My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 124: Chapter 124


From the perspective of JOK-XD, the big screen replayed the battle just now in the middle lane.

I saw that after XD's soul system successfully controlled Ye Hong's scarlet rage, before he had time to output, Lilith flew over with a big move and drained one-third of his blood.

XD's first reaction was to flash into the tower. The soul system he used was crispy and could not stand ganks. However, Qin Fei's Lilith was driving blood-sucking and rushed into the tower at an accelerated rate, without any intention of letting him go.

Immediately after that, the Crimson Fury, which was released from control, also flashed into the tower, and released a blood coil towards XD, which was an accurate hit!

XD's soul system was accused of being unable to move under the tower, and watched helplessly as the Crimson Wrath smashed down with a combo, consuming his blood to a layer of bloodskin, and then being taken away by Lilith's first skill.

[System] Lilith, kill!

[System] Our spirit has been killed!

Seeing this, Ah Ban still felt a little strange: [Where is JOK's top order?]

On the big screen, the perspective of Crazy Bone was cut and played back again, only to see that Lilith had consumed less than half of Crazy Bone's HP by the time the match reached 5 minutes.

After Crazy Bone refreshed her ultimate move, she knew that Lilith, who knew Qin Fei, must also have a big one. In order to prevent herself from being forcibly killed by Lilith leaping the tower, she decisively used her ultimate move, and slipped to the second tower with a long distance to escape.

Who would have thought that Qin Fei would not even look at him, but rushed straight to the middle

In fact, when he saw Qin Fei's Lilith rushing towards the middle, Crazy Bones sent a signal to his captain XD.

At that time, XD had just controlled the scarlet anger, and thought that he could take the opportunity to make up for the damage, but Lilith didn't expect it to come so quickly!

It's like he's been staring at him for a long time.

The thought flashed in my mind inexplicably, XD shuddered, but finally attributed his death to: "Sorry, underestimated the enemy."

The teammates comforted each other: "It's okay, be careful next time."

"The PG team is too good at seizing opportunities, we still have to play a little bit more wretched."

"One Qin Fei was troublesome enough before, but now there's another goldfish."

"Yeah, because I care too much about goldfish, I forgot Qin Fei."

XD pursed his lower lip and felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he still pretended to be calm and said, "Pay attention to the top order, and send me a signal before retreating. Just hold on to the bottom road."

Hearing this sentence, JOK's shooter wanted to cry without tears: "I can't hold it anymore..."

The first tower of JOK was pushed, Luo Yiming's Jinghua Shuiyue directly brought the line of troops to the second tower, Jing Yu's Moon Shadow Spider made up the state and went straight to the middle, helping Qin Fei and Ye Hong to push the first tower in the middle, and then the three of them lined up The team goes to the road to lead the line.

[The game has just started, and the situation is completely one-sided!]Aban couldn't help but sigh, [Actually, I don't think JOK's lineup in this round is very wise. Their output core is XD, but XD took the soul in this game. Although the soul system has been strengthened, the output is still not as good as that of the mage.]

[I feel so too.]Candy echoed, [Mainly because JOK didn't expect PG to take the mirror. However, even if XD does not grab the soul and takes the mage, it may still be suppressed by PG. The most powerful PG jumping tower is the Mage.]

It is.

Whether it's Qin Fei last season or Jing Yu this season, they all like Nakano linkage.

Li Yan of Bal.C also likes to gank the mage.

After all, the mage is a crispy skin that relies on skill output. After the skill is used up, it is a real vase. It is only passively beaten, and it is best to gank.

After depriving JOK of his vision in the mid lane, Jing Yu's Moon Shadow Spider walked around the magic dragon from time to time, then went to the jungle, and then walked around the magic dragon when he came back.

[Raising dragons.]Aban smiled, [The middle tower of JOK fell too fast in this round, if PG goes to steal the dragon now, the dragon army will not do enough damage and may not be able to get a wave, so they plan to fatten up and fight again.]

[Is this the first time?]Candy is not sure, [PG has always been able to steal the magic dragon immediately, is this the first time to fatten up like this?]

[right.]A Ban responded, suddenly thought of something, raised his eyebrows, [Listening to what you said, I suddenly felt that PG might have other reasons for doing this.]

As soon as the words fell, Qin Fei's Lilith and Jing Yu's Moon Shadow Spider squatted into the grass near the enemy's second tower in the middle.

At this time, Luo Yiming's Jinghua Shuiyue was leading the line in the bottom lane, Han Leng's Ningfeng was brushing wild in the bottom jungle area, and Ye Hong's Scarlet Wrath went to the top lane.

In this situation where it is possible to get together at any time, only PGs dare to be so scattered.

Especially Jinghua Shuiyue, who leads the line alone, do you really think of yourself as a shooter

Luo Yiming said - I'm a shooter, what's the problem

PG brought all the troops from the upper, middle and lower lanes. The members of JOK were all gathered together to prepare for the regiment. They found that there were troops from all three lanes and had to be dispersed to clear them.

XD realized that there might be someone squatting on him in the middle, and when he came under the tower, he cautiously used his flat a to probe the nearby grass.

Burial Sword also rushed over and took the lead in rushing out of the tower to clear the starting line.

The commentator and the audience have a god's perspective. In their eyes, the position of the four is like the front chest and the back.

[Lilith is about to be discovered!]As soon as Candy shouted this sentence, she saw Qin Fei's Lilith appear directly behind Soul Element with a big move. Almost at the same time, Jing Yu's Moon Shadow Spider moved in front of Soul Element and released a spider web.

The two surrounded the soul system one after the other, controlled the output for the last time, and directly stunned XD.

[System] Lilith, kill!

[System] The enemy's soul has been killed!

Qin Fei's Lilith suffered two tower injuries, leaving only a layer of bloodskin. After killing the soul system, she immediately flashed out of the tower.

Almost at the same time, Burial Sword caught up with the head he wanted to take away, and was stopped in time by Jing Yu's Moon Shadow Spider.

Lilith only had a layer of blood skin left, but the buried sword still had half blood. He ignored the Moon Shadow Spider with healthy blood and just wanted to take Lilith away.

However, right here, Qin Fei asked Lilith to turn on blood sucking, moved to avoid a flat a after the strengthening of the buried sword, and sucked the blood of the buried sword to confront him.

In this way, the commentator and the audience watched helplessly as the blood of the buried sword became less and less, Lilith's blood fluctuated, and was on the verge of death several times.


[System] Lilith, double kill!

[System] The enemy Burial Sword has been killed!

[Qin Feisi blood fights back!]Candy exclaimed excitedly, [Amazing! After carrying the tower and killing the soul-type, he killed the buried sword with blood!]

Ah Ban: [Goldfish's Moon Shadow Spider cooperates very well, whether it is the timing of rushing into the tower or the timing of blocking the Burial Sword, they are all very accurate, a slight deviation may lead to Lilith's death!]

On the PG side, the teammates are also amazed:

Ye Hong: "Show, you two!"

Luo Yiming: "Wow, why didn't you two kill me without taking me?"

Han Leng: "It's the two of you who are amazing!"

Jing Yu smiled, then complained in a low voice, "Don't give me a head..."

Qin Fei laughed.

Hearing Jing Yu's words, if it wasn't for the game, he would have wanted to touch his head to comfort him, but now he can only comfort him verbally: "It's okay, I'll let it go to you next time. This time it's mainly you who killed him. When I handed over all my skills when I was linking the soul, the killing and burial sword was a little weak. As for the soul link, I have a reason to kill it."

I didn't expect Qin Fei to say it so readily... Jing Yu was serious: "If there is a reason why you must kill, I have it too."

"Oh?" Qin Fei raised his eyebrows, "What's yours?"

He didn't remember where JOK had offended Jing Yu.

Jing Yu was taken aback by his question - what else could it be? Of course it's "killing". JOK almost exposed their relationship, so he "caused trouble".

Is not it

He realized that Qin Fei's reasons might be different from what he thought, so he couldn't help but ask him while playing as a jungler, "Tell me yours first."

Qin Fei shrugged: "I swore before that I wouldn't kill him five times, so I wrote my name upside down. So, I must kill him five times."

Eh? Seems to be okay


Jing Yu was almost bypassed by Qin Fei, but fortunately, his IQ was still online: "This is also based on wanting to kill him, right? What I'm asking is, why do you want to kill him?"

"Are you sure you want me to tell you?" Qin Fei joked, "In front of the recording equipment?"

"...No need." Jing Yu hesitated.

It seemed that no matter what the reason was, it had something to do with him.

In this way, PG dragged the dragon hard and let Qin Fei kill XD five times, not giving Ye Hong a chance to perform as a mid laner.

When Qin Fei successfully killed XD for the fifth time, PG's teammates sighed.

Ye Hong: "To be honest, I really want to see Brother Fei slap himself in the face."

Han Leng: "Agreed. I'm not interested in Brother Fei writing his name upside down, I just want to see him slap his face."

Luo Yiming: "Yes, it will be very interesting."

Qin Fei's face darkened instantly: "Are you tired of riding on a horse?"

I always feel that since Jing Yu came, his teammates don't think of him as a "brother" anymore.

It's true that Ye Hong and the others didn't dare to make fun of Qin Fei before, but since Jing Yu came, they have seen a lot of different things from Qin Fei, and even his temperament has become a little different.

In the past, Qin Fei was a vicious beast. He kept few words. Of the ten words he said, nine of them were roaring, as if he could not speak without roaring.

But now, he can communicate with them at a normal volume, especially when facing Jing Yu, he is so gentle that he is different from before.

Jing Yu had never seen Qin Fei fight, but Ye Hong and the others had.

Last season, when a teammate was kicked out of the team by Qin Fei, he fought with Qin Fei because he refused to accept it.

Later, that teammate brought a group of friends to find fault with PG. Qin Fei blocked them from the club without holding anything in his hands. He fought with a group of people with sticks in their hands, and he literally beat ten of them by himself.

When he fights, he is fiercer than in the game. He doesn't know how serious he is. He is cruel to others, but he is even more cruel to himself. When someone cuts him with a knife, he actually catches it with his bare hands, and then kicks him over. Everyone in the club looks terrified. , are worried about his hands...

For e-sports players, hands are undoubtedly a very important part of the body, but Qin Fei doesn't care when he fights.

In the end, of course, the group of people were driven away by Qin Fei, and they never showed up at the gate of the PG club again, but Qin Fei also came back with an injury, dripping blood all the way, and yawning into the bathroom, as if nothing had happened just now. happened before.

Since then, no one in the PG club has disapproved of Qin Fei, no matter what age, no matter how old or young he is, when they see him, they call him Fei.

Let's just say Ye Hong and Han Leng, they are both a year older than Qin Fei, but they still call him Fei brother.

But at that time, they were in awe of Qin Fei, but now, they really regard him as "brother".

Ye Hong: "I feel that this game has nothing to do with me, it's all up to Fei to lead the flight."

Han Leng: "Hahaha, you are not brother or you are not brother."

Luo Yiming, who was on the side, used Jinghua Shuiyue to kill the people and the horse, and puffed up his face - the damage was so low, and the killing was so unpleasant.

At this moment, Jing Yu's Moon Shadow Spider rushed into the dragon pit with a displacement: "Assemble in the middle, fight the dragon!"

Qin Fei laughed: "it's fat enough, it's time to kill."