My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 114: Chapter 114


After Jing Yu locked the mandala petals, Bal.C immediately locked Dark Cupid and Sally.

- It seems to be a bot lane combination.

"Why don't you fight for the jungler? Are you planning to choose last?" Jing Yu guessed and got into a tangle, "Then should our shooter choose Wan Mie Liu Huo or Zhen Yu?"

These two shooters were both used by Bal.C's Li Yan to play in the jungle. Perhaps it was because he felt that either one would do, so Bal.C kept the jungler position until the end.

Then PG was very entangled - the question was not which one to choose, but which one to release to Li Yan.

Luo Yiming hesitated for a moment, and just as he was about to ask for Zhenyu, Qin Fei interrupted him, "Or choose both."

"Ah?" Luo Yiming thought he heard it wrong, "But I can't operate two computers at the same time?"

"Your IQ..." Ye Hong was no longer able to complain, "Of course you used Zhen Yu, Wan Que Liu Huo to give Lao Han."

Han Leng was stunned when he heard his name. Just as he was about to say that his proficiency in Wanchuiliuhuo was not enough, Qin Fei interrupted him and said, "Go down with two shooters? You can figure it out. Of course, Wanchuiliuhuo is for me. "

"Huh?!" Luo Yiming was shocked.

"Do you know how to extinguish the fire with ten thousand?" Ye Hong was also shocked.

Han Leng: "When did you practice?"

Qin Fei sneered: "Of course the new monster has to be trained - Suo Zhenyu and Wan Mie Liuhuo, that's it."

The captain spoke, and the PG people naturally had no objection, and decisively locked on Ma Yu and Wan Miliuhuo.

Seeing these two shooters who can be used for jungler appear on the PG side at the same time, both the commentator and the audience were surprised.

Yoyo: [PG is really going to give up in order to prevent Li Yan from getting any of these two shooters?]

Fang Luofan raised his eyebrows, the PG group could really surprise him: [PG's shooter should be able to take Zhenyu, I don't know what position Wan Moiliuhuo will use to play.]

This result was obviously beyond Bal.C's expectations, but they didn't take long to be surprised, and then locked on Crazy Bones and Hei Jiao - top and mid laners. It seems that they really planned to save the jungler until the end.

Then, in the last two positions of PG, Gu Lan and the nine-tailed demon fox were selected very decisively.

[Nine-tailed demon fox!]Yoyo couldn't help screaming, [I haven't seen the nine-tailed demon fox of Ye Zi for a long time!]

Fang Luofan's eyes also brightened: [If Ye Zi takes the nine-tailed demon fox, this game will not be a simple jungler vs. jungler!]

Ye Hong's nine-tailed demon fox, without JOK's mid laner XD, would be No. 1 in the national service.

"It's really not easy." Ye Hong looked at the woman on his screen with a scantily clad and beautiful figure, with nine tails behind him, and his face showed the infatuation of reuniting with his lover after a long absence, "I think PG has done the most right thing this year. One of the things I did was to sign the little goldfish. If it weren't for the little goldfish, I wouldn't even want to touch a finger of my nine this season."

Jing Yu was a little embarrassed to be praised, and coughed.

But it is also a fact, whether it is Qin Fei's Lilith or Luo Yiming's Dark Cupid, opponents will choose whether to release them or not according to their own lineup, but Ye Hong's nine-tailed demon fox has really been in the ban position all the time. Pass.

Han Leng: "Actually, I don't think Bal.C is really afraid of goldfish because he bans three assassins in a row. On the one hand, he wants to create a gimmick to ban 6 junglers, and on the other hand, he doesn't take our team seriously at all. Bar?"

"Who knows." Qin Fei said lazily, "Anyway, the result was the release of the nine-tailed demon fox. If they really didn't take us seriously, they would definitely pay the price."

Now, only Bal.C's jungler is left to be chosen.

At the competition site, a tornado suddenly blew on the huge screen. After it dissipated, a girl with grey double braids swirled around in the air, facing the screen and opening her blue eyes.

Seeing this familiar monster, the audience was in an uproar.

Wendy? !

Does Li Yan want to use the novice gift package

Just as Yoyo was about to explain, he saw that the demons on the screen had changed again, and the handsome half-man, half-horse man ran from a distance and played with the bow and arrow in his hand.

Centaurs? !

Yoyo: [Li Yan has chosen a team of horses... Well, he changed Ningfeng again, eh? Lilith?]

Fang Luofan looked at the constantly changing monsters on the screen and couldn't help laughing: [Haha, Bal.C is showing everyone the monsters that can also be used for jungler! - I don't lock it, I just select it for you to see. Hahaha, that's so skinny!]

In the end, the demon on the screen settled on Carmel.

This dark angel with green flames wrapped around his body, the wand in his hand is full of mysterious and eerie aura.

Yoyo hesitantly opened his mouth: [Don't change? Is it going to be locked? Camel jungler?]

As soon as the voice fell, the dark portrait suddenly lit up. The dark angel on the screen closed his eyes and spread his wings. The green flames circled around him quickly and exploded suddenly, which was especially spectacular on the big screen.


Yoyo: [Bal.C locked Carmel! Carmel jungler oh my gosh!]

Carmel is probably the most special one of the monsters in "Demon Lord" so far, because his positioning is a method of shooting, what does it mean? That is, he is both a mage and a shooter.

He has a long range and a high level of damage, but at the same time, he can use the skill flow, use AP equipment, deal explosive damage, and take away a set of enemy monsters.

That is to say, he can either go down with ad, or go with ap, or even play half ad and half ap according to the team's positioning, and be a monster that consumes both physical skills.

Because of this, this demon Luo Yiming couldn't use it smoothly, and it always felt very strange.

When Jing Yu saw that Bal.C locked Kamel, his heart skipped a beat - Li Yan's style of play is already weird, and she uses such a weird monster...

What will this game be like

Yoyo: [In this way, Bal.C's lineup is Crazy Bone, Black Jiao, Dark Cupid, Salier, and Carmel.]

Fang Luofan: [Yes. Then on the PG side are Wanshuiliuhuo, Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, True Feather, Gulan, and Mandala Petals. ] After a pause, [Ma Yu and Gulan's bot lane combination appeared in yesterday's game, so Wan Chuliuhuo should be the top laner. Although this monster is a shooter, it has very good survivability, and there are quite a few teams that use her. But PG is the first time to use her to walk on.]

Yoyo: [Li Yan's Carmel also appeared in the competition for the first time, I don't know what kind of surprises it will bring us. Without further ado, let's take a look at the performance of both sides after entering the battlefield!]

With Yoyo's words, the two monsters are loaded and enter the battlefield - the game officially begins!

After entering his wild area, Jing Yu's mandala petals first helped Luo Yiming's Zhenyu get red, and then began to brush wild.

Lan from Ueno District gave Ye Hong's nine-tailed demon fox.

Then Qin Fei's Wan Mie Liu Huo came to the top road and faced the enemy's mad bones. The opponent of Ye Hong's nine-tailed demon fox is Hei Jiao.

Before the match between PG and Bal.C, everyone thought that it would be a showdown between two junglers. Unexpectedly, the two teams banned 6 junglers in one go, and instead took the other positions. The version of the powerful demon was released.

Nine-tailed demon fox and Hei Jiao, two versions of the strongest mage facing each other - how long have you not seen this grand occasion

Fang Luofan: [Huh, the game has only started a minute ago, and Qin Fei's Wan Mianliuhuo pressed the mad bone into the tower! The shooter has a distance advantage, but the early damage is not enough to threaten a tank like Crazy Bone. Feeling that Bal.C's top laner is a bit cowardly?]

Yoyo: [Haha, after all, it is Qin Fei who is fighting against him. Qin Fei has not been cruel for a day or two. You need to be very careful when you are in line with him. If you are not careful, you will be killed by him. Looking at the entire LD e-sports circle, Qin Fei is probably the player with the most counter-kills in Silk Blood!]

Fang Luofan: [Then let's take a look at the middle lane. Ye Zi's nine-tailed demon fox also shows signs of suppressing the black scorpion. However, after the nine-tailed demon fox has been cut, its survivability is too poor, and Ye Ye dare not press it too deeply.]

Yoyo: [Bal.C's Li Yan likes to do two things the most, one is anti-wild, the other is gank in the middle, it is wise for Ye Zi to be careful.]

Fang Luofan: [The bot lane is deadlocked. Facing the displaced Dark Cupid, ONE's hit rate dropped significantly, but at the same time, the combination of Zhenyu and Gulan also caused serious interference to Bal.C's shooters. blood loss is almost the same.]Pause, [Let's take a look at the junglers of the two teams.]

Saying that, Fang Luofan asked people to call out the equipment of both parties and take a look, showing a clear expression: [Goldfish's mandala petals use a wild knife for attacking, and Li Yan's Carmel uses a Attack speed. The speed of the two of them is about the same... No! Li Yan is faster!]

After the junglers on both sides were upgraded to level 5, Li Yan's Carmel's damage was significantly higher. In addition, he had the advantage of distance, so he didn't need to move too complicatedly.

Yoyo: [The economies of the two sides have begun to distance themselves! Bal.C leads by a narrow margin!]

Hearing this sentence, Fang Luofan couldn't help frowning - this is not a good thing for PG, a team that specializes in the early game.

On the screen, Li Yan's Carmel finished brushing all the monsters in their wild area first, and rushed straight to the middle.

Almost at the same time, a black dragon from Bal.C, a dragon waving its tail, attacked Ye Hong's nine-tailed demon fox, and was avoided by Ye Hong.

And at the moment he dodged, Li Yan's Carmel rushed out and hit him twice, all hits!

In order to avoid Ye Hong, he instinctively retreated, and just after retreating, he screamed in his heart. Sure enough, a waterspout lifted him up from Hei Jiao, and Li Yan's Carmel took the opportunity and made a few hits!

The nine-tailed demon fox was originally fragile, but after being beaten like this for a few times, only a layer of blood was left, and then a blood was properly handed over.

And just at this critical moment, a small flower floated over—Jing Yu's mandala petals arrived!

At the moment when the nine-tailed demon fox landed, Ye Hong resolutely handed over Flash, hid behind the mandala petals, and retreated into the tower, but Li Yan's Carmel refused to give up, Flash chased into the tower and pursued frantically!

Jing Yu used mandala petals to block Ye Hong's two draws, sacrificed a quarter of his blood, and finally helped Ye Hong escape successfully.

Li Yan's Carmel suffered a tower injury and found that he couldn't catch up with the nine-tailed demon fox, so he could only flash out of the tower, and he was also injured by almost a quarter of his blood.

At this time, Bal.C's mid laner, Black Jiao, had to return to the city to make up for his mana bar.

The mid lane suddenly changed from two mage laning to two jungler laning.

Jing Yu let his mandala petals shrink under the tower to clear the soldiers, and looking at Kamell, who was also in the clear, with the ID of Bal.C-Yan on his head, suddenly came up with this sentence in his head-meeting on a narrow road The brave wins!