My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 111: Chapter 111


If you don't do PG, if it was before, Jing Yu would definitely not be able to say such a thing.

But now, after knowing enough about the PG team, he realized that making trouble does not mean not treating the game as a game. Sometimes, an unexpected lineup is more likely to catch the opponent by surprise and win the game. .

Skr.1, a team that focuses on doing things, is a good example of this.

Their performance this season is not bad, although they lost to PG, they also won 2-1 against JOK.

Ah Ban: [Okay, let's take a look at the second game between PG and Rule, where Rule first bans the monster.]

Candy: [Will the ban from the previous round continue?]

Ah Ban: [It's hard to say, after all, Rule was beaten by PG in the last round. PG's lineup in the last round is no longer something that Rule's strength can defeat, not to mention that PG's players are not weak.]

While the two were talking, Rule hesitantly selected their first ban position just before the countdown was about to end.

Seeing the black-clothed boy appearing on the big screen, there was an uproar in the audience.

[Glimpse!]Aban exclaimed, [Rule ban dropped a glimpse of the goldfish!]

Candy also widened his eyes in surprise: [PG is amazing, there are not many teams that can change the ban position of Rule!]

On PG's side, seeing this result, everyone's hearts are unwavering, and they even want to laugh a little - let's ban, just ban, we can use a lot of lineups.

In the end, PG's ban continued from the previous game: Death, Heijiao, Ningfeng

After Rule bans Jing Yu's glimpse, the remaining two bans also continued the previous round: Nine-tailed Demon Fox, Dark Cupid

Then Rule's first demon locked the people and horses, it was the PG's turn to pick the demon, Qin Fei second locked the buried sword, Luo Yiming locked Zhen Yu, and after locking his lower lip: "I didn't ban my Wanchuiliuhuo."

Ye Hong: "Fei-ge's Lilith hasn't been banned either, do you see what he said?"

Luo Yiming: "But they released Fei Ge's Satan, which means that they also found that Fei Ge's use of Lilith is as good as Satan, right? Ban Satan is meaningless."

Han Leng: "You can think of it this way. They feel that Fei-ge's Satan is less threatening than your Dark Cupid, so they insist on banning Dark Cupid."

Luo Yiming: "Wow, that makes sense!"

Thinking of this, Luo Yiming's mood instantly improved, and the other teammates looked helpless - his own C position, so coaxing.

Candy: [PG locked Burial Sword, is this game going to use Buried Sword to hit the wild?]

Ah Ban: [It's not necessarily the case with PG? When the Heart of Ice and Snow was released, Goldfish seldom took the Burial Sword, but Qin Fei, his Burial Sword was very powerful whether he was playing in the wild or walking.]

When Rule saw Burial Sword, after hesitating for a moment, he chose Satan and locked the merman in another position.

In the case of getting the people and horses, many teams will give priority to grabbing the mermaid. A monster with no displacement, slow rate of fire, and a big move and a risky monster like a centaur, can only be kept by the mermaid with the most shields.

Then PG locked a hand of Moon Shadow Spider and Soul System.

Seeing these two demons, the audience couldn't help cheering:

"Ahhh! Moon Shadow Spider! I can finally see the Moon Shadow Spider of Goldfish again!"

"Control a wave! I'm looking forward to this game!"

Ah Ban was also very excited: [It's been a long time since I saw a goldfish playing with Moon Shadow Spider! More and more people are playing Moon Shadow Spider now, and they are all influenced by goldfish. However, if I want to say, the first Moon Shadow Spider in the national service is Jing Yu!]

Candy smiled: [Now it's the number one assassin in the national service! Goldfish's assassin-type jungler, the Heart of Ice and Snow, the Moon Shadow Spider, and the Mandala Petals, plus the glimpses that just came out, each of them can carry the audience, saying that he is the number one assassin in the national service No problem at all!]

[Yes, the number one assassin in the national service!]Aban is really happy for Jing Yu. He also plays Assassin himself, so he knows how difficult it is to use Assassin. Seeing Jing Yu's Assassin being recognized by everyone is like being recognized by everyone, this kind of satisfaction is not enough. Self-evident.

Candy: [Speaking of which, PG's opponent tomorrow is Bal.C? The first jungler in the national service.]

Hearing this sentence, Ah Ban was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: [I didn't expect to meet it so quickly. I also like Li Yan, the player is very flexible and stable. Speaking of which, the Bal.C team was originally built by Li Yan's fans for him, and he is the absolute core. Li Yan and Goldfish face off, it's really hard to say who is better.]

During the conversation, PG and Rule had all selected the demons and entered the exchange session.

The lineup for the second game was as follows:

PG: Burial Sword, Soul Link, True Feather, Gulan, Moon Shadow Spider

Rule: Crazy Bones, Peacock Feather, Centaurs, Mermaids, Satan

[Hahaha, this lineup!]Candy couldn't help laughing, [The PG lineup looks like it's going to make trouble! This is just after the fight with Skr.1, was it infected by Skr.1?]

Ah Ban also smiled: [Actually, in a sense, both PG and Rule are quite confident in their own strength. Because of his self-confidence, Rule does not change the lineup, and a lineup is played to the end. PG is also confident and feels that no matter what lineup he takes, he can win, so there is almost no fixed lineup.]

Candy: [What will this game be like? let us wait and see!]

Just as Candy finished her last words, the two sides entered the battlefield.

In the first 5 minutes of the game, the two teams played very close, but Rule was already showing signs of being suppressed by PG:

On the road, Qin Fei has never been suppressed no matter what kind of monster he takes or who he is on the line against. The only one who can suppress him is probably the Death God of the MY team. However, against a strong team, PG has never used the version of Death God as a powerful monster. released.

So in this game, there is almost no suspense when he uses the burial sword to press the opponent's crazy bones.

In the middle, Ye Hong's unexpected style of play made the control monster, the soul system, fly, and even if he couldn't kill the opponent, it would make the opponent sick enough.

The enemy jungler wanted to gank, but as soon as he rushed to the front of the soul, he was charged with a straight shot, but was maimed by the moon shadow spider, and barely escaped under the cover of peacock feathers.

On the way down, Luo Yiming's Zhen Yusao took a one-on-two position, Han Leng's Gu Lan walked slowly by the side, dropped a slow speed from time to time to harass him, and then slowly left, relying on Gu Lan's blood to defend himself. Thick do whatever you want.

Finally, at the moment of jumping for 5 minutes in 4 minutes, Luo Yiming's Zhenyu was the first to rise to level 6, and charged fiercely at the enemy's horse, forcibly forcing the opponent to retreat into the tower, and then Han Leng's Gulan flashed into the tower, really. Yu kept up, opened two reinforcements in a row to output, frantically knocked down the mermaid's shield, and shot the men and horses had to flash to escape, Zhen Yu decisively flashed to catch up, big move - Wan Yu sacrifice to the sky!

Countless feathers chased the horse and swept over, and successfully swept him to death under the tower.

[System] Ma Yu, one kill!

[System] The enemy troops have been killed!

Han Leng: "I can still carry it, killer fish killer fish!"

Luo Yiming: "Kill it!"

Ma Yu chased the mermaid wildly biu biu biu, no matter how he moved, the feather would hit him impartially, and the mermaid's blood volume dropped down, suddenly, he appeared behind Ma Yu in a flash, and then spit out a bubbles.

[Control it!]Candy looks so nervous, [Gulan can't hold it anymore! Can Ma Yu kill the mermaid?]

Aban: [Maha probably won't be able to kill him, but—]

Following this "but", a purple figure flashed under the tower from the rear, and then, a white net covered the mermaid's face, holding her on the edge of the defense tower and biting Jiaping a!

[System] Moon Shadow Spider, kill it!

[System] The enemy mermaid has been killed!

Ah Ban: [Goldfish's Moon Shadow Spider is here! Mermaid is dead!]

Candy: [But Rule's jungler is here too!]

"Brother Han comes out of the tower! Yiming, you and me!" Jing Yu shouted, letting his moon shadow spider move out of the tower, followed by Luo Yiming's Zhenyu.

It was at this time that the enemy Satan drove the "Demon King's Coercion" to press over and headed straight for Ma Yu!

The Moon Shadow Spider rose to level 6 when it killed the mermaid, and now it has decisively switched its form. The whole spider has grown in size and stained with blood, predicting Satan's position and releasing the "Heaven and Earth Web"!

under control!

"One-shot output!" Jing Yu shouted, but his hands didn't stop. With the Moon Shadow Spider's combo, he had already developed his muscle memory, and after releasing the "Heaven and Earth Web", he was followed by "Ten Thousand Spider Body Eater" and "Gluttony". Originally, I wanted to pick up "Spider Shadow Lost", but I didn't expect that because of Zhen Yu's output, the enemy Satan didn't last until then.

[System] Moon Shadow Spider, double kill!

[System] The enemy Satan has been killed!

The head of Satan was almost given to PG by Rule for nothing, and he was instantly killed before he had time to do anything.

The enemy Peacock Ling originally wanted to come to the bottom to help, but was controlled by Ye Hong's soul, and missed the best opportunity. Seeing the reminder that Satan was killed, he quickly turned around and fled to his own defense tower.

However, Jing Yu, who did not use the combo completely, felt uncomfortable everywhere. In order to kill the peacock feathers, he used "Spider Shadow Lost" followed by "Flash" and then "Shadow Flash" to kill the peacock feather, and completed a super long The displacement of the distance appears behind the peacock feathers, and it bites!

Peacock Ling was forced to move, and was controlled by Ye Hong's soul. It was difficult for him to release the control. He wanted to struggle to the death and opened up the soul. As a result, the soul also increased in time, the damage rebounded, and the blood of Peacock Ling's blood. The volume dropped sharply, and finally fell very unwillingly under the level of the Moon Shadow Spider.

[System] Moon Shadow Spider, three kills!

[System] The enemy Peacock Feather has been killed!

[Three kills! Three goldfish killed!]A Ban watched with enthusiasm, and really wished he could take a cheer card and sit in the auditorium to call for Jing Yu, [Goldfish's Moon Shadow Spider, even if it is cut, it is still so strong! What if the skill cooldown is extended? Three kills, one set of skills is enough!]

Candy couldn't help laughing: [Goldfish is constantly proving to us that as long as his strength is strong enough, no matter what monster he takes, he can carry the audience!]

Ah Ban: [I think, a lot of times, the monsters that PG take seem to be messed up, but they are actually very thoughtful - Moon Shadow Spider and Soul Element are quite weak when used alone, but when combined, they control a wave! Then Ma Yu and Gulan in the bottom lane can be said to be two extremes in terms of movement speed. However, because the movement speed is very different, it has caused serious interference to the prediction of the enemy shooter. Then there is Qin Fei's Burial Sword. On the one hand, it prevents Rule's jungler from using Burial Sword, and on the other hand, it also increases the overall damage of PG - controlling a wave of flow is to hit the highest damage in the shortest time!]

While speaking, Qin Fei's Burial Sword chased the bloody mad bone into the tower, a big move took away the mad bone's head, blocked the tower's injury, and moved out of the tower. The whole set of actions was smooth and comfortable.

[System] Burial the sword, one kill!

[System] The enemy's Crazy Bones have been killed!

So far, Rule's top, middle and bottom three lanes have completely collapsed, and PG has pushed the tower strongly.

After Qin Fei used the burial sword to clear the enemy's line, he followed his own line into the tower while he couldn't help looking at the camera in front of him, and calmly spit out this sentence: "Rule people listen - match the lineup, no It's as simple as you think."