My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 198: father-son relationship


But thinking that when Leng Qirui came in later, he might beat Leng Jinpeng involuntarily, Ye Hai felt relieved again.

Just now at the gate of the school, Leng Qirui learned to be smart, most of the punches fell on him, and the marks on his face were not obvious, so he couldn't complain.

Later, he wants his father to take a good look at how Leng Qirui, a dou who can't support himself on the wall, bullies others.

Hurrying to open the door, Ye Hai said to Leng Qirui who was sitting outside waiting like a good brother: "Xiao Rui, you can come in now. Come and apologize to Dad, Dad will not be angry with you."

Ye Hai specially used the tone that Leng Qirui didn't like to stimulate him, hoping to stimulate him to blow his hair at the first time, and then declare war on him.

Unexpectedly, Leng Qirui passed him and walked up to Leng Jinpeng: "Dad, I have something to tell you. I will tell you alone!"

Ye Hai frowned slightly imperceptibly, and his heart tightened.

Could it be that the person sent to kill him yesterday not only failed, but also revealed his secrets

"You two have a good chat. Ye Hai, let's go out with Uncle Qu."

"… good."

Seeing Leng Qirui looking at him coldly, although Ye Hai didn't show anything on the surface, his heart was already turbulent, and his body was covered in cold sweat.

After the two left, Leng Jinpeng looked at his son with a bruised nose and swollen face, and frowned, "What's wrong with you? Are you fighting again?"

Leng Qirui looked at his father with complicated eyes, and responded: "Shortly after I came out of the hospital last night, I was intercepted and killed."


Leng Jinpeng straightened his back, and the fierce aura that had been restrained for a long time was released instantly, which shocked Leng Qirui.

He had never seen such a cold killing aura on his father.

"What's going on? Do you know who the other party is?"

His wife died in a car accident, but he knew that the car accident was man-made, because someone thought he was in the way.

Now, he has retreated bravely. If those people are still aggressive, then don't blame him for being a discordant figure in the campaign department.

Seeing the concern in his father's eyes, Leng Qirui was taken aback. Seeing his father angry just now, he thought he was going to blame him for causing trouble again and wanted to kill him.

Faced with such concern, Leng Qirui suddenly couldn't speak.

"Who wants your life? You know that, right? Tell Dad!"

"I'm not sure yet, I'll tell you when I'm sure."

"But the enemy won't wait for you to slowly confirm that maybe they will attack you a second time. Xiao Rui, Dad knows that you have grown up now. There are many things you don't want to say to Dad, but it's about your life. I hope you can Tell me so I can make arrangements."

Leng Qirui sneered: "Don't worry, the enemy is not as powerful as you think. He just drank a pot yesterday, so he must not dare to act rashly during this time. But if you really want to know who is going to kill me, you can Go to the Jiangzhou Detention Center, those people are still inside."

"Okay, I'll go."

Leng Jinpeng observed Leng Qirui for a while and asked, "Apart from the face, where else is it hurt?"

"The abdomen was stabbed."

"Go to the hospital?"

"Go, it was bandaged last night."

"Who helped you? Ye Hai?"

Leng Qirui: ...! ! !

"Dad, can you stop disgusting me?"

Leng Jinpeng sighed. He knew that his son didn't like Ye Hai, but Ye Hai was the son of his benefactor.