My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 134: Chapter 134


Jiao Xi chatted with Jing Yu for a few more words, and then drove away.

Xiao Yun looked at the four black-clothed bodyguards standing at the door of the club, not knowing what to say.

She tried to invite four people: "You don't have to stand all the time, or... come in and sit?"

The four of them ignored her.

Okay, they treat her as if she doesn't exist, and she treats them as if they don't exist.

Xiao Yun returned to the door of the training room to take a look, except Qin Fei, everyone returned to the training atmosphere.

As for Qin Fei...

"Where's the person?" Xiao Yun asked suspiciously, looking at the empty seat in the middle of the four.

It was Jing Yu who answered her: "Brother Fei went upstairs to call."

After Qin Fei got his phone back, he went upstairs while turning it on.

During the time when his mobile phone was turned off, there were indeed a lot of messages and missed calls. After a cursory look, he directly found Qi Xuan's number and dialed it.

The other party answered in seconds: "Yo, didn't you get killed?"

This rude tone... Qin Fei couldn't help laughing and crying: "No, I'm not injured, it won't affect tomorrow's game."

"Who cares if you can participate in the competition?" Qi Xuan sneered, and then said in a commanding tone: "The phone is not allowed to be turned off in the future, and you will reply in seconds if you take my message."

Qin Fei was helpless: "As ordered."

Qi Xuan: "Don't worry about the internet, I'll handle it, train hard and play the game, let's hang up."

After she said "hang up", she really hung up the phone, not giving Qin Fei a chance to respond.

I'm just doing my own thing as always...

When Qin Fei returned to the training room, Xiao Yun had already left the club and went home, while Fang Luofan was sitting in the conference room watching the live broadcast of other teams' games.

Mainly watching the game between KID and Bal.C, their score directly determines who is the opponent in the PG finals.

The game between KID and Bal.C was the last game of the day, so when they compared, the final points of the other teams came out.

Both the commentator and the audience felt that ANE had become stronger, it was not an illusion - they defeated JOK 2-0 in their last game, and the final total score was -2.

Although it is negative, the ranking has improved significantly compared with last season.

Take a look at the last points of other teams to know:

Total points for Skr.1: -4

JOK's total points: -7

Rule's total points: -12

Pushing from the back to the front, this season, ANE's overall ranking can be ranked fifth!

"Although the style of play is a bit tricky." This is Han Leng's evaluation of ANE, "but we have also used this style of play, so we are not qualified to bb."

Ye Hong didn't like to hear this: "That's different, okay? We target someone in the enemy, most of them have hatred, ANE is no matter which team they play, they always keep an eye on one of them, and the person being targeted is too miserable. already."

Han Leng glanced in the direction of Qin Fei and Jing Yu: "But on our side, no matter who is being targeted, it seems that the other side is worse off."

Ye Hong couldn't help laughing: "Indeed."

At this time, Luo Yiming had just finished a round of solo queue, and took off his headphones: "You said, today's group of people in black, will it be sent by KID?"

Qin Fei: "No."

Ye Hong: "No."

Han Leng: "It's unlikely."

Luo Yiming: "...Do you want to answer so simply?"

Ye Hong explained patiently: "First of all, KID's strength is there. Whether it is their lineup or style of play, they are very good against us. Objectively speaking, their probability of winning the championship is much higher than ours, so there is no need to do this. Secondly, we face the risk of being suspended for fighting. They also face the risk of being suspended when they send people over to challenge things. Once the police find out that the person was sent by them, even if they have won the championship, they will still be disqualified from the competition. So, no matter what you think, do This is doing more harm than good for KID."

Luo Yiming was at a loss, he didn't understand much of the analysis process, but he understood the conclusion - anyway, the boss behind the man in black couldn't be KID.

"Who could that be?" Luo Yiming was puzzled.

Qin Fei: "Don't think so much now, play well in the finals."

Luo Yiming: "Yes. Whether people are from KID or not, we have to avenge them."

Qin Fei didn't speak anymore. He said he didn't know who sent it, but in fact he already had a rough guess in his heart.

Being able to invite so many people to make trouble without any scruples, the hot searches that even Qi Xuan couldn't remove immediately were mostly wealthy and powerful people.

—He thought of Jing Yu's "grandfather", the chairman of the Qian Group.

So, after Qi Xuan hung up the phone, he sent the person's name to Qi Xuan through a message.

Before the finals are over, this matter will be handed over to Qi Xuan.

The match between KID and Bal.C lasted for a long time, the first game played for 35 minutes, Bal.C took the dragon twice, KID took the dragon once and the underworld phoenix once.

Overturning, overturning, and overturning again, I can see that the hearts of the commentators and the audience have been hanging in the air.

In the end, when both sides were fully equipped and defense towers were all lost, KID 3 replaced 5 groups to destroy Bal.C, destroying Bal.C's territory in one breath, and narrowly won the first game.

In the second game, the two teams were in a stalemate again, but this game ended faster than the previous game, playing for 29 minutes.

Bal.C beat the magic dragon to residual blood twice, and was stolen by KID twice, and his mentality exploded.

All in all, the final result: KID beat Bal.C 2-0.

After knowing the result, all PG members sighed.

Luo Yiming: "I thought Bal.C could get at least one point."

Ye Hong: "How do you say it, if Bal.C's adc didn't make a mistake, the first game should have been won."

Han Leng: "The second game can only be said to be bad luck. The two junglers used punishment at the same time. As a result, the dragon was awarded to KID twice. Bal.C is really miserable."

Jing Yu pondered for a while: "I think Bal.C is in a hurry in the second round. The timing of stealing the dragon is not right, and one or two people should be sent to push the tower to divert KID's attention."

Qin Fei: "Anyway, the opponent in the finals is determined."

Since KID defeated Bal.C, the opponent of the PG finals is that KID did not run.

At the same time, the final points and rankings of the eight strong teams also surfaced:

PG and KID tied for first place, both with 9 points.

Third place: Bal.C (4 points)

Fourth place: MY (3 points)

Fifth place: ANE (-2 points)

6th place: Skr.1 (-4 points)

Seventh place: JOK (-7 points)

Eighth place: Rule (-12 points)

It turns out that with the change of the version, the ranking of the eight teams is constantly changing.

Among them, the biggest change is undoubtedly PG.

Last season, they were the tail end of the top eight, and they were the "pseudo-top eight" that were rolled by the other seven teams in turn, and were not recognized by the top eight teams.

However, this season, even if they do not win the championship, they are the highly anticipated runners-up.

After this season's points match, no one questioned the strength of PG as the top eight, and even a large number of people were full of expectations for PG to win the championship.

The next afternoon, when stepping into the finals, Fang Luofan took a deep breath and said calmly, "Bring the champion back."

The five PGs roared in response, and their morale was high.

The finals were BO7, with four wins out of seven, giving the two teams ample time and opportunity to compete for the championship trophy.

However, it is clear that this lengthy format is not good for PG, so their goal is to end the game as soon as possible.

"You have to win four rounds... It's a lot of pressure." Although Ye Hong smiled, sweat started to sweat on his forehead.

Qin Fei reminded everyone: "When you enter the competition room, keep your mouth shut, and don't talk about people in black."

Teammates responded.

This is the eighth time they have stepped into the competition room on this arena, but it feels completely different from the previous seven.

Jing Yu plugged in his mouse and keyboard, and after logging into the game account, he felt his heart beating so fast that he almost jumped out of his chest.

He took a deep breath, then focused on the touch of the mouse and keyboard with his fingers.

Tension will definitely be nervous, but he believes that no matter how nervous he is, it will not affect his performance in the game.

Just like when I took the college entrance examination before, I was so nervous that I couldn’t even hold a pen, but when I actually started to answer the paper, all emotions and thoughts that had nothing to do with the question would be automatically blocked by the brain, and my attention was highly concentrated on the question. How to answer the question at hand.

The members of the two teams entered the preparation room one after another and clicked to prepare.

After everyone is ready, the system randomly selects one person from the two teams to roll the dice.

PG throws a 1, KID throws a 6—KID blue goes first.

Luo Yiming: "... Goddess of Luck doesn't love me anymore."

Han Leng: "It's amazing that you can roll 1..."

In short, in the ban&pick stage, KID has the first mover advantage and prioritizes banning and selecting demons.

Today's commentary, according to the rotation order, should have been Fang Luofan and Yoyo, but because Fang Luofan is also the coach of PG, the organizer has obtained the consent of the two groups of commentators and replaced the finals' commentary with Ah Banhe. Candy, to maximize the viewing quality of the finals.

At this moment, Fang Luofan was sitting in the auditorium, nervously looking at the big screen over the entire arena, clenching his fists unconsciously.


It's okay, even if you grab the first move at the beginning, if you win KID, you will still become a second player. If you can't beat KID in the case of a second player ban, then you don't have to think about four wins in seven games.

KID's first ban position was chosen very decisively, and it was a glimpse.

But after they selected Glimpse, they didn't click OK for a long time, obviously planning to drag on for a long time to discuss tactics.

At the same time, PG is also discussing:

Jing Yu: "No matter what they ban in the first game, we are both shooters in the first two positions."

It's time to test the training results. If you don't try in the first round, you won't even dare to try it later.

Luo Yiming: "Do we want to ban the shooter?"

Ye Hong: "Definitely ban! Fighting with KID, why not ban shooters?"

Han Leng: "There are 6 commonly used shooters now. We ban 3, leave 1 for them, and we grab 2, which is just right."

Qin Fei: "The plan will pass."

Therefore, the final ban positions selected by both parties are:

PG: Carmel, Centaurs, Maha

KID: Glimpse, Nine-Tailed Fox, Moon Shadow Spider

Then KID grabbed Dark Cupid in the first position without hesitation.

[Sure enough, it is Dark Cupid!]Aban said in a see-through tone, [With ONE on the opposite side, even KID wouldn't dare to give Dark Cupid to him.]

Candy: [Haha, after all, Dark Cupid is very flexible! It fits perfectly with ONE's style of play!]

[It's PG's turn to choose, what will they choose in the first position?]Aban looked at the PG's selection, [Qin Fei and Goldfish's first picks have been released, I guess they will lock Lilith and Frozen Heart first.]

As soon as the voice fell, the first two positions of PG were locked: Ningfeng and Wanchuiliuhuo!

Candy couldn't believe his eyes: [Huh? ! The first hand is actually two shooters?]

Ah Ban was also surprised: [This is not like PG's style... Did you change the style of play?]

This pick was obviously beyond KID's expectations, causing them to be very grumpy in the second round of picks, and the second and third demons were only selected when the countdown was about to end.

- Burial Sword and Black Jiao.

[A strong jungler and a strong mid laner are relatively easy to understand.]Candy explained, [I don’t think KID can have a three-shooter lineup in this game, and even a double-shooter is very difficult.]

[The PG lineup, do you want to fight with KID in the late stage? ] Ah Ban guessed, [Maybe they, like ANE, feel that since they can't beat the previous lineup, why not try a new lineup?]

[I think it is very possible.]Candy is serious, [After all, the final is a BO7, even if you lose three games in a row, there is a possibility of a comeback. PG is probably planning to use the first game as an experiment, right?]

Candy is half right.

PG did intend to use the first game as an experiment, but this lineup was not improvised by them, but had already been planned.

Until the beginning of the finals, they were using this lineup to do five black training, and now it is just practice.

"Lock the soul and Sander." When Jing Yu said these words, for some reason, he was a little gloating.

Indeed, after PG locked the two monsters, especially Sander, there was an uproar in the audience, and the commentators' eyes widened in disbelief.

What is Sander

It's the shooter in the novice spree.

This is not the point, the point is - PG has three shooters!

[Three shooters lineup? !] Ah Ban managed to find his voice again, [Before the game started, I had a hunch that I would see a three-shooter, but I didn't expect to appear on the PG side!]

Candy: [Did the two sides really have the wrong number?]

Obviously not.

There is no possibility of misregistration.

Ye Hong imagined the expressions of the commentator and the audience, and couldn't help laughing: "Are you surprised or surprised?"

Luo Yiming: "Isn't it a three-shooter lineup, let's show one too!"

After confirming that PG really locked the three shooters, Ah Ban couldn't help laughing: [I remember that in the first game of the points match, PG was the three shooters who lost to KID. Now, in the first game of the finals, PG took out The three-shooter lineup is playing against KID, is it a way of repaying others?]

Candy: [Hahaha, if it’s because of this that I got the three shooters, PG is really good!]

While the two were talking, KID chose their last two positions: Death God and Crazy Bone.

Ah Ban couldn't help dubbing them: [Since the shooter can't grab you, we'll take the meat!]

Candy: [No problem!]

Then, finally got to the last position of PG.

Second Lock - Heart of Ice and Snow!

When the most beautiful monster in "Devil Lord" appeared on the big screen, countless audiences cheered:

"Goldfish punching duck!"

"The heart of the first ice and snow in the national service, rush the duck!"

Jing Yu's mood couldn't be better when he could get his life in the first game. All the tension before the game disappeared when he got the most proficient monster.

"As long as I hold the Heart of Ice and Snow, I will not lose!" he said.

Then Ye Hong complained on the spot: "It's as if you never lost when you took the Heart of Ice and Snow."

Luo Yiming made up the knife unceremoniously: "Then the win rate should be 100%, but I don't remember even 80%?"

Jing Yu: =_=

Less than 80% is the single-row win rate of his anchor number, which is already pretty awesome!

After all, it's too much luck in the single row. If you are matched with a teammate who hangs up or an actor who is crazy to give away, you can only admit that you are unlucky.

After locking the heart of ice and snow, Jing Yu began to adjust the imperial spirit and equipment he was carrying.

In the game "Demon Lord", when each monster enters the battlefield, it can carry two additional skills, which are called "Yu Ling".

The two most commonly used "spirits" are undoubtedly "flashing" and "healing", in addition to "shield", "transmission", "corrosion" and so on.

Most people carry Blink and Heal to increase their survivability.

Qin Fei prefers "corrosion" to "healing", and would rather give up the chance to escape and kill the other party.

In this round, he took Wan Mie Liu Huo and was a shooter, but he still brought "corrosion" in his own way, while Han Leng's condensed wind brought "transmission".

The three shooters have a clear division of labor:

Jing Yu: "Master c is still a sing, you must live to the end! Brother Han wanders to support, I am against the wild, and Brother Fei is here to help."

Qin Fei: "Well."

Luo Yiming: "I will do the highest damage!"

Han Leng: "It feels really good to take the destiny in the finals!"

Ye Hong: "Let's have a big fight!"

Jing Yu: "Come on!"

With these two words from Jing Yu, the countdown resets to zero, the interface jumps, and the monsters on both sides enter the battlefield!

The final lineup for this game is:

PG: Wanshuiliuhuo, Soul System, Sand, Ningfeng, Frozen Heart

KID: Grim Reaper, Black Flood Dragon, Dark Cupid, Crazy Bones, Buried Sword

Before the start of the game, everyone thought that PG would definitely ban the shooter in order to prevent KID from taking a three-shooter lineup.

They did ban, and all three bans were given to the shooter.

However, no one expected that after they banned three shooters, three more shooters were selected.

Obviously it was a back-up ban, but while preventing KID from getting the three-shooter, he took the three-shooter himself!

The game "Demon Lord" is basically a tank in the early stage, a mage in the middle stage, and a shooter in the late stage.

PG, a team with too early stage, actually got three shooters, which is really exciting and disturbing.

[Okay, now we can see that both demons have entered the battlefield!]A Ban explained, seeing Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow going to the Ueno area, he couldn't help but be surprised. [In this round, PG's jungler chose to help at the beginning. I wonder if there are any tactics?]

I saw on the big screen, Frozen Heart and Wan Mie Liu Huo Gang Ye Hong's soul system got Lan and went to the road together.

Then the heart of ice and snow squatted in the grass, and Wan Muiliuhuo began to line up with the opposite death.

The shooter and the tank have no advantage in the early game except for the length of the hand.

Indeed, the live broadcast was on the road, and everyone saw that Wan Mie Liuhuo's blood was being worn down by the god of death, and he kept retreating and retracting into the tower.

This is probably the first time that Qin Fei has lost to someone else on the line

However, the blood volume of the God of Death was just a little higher than that of Wan Miliuhuo. The KID players saw the residual blood of Wan Miliuhuo and felt that they would definitely be able to take it away, so they gave Flash to catch up!

But the moment he handed over the flash, he was connected by a cold light.

In the next second, the heart of ice and snow flew along the light, and took his head with a flat a!

A blood is born!

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, one kill!

[System] The enemy Death God has been killed!

Along with these two system messages, Jing Yu couldn't help laughing: "What a great performance."

Hearing his smiling voice, Qin Fei couldn't help but raise the corner of his lips: "You gank well."

Ye Hong, who was sitting beside the two of them, got goosebumps all over - this is blowing each other...

[pretty!]A Ban was amazed, then looked at the playback commentary and said, [Qin Fei pretended to be suppressed and seduced KID's death god into the hunting range of goldfish! Goldfish seize the opportunity to kill God instantly! This wave of PG on the road is perfect! Now Wan Chuiliuhuo has taken away the troops on the road and is ready to go back... eh? Are you not going back to the city?]

Qin Fei's Wan Mie Liu Huo was not healthy, but he didn't go back to the city to make up for it. Instead, he went to KID's Ueno area with Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow.

At this time, Han Leng's condensed wind wiped out all the wilds in the lower wild area, and went to the upper wild area without looking back.

[Wan Shuiliuhuo and the Heart of Ice and Snow are against the wild, Sander placed an order? !]Candy explained in amazement, really admired PG's courage, [KID's most difficult thing is their bot laner LLy, PG actually let ONE play against LLy alone? !]

[Probably to ensure the development of the shooter? ] Ah Ban guessed, [The arrangement of PG, as long as ONE in the bottom lane can keep it, then both ONE's Sander and 3H's Ningfeng can be fully developed.]

After a pause, he couldn't help but sigh: [This tactic can be said to be quite risky, but it is also in line with PG's usual style.]

Candy: [Wait! KID's Burial Sword realized it! He arrived at the Ueno area! And the green goblin of the goldfish was only halfway through!]

Seeing this scene, Ah Ban's heart instantly hung in his throat: [Can PG steal KID's Green Goblin? Or will he be killed by the Buried Sword? Especially Wanchuiliuhuo's current blood volume is very unhealthy!]

Just when he said these words, the green devil's blood was bottomed out, and Jing Yu let the heart of ice and snow use punishment!

Almost at the same time, KID's burial sword also moved to the side of the Green Goblin and used punishment!

turn out? !