My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 119: Chapter 119


"Fuck..." Ye Hong thought he had heard it wrong, "Little goldfish, the front is not so rigid!"

Luo Yiming seemed very excited: "Go goldfish! I respect you as a man!"

Han Leng didn't agree very much either: "Don't, Li Yan's buried sword is the same level as Ye Zi's nine-tailed demon fox, so he must be banned, goldfish, calm down!"

Qin Fei was silent for a while, then said, "How sure are you?"

Jing Yu was also silent, and then calmly spit out three words: "Five or five."

Qin Fei: "That's fine, use it."

Ye Hong & Luo Yiming & Han Leng: ? ?

The captain agreed, and it was natural for the others to say nothing. only…

Ye Hong: "Give me a reason?"

Qin Fei responded calmly: "If the goldfish and Li Yan are five-five, the outcome will be decided by us—do you think we can't beat anyone other than Bal.C except Li Yan?"

Ye Hong: "... Suddenly it makes sense."

Qin Fei: "In the first round, Jing Yu used mandala petals to suppress Li Yan's Carmel, so we won. In the second round, Jing Yu's Wendy couldn't beat Li Yan's mandala petals, so we won. Lost. Game 3, if they're evenly matched, it's our turn to play."

Luo Yiming: "Oh oh oh!"

Han Leng: "I stepped on a horse to believe it?!"

"Okay." Ye Hong smiled helplessly.

One is itchy and wants to do something, the other wants to spoil, what can I do

Just follow the pet.

So, in the third round, the three ban positions given by PG are: Death God, Hei Jiao, Jing Hua Shui Yue

The three demons that Bal.C bans are similar to what Qin Fei predicted: Nine-tailed Demon Fox, Moon Shadow Spider, Glimpse

Then it's PG's turn to pick the monster first, and Jing Yu locks the heart of ice and snow in seconds!

Yoyo: [Heart of Ice and Snow? !]

Fang Luofan: [Heart of Ice and Snow? !]

The two commentators exclaimed almost at the same time, unable to believe their eyes.

Yoyo took the lead in expressing her doubts: [PG goes first, why don't you grab the burial sword?]

Fang Luofan really wanted to respond—you ask me who I am going to ask

The lineup of PG's bastards is really unpredictable even by his coach.

Seeing that PG locked the heart of ice and snow in seconds, all Bal.C members were stunned for a moment. After a while, they all returned to their senses and locked the Burial Sword and Wanxingliuhuo.

"Wan to extinguish the fire?" Luo Yiming was surprised, and the Dark Cupid was locked in his hand.

Then in another position, Qin Fei robbed Satan.

"To be honest, I really want to see you guys use Ningfeng and Jinghuashuiyue." Jing Yu said to Luo Yiming and Han Leng, "I want to see Yiming assisting the three kills."

Han Leng: "Cough, goldfish, you have learned badly."

Jing Yu: "You teach well~"

Ye Hong didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Little Goldfish, it's ok for you to be rude, don't accidentally hurt your teammates."

While speaking, Bal.C had already locked Crazy Bones and Ariel.

Seeing this lineup, Fang Luofan raised his eyebrows: [Crazy Bone, Yale, Wan Dianliuhuo—all monsters with strong survivability, it seems that Bal.C is planning to defend this round.]

Jing Yu obviously saw it too: "In this case, my goal is clear - Nakano linkage!"

"OK~" Ye Hong gestured with his left hand, and locked Scarlet Wrath with his right hand.

In the end, the lineups of the two teams are:

PG: Satan, Scarlet Wrath, Dark Cupid, Salier, Frozen Heart

Bal.C: Crazy Bone, Peacock Feather, Wanshuiliuhuo, Yale, Burial Sword

The start was the same as the first two games, Jing Yu and Li Yan respectively helped their shooters get red.

The difference is that after Jing Yu helped Luo Yiming get the red, he picked up the nearby wild monsters, but Li Yan's buried sword sneaked into the wild area of PG before the shooters on both sides were in place!

[Li Yan turned wild!]Fang Luofan was frightened, [He went directly to the goldfish!]

Yoyo: [This is to be positive!]

On the big screen at the competition site, Burial Sword held a 40-meter long sword and rushed straight to the location of the Heart of Ice and Snow.

What about Frozen Heart? As if he knew he was coming, after killing a wild monster, he squatted into the nearby grass.

In fact, Jing Yu wasn't sure if Li Yan would come, but, looking at his previous game videos, there was also a situation where he turned against the jungler at the start of the game when he held the Burial Sword.

Especially the heart of ice and snow that Jing Yu took in this game, everyone knows that the heart of ice and snow will be too brittle when touched.

In exchange for Jing Yu, when he got the Burial Sword and the opponent was an assassin, he would also choose to start the game against the wild.

Jing Yu waited patiently for a while, but he didn't see the figure of Burial Sword for a long time. He felt that he was thinking too much. Just as he was about to come out to continue playing in the wild, he saw a figure flashing in front of him with a "咻-", scaring him. One hop.

Li Yan's burial sword, in order to find him, he even handed in the displacement he just refreshed!

is a cruel man.

However, bringing it to the door himself saved him from having to look for it.

The corners of Jing Yu's lips raised, letting Frozen Heart release the newly refreshed Snow Traction, accurately attaching the Burial Sword, and pulling himself over - at this level, both of them only have two skills available, so Jing Yu doesn't have to worry about his own. Displacement will be blocked by Burial Sword.

The battle is imminent!

The commentator and the audience saw two demons on the screen frantically "entanglement" in the wild, attacking, moving, and dodging. Whether it was Burial Sword or Heart of Ice and Snow, the blood volume was declining, and neither party had an absolute advantage.

A true rivalry!

However, Demon Lord is a 5v5 game.

"I'm holding him back! Yiming is killing him!" Jing Yu shouted, and almost at the same time, Luo Yiming's dark Cupid moved over the wall and entered the wild area.

Then, just when the Burial Sword’s displacement was refreshed and he wanted to take away the Heart of Ice and Snow in one go, the Heart of Ice and Snow connected to Dark Cupid and pulled himself over with a swoosh.

At the same time, Dark Cupid clearly rushed in the direction of the Burial Sword, and the two arrows shot all hit!

[System] Dark Cupid, one kill!

[System] The enemy Burial Sword has been killed!

[Enemy] Bal.C-Yan (Burning Sword): I... smeared honey on my little mouth!

[Friendly] PG-GF (Heart of Ice and Snow): Hey~ Come again

[Hahaha!]Seeing the interaction between the two players in the chat box, Yoyo couldn't help laughing out loud. [In official competitions, you rarely see players typing and interacting on the public frequency. Li Yan and Jinyu are really interesting.]

Fang Luofan couldn't help laughing, too: [I think Li Yan's anti-wild start is just wanting to compete with the goldfish one-on-one, but the goldfish doesn't want to do this. The goldfish player has always focused on the final outcome of the game - I want to win, heads-up and wait for the post-match!]

Yoyo: [Haha, the imitation is perfect!]

Fang Luofan: [Speaking of which, this player Li Yan has always been quite willful. I have heard the recordings of his previous games. Once he hits high, he will completely let go of the command and ignore his teammates.]

Yoyo: [Yes - I'm going to wave, you can do it yourself! Hahaha.]

Li Yan really wasted a bit just now, because he was so eager to find Jing Yu for a duel.

From entering the e-sports circle until now, I have never met a jungler who can suppress him to such a level.

In the past, Bal.C lost to KID and MY, and that was because of teammates' incompetence.

But today, in losing to PG, Li Yan admitted that he underestimated Jing Yu.

The number one assassin in the national costume is well-deserved.

After Lang died once, Burial Sword didn't turn back into the wild again, and An An calmly picked up the wild monsters in his wild area.

The economy of the two teams has increased almost simultaneously, and there is no way to widen the gap.

At the 8th minute, Burial Sword gank in the middle, the heart of ice and snow connected to Ye Hong's Scarlet Wrath, the scarlet anger accelerated and indented under the tower, dodging the Burying Sword's attack, the backhand was a control, but was successfully blocked by the Burying Sword .

Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow rushed over and entangled with the buried sword, and both of them retreated with residual blood.

In the 10th minute, the heart of ice and snow gank in the middle, just connected to the enemy's peacock feathers and rushed over. Before he could use his skills, the buried sword didn't know where to move and used a block. Jing Yu slowed down, waited for the Burial Sword's block to disappear, and then used his skills to hit the Buried Sword!

The enemy Peacock Ling wanted to kill Bingxue Xin, but was controlled by Ye Hong's scarlet anger in time. Jing Yu's Frozen Heart was blocked by the burial sword and could not collect Peacock Ling's head, so he could only continue to entangle with the burial sword.

The final result was that both of them retreated with residual blood.

Yoyo couldn't help but sigh: [Li Yan's burial sword and goldfish's heart of ice and snow are really evenly matched!]

Fang Luofan: [After the heart of ice and snow has been strengthened, there are more choices, and it is no longer the vase that was slaughtered before. However, if you can use the heart of ice and snow to fight Li Yan's funeral sword like this, the goldfish is really Pretty awesome.]

To be honest, this result was completely beyond his coach's expectations. He originally thought that Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow would be tortured by Li Yan's burial sword.

[Now, let's see what the team battle between the two sides will be like. ] Fang Luofan continued to explain, [From the lineup point of view, Bal.C's survivability is stronger, but PG has Sariel, and the blood lock acceleration effect of the ultimate move is particularly useful in team battles, so it's hard to say .]

The middle lane of PG and Bal.C, because of the constant ganks of Jing Yu and Li Yan, the double mage did not develop very well.

In the end, Bal.C's tower in the middle was the first to be stolen by Heart of Ice and Snow, but soon, the tower in the middle of PG was also cut down by Burial Sword.

The two sides lost their vision in the middle at almost the same time. To fight the dragon, they can only fight in one wave!

In 15 minutes, PG took the lead in squatting in the grass near the Longkeng, and then when Ye Hong's scarlet anger passed by Yale in Bal.C, a blood entanglement was thrown and successfully controlled!

The team battle was about to break out, Qin Fei's Satan directly opened up, squeezing Yale's blood, and then drove the demon king's coercion to run over, taking away the head, completely giving Yale a chance to return blood.

[System] Satan, kill!

[System] The enemy Yale has been killed!

When Yalei, a healing support, died, all Bal.C members were hesitant to fight, neither going up nor retiring.

However, the hesitation at this time is fatal. In a blink of an eye, Qin Fei's Satan was pressed between them, and Ye Hong's scarlet anger also flashed over and opened up!

Bal.C gave it up! All the staff counterattacked, throwing away all the skills that should be used and should not be used, and then Li Yan's Burial Sword rushed into the battle, and one move took away the residual blood of Scarlet Wrath.

[System] Burial the sword, one kill!

[System] Our Scarlet Wrath has been killed!

After killing the enemy demon, the displacement skills are refreshed, and Li Yan used it again just after the refresh, and wanted to continue killing Luo Yiming's Dark Cupid.

However, at this moment, a cold light connected to Dark Cupid!

Under the acceleration gain of Xuezhi's traction, Luo Yiming walked to avoid the displacement of the Burial Sword, and then Jing Yu let his heart of ice and snow float over with a "swoosh", approached the Dark Cupid, and threw an ice blade at the Burial Sword!

Li Yan used the block reflexively, and then shouted badly in his heart. Sure enough, just after he blocked the ice blade, the heart of ice and snow opened, and the blizzard swept him, causing the freezing effect to freeze.

Li Yan hurriedly used the release control, but it was still a step too late. During this process, Dark Cupid kept hitting him. The shooter's flat-a damage was no joke. He shot him down to a layer of blood in minutes.

Knowing that she was about to die, Li Yan struggled for the last time, flashed across the wall, and rushed to the nearest wild monster, wanting to use punishment on the wild monster to raise her bloodline.

However, how could Jing Yu give him this chance? Resolutely let the heart of ice and snow flash to catch up, and gave him a flat a!

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, one kill!

[System] The enemy Burial Sword has been killed!

Jing Yu: "Win!"

As long as Li Yan's Burial Sword dies, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Luo Yiming: "Hahaha, you win!"

Dark Cupid flashed directly into the encirclement of Bal.C under the buff of Sally's blood lock acceleration, outputting desperately!

[System] Dark Cupid, one kill!

[System] The enemy Peacock Feather has been killed!

[System] Dark Cupid, double kill!

[System] The enemy Wanxieliuhuo has been killed!

In just a split second, Bal.C was left with only the top laner, Crazy Bones. Crazy Bones knew that he couldn't win against PG, so he decided to make a big move and flashed, and he escaped over the wall with a super-long distance displacement and survived by luck.

However, PG did not intend to pursue it at all.

Jing Yu: "Fight the dragon! Hurry up, the dragon!"

Luo Yiming: "It's ticking, it's ticking!"

After Qin Fei's Satan took the damage, Luo Yiming's Dark Cupid went crazy and took down the dragon in one go before Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow rushed back!

[System] Dark Cupid, conquer the dragon!

[System] The dragon army is about to attack!

This time, it really won!

Jing Yu: "Come on, brothers!"

Luo Yiming: "Oh oh oh!"

Ye Hong: "Win it in one go!"

Han Leng: "Come on!"

Qin Fei laughed and said, "I'll hit the mallet with all the blood on the horse... Go back to the city to make up for it!"