My Son is a Transmigrated Prince

Chapter 68


Song Yuan spent the day with his grandfather in the hospital during the day, and became more in touch with that high school classmate Chen Qian. Chen Qian was an intern at the People's Hospital, and she still stayed at the hospital to work after graduation. Chen Qian didn't like eating in the hospital cafeteria. In her words, she was tired of eating. She was on the day shift this day, and Song Yuan simply Ask her to go out to dinner.

There are many restaurants near the hospital, and the two of them ate a three-juice stew pot.

Eating braised pot in winter is only as comfortable as hot pot. Chen Qian couldn't help laughing seeing Song Yuan eating seriously, "Yuan Yuan, why do I feel that you are getting more and more beautiful, even more beautiful than when you were in high school?" .”

Song Yuan has a small frame, thin shoulders and slender shoulders, giving him a sense of lightness. Her skin is still very fair, under the light and heat, her skin has almost no blemishes, like white jade.

"Really?" Everyone likes to hear others praise themselves for being beautiful, Song Yuan touched her face subconsciously, and smiled, "Maybe I just did medical beauty not long ago."

She was also taken on the road of medical beauty by Xie Ya, plus she has a good background, and there is no pressure in life. She has money and leisure, and the kind of leisure from the inside out allows her to retain her student days. Relaxed and at ease, there is still a clear difference from office workers who plunge into society and accept torture as soon as they graduate.

Chen Qian has always liked Song Yuan very much. She feels that Song Yuan, as a big beauty, does not have the kind of arrogance of "I am a flower, and you are all green leaves to accompany me". She is not hypocritical, why don't members of the Appearance Association like it? Strictly speaking, most people prefer a beautiful woman to a handsome guy, even if she is also a girl.

"I have a colleague who obviously received face-lifting injections. When we asked her, she also said that she lost weight, which is not honest at all." Chen Qian burst out laughing as she spoke, "Speaking of her, there is a very It’s funny, Dr. Meng just came to our hospital, she was following her, she wanted Dr. Meng to take the initiative to pursue her, but after waiting for a few months, Dr. Meng didn’t respond at all. Later, she asked Dr. Meng to watch a movie. The doctor also refused."

"Speaking of which, let me show you—" Chen Qian handed her her mobile phone, "This is our nurse group, and they are all talking about you. They all say that Dr. Meng seems to be interested in you, and they have been doing rounds very frequently these days." , Yuanyuan, isn’t it?”

Song Yuan glanced at the chat history on the phone, then quickly shook his head, "There is no such thing!"

"I also think that Dr. Meng is interested in you." Chen Qian couldn't help laughing when she saw Song Yuan's nervous appearance, "It's nothing, you are so beautiful and kind, Dr. Meng will be interested in you. it's common."

Song Yuan thought of Dr. Meng's face, which was almost like that of the big brother in the dream, and couldn't help but fell silent.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Chen Qian thought that she also had the same thoughts, so she said, "Well, they are all from the same hospital. I'll help you find out about his situation."

Song Yuan came back to his senses, and smiled helplessly when he heard this, "No need, I'm not in the mood to fall in love right now, you don't know that I have a lot of things to do, and I'm going to Beijing after the Lantern Festival, Probably come back once a year.”

Chen Qian said with some regret: "That's unfortunate, long-distance relationships are still not good, okay, I'll listen to you, and we will talk about this in the group later, and I will help you refute the rumors."


On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Rong Heng finally had his own time. With Mrs. Xie helping him to stop him, he didn't have to go to other elders' homes to pay New Year's greetings. Everyone understands that he has encountered a big event this year and has not yet recovered physically and mentally. Heng is still relatively free. In two days, he is going to visit Song Yuan and his son, so he thinks he should go buy some New Year's gifts. Before the seventh day and the eighth day of the lunar new year, office workers from other places in Beijing did not return to the city, and some shopping malls were not as lively as they were before the New Year.

Rong Heng walked around the shopping mall, probably because of his calm temperament, the tellers who should have been very enthusiastic when they saw the customers did not brainwash him.

Sun Qiming has come back and is following him.

Finally they came to the jewelry area, where there were all kinds of jewelry on the counter. As a straight man, Rong Heng usually only thought of buying jewelry when choosing gifts, and this time was no exception. He bought all the jewelry, but still remembered the current situation, and finally picked out a pair of diamond earrings. He asked Sun Qiming for advice, "How about this?"

Sun Qiming was flattered and hurriedly replied, "It's very suitable for Miss Song."

"Do you think she'll like it?"

Although Sun Qiming knew that his boss was after that Miss Song, he was still inexplicably surprised when he heard this.

"Ms. Song should like it." He didn't dare to say too much. After all, he had been with the boss for so long, seeing the boss wandering around Miss Song, and the two of them didn't even have a date. It can be seen that the boss should be Kicked the iron plate.

Rong Heng looked calm: "Wrap this up."

After he bought the diamond earrings, he realized that he didn't buy a gift for Rong Ting.

Every father has different feelings for his children. Rong Heng raised Rong Ting according to the standards of the prince. He is not familiar with preparing gifts for his son. After much deliberation, it is not suitable to send copybooks, and books He sent a lot, enough for him to read, his mind was still working, he came to the first floor, and saw a huge spherical shape in the exhibition hall on the first floor, he paused, then walked to the globe, thoughtfully Watched, and finally said to Sun Qiming, "This..."

Sun Qiming was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant, "Boss, do you want this globe?"

It turns out that this is called a globe.

Rong Heng nodded, "Buy one for me."

This world is really as Yuan Yuan said, the world is vast and spherical.

He laughed at her stupidly back then, she opened her hand and turned around stupidly, her eyes were full of light, she told him, one day you will know that this world is bigger than you imagined.

Just give this globe to Rong Ting.

He should like it very much.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Grandpa Song urged Song Yuan to go back quickly.

Song Yuan was also thinking about Rong Ting at home, so she picked up her bag and was about to leave. When she was about to take the elevator to the parking lot and drive, she heard a patient say that there was a baked sweet potato and roasted corn at the door. He has eaten sweet potatoes, how about buying one to surprise him!

She changed her mind temporarily, instead of going to the first floor, she walked out of the elevator on the first floor.

It was only a few steps from the elevator in the inpatient department to the door, and she was thinking about what ingredients to buy in the supermarket today, when she was about to reach the door, she suddenly heard someone shouting: "Someone jumped off the building! Quick! Tell the security to evacuate the crowd! ! NO PHOTOS!! NO VIDEOS!!!”

Her footsteps stopped suddenly, but she had already seen a large pool of blood on the ground in front of the inpatient building.

She had never seen such a scene before. No one had ever died in front of her like this, jumping from a high place. Those who had not seen the corpse would not imagine the horror.

Song Yuan's pupils dilated suddenly, many people passed by her, her feet seemed to be filled with lead, until someone bumped into her, she suddenly came back to her senses, the psychological reaction led to the physical reaction, she Instinctively ran all the way to the bathroom, reached one of the compartments, and only started to retch after closing the door.

In the end, her legs were weak, and her back was leaning against the baffle, and the scene just now kept recurring in her mind. She retched until her eyes were red, and her hands were shaking.

She didn't know how long she stayed in the bathroom. She resisted the fear, washed her hands reluctantly, and looked up at herself in the mirror. At this moment, her complexion was very bad, and she didn't want to stay in this hospital anymore. She was tired, and she dragged her weak legs to the parking lot, but it was a little difficult to even shift gears. She felt that this was very dangerous. Now her state is not suitable for driving at all. The car is really boring, so she just got out of the car , Leaning on the car door, took out the mobile phone from the bag and called the driver.

While waiting for the driver to come over, a gentle male voice suddenly came: "Miss Song?"

Song Yuan looked up in a daze, and saw Meng Jingyan coming towards her.

He didn't wear a white coat, but a black mid-length down jacket, which made him look younger and more vigorous. Seeing that her complexion was as white as paper, he asked, "Miss Song, is there something wrong with you?"

Song Yuan shook his head, and asked him again, "Doctor Meng, just now someone in the hospital... jumped off the building?"

Speaking of jumping off the building, she clenched her hands unconsciously, looking very frightened.

Dr. Meng suddenly understood, and looked at her worriedly, "Did you see it just now? The roof door of the hospital was closed. There was a patient who didn't know how to get up, so he was diagnosed with cancer. Probably because he didn't want to burden the family. He chose this way of death."

Song Yuan lowered his head, "So that's how it is."

"Are you okay?" Dr. Meng said softly, "You look very pale, can you still drive? Do you want me to take you back?"

Song Yuan looked a little dazed, and after hearing what he said, he declined politely: "No need, Doctor Meng, I heard from my classmate that the hospital is very busy these days, and you must be very tired, you should go back first, I will I called a valet driver, and he will be here right away."

After she said that, Meng Jingyan couldn't hold on any longer, and told her again before leaving: "You look bad, there are many people who have flu during this time, if you feel unwell, you should go back to rest earlier .”


After watching Meng Jingyan leave, Song Yuan opened the car door and sat in the back seat. After about half an hour, the substitute driver arrived.

When she got home, Song Yuan calmed down a little. She didn't tell Rong Ting about the matter, for fear that the child would be scared and worried. But at night, she was not in the mood to eat, and even saw Rong Ting squeezing on the chicken wings Ketchup, she's still a little queasy.

Seeing that she didn't move her chopsticks, Rong Ting asked curiously, "Queen, why don't you eat?"

Song Yuan had no choice but to lie, "I ate at the hospital, and now I'm not hungry at all, you should eat more."

"Oh." Rong Ting was really hungry, and he ate all the chicken wings on the plate by himself, until his belly bulged.

He drank a lot of water today, and he was relatively dry in the heating room. He was awakened by the urge to urinate at almost twelve o'clock in the evening. He got up and went to the bathroom. When he was about to go back to his room to sleep, he heard the sound of crying from his mother's room. , He was startled, knocked on the door hesitantly, put his ear on the door and listened for a while, but when he saw his mother didn't respond, he turned the handle and opened the door, walked quickly to the bed, and saw that his mother was tightly closed. Eyes, obviously still in sleep, but she cried very sadly and uncomfortable.

He was anxious, and hurriedly called her: "Mother, mother, what's wrong with you!!"