My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 116: Chapter 116


Following Jing Yu's order, all PG members, except Luo Yiming, gathered at the Demon Dragon.

Luo Yiming: "I'm guarding the tower!"

Jing Yu: "No, you just need to attract their attention, don't die!"

[System] Ma Yu, one kill!

[System] The enemy black flood dragon has been killed!

Jing Yu: =_=

Well, he should be worried about Luo Yiming's opponent.

Luo Yiming had to fight back five times in the bottom lane, and after the residual blood took away the head of Hei Jiao, he had to retreat under the intensive attack.

But because of his residual blood, all Bal.C members didn't want to give up this opportunity, pressed into the tower, and tried to kill him by jumping over the tower.

Luo Yiming could only give up one tower and continue to retreat, while counterattacking!

[System] Carmel, destroy our defense tower!

[System] Ma Yu, double kill!

[System] The enemy's Crazy Bones have been killed!

[System] Carmel, one kill!

[System] Our Zhenyu has been killed!

After taking down the enemy's two heads in one dozen five, Luo Yiming achieved the limit of what he could do, and was finally killed by a big move from Camel.

However, he has already bought enough time for PG - don't forget, in this game, Qin Fei took all the fire!

Although Qin Fei's Wan Mishiliuhuo was equipped with a protective gear, he was a shooter anyway, and he was quick to point the dragon.

Almost at the same time that Luo Yiming's Zhenyu was killed, the residual blood of the dragon was punished by Jing Yu's mandala petals!

[System] Mandala petals, conquer the dragon!

[System] The dragon army is about to attack!

Yoyo: [PG let ONE deal with Bal.C alone in the bottom lane, and the others took the opportunity to steal the magic dragon! This tactic worked so well! ONE's True Feather God moves!]

[Yes, ONE is very powerful.]Fang Luofan is very relieved, Luo Yiming is someone he dug from KID himself, [I think Li Yan of Bal.C should know that PG is stealing the dragon. He wants to push the PG off in one go before the PG steals the dragon. Road three towers, try a wave, but I didn't expect ONE to kill two people in a one-five-five situation, and now only the two towers of the PG bottom road have been pushed down.]

After Jing Yu grabbed the dragon, he immediately returned to the city in place, went straight to the bottom road, cleared the enemy line, and kept the last tower of the PG bottom road.

Then, it's time to fight back!

Jing Yu: "Play the magic plate and hit the magic plate!"

Jing Yu: "Push the middle, push the middle!"

Jing Yu: "One wave after another!"

Under the command of Jing Yu, all the PG members methodically took down the magic plate and came to the middle. Qin Fei's Wan Mie Liu Huo Yue Tower smashed the enemy's Dark Cupid and wanted to continue killing Kamel, but he flashed and escaped.

But it doesn't matter, they won the second tower in the middle!

Soon, the army of dragons arrived, and all the PG members followed the army to advance strongly. Ye Hong's nine-tailed demon fox made three kills, Qin Fei's Wan Moiliuhuo and Luo Yiming's Zhenyu clicked the tower together, and the status bar of the enemy's defense tower was displayed. "Whoosh-" saw the bottom at once.

Then Qin Fei's Wan Muiliuhuo continued to deal with Bal.C in the middle road, Luo Yiming was called by Jing Yu to go to the bottom road to point the tower.

After the three waves of the dragon army, although PG failed to seize the opportunity to win one wave, Bal.C only had one tower left on the road.

Fang Luofan: [PG's economy is in the lead!]

Yoyo: [Bal.C is playing very passively!]

As soon as the two explainers finished speaking, a system prompt flashed on the screen.

[System] Wanliuhuo, destroy the enemy defense tower!

Bal.C's last defensive tower was finally won by Qin Fei, and there was no suspense about the outcome of this game.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, all PG members followed the line of troops and pressed into Bal.C's territory. Before they could clear the line, they successfully destroyed their territory!

[PG takes the lead in scoring a point!] Seeing this result, Fang Luofan's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

Yoyo couldn't help but feel: [Double shooters hit the tower really fast! Once the advantage is gained, the situation is simply one-sided.]

Fang Luofan: [The performance of the junglers on both sides in this round is not outstanding, but Qin Fei's Wanmingliuhuo is eye-catching, and Ye Ziyi's nine-tailed demon fox is as strong as ever!]

Yoyo: [There is also ONE's Zhenyu, who killed two people with one hit and five, which is really amazing. It can be seen that the personal strength of the five PGs is still stronger than that of Bal.C. Bal.C's side is completely centered on Li Yan.]

At this time, the audience was a little silent.

In today's game, many people came for Li Yan and Jing Yu, and a large number of them did not only support one of them, but liked both junglers at the same time.

Now, seeing Bal.C being beaten by PG, the reason is because Li Yan's teammates are too bad, how can people accept this

People can't say too radical words on the scene, and the barrage on the live broadcast screen has no scruples:

[Hehe, four in the Liyan area.]

[I feel sorry for Li Yan, all the demons who are good at it have been banned, and the teammates are still there.]

[To be fair, I didn't see where the goldfish was stronger than Li Yan, but PG's overall strength was stronger.]

[Yes, Goldfish's teammates are stronger, or in other words, they have a stronger lineup.]

Jing Yu couldn't see these barrages, but his own thoughts were similar to those of the barrages: "We can win this round, and the lineup is very important. If Li Yan wins the next round, it will be difficult to say."

Luo Yiming is optimistic every day: "What are you afraid of! I can get double kills with one hit and five!"

Qin Fei: "Don't be crazy, your double kill can only be called good luck."

Ye Hong: "Is it still to ban six junglers in the next game?"

Jing Yu: "Look at how Bal.C is banned. We have to keep at least two junglers in the next game, so I can guarantee that I can get one."

While talking, the MVP of the previous round came out, and it was actually given to Luo Yiming's Zhenyu. Because the technical judge believed that if it wasn't for Luo Yiming's Zhenyu who dragged all the Bal.C members, PG might not have been able to steal the magic dragon that would decide the outcome.

Yoyo: [However, in this round, the other members of PG performed very well.]

Fang Luofan: [Yes, Qin Fei's Wan Mie Liu Huo fights two, Zi Zi's nine-tailed demon fox kills three times, and Goldfish's gank that escaped death several times is very exciting!]

Yoyo: [Let's take a break and come back to watch the second game right away!]

The breaks between innings are short, almost only enough to go to the bathroom.

Soon, the second game between the two sides began, and the loser took the lead, so Bal.C gave priority to banning the monster.

Then Bal.C's first ban was given to the nine-tailed demon fox almost without hesitation!

Ye Hong raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

It's not unexpected, after all, in the last round, his nine-tailed demon fox dealt hundreds of thousands of damage, which was a full double that of Luo Yiming's Zhenyu.

"What do we ban?" Jing Yu felt confused about the ban position for the first time.

In the latter case, Li Yan couldn't get the Burial Sword, which he was best at, so the Buried Sword still had to be banned.

But what about the other two bans

Seeing Jing Yu's hesitation, Qin Fei said calmly, "Ban the sword first, and the remaining two ban positions will be determined according to the opponent's ban position."

"Yeah." Jing Yu responded, banning the Burial Sword.

Soon, Bal.C gave the second ban position, which was a glimpse.

An assassin jungler is gone.

However, Bal.C has already banned a nine-tailed demon fox, leaving only the last ban.

Han Leng said optimistically: "In this case, at least one of Frozen Heart and Moon Shadow Spider will be released?"

Ye Hong immediately poured a basin of cold water over it: "The problem is that Bal.C will go first. I don't know if he will grab the Moon Shadow Spider."

Yes, this is also the reason why Jing Yu hesitated. If you don't ban Moon Shadow Spider, what if Li Yan grabs it? But if you get banned, what will you use to play the jungler

"Ban it." Finally, Qin Fei made a decision, "ban the Moon Shadow Spider."

The opponent's soul system and Jinghua Shuiyue will both use it. If you really plan to grab the Moon Shadow Spider, no matter which control monster you use, you can cooperate with Li Yan, and the Moon Shadow Spider with the control monster is basically no solution. For other teams In this way, the same is true for their PG.

Therefore, in the case of a second hand, the Moon Shadow Spider must be banned!

Fang Luofan: [In this way, the two sides have already banned three junglers. I wonder what the last two bans will be?]

Yoyo: [Bal.C is the first mover in this game, too much jungle ban is bad for PG's goldfish?]

On PG's side, Ye Hong has already teased Jing Yu: "If you ban five more junglers in this game, you don't have to play Little Goldfish, just put out an auxiliary outfit and follow us to boost us."

Luo Yiming: "Hahahahaha! Poor goldfish!"

Han Leng: "Or if you assist Yiming, I will play as an ad to play as a jungler."

Jing Yu rolled his eyes secretly, not wanting to pay attention to them.

In the end, Bal.C's last ban was given to Heart of Ice and Snow, and the PG had to ban Satan - it was really hit by Ye Hong, five junglers.

Then it was Bal.C's turn to pick the monster first. They locked the mandala petals in seconds, just like revenge on PG.

For the first time in history, Jing Yufo said, "I don't care... You choose first."

With one hand, he can count the monsters that he can still use to play wild.

"Then let's choose first." Luo Yiming bluntly locked Dark Cupid, and Qin Fei locked Lilith closely.

It was Bal.C's turn again, and they chose a pair of bot lanes - Ningfeng and Jinghuashuiyue.

Then on the PG side, Ye Hong chose his second life, Scarlet Wrath, and Han Leng locked on Sally.

The last two positions of Bal.C are Death and Peacock Feather respectively.

Now, there are ten people on both sides, and only Jing Yu is left without choosing a demon.

He looked at the darkened avatar on his alternative list and didn't want to speak.

The avatars on the candidate list are arranged according to their proficiency. Jing Yu's list is: Frozen Heart, Moon Shadow Spider, Mandala Petal, Burial Sword, Satan, Death God, Glimpse, Wanshuiliuhuo, Zhenyu...

Now, the seven demons before Wan Mie Liu Huo were either banned or robbed, and their head portraits were all darkened.

And Jing Yu thinks that his Wanmuiliuhuo and Zhenyu are not qualified to compete with the No. 1 jungler in the national server.

"I finally feel how Li Yan felt in the last round." Jing Yu said, but he sighed helplessly, "Okay, I will be responsible for picking up your shoes in this round." He said, sliding the mouse down, Find a monster at the bottom of the list and select it.

A tornado immediately appeared on the screen, and after it dissipated, the girl with gray double braids swirled in the air, facing the screen, and opened her blue eyes.


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