My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 109: Chapter 109


After Qin Fei set his mobile wallpaper, he went upstairs with his and Jing Yu's mobile phones.

Jing Yu took off his clothes, and after going to bed for a while, he habitually touched his phone, but he didn't find it, only to realize that he forgot to take it.

Lifting the quilt, just as he was about to put on his clothes, there was a knock on the door, and Qin Fei's voice came from outside the door: "Can you come in?"

Hearing Qin Fei's voice, Jing Yu responded without thinking, "Come in."

So, when Qin Fei opened the door and came in, all he saw was Jing Yu who was wearing only shorts and sat on the edge of the bed.

Qin Fei: "...Are you really sleeping? What time is it?"

Jing Yu blushed, put his legs back on the bed, and pulled the quilt to cover it: "I'll get up early tomorrow to train."

Qin Fei: "Whatever."

He said these two words casually, and then threw Jing Yu's mobile phone into his hand: "You forgot to take this."

Jing Yu picked it up with a bewildered face, and found that it was his mobile phone, his eyes lit up: "Thank you Fei brother!"

"There's nothing else to do. If you're really tired, take a rest early." Qin Fei turned around and left, but when the door was closed, he suddenly thought of something and said, "Wake up tomorrow and wake me up to buy breakfast together. "

"Okay~" Jing Yu smiled slightly.

The next day, Jing Yu got up at 7:00.

He said that he would get up early to train, but, considering that he would get sleepy in the afternoon, he finally changed the alarm to 7 o'clock.

After getting up, he first brushed his teeth and washed his face, cleaned himself up, then sneaked into Qin Fei's room, came to him, and shook him: "Get up!"

Then, without any suspense, the two fought a few tricks.

Seeing the tricks, Jing Yu quickly caught Qin Fei's flaws and lifted his quilt!

Finally, Qin Fei woke up after being tossed and saw that the person beside him was Jing Yu. He instantly put away all the sharp edges in his body, and yawned while lying on the bed: "Morning..."

Jing Yu smiled: "Morning, Fei-ge~"

After Qin Fei finished washing up and got dressed, the two went out to a nearby steamed bun shop together.

Qin Fei: "What do you want to eat in particular?"

Jing Yu: "Whatever."

Qin Fei: "Okay."

Qin Fei has found out that Jing Yu is really casual when it comes to eating. It is estimated that he will not complain about feeding them steamed buns every day.

So he "casually" bought something to eat and took it back to the club.

The two went to training after eating. When Ye Hong went downstairs after washing up, he was startled when he saw a table of breakfast, and when he saw Qin Fei in the training room, he was startled again: "Damn it! Sure enough, there is a man Friends are different."

"Who's got a boyfriend?" Luo Yiming walked down the stairs with his yellow hair strewn across his head, yawned, and saw the breakfast on the coffee table at a glance, "Wow! Goldfish treats you today?"

Ye Hong shrugged and sat down on the sofa: "Brother Fei invited him, but they are the same."

Luo Yiming: "Hahaha, as long as I have something to eat... Pff-what did you say?! Brother Fei got up?!"

So Luo Yiming also saw Qin Fei in the training room, with a ghostly expression: "Is it because you haven't slept all night?"

Ye Hong shrugged again, bit the bun and said vaguely, "Maybe."

Then, Han Leng went downstairs to have breakfast, and was shocked when he knew that Qin Fei got up earlier than him: "Damn, the sun is coming out in the west! This is it!"

Finally, Qin Fei said impatiently: "Why are you all so shocked? Hurry up and eat! Come and train after you finish eating!"

The five had been training until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and then set off to the game site of the points competition.

Their third game is against Rule.

On the way, Ye Hong couldn't help but pay attention to the other teams' games: "Bal.C won JOK 2-1 and has already accumulated 4 points."

Luo Yiming didn't react for a while, until Jing Yu said, "Win all three battles?"

Ye Hong: "Yes, we won all three games. We beat Rule 2-0 on the first day, MY 2-1 on the second day, and then today, we beat JOK 2-1."

Luo Yiming finally reacted: "Damn it! Awesome! Bal.C is going to fly!"

Han Leng couldn't help but sigh: "The first jungler is amazing. In the third game against JOK today, Li Yan won 20 heads."

Li Yan is Bal.C's jungler, ID: Bal.C-Yan.

The name is very beautiful, and the real person is indeed a beautiful boy, one year younger than Jing Yu and the same age as Luo Yiming.

But Luo Yiming is more concerned about: "Where's KID? How old is KID now?"

Ye Hong: "Don't worry, I'm watching... Yes, KID beat MY 2-1, 1 point."

"Hahahaha, is it only 1 point?" Luo Yiming gloated, "Isn't it great!"

Ye Hong didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm afraid you forgot us with 0 points."

Jing Yu: "However, if we win today's game, we won't have 0 points, maybe we can overtake KID."

Han Leng: "It makes sense."

Luo Yiming: "You must win!"

Ye Hong: "Shut up Yiming! No flags are allowed!"

Qin Fei listened and couldn't help but smile: "We really have to thank ANE. Thanks to ANE's lowering of KID's score, we have a chance to overtake."

Luo Yiming: "Let's invite ANE to dinner!"

Han Leng: "Good idea."

Ye Hong: "Go."

Jing Yu looked up at the sky, and he could already imagine how ANE would react when he was invited—either a look of confusion or a look of vigilance.

Luo Yiming: "Yeah, what's ANE's score now?"

Ye Hong: "Currently it's -1 point, I haven't started playing today."

Han Leng: "ANE's match today is at nine o'clock in the evening, against Skr.1."

Luo Yiming: "Oh."

Several people chatted all the way to the scene of the points match.

At 5 o'clock, the host invited the two teams to play and "greeted" each other.

Rule here is talking about their captain, playing the support position.

He said a very uncharacteristic sentence seriously and seriously: "We will try to win."

Seeing that he was so serious, Jing Yu, who spoke on behalf of PG, was embarrassed to show off, so he had to respond seriously and seriously: "Don't worry, that's impossible."

Laughing all over the place.

The host also laughed for a long time before answering the microphone: "Then, please invite the two teams to the competition room."

On the PG side, when the five people went upstairs, Luo Yiming was still laughing: "Hahahahaha, Goldfish, you are really welcome!"

Ye Hong: "However, for the same thing, it's a bit awkward for others to say it, but the little goldfish is a little cute when it is said."

Han Leng: "It's too natural."

Jing Yu said "Huh?", and was immediately swept away by Qin Fei next to him.

Today's commentary is Aban and Candy.

As Jing Yu's little fanboy, Ah Ban is very happy to be able to explain the PG game: [Today is another day to wait for the five kills of goldfish!]

Candy is helpless: [Then I will support the team that plays against PG on a daily basis. Today’s match against PG is Rule. This team can be said to be quite old. The team was established in the first season, and its ranking has been stable in the top five. It is a very strong team.]

Ah Ban: [Yes, every player in this team is very strong. They firmly believe that as long as they are strong enough, they don't need to consider the opponent's lineup at all, so their own lineup is very fixed. Unless they are banned, they will basically not What will change.]

Candy: [It's also "just" in another sense, hahaha.]

Ah Ban: [However, this season, PG has changed a lot. I don’t know if Rule will take certain measures for the change of PG.]

Candy: [For example?]

Aban: [For example, ban assassin-type monsters.]

Candy: [If you don't ban...]

Ah Ban: [We will have the opportunity to watch the Five Kills of Frozen Heart, or the Five Kills of Glimpse!]

Candy can't laugh or cry: […I know.]

While the two were talking, the big screen showed that both sides had checked their equipment and logged into the game.

The game officially begins!

Ah Ban: [Okay, we can see that today's blue party is PG! Wow, it's really not easy, this is the first time PG has taken the lead since the start of the points race.]

Candy: [Haha, it's really not easy, but PG's performance this season is not bad - it's really amazing to get a point from KID.]

PG got Lan Fang to take the lead. Before Jing Yu asked what to ban, he heard Qin Fei say bluntly: "Death."

So, Jing Yu resolutely banned the god of death.

Ah Ban: [The first ban of PG was given to Death, and Rule's lineup is very fixed, so there is no need to hesitate. I guess the next one is Heijiao and Ningfeng.]

Candy: [Well, Rule's Grim Reaper, Black Flood Dragon, and Ningfeng are all powerful.]Pause, [Rule here is to ban the nine-tailed demon fox.]

Ah Ban: [Rule's ban position is also very fixed, I guess the next one is Dark Cupid, or Satan.]

Sure enough, PG immediately banned Ningfeng, and Rule immediately banned Dark Cupid.

In the last ban position, PG gave Heijiao, and Rule chose Satan.

Candy: [All in!]

Ah Ban: [Hahaha, please call me the Prophecy Emperor!]

In fact, no matter which team is playing against Rule, the chosen ban and final lineup are easy to guess.

Even so, Ye Hong was still surprised: "You really don't ban a glimpse of the little goldfish?"

Han Leng: "Huh, I'm very confident about this team."

Luo Yiming: "Goldfish, use the shadow to torture them to death!"

"Don't worry, I will." Jing Yu smiled, then looked at Qin Fei beside him, "What to choose?"

Although he has checked Rule's usual lineup in advance, for Jing Yu, this is the first time he has played against Rule in an official match, so he still wants to be steady and seek Qin Fei's opinion.

Qin Fei yawned and responded casually: "Wan Mie Liu Huo, then Lilith and Sally, and finally Scarlet Wrath and Glimpse."

Jing Yu: "Received~"

Qin Fei: "By the way, their lineup will be Crazy Bones, Peacock Feather, Centaurs, Mermaids, and Burial Sword." After a pause, he sneered and held his mouse, "One generation version, one generation god. The version is different. , Rule, the god, should fall."