My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 132: Chapter 132


The teammates could see that Jing Yu was having a good time, and he even sang a song happily - sharing his happiness with every teammate through the earphones, it was a devil.

However, none of his teammates wanted to remind him.

After all, his voice is like a trumpet of victory. So far, in such a game, he has never lost a game.

Jing Yu: "Glimpse is the first jungler in the version, so I'm asking if you're convinced?"

Jing Yu: "Dissatisfied? It's okay, let me kill you again~"

Jing Yu: "Have you taken it now? Have you taken it? Have you taken it~"

While saying "Have you served it?", he let Glancing fly from the middle road to the bottom road, and got three kills!

Finally, Ye Hong couldn't bear it any longer: "Not banning Glimpse is definitely MY's biggest mistake!"

Qin Fei sneered: "I probably know what they think, but there is a problem - to kill the assassin, you have to live."

MY thinks that assassins are easy to counter-kill, as long as they can withstand the damage, even passively, they may counter-kill the assassins.

But now, they found a serious problem - Jing Yu's glimpse, every time they appeared, they could just take away their remaining blood, and they often died under the tower before they could react, and there was no reaction at all. chance to kill.

"This is totally different from training!" A member of MY couldn't help but complain, "Is this guy cheating?"

Another member responded: "The goldfish itself is a hang!"

The equipment brought by the players can only be connected to the on-site computer after passing the inspection, and there is no possibility of disconnection.

Not to mention the type of game LD, it is difficult to design a game that can really improve its "strength" without being discovered.

The members of MY have never felt that their defense is so weak. They originally defended until they were left with blood and returned to the city, but now they are all uneasy when they are half-blooded.

Sure enough, not to mention half-blooded mage and shooter, even if only a layer of bloodskin is injured, they will be taken away by the sudden appearance.

Glimpse has fully developed. In order to increase his damage, Jing Yu threw his shoes away. After the crit pile was enough, he dealt all burst damage, and the damage value jumped out when attacking the enemy monster was stunned.

Not to mention the team battle in the later stage, after Han Leng's soul-based group control deceived the release of all MY members, Qin Fei's Moon Shadow Spider and Jing Yu's Glimpse rushed up together, and they were soft-hearted.

Qin Fei's Moon Shadow Spider came out of a half-meat, half-output outfit, and walked in a flat-a flow, which was different from Jing Yu's skill flow. After he finished a set, he couldn't take all the people away, but the flat-a output was very high, and he had no skills. Still biting to death, it belongs to the continuous output.

In short, PG just hit MY in one wave.

[PG 0 for 5 groups to destroy MY!]Aban said excitedly, [MY team can't win PG now, and there is basically no chance of a comeback in the future!]

Candy: [PG starts fighting dragons!]

The five PG output together, quickly took down the magic dragon, and then all returned to the city to make up for the state, and followed the army of the magic dragon to press down on MY's territory.

After the members of MY were resurrected, they wanted to shrink under the tower to clean up the army of demon dragons. Unexpectedly, the shameless guys like PG all jumped the tower and almost wiped them out again.

In the end, PG played a wave of 1 for 4, died the auxiliary soul, and let MY's burial sword run away.

But it's okay, they have successfully pushed down MY's last tower, and the next thing to destroy the territory is a matter of minutes.

In the end, the game came to an end at 19 minutes, and PG won!

Seeing the golden word "victory" on the screen, Jing Yu retracted his fingers that were slightly hot because he was typing too fast on the keyboard, and heaved a sigh of relief: "It's easier than I thought."

Ye Hong smiled: "From the moment you ranted, I felt like I was going to win."

Jing Yu was stunned for a moment: "What did I say?"

He didn't say anything weird, did he

Han Leng sang at the top of his voice on the spot: "Come on~ Pretend wow~ Anyway, there is a lot of scenery~"

His voice is very magnetic, and he sings unexpectedly well, but Jing Yu blushed when he heard it - uh, did he sing during the competition? I don't really have an impression of myself...

Luo Yiming, who was on the side, corrected: "You sang it wrong! The goldfish sang obviously 'Happy wow', if you don't believe me, ask the goldfish!"

Jing Yu: I don't know! do not ask me! I do not know anything!

In the second game, the loser made the first move, and MY prioritized banning the monsters. Every ban position hesitated for a long time.

Obviously, Jing Yu's assassin was completely beyond their expectations, and they needed to think of a new tactic to fight PG.

In the end, the three ban positions they selected were: Glimpse, Frozen Heart, and Nine-Tailed Demon Fox.

There is no problem with the nine-tailed demon fox, and Ban Yingying is also expected by everyone, but the heart of ice and snow

Ah Ban raised his eyebrows and guessed: [It seems that PG's goldfish put a lot of pressure on the MY team, so in this round, they not only banned Glimpse, but also banned Frozen Heart.]

Candy: [But goldfish still has many assassins that can be used, such as the moon shadow spider, such as mandala petals, and no matter how bad it is, there is half-assassin and half-warrior Wendy.]

Aban: [Haha yes! Goldfish's card pool is endless!]

However, what the commentator and the audience didn't expect was that after MY stole the Dark Cupid, the first position of PG was locked and buried in the sword in seconds!

[This game uses a burial sword for the goldfish?]Candy was surprised. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that PG had selected the second demon, the Moon Shadow Spider!

Emmm... Candy feels that she should not speak so fast in the future, it will be easy to slap her face.

Ah Ban smiled and said: [It seems that the Goldfish is planning to use the Moon Shadow Spider as a jungler in this round, and Burial Sword is the top laner.]

After a period of time, the lineup of the two sides was determined:

PG: Burial Sword, Scarlet Wrath, True Feather, Soul Link, Moon Shadow Spider

MY: Lilith, Black Jiao, Dark Cupid, Guran, Satan

[If this lineup...] Candy took a closer look, [It's amazing to be on the road, this is the first time I see MY taking Lilith.]

[My top order, Lilith is also quite strong, but it’s just not used much this season.] Ah Ban said, he suddenly laughed twice, and joked, [Qin Fei has played against the monster he is best at for two consecutive rounds, I don't know how you feel now?]

Qin Fei's current mood is - afraid

Ye Hong glanced at him and saw that his expression was normal, but he still patted him on the shoulder with a very understanding gesture: "Every time I see my life in the hands of the other party, I feel that I am finished, and then I beat him. You—you are not worthy to take my life on a horse!"

"Hahahahaha!" Luo Yiming was amused for a moment, and then retorted very shamelessly, "I don't feel bad at all!"

In this round, the opposite shooter also held Luo Yiming's life, but Luo Yiming really didn't feel it at all. Anyway, the killing was over.

Ye Hong gave him a sideways look: "You are an outlier."

Jing Yu on the side shrugged, noncommittal.

When he saw the opponent taking his life, not only was he not afraid, but he also had a feeling of "very good, it's a sure win".

Therefore, Luo Yiming is not an outlier, he can only say that what he feels varies from person to person.

MY thinks that Qin Fei's Moon Shadow Spider is very powerful, but if there is no Glimpse, there is only Moon Shadow Spider, and it won't be enough to hit them on the ground.

Therefore, after a discussion, they decided to ban the Glimpse of Goldfish and Heart of Ice and Snow, and release the Moon Shadow Spider.

That is to say, PG will take Moon Shadow Spider and Soul System, which is completely expected by them.

However, what they didn't know was that Qin Fei and Jing Yu's Moon Shadow Spider were not the same concept at all.

When they were jointly controlled by Soul System and Moon Shadow Spider and taken away in one wave, they began to regret releasing Moon Shadow Spider.

Ah Ban: [Moon Shadow Spider kills three times in one go! so amazing! The soul system cooperates very well, and the control of PG is becoming more and more mature!]

Candy: [Huh? Brother Fei's funeral sword killed Lilith?]

The system prompts on the screen followed one after another. After Jing Yu went down the road and killed three times, Qin Fei also took down Lilith who was on the line with him.

Ah Ban immediately let people replay the whole process of Qin Fei's killing of Lilith, only to see that after the two sides consumed each other's residual blood, Lilith took the lead, and Qin Fei's Burial Sword blocked Lilith's big move. Then immediately launched a large counterattack, instantly killing Lilith!

Ah Ban couldn't help but feel: [As expected of Qin Fei, the timing of the block was too clever!]

Almost at the same time as he said these words, Ye Hong's scarlet anger flashed to control the enemy's black flood dragon. One big move followed by one skill, and a set of combos went on, and the black flood dragon was taken away directly.

-MY group is destroyed!

There was a commotion in the audience, and the commentator was shocked.

[MY was actually killed by the group? !]Candy can't believe his eyes, [This is MY! Many teams couldn't move, and they were destroyed by the PG group at the beginning? !]

Ah Ban: [Other teams play more conservatively, PG really doesn't have this concern at all! Qin Fei's burial sword remnant blood killed Lilith, and now he can only go back to the city to make up for it. Ye Zi's scarlet fury took a tower wound in order to kill the black dragon, and now only a layer of blood is left. Others are also left with blood.]

Luo Yiming's True Feather still had a quarter of his blood left, slightly more than Han Leng's Soul Element, and Jing Yu's Moon Shadow Spider also had only bloody skin left because of the strong killing of the tower.

The blood line of all staff is urgent!

But, what does it matter

They killed MY!

The two teams sitting in the audience watching the game couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scene:

"Tsk, PG is a bunch of lunatics."

"It's so cruel, I feel sorry for MY."

"Qin Fei is really amazing. I'm a little curious if he can push people down and beat him when he walks up with an assistant?"

"The combination of Moon Shadow Spider and Soul-type is completely incomprehensible, and MY is also big-hearted. I guess they haven't paid much attention to PG's games at all."

This season, MY, as a high-profile champion team, can be said to be under great pressure.

The two teams they are more concerned about are KID and Bal.C, and they are studying the methods to defeat these two teams almost every day to prepare for the finals.

As a result, a PG was killed halfway.

After realizing that PG might also advance to the finals, MY panicked and watched a few recent games of PG:

2-0 victory over Rule? That's because the Rule team can't do it.

2-0 victory over JOK? That was PG's mid-singles against JOK, which broke people's mentality. Once the C position collapsed, they lost the whole game, which is not surprising.

2-0 win over ANE? Hehe, that was given by ANE himself.

Looking at it, I can't see where the PG is strong. MY calmed down and decided to follow the usual lineup and tactics. Even if they lost the first game because they underestimated the enemy, with their strength, they will definitely be able to do it in the next two games. Pull back.

This was what MY thought until the start of the game.

As a result, after the game started—in the first game, he was pressed by Glancing Shadow to teach him to be a human being, and in the second game, he was killed by Moon Shadow Spider and turned himself into self-isolation on the spot.

MY lost, lost completely.

0-2, a result they never expected.

As the champion team last season, was actually beaten 0-2 by the crane tail of last season? !

When the two golden characters of "Victory" appeared on the big screen, the whole audience stood up, screaming and cheering!

The few people who didn't stand up were obviously only fans of MY.

"PG won!"

"Come on in the finals!"

"PG Champion!"

"PG! PG! PG!"

The noisy voices finally converged, and the audience raised their cheer cards in their hands to call PG.

The shocking scene shocked all the PG members on the stairs!

Jing Yu was still in disbelief at first, but at this moment, when he heard the cheers from the audience, he woke up like a dream: "We have advanced to the finals! We can win the championship!"

He shouted excitedly, and Qin Fei rubbed his head with a smile.

To win this match with MY, on the one hand, MY didn't pay enough attention to and understanding of PG, and was caught off guard, on the other hand - PG really became stronger!

And all of this is largely due to the addition of Jing Yu.

Han Leng couldn't help but sigh: "What kind of treasure is this jungler?"

Luo Yiming: "Hahaha, it's great that goldfish can join PG!"

Ye Hong shrugged his shoulders: "If you want me to say, Brother Fei has a good eye. Do you remember when you first matched with the little goldfish? After only one game, you can see that the little goldfish is very strong, and Fei is really powerful. what!"

The five returned to the stage while chatting, receiving fancy praise from the commentator and the host.

The audience's voice was so loud that it almost drowned out the host's voice. Fortunately, this time the host learned to be smart and immediately turned up the volume of the host's microphone according to the noise level at the scene.

Moderator: [Congratulations to PG for advancing to the finals! How are you feeling now? Have something to say?]

After Luo Yiming took the microphone, he heard Jing Yu's name being shouted off the court, he hesitated for a while, but gave the microphone to Jing Yu.

Just at this time, the MVP animation was shown on the screen - there is no suspense, it is Jing Yu's Moon Shadow Spider.

Jing Yu took the microphone from Luo Yiming's hand, the first sentence: "I am very happy.]Second sentence: [I'm so happy I don't know what to say.]


The audience burst into fierce laughter, and then someone said, "Let's talk about it!"

Everyone agreed and encouraged Jing Yu to speak rudely.

Jing Yu coughed.

He will wave when he starts live broadcasts, and he will wave when the game is playing high, but in the face of so many audiences and he still shows his face, he really can't wave.

Fortunately, it's good to talk shit, and I didn't say that I have to let it go.

After he organized the language, he smiled slightly in front of the camera: [This season, the throne of the championship, we rudely booked. No matter who the final opponent is, don't even try to snatch us, because—no matter how fast you are, you can't be as fast as my ultimate move, hehe~]



The audience followed suit.

Jing Yu, who realized that he had accidentally waved again, blushed instantly.

Is he now terminally ill to the point where he can't help but want to wave when he mentions Glimpse? !

Jing Yu lowered his head in shame and handed the microphone back to the host.

He thought that with his head down, no one would notice his blushing.

Unexpectedly, the evil photographer actually gave him a close-up at this time!

There was even more laughter at the scene, and the live broadcast barrage was completely engulfed, and the screen was madly swiped by [awsl].

[I'm shy after the ranting, what kind of immortal and cute is this!]

[Ah, goldfish are so cute! think…]

[No, you don't want to! The goldfish is mine!]

[Awei died on the spot!]

The speed of the MY team going downstairs was much slower than that of PG. They really wanted to leave the field, but in the end they stayed on the field and accepted an interview with the host.

It was their captain who took the microphone, and said calmly: [Come on, let’s win the championship.]

Ye Hong lowered his voice with a stern face, imitating Captain MY's voice to help him translate: "You defeated our championship team, so you must win the championship, otherwise, wouldn't it look like our championship team is very good?"

Luo Yiming: "Hahahahaha! There's nothing wrong!"

In the end, PG defeated MY 2-0, 7 points plus 2 points, total points: 9

MY was deducted with only 3 points left. This season, let alone the second, he may not even be able to get the third.

Qin Fei: "The next step is to see who KID and Bal.C will win."

Jing Yu: "I support Bal.C, but I still hope KID can win."

Qin Fei raised his eyebrows.

Jing Yu looked at him and said with bright eyes, "Don't forget, our goal is not only to be the champion, but also to avenge KID!"

Therefore, only if KID has also advanced to the finals, PG will have the opportunity to play against KID again, the new hatred and the old hatred are counted together!

Qin Fei laughed: "Well, that's right."

After the PG five returned to the club, they immediately held a battle meeting.

Although Bal.C may also win, in comparison, for PG, KID is a bit more difficult, so the tactics they are discussing now are basically prepared for KID.

The easiest and crudest way to deal with a three-shooter lineup is to prevent the opponent from getting a three-shooter.

Three bans are definitely not enough, what else can be done

- Grab shooter.

"We can also practice three shooters." Fang Luofan said lightly, as if he was not worried that his team could not do it.

Jing Yu immediately thought about which shooter he should use, and before he made a decision, he heard Fang Luofan say, "Qin Fei practiced Wanliuhuo, and Lao Han practiced Ningfeng."


Jing Yu blinked, making sure Fang Luofan didn't call him, and said suspiciously, "Me?"

Fang Luofan looked at him: "Your Glimpse, Heart of Ice and Snow, and Moon Shadow Spider probably won't be able to play, so practice burial swords and mandala petals, just in case Satan and Death God also practice."

Jing Yu: 0.0

Seeing Jing Yu's incomprehensible look on his face, Fang Luofan had to make it clearer: "Playing with KID, your shooter is not good."

"Okay." Jing Yu understood, "I'll take assassins or warriors."

He's not a good shooter, he's aware of that.

There is nothing to be reconciled to, after all, is there a specialization in the art industry...

Fang Luofan nodded, and then continued: "Double shooters will rob each other of the economy, so if we really get a three-shooter lineup, you can place an order with Yiming, Lao Han will play the jungler, and the goldfish will try to go to the anti-jungle as much as possible. ."

Jing Yu: "Okay."

Fang Luofan: "If you're holding a burial sword, it should be no problem for you to fight against the jungle alone. If you're holding an assassin, Qin Fei will help."

Qin Fei: "OK."

It seems that the match with KID will inevitably be linked with Ueno, perhaps more frequently than the match with MY today.

The battle meeting lasted for more than half an hour, focusing on analyzing the style and playing style of each player of the KID team, and then predicting their lineup and determining a direction for PG's lineup.

The two games with MY did not take long to review.

After the meeting, the five disbanded and rested for a while, and then went to the training room to train.

As a result, as soon as I sat down, I saw a stranger walking in and knocking on the door of the training room.

After realizing that someone noticed him, the stranger said hesitantly, "Which one of you is Qin Fei? Someone is looking for him outside."

Qin Fei frowned and looked at the stranger.

someone looking for

Does this mean he wants to go out

He responded bluntly: "Who is looking for me? Let him come in by himself."

"Huh?" The stranger didn't expect this reaction, and after a while he said, "Anyway, I've brought it here and I'm leaving."

After that, he actually left the club.

Qin Fei pretended that nothing had happened, logged in to the game, put on his headset, but looked at the game interface, and did not click on ranking or matching for a long time.

Jing Yu gave him a worried look, and just as he was about to ask, he saw a group of men in black rush into the club aggressively.

Not only that, but they all have sticks in their hands!

All PG members: ? ?

"What's the matter?!" Ye Hong jumped up from the chair in fright, rushed to the corner and huddled.

Luo Yiming had just matched his teammates to enter the game, when Han Leng suddenly tore off the earphone on his head.

He said, "Huh?!" Before he could react, Han Leng picked him up from his chair and threw it to Jing Yu.

Jing Yu pushed Luo Yiming to Ye Hong.

So Ye Hong hugged Luo Yiming, and the two of them shivered as they looked at the man in black outside the door.

After a rough count, there were a dozen or so.

Han Leng frowned and said "tsk" before asking Qin Fei next to him without looking back: "Who are you provoking?"

"Ghost knows." Qin Fei stood side by side with him. Facing the dozen or so men in black, he couldn't remember who he had provoked recently.

Suddenly, he noticed that one of them was holding a mobile phone? !

The battle was about to break out. More than a dozen men in black with sticks rushed into the training room in one breath. At the end, the man held his mobile phone high, obviously filming something, or, in other words, recording something

"You stand." Qin Fei said this to Han Leng calmly, and then rushed towards the man in black. After easily knocking down a few people, he rushed to the last man and grabbed his hand. phone in!


Qin Fei heard the man say these two words, but he didn't have time to answer.

After putting the opponent's mobile phone in his pocket, he immediately turned around to see the situation of his teammates, and found that Jing Yu had called the police.

When Jing Yu saw this scene, his first reaction was to call the police.

He stood in front of Ye Hong and Luo Yiming, and after calling the police very calmly, he put his mobile phone into Luo Yiming's hand: "Hold it for me."

Luo Yiming took the phone in a daze, confused: "Is it Mao?"

Ye Hong vaguely realized something, and his eyes widened in disbelief: "What are you doing?!"

Jing Yu turned to face the man in black, clenched his fists, and narrowed his eyes coldly: "Who dares to hit me, Fei-ge! Who will I kill!"

As for what happened to these people

You'll know when the police arrive.