My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 131: Chapter 131


Perhaps because it was the last day of the game, both the audience and the number of people in the live broadcast room soared to an incredible height.

The place was full, and there were even people squatting in the aisle. The simultaneous live broadcasts on major platforms caused lag several times due to the large number of people and the barrage.

It's also being discussed on Weibo and forums-

In the LD official forum, a topic called "Who will enter the finals" appeared early in the morning, and the popularity has always remained in the top ten of the day.

0L: Who will make it to the finals

1L: Now PG and KID are tied for first place, both are 7 points, Bal.C 6 points, MY 5 points. The two places in the finals are basically out of these four teams.

2L: PG's opponent is MY, and one of these two teams must be selected. KID played against Bal.C, and only one of them could make it to the finals.

3L: Ahhhh! The devil's race! Too unfriendly to someone like me who supports both KID and Bal.C!

4L: Hug upstairs! I support both PG and MY!

5L: Me too... Supporting PG and MY at the same time, hugging myself heartily!

6L: For PG and MY, I think MY has a better chance of winning, right? But I really hope PG can win!

7L: I like Fei, goldfish, and PG, an aggressive team, come on PG!

8L: I love PG too! Every time I watch a PG game, I feel so excited!

9L: Yes! It's so cool to see the goldfish's income! Makes me feel like my obsessive-compulsive disorder is cured!

10L: Me too! Every time I watch a PG game, I feel itchy and want to play a game myself, but I get pushed to the ground by the opposite side to teach me how to be a man...

11L: Hahahahaha! The upstairs made me laugh!

Today's commentary is Ah Ban and Candy. They watched the two teams enter the competition room through the screen. When they heard the applause and screams outside the commentary, they couldn't help but sigh:

Candy: [There are so many people here today!]

Ah Ban: [Yes, it's so lively!]

Candy: [It feels like more people came than the game in the morning. Are there many fans of the two teams?]

Ah Ban: [After all, the two teams in this game, one is the champion team last season, and the other is highly optimistic this season, and their popularity is very high!]

Candy: [Speaking of this, I think this season, PG's strength and popularity are all like riding a rocket, soaring into the sky! However, against the veteran championship team MY, they should be under a lot of pressure now, right?]

Ah Ban: [The two teams, MY and PG, are like two extremes. In a game with MY participating, the number of heads won by both sides is always low, and often until the end of the game, the number of heads won by both sides is only a single digit. PG is just the opposite. In a game with PG participating, the number of heads taken by both sides is always unbelievable. Speaking of the last match between PG and ANE, the goldfish alone took 22 heads, which is really surprising! Of course, that game also had something to do with ANE's poor tactics...]

When he said the last sentence, Ah Ban's tone was a little helpless.

[Hahahahaha!]Candy couldn't help laughing, [ANE is also a very interesting team! This season, their lineup and style of play are much more flexible than last season. Although they are not as stable as last season, their record is unmatched last season!]

Ah Ban: [Okay, without further ado, let's watch this match between PG and MY!]

In the last points match, Luo Yiming was drawn to throw the dice. He swallowed hard, clicked the dice with the mouse, and then closed his eyes, daring not to look at the result.

First or second, for teams with similar strengths, it will affect the final result of the game too much.

Fortunately, this time, PG's luck is good - the blue side goes first!

Just by deciding on a camp, there was a burst of applause in the audience, and someone shouted at the top of their voices: "PG rushing duck—"

Ah Ban also breathed a sigh of relief for the PG: [PG got the first move in this round, and the priority was to ban the monster!]

The difference between the first hand and the second hand, in fact, to put it bluntly, that is, to be able to grab the first position.

After the first team grabs the first position, the second team can grab two positions in one go, which is fair.

However, the first position often becomes the key to deciding the outcome.

Facing a team like MY that is good at defense, PG's first ban position was given to Death without hesitation.

Then, it was MY's turn, and everyone held their breaths, waiting for MY's choice.

The countdown was beating rhythmically, but MY's three ban positions were always empty, appearing hesitant.

Luo Yiming couldn't help but guess: "Glimpse? Heart of Ice and Snow? Moon Shadow Spider?"

Ye Hong: "I think it is..."

Before he finished speaking, an animation of the nine-tailed demon fox appeared on the screen—MY's first ban was given to the nine-tailed demon fox!

"… as expected."

Ye Hong said with a helpless smile.

It seems that even the champion team is afraid of his nine-tailed demon fox.

The second ban position, Jing Yu thought about it, and the ban lost his madness.

Crazy Bone should be the most survivable monster in the game of LD. Not to mention the thickness of blood and high resistance, the ultimate move also has displacement.

The biggest flaw is that the damage is not high.

However, as the top laner, he is undoubtedly the most capable monster, which fits the style of the MY team very well, and can be regarded as the representative of this team.

—Like Yale to SOS, Lilith to PG.

Sure enough, MY's second ban was given to Lilith.

"Huh?!" Luo Yiming blinked in surprise, "In this way, the goldfish's demons have all been released?"

Qin Fei was also a little surprised, but he just raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

In the third ban position, Jing Yu thought for a while and made a decision: "Wonderful fire."

MY's shooters have a high survival rate in the first place, and it is more difficult to kill them with 10,000 Extinguishing Fire.

After Ye Hong bans Wanmingliuhuo, he heard Jing Yu say, "Let's see what MY's last ban will choose. If it's Dark Cupid, then we'll grab Heijiao. If not, we'll grab Dark Cupid."

Ye Hong: "OK~"

As a result - MY ban dropped Dark Cupid.

The PG had nothing to hesitate, and decided to lock on the Hei Jiao.

This is the first position of PG. Obviously, Hei Jiao is what PG thinks, and it is the key to decide the outcome.

There was a commotion in the auditorium, and everyone couldn't hide their excitement, but it was not because PG locked Hei Jiao, but because MY's ban position, the demon of the goldfish, was released!

[You can't ban the Glimpse of Goldfish and Heart of Ice and Snow!]Candy exclaimed, [This is the same as Li Yan's burial sword! Will MY be too confident?]

Ah Ban is not very optimistic about MY's ban position: [The last team with such a ban, the grass on the grave has grown taller than me.]

[Pfft—] Candy was amused on the spot by Ah Ban's words, so she managed to hold it back, [ Ah Ban, don't do this.]

[Well, I'm just stating a fact.]Aban shrugged nonchalantly, [But MY is so banned, there are reasons for them. After all, the style of the MY team is meat. Even assassins with high output and high critical strikes may not be able to take them down in one go. On the contrary, because the assassins are thin, it is easy to kill them. So, I think not only are they not afraid of the goldfish assassin, but they also hope he can take the assassin.]

Candy: [It also makes sense.]

While the two of them were talking, MY locked Burial Sword and Satan, the audience was in an uproar, and the commentator couldn't help but scream.

Candy: [Ah! The top-lane monsters that are commonly used in the game have all been selected. What does PG plan to use?]

Qin Fei's life Lilith was banned, his second life Satan was robbed, Reaper and Crazy Bone were banned, and even the Burial Sword, which was used more in the jungle, fell into the enemy's hands.

In the previous game, Qin Fei also used Wan Quliuhuo to get on, but unfortunately this time he was also banned.

What is he going to use

Under the intense gaze of the commentary and the audience, PG locked the Moon Shadow Spider and Soul Element.

[It seems that in this game, Goldfish intends to use the Moon Shadow Spider as a jungler. ] Ah Ban explained, [This decision is a wise one. In the face of a monster with high blood and high defense, it would be better to have a control in the lineup, which can buy time to kill for his own ADC.]

Candy: [Then MY chose Carmel and Gulan. Well, MY has already selected Satan and Burial Sword. I think Gulan is more likely to be a support. Since PG once supported Gulan, more and more teams have followed suit.]

Ah Ban: [Yes, now it depends on what the last two positions of PG will choose, mainly the top order... ]

Before he finished speaking, he saw that PG had selected Ma Yu and Glimpse.


Uh uh uh? !

Glimpse? !

Ah Ban thought he had read it wrong, and was stunned for a moment before he realized: [Didn't PG lock the Moon Shadow Spider? Why did you choose the swipe again?]

After a pause, before waiting for the candy beside him to respond, he thought of a possibility and widened his eyes in disbelief: [Unless the Moon Shadow Spider is not a jungler, but a top laner? !]

Hearing this speculation, the audience was in an uproar.

Assassin on the way, this is undoubtedly a new concept for the LD professional circle.

Assassins have less blood and defense and can't handle damage at all. PG makes this choice, which is equivalent to giving up the front row.

Candy: [It is also possible that PG just selects a glimpse to show it. Before locking, everything is available... ]

Before the last word "can" was uttered, PG locked a glimpse.

This time, not only the commentators were stunned, the audience was stunned, and even the two teams sitting in the audience were stunned.

After returning to God, they all complained:

"The PG team is really..."

"Courageous enough."

"Every day is unshakable."

In the past, it was rare for an assassin to appear in the lineup. Now, there are two assassins in the PG lineup at the same time!

In this regard, the PG people are very calm:

Ye Hong: "Brother Fei takes the Moon Shadow Spider, tsk tsk, if this can also beat the opponent down, the opponent should be suspicious of life."

"I think this is very possible." Han Leng said, "To be honest, I have never seen Brother Fei lose to anyone on the line."

Luo Yiming simply said, "Brother Fei is rushing to the duck! Kill the order on the other side!"

Qin Fei couldn't help laughing: "I think your filters are a little thick for me."

He has indeed never lost to anyone on the line, no matter what monster he takes, he can push the opponent under the tower.

But it was the first time he had won the Moon Shadow Spider in an official match, and he was still battling against Satan, who was his best at it.

He is a thief of Satan himself, so when he sees the other party taking Satan, he can't help but define that Satan at his own level, and he feels that it is particularly awesome and can't do it.

Perhaps, sometimes, it is really "bystander clear".

Jing Yu, who locked the glimpse, smiled and said with certainty, "Brother Fei, you must be fine."

"Tsk." Qin Fei, who had high hopes from his boyfriend, had no choice but to bite the bullet, "Okay, isn't it Satan, I can't kill him!"

The last position of MY chose Scarlet Fury with control skills, and the lineup of both sides was determined:

PG: Moon Shadow Spider, Black Flood Dragon, True Feather, Soul System, Glimpse

MY: Satan, Scarlet Wrath, Carmel, Guran, Burial Sword

[Two assassins... PG's lineup in this game is really exciting!]Aban said, [It can be seen that they are planning to use high damage to break MY's high defense in this round!]

Candy: [This match is like a battle between a spear and a shield. Who is the sharpest spear and the strongest shield?]

The commentary completely heated up the atmosphere of the scene. The audience talked about the feasibility of the double assassin lineup, but they kept their eyes on the big screen, for fear of missing any details.

At this time, Fang Luofan was sitting in the club watching the live broadcast, and when he saw the PG lineup, he was really sweating for Qin Fei.

For a long time, the demons Qin Fei used were quite "moderate". They belonged to the kind of demons whose HP, damage, and defense were not outstanding, but they were not weak either.

Let's just say Lilith, as a Fatan, Lilith's HP defense is not high, and the damage is not bad, almost all rely on her excellent blood-sucking ability to carry the injury.

It's fine when the armor is out, but when the ap is out, the blood volume fluctuates up and down, and it is on the verge of death several times in a short period of time. It is not recommended for people with bad hearts.

Let's talk about Satan, his HP and defense are higher than Lilith's, and the damage of a flat A is not enough. He completely relies on the ultimate move to output. After the ultimate move is used up, he will be like a waste. Tarry hit.

In short, Qin Fei's monsters have always been balanced in all aspects. He will use different equipments according to different situations and use these monsters flexibly.

But, Moon Shadow Spider

Assassin's basic attributes determine that the damage she can carry is very limited. Even if she wears all her armor, it is easy to be blocked, and her damage will be greatly reduced.

But use the output equipment, the damage is increasing, and the self-protection ability is even weaker, especially after finishing a set of skills, it is no different from a glass vase that shatters when touched.

Anyway, before the game started, Fang Luofan couldn't imagine how Qin Fei would play against people with the Moon Shadow Spider.

Will it be sent to death or sent to death or sent to death

After the game starts -

Candy: [My God! Fei Ge's Moon Shadow Spider crippled Satan with one bite! Satan counterattacked with coercion. The Moon Shadow Spider moved away and escaped. Satan seemed to be ready to withdraw... Ah! The Moon Shadow Spider flashed backwards, used Corruption on Satan and gave a flat a! Satan is dead! A blood is born!]


"Your non-brother deserves to be your non-brother..."

"It's only been over a minute since the game started! This style of play is too brutal!"

Yes, just over a minute after the game started, Qin Fei's Moon Shadow Spider instantly killed the enemy Satan and won a blood.

Fang Luofan's current expression is like this: =_=

He was really... worried that no one should worry about Qin Fei.

After Qin Fei's Moon Shadow Spider killed Satan, he still had one-third of his health remaining. He thought for a moment and said calmly, "Goldfish, come."

"Come on." Jing Yu responded, and immediately told Piaoying to give up the half-killed monsters, and followed Qin Fei's Moon Shadow Spider at the fastest speed. The two sneaked into MY's Ueno area recklessly.

Anti-wild must be going for the magical beasts that can add buffs.

The two of them stole the Green Goblin in MY's Ueno area with the fastest attack speed, and then they both moved and fled back to the top road.

During this period, MY's mid laner realized that the two were in their own jungle, and went to the monster pit to take a look. Seeing that the monster was already bloody, he decisively threw a skill to grab it, but unfortunately he didn't get the punishment from Jing Yu, the jungler.

It is impossible to chase and kill. MY's mid laner has not forgotten that he is a crispy. No matter how unwilling he is, he can only return to the middle lane and continue to face Ye Hong.

And their jungler, when they arrived at the Ueno area, was a step too late, and they could only brush up other wild monsters depressed.

Candy: [PG's timing of this wave of Ueno collaboration is too good! Very smoothly stole MY's Green Goblin!]

Aban: [Mainly Qin Fei's Moon Shadow Spider killed Satan, causing MY to fall on the road. MY's top laner should be careful, I feel that PG's strategy in this round is to open up the economic gap by countering the jungle, and the top lane is their breakthrough point.]

Candy: [Haha, I feel that in this game, PG's Ueno and wild linkages will become very frequent!]

Indeed, in 6 minutes, Qin Fei's Moon Shadow Spider maimed Satan again and forced him into the tower.

The enemy Satan hid under the tower and was preparing to return to the city. Suddenly, a silver light flashed, and the silhouette of the body floating in water suddenly appeared behind Satan, and he gave him a knife without hesitation!

[System] A glimpse, one kill!

[System] The enemy Satan has been killed!

After Swipe Shadow killed Satan, Jing Yu directly used his ultimate move to make himself appear in the enemy's Ueno area, and fought the Blue Devils recklessly.

Soon, Qin Fei's Moon Shadow Spider rushed over to help him fight together.

Because the ghost flew over to fight after killing Satan, the two fought very quickly.

When the enemy mid laner and jungler arrived, they had already run away, and with a wave of their sleeves, they took away a bunch of economy.

[The economy of the two teams has begun to widen the gap!]Aban hurriedly asked people to switch their perspective to the middle and bottom lanes of the battlefield. Sure enough, the evenly matched battle situation began to change. Whether it was Ye Hong in the middle lane or Luo Yiming in the bottom lane, there were gradually signs of suppressing each other.

It's just that MY's defense was really good. They relied on their excellent positioning to avoid attacks, while rushing to clear the line before the PG members entered the tower, and they were deadlocked with PG for a while.

But it's only limited to the middle and bottom lanes. MY's top lane is almost unstoppable. Even if Burial Sword rushes to the top lane a few times and wants to gank Qin Fei's Moon Shadow Spider, he will only be defeated by Moon Shadow Spider and Glimpse.

Now, MY is beginning to realize how terrifying Glancing Shadow is - when this monster is big, no matter which way the upper, middle and lower PG's have problems, Glancing Shadow can arrive in time for support, or even counter-kill!

At 12 minutes into the game, MY's burial sword gank went down the road, Luo Yiming's Zhenyu was caught, and he was about to die, Han Leng's soul system opened his shield in time to block a fatal blow for him, and then succeeded. Control to Burial Sword.

The enemy Kamel threw a big blow, and the gorgeous special effects made Han Leng's heart sink. Just at this moment, a silver light flashed over, and a black figure appeared behind the blood-stained Carmel, killing him with a knife!

[System] A glimpse, one kill!

[System] The enemy Carmel has been killed!

After killing Kamel, he quickly moved and pressed him over the Burial Sword. After pressing, he used his big move again and pressed back.

The Burial Sword was crushed back and forth by the Glancing Shadow once, and the blood line was in a hurry, and because the Glimping Shadow was too flexible, he slashed the air with one knife, and was finally killed by the Glancing Shadow Ping A!

[System] A glimpse, double kill!

[System] The enemy Burial Sword has been killed!

At this time, Luo Yiming's Zhenyu and Han Leng's soul system were only left with a layer of blood and skin, and even a small soldier could be killed.

But the two of them didn't mean to back down at all, and they used flash at the same time, one dragged the enemy Gulan, and the other madly leveled a output, actually crippling the still healthy Gulan in an instant.

Then Glimpse uses the refreshed displacement to run over, and then uses the big move to run back, and completes the operation of entering and exiting the tower in an instant, killing Gulan instantly without taking tower damage.

[System] A glimpse, three kills!

[System] The enemy Gulan has been killed!

"Ah ah ah!" The audience was boiling, and all PG fans couldn't help but raise their cheer cards.

Candy: [I originally thought that MY’s wave of 0-for-2 was stable, but a glimpse of goldfish suddenly appeared, reversing the situation and counter-attacked MY with a wave of 0-for-3! Oh my God! Incredible!]

Ah Ban also saw his heart beating wildly: [This wave of 0 for 3 is really too thrilling! If Giao Ying came a step late, not only would he not be able to save Zhen Yu and Elemental Soul, he might even have to explain himself in the bottom lane!]

Candy: [In this way, the first tower of MY's bottom road will also be won by PG?]

On the big screen, Zhen Yu and Soul Element returned to the city to make up for it. Jing Yu's shadow followed the line and rushed into the enemy's defense tower, pushing the tower in minutes.

[System] A glimpse, destroy the enemy defense tower!

Aban: [The economy of the two teams has been fully opened! MY loses one tower up and down, and if the middle tower drops again, the only way to win PG is to team up and fight the dragon!]

Candy: [Yes! Can MY defend the middle tower? As a team that takes defense as attack, if you can't defend, PG is very likely to win this round!]

The two explained excitedly, completely unaware that in PG's competition room, Jing Yu had already hit a high:

Jing Yu: "Come on~ Be happy~ Anyway, a lot of time~"