My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 113: Chapter 113


Fang Luofan looked at Jing Yu, and saw that he was looking at him seriously, with a fiery light flashing in his eyes.

- That's the fighting spirit that was provoked.

Jing Yu is now recognized as the number one assassin in the national costume, while Li Yan is the number one jungler in the national costume.

In the eyes of most players, Jing Yu is still inferior to Li Yan.

And Jing Yu, he wants to defeat Li Yan, and wants to take away the title of "the first jungler in the national service"!

Well, this idea is very good, but Fang Luofan still had to throw cold water on his face: "Objectively, Li Yan's jungle awareness is similar to yours, but he will be more experienced than you in operation. Don't say anything else, Let's just say that Ma Yu is a jungler, his position and position have reached the level of a professional shooter. In other words, he used Ma Yu to fight with Yi Ming, and the outcome was 55 to 50, while you and Yi Ming Duel, it’s still a long way off. If you don’t know where your shooter’s problem is, you can try to play against Yiming.”

Jing Yu coughed: "Well, we fought..."

"Have you fought? Have you fought?" Fang Luofan was surprised, but he quickly understood what he was doing. He glanced at Qin Fei, then continued to look at Jing Yu and said, "However, you are not as good as Li Yan in all aspects. If you know yourself and your enemy, you will be safe in a hundred battles, do you know where your strengths lie?"

Jing Yu thought about it for a while. With a similar awareness in the jungle and a little less proficiency, his only advantage is: "Mastering the timing?"

"Bingo~" Fang Luofan was very pleased, "That's right, the timing of Li Yan's cut into the battlefield is not so precise every time, so he can't use Frozen Heart and Glimpse, the monsters with a low error tolerance rate. But I mean It's not for you to fight him with Frozen Heart and Glimpse, you have to see what he uses, and then you match up with a lineup that can restrain him—meaning, with you alone against him, the outcome is 50-50 , maybe not as good as him, you have to rely on your teammates to help you contain, but he will also let your teammates contain you, you have to be mentally prepared for this, and then think of ways to deal with it."

Jing Yu nodded: "Understood."

Fang Luofan: "In short, if it is the first mover, grab the monster he is good at. If it is the second mover, match the lineup according to the monster he chooses. There is another point to pay attention to."

When he said this, he looked away from Jing Yu's face and looked at the others in PG: "I asked you to pay attention to Li Yan, not to say that the others in Bal.C don't need to pay attention. Their Their personal abilities may not be as strong as yours, but the commander of Bal.C is Li Yan, and each of them listens to Li Yan's orders, so their entire team has a high level of consciousness and unity, and they hardly ever lose a team battle. Understand me do you mean?"

Ye Hong nodded again and again: "I understand, I won't underestimate the enemy."

After Jing Yu thought for a moment, he responded seriously: "I'll find some more Bal.C videos to watch."

Fang Luofan gave an "um", and then he couldn't help but say one more sentence: "Li Yan's Moon Shadow Spider is very strong, if we get a backhand, we should ban the Moon Shadow Spider, or ban Jing Huashuiyue and steal the soul. .You decide for tomorrow's game."

Although Fang Luofan is a coach and commentator, the information and ideas that he can provide to PG are still limited, sometimes even limited.

Especially after seeing that PG came up with so many wonderful lineups and still won the game, he felt that he couldn't impose his own ideas on PG, just clicked it and gave them room to play freely.

After all, PG players, including Jing Yu, all have their own ideas. They only need a general direction to find countless solutions.

After the meeting, the five returned to their rooms to rest.

Fang Luofan stayed in the conference room alone, took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. Just as he was about to light it, someone knocked on the open door. He looked up and met Xiao Yun's gaze, almost in a hurry. He took the cigarette and coughed: "You haven't gone back yet?"

Xiao Yun smiled: "Wait for you."

She said, walked straight to Fang Luofan, pulled a chair and sat down.

Fang Luofan put away his cigarette, raised his hand and touched his nose: "About live broadcasting and advertising..."

"They all signed up for the live broadcast, and the one I chose is 30 hours per month. There is only one ad that I want to accept, but the client doesn't want it, so..." Xiao Yun shrugged, "I simply rejected all the ads."

Fang Luofan: "Alright, after all, our team's goal is to win the championship, not to make money. Compared with these messes, we still focus on training and playing games."

Xiao Yun said "um": "The live broadcast will start from next month, and this month, let them train hard and play the points match."

She said, and after a moment of silence, she suddenly said tentatively, "About Jing Yu..."

Fang Luofan looked at her with a look of inquiry.

Xiao Yun sighed: "I know you don't pay attention to things on the Internet... But it doesn't matter, the matter has been solved, but it was not solved by me, it was solved by someone, I don't know who it is."

Fang Luofan: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Yun: "Remember the PH team? It's the team that Qingzi and Xiaowei were in before. Their official Weibo post said that Jing Yu was suspected of fighting and asked for a thorough investigation. As a result, the LD official didn't have time to respond, and the Weibo was blocked. It was deleted and the club forwarded a statement of clarification and apology."

Xiao Yun: "That is to say, this matter is over before it spreads. I feel that something is wrong, so I sent someone to investigate and found that the PH team has been disbanded, and Qingzi was invited to drink tea on suspicion of gathering a crowd to gamble. Xiao Wai also Changed to another club."

Fang Luofan raised his eyebrows - is someone helping them? Or, help Jing Yu

Xiao Yun: "I originally wanted to check along this line to see who was helping us, but someone came to the door and told me not to check, and said that if there is a chance in the future, they will invite our entire club to dinner."

Fang Luofan: "Uh..."

Xiao Yun: "That man is dressed in a suit, polite and handsome, but I don't know why it makes me feel nervous. However, it should be the one on our side."

Fang Luofan patted her on the shoulder helplessly: "Okay, as long as you are sure it's from our side, don't check it if they don't let you check, there are so many things to increase the workload for yourself, really... "

Xiao Yun curled her lower lip, and when she spoke again, she used a tone that she had never used before, a bit like coquettish: "Think about it, that person is much more handsome than you."

Fang Luofan: "..."

Xiao Yun stuck out her tongue mischievously: "But I still like you."

On the fourth day of the points match, the match between PG and Bal.C is at 9 pm.

So both teams still have a lot of time to study each other's lineups and playstyles.

At the same time, I also pay attention to the games of other teams:

The first game of the day was the match between KID and JOK. KID defeated JOK 2-0, which made all the PG members sigh like a dead end. KID has 3 points and once again surpassed them.

The second game was between Skr.1 and MY, where MY beat Skr.1 2-0 - last season's champion team was still young.

The third game was ANE vs. Rule, and it was a bumpy game. In the end, ANE defeated Rule 2-1.

"Rule is really dead." Luo Yiming couldn't help but complain, "I can't even beat ANE."

Ye Hong had to remind him again: "ANE defeated KID, and this team has been improving."

Then, finally came the last game of the day - PG and Bal.C.

The first assassin in the national service vs the first jungler in the national service.

When he came to the competition site, from the moment he stepped into the field, Jing Yu's heartbeat has been maintained at a very fast frequency.

He is nervous.

He didn't listen to what the host said, and paid attention to the Bal.C team not far away the whole time.

Or, to be more precise, he was paying attention to the jungler of the Bal.C team, Li Yan.

Li Yan was wearing a set of black clothes, with her legs folded, and sat there relaxed, looking at the host on the stage.

He crossed his arms, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and his whole body was full of confidence.

Jing Yu lowered his eyelashes and swallowed hard, feeling that he had lost to the opponent in terms of momentum.

Suddenly, the members of the Bal.C team stood up, and the teammates around Jing Yu also stood up.

Jing Yu was stunned for a moment, then realized that the host's opening remarks had ended, and the game was about to start.

He hurriedly stood up from the chair, one of them nearly fell, and was supported by a hand gently but powerfully.

Jing Yu turned his head subconsciously and met Qin Fei's gaze.

Qin Fei supported him, his expression seemed a little sloppy, and his tone was equally sloppy: "What are you panicking? Isn't it a team with one belt and four? We are four with one."

Jing Yu blinked, wondering who the "one" in "Four Belts and One" is

Shouldn't it be him

Qin Fei smiled: "whoever has 'one' in their name is that 'one'."

Jing Yu understood in seconds.

Qin Fei let go of Jing Yu's arm, and turned to raise his hand to smooth his hair: "Don't be under pressure, just play as usual - my sentence is probably nonsense, in actual competition, the most stable player is you."

Enjoying the touch of Qin Fei's hand, Jing Yu let out a long sigh of relief, the expression on his face relaxed, and he smiled: "It's not nonsense."

Now, he doesn't feel as nervous as before.

Yeah, LD is not a one-man game. He believes in his teammates, and even more in Fei.

Fighting side by side with Brother Fei, what's there to worry about

Compared with being abused by Li Yan's blood, Jing Yu was more worried about disappointing Qin Fei because of his poor performance.

Anyway, no matter what, just do your best to fight.

At this time, there was a burst of cheers in the audience, Jing Yu didn't care, thinking they were looking forward to the game, completely unaware that the photographer just gave him and Qin Fei a close-up shot.

The audience's reaction was relatively calm, and the barrage on the live broadcast screen was called a madness.

The full screen of [awsl] is mixed with a few sighs that destroy the formation:

[I also really want to be touched by Fei Ge!]

[The picture of the two smiling at each other is so beautiful!]

[Can the rotten girl go away, this is just the interaction between ordinary teammates... That's weird!]

[Brother Fei has never done this to anyone other than goldfish, let’s get together now, seriously!]

There were also various discussions on the scene of the game, but they did not dare to be too loud.

The two teams went up the stairs and entered the competition room amid such discussions.

Log in to the account, debug the device, and a series of preparations are getting easier.

After putting on the earphones, entering the officially designated room and clicking to prepare, Jing Yu's heart finally calmed down: "Fight well, win!"

The teammates responded one after another, and Qin Fei also smiled dotingly: "Okay."

So Jing Yu went on to say: "The game with Bal.C will probably be divided into two situations. One is that their entire team targets one of me, then we will fight back against each other and also target their jungler. In normal laning, Li Yan and I are 1v1, and I will direct you to help me at any time, so always pay attention to where I am on the minimap."

Qin Fei: "Well."

Ye Hong: "OK~"

Han Leng: "Okay."

Luo Yiming: "No problem!"

Jing Yu: "That's what, just let it go, just focus on laning and don't get distracted."

Luo Yiming: QAQ

At the same time, the host announced the official start of the game, and the preparation interface of the two teams immediately appeared on the big screen.

In the first link, roll the dice to determine the camp.

The final result is PG blue square, Bal.C red square.

Today's commentary is Fang Luofan and his partner Yoyo.

Seeing this result, Fang Luofan breathed a long sigh of relief: [PG goes first, and bans and selects monsters first. Sure enough, this kind of luck is fair. At the beginning of the points match, PG's luck was really not bad.]

[yes. ] Yoyo echoed, [The first game on the first day was against KID, and he was brutally abused against KID without any preparation. PG's luck was probably the worst among the eight teams.]

Fang Luofan: [Let's see how the two sides will ban and choose demons.]

On the PG side, everyone is waiting for Jing Yu's decision.

After Jing Yu struggled for a while, he tentatively said: "Ban buried the sword, it should be a tribute."

So, the PG side banned the Burial Sword.

Seeing the monsters appearing on the screen, Fang Luofan couldn't help laughing: [Li Yan is the first jungler in the national server, so the first ban of PG was given to the version's first jungler.]

Yoyo: [Then it's Bal.C's turn, what will he ban... Glimpse! Haha, Goldfish is the No. 1 assassin in the national server, so Bal.C's first ban was given to the new assassin, Glimpse. The two teams have a feeling of paying homage to each other!]

For the second ban, Jing Yu thought for a while and said, "Satan."

He's not good at Satan's type of jungler, but if he doesn't grab it, Li Yan will definitely grab it, and of course he will be banned.

Bal.C did not hesitate for a long time before returning a heart of ice and snow.

[Ban two junglers again!] Yo Yo's tone is a little excited, [PG bans two warrior-type junglers, Bal.C immediately replies with two assassin-type junglers! As expected of two teams with jungle as the core!]

In the third ban position, Jing Yu asked his teammates for their opinions: "Ban the Death God or the Moon Shadow Spider?"

Qin Fei responded: "God of death, we can grab the Moon Shadow Spider. If the other party grabs the soul, we will take the mirror and the moon as soon as it is heard."

"My assistant?!" Luo Yiming thought he had heard it wrong.

Qin Fei affirmed: "Yes, you heard it right, you use Jinghuashuiyue to make an ad. I didn't say that Jinghuashuiyue's ad is very strong."

Luo Yiming: "Ow~"

Han Leng: "Then I take Ningfeng?"

Qin Fei: "Well."

Jing Yu was speechless for a while, and silently banned Death.

But still a little worried: "Brother Han's Ningfeng is okay, Yiming's Jinghuashuiyue..."

Qin Fei: "It's okay, he slips through the mirror."

Luo Yiming sighed, and then said in a very pretentious tone: "You may not believe it. When I first came to PG, I played in the support position, and I liked to play ad. The head count was higher than Lao Han's Ningfeng, and then the coach asked us to change positions."

Han Leng shrugged: "To be honest, I'm just used to seeing Yiming's Jinghuashuiyue, so I can't play it myself. This forced Jinghuashuiyue is poisonous. With the same style of play, if he can win the MVP, I just keep giving it away."

"...PG, it's an amazing team." Jing Yu twitched the corners of his lips.

After listening to his teammates' "historical past", he has already started to make up the picture of Luo Yiming's three killings in the mirror. As a result, Bal.C chose the Moon Shadow Spider for the last ban position.

Yoyo: [Moon Shadow Spider! In this way, the ban positions are all junglers! Six junglers? !]

[Hahaha!]Fang Luofan is convinced, [The first all-ban jungler game in history! PG bans three warrior-type junglers, and Bal.C replies with three assassin-type junglers. I really want to know what junglers the two teams will use in this round!]

On the PG side, seeing that Bal.C's last ban was the Moon Shadow Spider, after being stunned for a while, he couldn't help but laugh.

"It's very tough, Bal.C!" Ye Hong said with a smile, "All junglers are banned, yes, yes!"

Han Leng: "It's not surprising that we ban all junglers. They actually ban all junglers, which shows that they still take our goldfish very seriously!"

Luo Yiming: "Hahahaha! Let's go first! The first position must be the jungler! I'm really curious about what jungler they will use."

Jing Yu smiled and selected the mandala petals and locked them directly: "Even if it is an assassin-type jungler, there are more than three! My card pool has long been banned."

Fang Luofan: [PG locked the mandala petals!]

Yoyo: [Wow, I haven't seen goldfish use mandala petals for a long time!]

Fang Luofan: [If you take the mandala petals, it means that he does not intend to take the head in this round, but intends to consume the opponent and help the teammate to take the head. The stacking of mandala petals is a great test of players' grasp of timing. It is amazing that ordinary people can stack up to three layers, but goldfish can stack up to six layers!]

Yoyo: [The point is, the goldfish is not like Li Yan, only one of the three games can stack up to six layers, and he can stack up to six layers every game!]

[That's right.]Fang Luofan couldn't help laughing, [Let's look forward to the mandala petals of goldfish! But now, what I'm more curious about is - what kind of jungler will Li Yan play in this game?]