My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 128: Chapter 128


In the first game of PG and ANE, ANE released the heart of ice and snow.

When it was Jing Yu's turn to pick, he almost did not hesitate to lock the heart of ice and snow.

The final lineup of the two sides is similar to the previous ones.

The only thing that surprised PG and surprised the commentator and audience was that ANE's assistant took Ma Yu.

When entering the battlefield, the lineup of both sides is as follows:

PG: Satan, Scarlet Wrath, Dark Cupid, Salier, Frozen Heart

ANE: Crazy Bones, Peacock Feather, Carmel, True Feather, Burial Sword

Ye Hong saw the truth at a glance: "Huh, know that we will be slumped in the later stage, and want to fight us until the later stage?"

Jing Yu understood: "We will watch their videos, and they must have studied our videos. KID defeated us with a three-shooter lineup, and Skr.1 followed suit, and we really lost."

Han Leng added: "If it wasn't for ANE's top laner being a bad shooter, it is estimated that they would also want to play with us with a three-shooter lineup."

"However, there is a problem." Qin Fei said, raising his eyes lazily, "Fight us, will they survive the later stage?"

While speaking, all the demons entered the battlefield.

At the beginning, of course, he still took red and blue. However, on the PG side, the Red Devils in the lower jungle area were only halfway through, and they saw a group of people with red blood bars rushing over.

Jing Yu: ? ?

[System] Ma Yu, one kill!

[System] Our Sariel has been killed!

[System] Carmel, one kill!

[System] Our Dark Cupid has been killed!

[what's the situation? !]The commentator was stunned, [The five ANEs all flocked to the lower jungle area of PG at the beginning, and they were caught off guard by hitting PG! PG's Sariel and Dark Cupid were killed on the spot, but Dark Cupid reacted very quickly, and had beaten ANE's Carmel to blood!]

Seeing Carmel's residual blood, Jing Yu hesitated between escaping and taking it away, and finally sighed, rushed over with a flash, took it away with a skill, and then lay down on the spot.

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, one kill!

[System] The enemy Carmel has been killed!

[System] Ma Yu, one kill!

[System] Our Frozen Heart has been killed!

When Jing Yu died, Luo Yiming and Han Leng had already been resurrected. They finally recovered and complained while rushing down the road.

Luo Yiming: "Is ANE poisonous?"

Han Leng: "What kind of play is this? It's not good for their economy at all?"

Jing Yu wanted to say that just because of the way we play from time to time, we don't seem to have the right to complain about them.

[ANE played PG with a wave of 1 for 3 at the beginning.]Fang Luofan was also surprised for a moment, but calmed down quickly, [However, this is not a loss for PG, on the contrary, the economy of ANE's top and mid-laners will lag behind, and the only one who can gain an advantage is Kamel.]

[This wave of ANE is really detrimental to others.]Yoyo commented bluntly, [It seems that the lead is ahead, but it doesn't help the final outcome of the game.]

[However, in this way, it can be seen that ANE is planning to target goldfish or ONE in this round. ] Fang Luofan said, [ANE has played very targeted this season, almost every game is played against a certain player, and if the opponent's mentality is broken, they will win.]

However, Jing Yu and Luo Yiming, no matter who's mentality is so easy to collapse.

Jing Yu is someone who will never give up until the last second, Luo Yiming doesn't care about his own record at all, he only thinks about how to kill the enemy in front of him.

If Fang Luofan was ANE's coach, he would probably let ANE target Ye Hong.

In the team of PG, the person with the most easily collapsed mentality is Ye Hong.

But this season, I don't know if it's because of Jing Yu's participation, Ye Hong has played more and more steadily, and his mistakes have been much less than before.

In fact, it was because - Ye Hong's pressure became less.

In the past, when PG's jungler was Qin Fei, Ye Hong had to consider how to kill the enemy's mid laner.

Now, he just needs to think about how to slow down the enemy mid laner and consume him as much as possible. As for killing this kind of thing, Jing Yu will do it, and he will hardly miss it.

However, in this round, Jing Yu didn't work with Ye Hong Zhongye very much, and he was ganking almost all the way!

At 6 minutes:

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, one kill!

[System] The enemy Burial Sword has been killed!

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, double kill!

[System] The enemy Carmel has been killed!

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, Three Kills!

[System] The enemy Ma Yu has been killed!

This series of system prompts made Yoyo stunned, but Fang Luofan was the first to react: [ANE's burial sword wanted to catch Dark Cupid, but was connected by Goldfish's Heart of Ice and Snow, and fought back with ONE's Dark Cupid! Then the goldfish's heart of ice and snow rushed directly into the enemy's defense tower, freezing Kamel and Ma Yu, and completed the three kills in one breath!]

After listening to this sentence, Yoyo then found her voice: [The goldfish played too fiercely in this round! It is estimated that he was provoked by the operation of ANE opening!]

The picture on the big screen jumped to PG's competition room and gave a close-up of Jing Yu's face.

There was no angry expression on his face, rather, no expression at all, but everyone could see his concentration and seriousness in his eyes.

There was a commotion at the game:

"So handsome..."

"Love love."

"Sure enough, you are the most handsome when you focus on one thing!"

"It's really unscientific that the goldfish is so high that it doesn't say anything."

Almost immediately after the sentence was finished, the picture on the big screen switched back to the battlefield.

No audience knew, Jing Yu immediately moved his mouth: "Kill your father? Do you know that there is a price to pay? Hey~"

"Pfft—" Ye Hong burst into laughter on the spot, almost making up for a soldier.

In short, in this game, Jing Yu has been playing against ANE's bot lane, and directly shut down ANE's bot lane.

PG's economy was ahead of ANE across the board, and they won the first game in less than 20 minutes.

It is exactly what Qin Fei said - fight with us, can they survive in the later stage

There can be a dual-shooter lineup, but it doesn't make any sense until the later stage.

In particular, the two shooters of ANE all went down, robbing each other for the economy, and the early development was so slow that it was hopeless.

This is a losing tactic.

However, for this result, all ANE members are very open:

Jungle Fly: "Goldfish's heart of ice and snow is amazing..."

Top order PL: "How about the next game?"

Auxiliary HI was silent for a while, then shrugged: "I feel like I can't win."

As a conductor, he could say such negative things, even he was surprised.

But his teammates didn't take it seriously:

Mid laner Wing: "PG has really become stronger."

Shooter GY: "Yeah, getting stronger and stronger."

"How about this?" Fly suddenly said, "Since we think we will lose, let's play it as a training match and experience a glimpse of a goldfish?"

Letting the goldfish take a glimpse, for the current ANE, is no different from admitting defeat.

Fly just mentioned it casually, thinking that he would be dismissed by his teammates soon, but he didn't expect...

HI: "I think so."

PL: "Yes."

Wing: "Only by actually experiencing it can you come up with a way to deal with it."

GY: "Maybe there will be a play against Glancing Ying?"

Fly: "Huh?"

In this way, ANE happily released a glimpse of the goldfish, and the three ban positions finally selected are: Lilith, the nine-tailed demon fox, and the dark cupid.

Not a single jungler is banned!

PG was shocked to see these three ban positions:

Luo Yiming: "What the hell?!"

Ye Hong: "Who of you told them that we are going to invite ANE to dinner?"

Han Leng: "We just discussed it today, who has the chance to tell?"

"Could they be eavesdropping?!" Luo Yiming was startled, rubbed himself up and down, looking for bugs all over the floor.

Jing Yu: "... Compared to eavesdropping, have you all forgotten the existence of recordings?"

If this recording is released, I wonder if the relationship between PG and ANE will be questioned...

Ye Hong was the first to react: "Oh, that, let me explain, we invited ANE to dinner is based on the camaraderie that we have played in so many games. They are all teams that made it to the top eight from the qualifiers. It's normal to fight and be a family off the field."

"That's right." Han Leng echoed, "The e-sports community is quite small, competitions are competitions, and everyone is friends in private."

Luo Yiming wanted to refute, but Ye Hong quickly covered his mouth with his eyes and hands.

Then Ye Hong continued: "ANE fans can rest assured, we will treat them to a good meal."

Han Leng: "Absolutely healthy and delicious!"

Qin Fei: "Well, definitely not poisoning."

"…said as if ANE had accepted the invitation."

Jing Yu would bet that if they really invited ANE to dinner on the spot after winning the game, ANE would definitely refuse on the spot without any hesitation.

However, in this game, ANE's ban position is indeed a bit strange.

Jing Yu hesitated for a while, but still locked the glimpse, wanting to see what medicine was sold in the ANE gourd.

As a result, in this game, he took a glimpse of the whole process, without the slightest hindrance, and the rhythm was so smooth that he was afraid of himself.

After winning a long-lost pentakill, for the first time, he didn't care about ranting, but asked with a tangled face: "Seriously, no one really mentioned the meal to ANE, right?"

Qin Fei couldn't help sneering: "Even if you mention it, do you think ANE will be bought by a meal?"

Han Leng: "And we have no chance to mention it to them at all."

Ye Hong: "Unless any one of us knows the clone technique, or travels back to the past and mentions it to them."

Luo Yiming: "I think all ANE members should wear it to the future after knowing about it, and then wear it back to give us a head."

God rides a horse and wears it to the future and back again...

Jing Yu was convinced by the brain hole of these teammates: "Why don't you say that someone in ANE has awakened the ability to predict the future?"

Luo Yiming: "Fuck! It makes sense!"

Jing Yu: =_=

Fang Luofan is obviously much more rational than the PG five's brain hole, and he tells the truth in one sentence: [ANE has given up. In this match with PG, they didn't fight seriously at all. On the contrary, they deliberately created opportunities for Glimpse to catch them, giving Glimpse a lot of opportunities to show off.]

Yoyo can also see it: [ANE seems to be trying to find a way to study the tactics of anti-killing the shadow, but there is no progress.]

Fang Luofan: [PG once again replaced ANE with 0 for 5 groups and started to fight the dragon. I feel that there is no suspense in this game.]

Yoyo: [Well, PG is going to have a wave.]

Sure enough, after the five PGs took down the magic dragon, they followed the army of the magic dragon and pushed all the way, destroying ANE's territory in minutes and winning the game.


Luo Yiming: "This game is so cool!"

Ye Hong: "It's so refreshing..."

Han Leng: "The coolest is goldfish, 22 heads, awesome!"

Qin Fei: "All from the other party."

"I feel like this game ANE just wants to see a glimpse of me..." Jing Yu finally found out, and was ashamed.

Halfway through the game, he almost thought he was hitting a man machine and almost died.

Fortunately, Glimpse's ultimate move can save his life, but he escaped with his residual blood, and finally scored 22 kills, 0 deaths and 6 assists.

I can't believe that the game with ANE is over like this. Several sets of tactics prepared before the game didn't come in handy.

Jing Yu shrugged, got up, left the gaming chair, and followed his teammates to the stairs.

Then I remembered something...

Wouldn't this group of people really invite ANE to dinner in front of the audience

Should he stop it or stop it or stop it