation.

But everyone is not a thick-skinned master, "How can we do it, we have discussed it, and the colleagues in the company will invite you to dinner and sing."

"Okay, I'll treat everyone to afternoon tea in a few days!"

This is Song Yuan's first job after graduating from university. To be honest, she has lived a peaceful life in her career, and she is not intriguing like workplace dramas in TV dramas. Today she told Rong Ting that she would go back later. The main reason is to put the prepared small gifts on the desks of colleagues after all the people in the company have left, as a thank you for their care during this time.

It wasn't an expensive gift either. Seeing that this winter was especially cold, she bought a super cute hand warmer online.

After finishing this little thing, Song Yuan moved her cardboard box and prepared to go home.

She didn't drive today, so she didn't know that she saw a familiar person standing in the lobby when she stepped out of the elevator.

Although Ji Junpei has been studying abroad in the past few years, he will come back once a year and they will meet again. The last time they met seems to have been a year ago. He is wearing a black down jacket and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses , when Song Yuan met him for the first time, he was still a hearty student, but after a few years of precipitation abroad, he now looks a lot more mature and stable.

Song Yuan didn't expect Ji Junpei to come to her. It seems that he thinks more about her than she imagined.

In many things, she is very self-aware, she will not try to make up how much Ji Junpei likes her, if she really likes her, they have been together these few years.

No matter what is the reason why he has thoughts but doesn't confess, but there is one thing that cannot be escaped, that is, he doesn't like her that much.

"Yuanyuan, I'm back." Ji Junpei walked up to her with a smile on his face, "I was supposed to come back tomorrow, but I changed my sign."

Song Yuan felt that the biggest reason why she didn't blame Ji Junpei was that she didn't like him that much either.

Otherwise, it's only been a year since I saw him, why would she have no feeling for him at all.

The heartbeat at the beginning has disappeared in the past few years of suspicion.

"Welcome back to China." Song Yuan smiled.

Ji Junpei reached out to help her carry the cardboard box, but she avoided it, and smiled naturally: "It's not heavy."

"Yuanyuan, I have something I want to consult with you. You haven't eaten yet, so I'll treat you to a meal." Ji Junpei didn't seem to care about her actions.

He came all the way to the company, Song Yuan thought about his previous friendship, if he could not be a couple, the past friendship is still there, it is really hard to refuse, so he hesitated and said: "Actually, I should treat you to dinner when you return to China, but My boyfriend is away on a business trip."

Ji Junpei didn't take this to heart. He and Song Yuan also had mutual friends. Although the circle of friends Song Yuan posted earlier was suspicious, he also knew that she didn't have a boyfriend at all.

"It's okay, I don't plan to leave, there will be more opportunities in the future, I will treat you to dinner today." Ji Junpei smiled, "I only think about hot pot when I am abroad."

He said so, and Song Yuan also felt that it was impolite to refuse, so he agreed. There are many restaurants near the company, and the two went to a hot pot restaurant nearby. Song Yuan was a little absent-minded, and was still thinking about the children at home. Ji Junpei said that he asked her for advice, but it was just a pretense, the two of them knew it well.

The two chatted for a while, and Ji Junpei was not a fool. When Song Yuan found out that he had a boyfriend, he would not formally confess his love to her at this juncture.

He is also arrogant. He comes from an ordinary family. He accidentally knew that Song Yuan's family was rich. At that time, someone deliberately said some bad things in front of him, so he held his breath and wanted to wait for himself to make some achievements. To confess to Song Yuan again is to prove that he is not the kind of phoenix man who wants to find a rich girlfriend and try to save twenty years of struggle.

In the few years he was abroad, besides studying, he also worked hard to find projects to make money. Now that he has finally achieved some results, he dared to express his feelings.

"Senior, we will treat you to dinner after my boyfriend returns from a business trip." Song Yuan said politely when the two came out of the hot pot restaurant.

Ji Junpei put his hands in his pockets, with a casual posture, "I can do it. Yuanyuan, it's getting late now, I'll take you home."

Of course Song Yuan wouldn't let him send it off.

This meal can be regarded as a gathering of former alumni and friends, but the interest in asking him to take her home has changed.

It doesn't matter whether the boyfriend is real or not, assuming she really has a boyfriend, can she let a man who has had an affair with her send her home? No matter how you think about it, it's not appropriate!

Ji Junpei didn't force her, and watched her leave for the nearby bus station.

Song Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, getting closer and closer to the bus platform, until there were only a few meters away, and she saw Rong Heng on the platform.

Seeing the handsome white-haired guy with whom he had met a few times, Song Yuan stepped up to his side and greeted him, "Hi!"

Rong Heng seemed to have just discovered her, with a surprised expression on his face, "Are you working overtime again today?"

Song Yuan felt that she and this handsome white-haired guy were really destined for each other. During this period of time on weekdays, it seems to happen every day. Never encountered it before.

"I didn't work overtime today, I had a meal with my friends, how about you? Why haven't you come home yet?" I have met a few times, and I have taken the bus together a few times, which makes them familiar, even if they don't know each other's names , You can also chat freely with your friends.

"I have something to do today, so I had dinner with the client." Rong Heng shrugged helplessly, "The client is very difficult."

Seeing him making complaints about clients like this, Song Yuan felt the same way, "Yes, clients are really difficult these days. A client I was with before called me every night at 11 or 12 o'clock and asked me to reply to emails. All of them are like grandpas."

Rong Heng was amused by her words, showing a slight smile, "Then you have worked hard."

Just when Song Yuan was about to continue complaining about customers, a male voice sounded from behind: "Yuanyuan!"

When she turned her head, it was Ji Junpei who was chasing her. He trotted up to her, handed her the paper bag, and said with a smile, "I forgot to give you this just now. This is a gift I brought you. I don't know you What do you like, I bought you some cosmetics. I also brought a bottle of perfume to Auntie, please pass it on to Auntie."

Ji Junpei was very thoughtful, and not only brought a gift to Song Yuan, but also brought a gift to Song Yuan's mother.

Before Song Yuan could politely refuse, Ji Junpei said again: "Don't refuse, we should bring you a gift because of our friendship, and I brought a gift for Xie Ya as well."

"...Okay, thank you then." Song Yuan took the paper bag and put it in the carton.

Ji Junpei is not a stalker, even if he was, he would not show it, "That Yuanyuan, goodbye, we will meet again next time."

"Well, goodbye." Song Yuan smiled at him.

When he was about to leave, he found Rong Heng who was standing beside him. Seeing the other party's outstanding facial features and temperament, as well as the conspicuous white hair, he couldn't help being taken aback.

Of course, what surprised him the most was that the other party seemed to be sizing him up all the time.

That look was very uncomfortable, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake, and his body was cold. When he looked carefully, the other party smiled at him very politely.

But he was very sure that the chill in his back just now was not an illusion.

Do they know each other? Do they have a holiday