My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 136: Chapter 136


Jing Yu felt that his teammates were too nervous. Listen to what the hell they are talking about at this time

However, I have to admit that after being mixed up by them, Jing Yu felt that his tense nerves were relieved a little.

The current score between the two sides is 2-0, and PG has to win two more games to win the final victory and win the fourth LD professional league championship.

The best result, of course, is to finish the game 4-0, otherwise, every loss of a game means that PG has to play one more game.

The longer the game dragged on, the worse it was for them.

However, 4-0, can it be that smooth

After a short rest, the two sides began the third game.

It is still the blue side of KID who will go first, and will give priority to banning monsters.

This time, their ban position finally changed a bit.

After banning the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and Glancing Shadow, KID's third position was given to Wan Moiliuhuo.

Thousands of fires

Seeing this dark little loli on the big screen, everyone was surprised.

- This is the first time that KID has banned a shooter.

The KID team has always been proud of cultivating excellent shooters.

Usually, the position of the shooter is the main output position of a team, and KID has always been trying to let a team have multiple main output, crushing the opponent with an absolute king attitude.

Therefore, for KID, the more shooters in his team, the better.

But such a team that can't wait to get all five shooters, now actually bans shooters by themselves? !

Obviously, they didn't want PG's Qin Fei to get Wanchuiliuhuo.

But does this also mean that with the same number of shooters, KID feels that he can't beat PG? !

Thinking of this level, Fang Luofan laughed out loud on the spot - slap yourself in the face, is it cool

Seeing KID's last ban position, the two commentators were stunned for a while before finding their voices:

Candy: [KID ban dropped Wanchuiliuhuo... Uh, this position should be for Qin Feiban, right?]

Ah Ban gave a "hmm" and echoed: [In the first two rounds, Qin Fei used Wan Quliu Huo to step into the game, both in terms of survivability and output ability, and it was indeed very tricky.]

Ah Ban: [It is worth mentioning that the defensive equipment he used for Wan Chuliuhuo at the beginning was replaced by ad equipment one after another. The damage and output are both correct, and his presence does not seem to be strong. played a very important role. If I were to choose the MVP of the last game, I would probably choose his Wan Dianliuhuo.]

Candy: [Speaking of which, Jing Yu's Moon Shadow Spider has been released?]

Aban: [Yes! So in this round, it is very likely that PG will use Moon Shadow Spider and Soul Element to control a wave!]

Sure enough, after KID grabbed Dark Cupid, the PG both locked the Moon Shadow Spider and the Soul System.

Ah Ban raised his eyebrows, and suddenly felt very interesting: [Candy, do you think that PG's lineup is more in line with their own style than a game?]

Candy: [Huh?]

Obviously, the candy didn't find out before Ah Ban proposed.

Now listening to Ah Ban say this, she couldn't help but pay attention to the lineup of the two sides in this round.

I saw that after KID selected the pair of Ningfeng and Jinghua Shuiyue, PG chose Sander and Lilith!

Candy vaguely realized something and widened her eyes in disbelief.

Seeing her expression on the side, Ah Ban couldn't help laughing and said: [Is that so? is not it? In the first round, PG had three shooters, the second round had two shooters, and in the third round, the combination of Moon Shadow Spider and Soul Element, or Qin Fei's Lilith, weren't all the monsters that PG often used?]

[It's not what I think it is, is it? Omg... I got goosebumps!]Candy's tone is full of disbelief, [Do you want to say, is this a trap set by PG for KID? Beat them with the three-shooter lineup that KID is good at, turn their attention to the shooter, and guide them to adjust their ban positions to get the lineup they really want to use...]

- not impossible.

During the points match, KID clearly knew how tricky the combination of Moon Shadow Spider and Soul Element was, so he didn't let PG go to death.

But now, in the third game of the finals, KID released these two demons at the same time!

The reason is that the ban is not enough due to the ban of Wan Chuanliuhuo? !

Hearing the commentary's guess, the audience was in an uproar, and the live broadcast screen was also swiped by the words "Thinking Fear".

Ah Ban hurriedly said: [It's just a guess, it might just be a coincidence.]

Fang Luofan shrugged - no, it was indeed a tactic.

Of course, such a tactic also requires PG players to have a strong enough ability to practice.

A team that is used to playing in the early stage, playing against KID with a three-shooter lineup, and still having to win, is very stressful.

However, once this tactic is successful, the possibility of PG defeating KID will be greatly increased!

So far, the PG side has no major problems with the use of tactics or the performance of the players.

This lineup in the third game, in Fang Luofan's view, PG's victory against KID is basically a certainty, and now it is to see if KID can react in the fourth game.

Sure enough, 23 minutes later, the third game ended, and PG won!

The soul trick is released, and the Moon Shadow Spider goes up to control a wave - KID is controlled and beaten by PG throughout the whole process, and there is no power to fight back!

3-0 now.

For PG, they only need to win one more game to win the finals and win this LDPL championship.

For KID, if they want the championship, they must win four games in a row!

This is the last link in PG's entire set of tactics - psychological suppression.

But PG is not easy right now.

Jing Yu: "They should have been aware of our tactics."

Ye Hong: "It's normal to notice it. If it's the fourth game and you still can't notice it, KID's heart is too big."

"Then, what should we do in this game?" Jing Yu said so, but the corners of his lips were slightly drawn.

Some tactics, even if they are seen through, cannot be cracked.

What if you know that PG wants to get the Moon Shadow Spider

Putting the Moon Shadow Spider in the ban position again means releasing the Wanxieliuhuo.

Will this win? No, it will only make the lineup of both sides return to the previous game, and will never be able to escape from this infinite loop created by PG.

Who said that a fiercely-playing team has no tactics

On the contrary, the more aggressive the style of play, the more tactical support is needed.

Without tactics, it is not "fierce", but "reckless".

PG is a very aggressive team, shown in that they are aggressive and keen to make money.

- If you don't have flexible tactics and excellent technology, how can you successfully take the opponent's head

After the other teams are finished, the heads of both sides are usually like this: 5-9, 6-13, 11-18.

In a game with PG participating, the heads obtained by both sides will eventually become like this: 17-21, 23-31, 25-48.

Not only did he fight fiercely, but he also made the opponent's rhythm fierce.

If the opponent can keep up with the rhythm of PG, then the outcome is still in suspense.

Once the opponent can't keep up, then it's time for PG to start killing!

In the fourth game of the finals, the three ban positions of KID could not be selected for a long time.

After all, this game is related to whether they still have a chance to win the championship.

Once you lose, you lose everything.

The Moon Shadow Spider must not be released to PG, but can it be extinguished

Now, KID is faced with two choices:

1. Ban the Moon Shadow Spider, rob Wan and extinguish the fire.

Second, ban Wan Wan to extinguish the fire and grab the soul.

However, there is a problem:

Shooter LLy: "No matter how we choose, we will give Dark Cupid to PG. Luo Yiming's Sander is already very difficult, and it will only be more difficult to give Dark Cupid to him."

The top order KKa frowned.

In fact, he felt that Wanchuiliuhuo could continue to be released to PG.

Because, in his opinion, the real scary thing is not Wan Mie Liu Huo, but Qin Fei!

I have faced Qin Fei so many times, and the more I fight, the more I feel that this person's strength is unfathomable, and at the same time, I have a deep sense of powerlessness - I always feel that no matter what I ban, what I rob, no matter what monster I lock in at the end, in Qin Fei couldn't have any advantage in front of him.

The mid laner Nb directly scolded: "PG, the old yin b, kind of let out all the shooters!"

Top order KKa: "Stop talking..."

In the end, it was LLy who made the decision: "Ban the Moon Shadow Spider, grab the million and put out the fire." After a pause, "Assist and take Sariel! Protect me!"

What if you can't come up with a three-shooter lineup? They are KID, and he is KID's ace! If he really can't even match the line, a yellow hair who can't even be a full member in KID, he can retire directly!

So, after PG selects the last ban position, KID locks the fire in seconds!

Luo Yiming saw Wan Mie Liu Huo agitated, and locked the Dark Cupid: "Oh oh oh! I'll take the flight in this game!"

The teammates couldn't help laughing - there is probably nothing happier than getting their own destiny in the tiebreaker.

Then another position, of course, is to choose Ningfeng.

The final lineups for both sides are:

PG: Lilith, Crimson Fury, Dark Cupid, Windfall, Frozen Heart

KID: Grim Reaper, Black Flood Dragon, Wanshuiliuhuo, Sariel, Sander

Seeing this lineup, Ye Hong couldn't help laughing: "Please raise your hand if you get your destiny~"

Luo Yiming raised his hand, Han Leng raised his hand, Jing Yu raised his hand, and Qin Fei raised his hand lazily.

Ye Hong: "Then I got the second life~ Hahahahaha! KID is too good for us!"

Five demons, four births, and one second birth—this luxurious lineup was originally only available for entertainment matches.

The finals are now the fourth game. KID feels that they have made tactical adjustments that are more beneficial to themselves in each game, but the lineup with PG is more and more in line with the expectations of the five PGs.

In fact, if KID can be a little bit stronger and continue the lineup of the first game, it may have turned over now.

However, it is clear that they are afraid of failure, and they have no confidence to use the lost lineup to regain the score, so they can only blindly seek a new lineup.

It's like walking through a maze, hitting a wall, turning back immediately, and looking for a new path, without noticing at all - in fact, the "wall" they hit at the beginning is not that strong and can be broken through.

The three-shooter lineup is not the usual lineup of PG - this kind of thing, as long as you are concerned about the professional league, it is impossible not to know.

PG is just for the championship. For this set of tactics that can lead them to victory, they practiced crammed for a few days - the first game, for PG, was really an "experiment", or even a "gambling". ".

Fortunately, it now appears that they won the bet!

The countdown is over, and both sides enter the battlefield.

It can be seen from the live broadcast screen that in the competition rooms on both sides, both PG and KID players are in high spirits.

After all, this game is likely to be the last game of the finals.

In the game "Demon Lord", almost every player has their own natal demon.

The natal monster is the player's favorite monster.

Their liking for demons often becomes a driving force, driving them to use this demon constantly, so that their strength is worthy of their own destiny.

In other words, the natal demon is often the one that players play the most and have the highest proficiency in.

Now, almost all of the five demons locked by PG are born.

And KID, has not realized the horror of this matter.

But they soon realized:

On the road, KID's death god was pressed into the tower by Qin Fei's Lilith at the beginning, and he could only use his skills to make up for the remaining blood. Lilith inevitably licked the blood several times, and the remaining blood returned to the city. When I was frightened, I was afraid that the heart of ice and snow would suddenly rush out and take away his head.

However, Frozen Heart is now in the mid lane:

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, one kill!

[System] The enemy black flood dragon has been killed!

PG's lineup has not only changed back to the mode he likes, but also the style of play - for Jing Yu, it really is the most comfortable in the middle and jungle!

And KID's mid laner, because the first three rounds were not ganked very much, this round relaxed his vigilance, and when he was inadvertently pressed deeply, he was easily won a blood by PG!

The only thing KID can save is the bot lane.

LLy's Wanxingliuhuo has its own self-protection ability, and with the assistance of Salier, the two shooters of PG are strongly pressed into the tower.

However, the situation changed at 6 minutes.

After Ye Hong and Jing Yu teamed up to kill KID's mid laner, they immediately rushed to the bottom lane.

As soon as Ye Hong's scarlet anger appeared, the enemy Sander who was lying in ambush attacked him!

However, just after using the displacement, Ye Hong let Scarlet Fury lose control, and after successfully controlling Sander, it was a combo of big moves followed by one skill, instantly pressing Sander's blood to a critical value.

The enemy Sally Ye opened Da Bao Sand, and LLy's Wan Mie Liu Huo immediately rushed over to kill Ye Hong. Unexpectedly, Ye Hong decisively handed over Flash and escaped his attack while escaping behind Luo Yiming and Han Leng.

At this time, the three demons of KID are very close, almost on the front chest to the back - a good opportunity!

Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow decisively used the traction of snow, and floated over with Sander, opening up!

The special effects of the blizzard, no matter how many times you watch it, are so shocking and beautiful, and the three of KID are frozen in a short moment!

Then, it's time to harvest PG:

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, double kill!

[System] The enemy Sander has been killed!

[System] Dark Cupid, one kill!

[System] The enemy Wanxieliuhuo has been killed!

[System] Dark Cupid, double kill!

[System] The enemy Sariel has been killed!

This wave of small team battles in the bottom lane ended with PG 0 for 3.

[Wow, this game of PG is so comfortable!]Candy actually wanted to say that she looked very comfortable, and always felt that every monster on the PG side seemed to be alive, and it was so flexible that it was not artificially manipulated at all.

Ah Ban smiled and explained more professionally: [It can be seen that PG has already discovered Sander's position. The reason why Ye Ziye's scarlet anger appeared is to lure Sander into the bait, and then he succeeded! Losing control skills is very critical, and the timing of flashing and escaping is also well grasped. Then there is the heart of goldfish's ice and snow. The timing of the cut-in is really perfect. The big move controls the three demons of KID in one breath!]

Regarding Candy's "comfortable", Ah Ban also explained: [In this round, the PG players basically got their first place, whether it is the understanding of demon skills or proficiency, they are the top three The game is not comparable, so this game played very smoothly, at least so far it seems to be the case.]

[Yep!]Candy echoed, [I think this game, KID's decision to give Dark Cupid to ONE is really quite unwise!]

Ah Ban: [This game will also be dominated by PG.]

Aban's prophecy is correct in most cases.

Occasionally, there will be poisonous milk, but he has not been a commentator for so many years in vain, and will try to avoid slaps in the face as much as possible.

That is to say, in his opinion, in this game, PG has a very high chance of defeating KID!

After helping two of his own shooters to knock down the first tower of KID's bottom lane, Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow returned to the city to make up for it, and after making it up, he went straight to the top lane.

Just at this time, Lilith of Qin Fei beat the enemy Death back to the city, and after comfortably clearing the line of troops, immediately rushed to the enemy's Ueno area.

Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow has a faster movement speed. When it is close to the Green Devil's pit, it connects to Lilith, and moving past it is a punishment!

It's another Ueno-linked anti-wild!

In today's four games, PG didn't know how many monsters they had managed to steal from KID. KID knew they would steal them, but they were powerless to stop them.

As a team that is good at playing in the late game, in the early game, the purpose of KID is to be obscure and vulgar.

However, in the face of PG, they couldn't even hold on to it!

At 13 minutes, the two teams were directly in the middle, and a big team battle broke out, which ended with Luo Yiming's dark Cupid four kills.

Originally, he could kill five, but just as he was about to kill five, a heart of ice and snow floated over...

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, one kill!

[System] The enemy Death God has been killed!

Luo Yiming: "…"

The commentary was very face-saving and didn't say anything, but said that PG played very well in this wave of 0-for-5!

The barrage is different:

[Hahahahaha! Distressed ONE!]

[The most fun to grab five kills or something hahaha!]

[At this moment, ONE's heart is broken!]

[Goldfish: You may not believe it when you say it, it is the hand of Bingxuezhixin, it has nothing to do with me.]

It's really stupid to be robbed of five kills or something, and Luo Yiming's heart is really broken at the moment.


Compared to five kills to be robbed.

At this moment, he cares more about winning the game!

Luo Yiming: "Fight the dragon, fight the dragon, fight the dragon! Ah da da da da!"

On the big screen, Dark Cupid dashed into the dragon pit from time to time while frantically flattening, and then was knocked away by the enraged dragon, dashed again, and smashed into the air again...

Jing Yu wanted to remind him not to worry, but after seeing the remaining HP of the Demon Dragon, he couldn't help laughing - it doesn't matter.

[System] Heart of ice and snow, conquer the dragon!

[System] The dragon army is about to attack!

After these two system prompts appeared on the screen, all the viewers who supported PG were relieved, and all the viewers who supported KID looked dead.

- This is equivalent to declaring the victory of PG and the defeat of KID.

If it is another team that fights against KID, and it is another team that gets the magic dragon, then KID still has a chance to turn over.

But it is PG.

The PG team is the best at seizing the opportunity to launch a fierce attack!

Sure enough, after PG followed the Demon Dragon Army to push the two towers in the middle of KID, all the members jumped the tower and beat KID in one wave!

The picture of the whole team jumping over the tower and killing it, no matter how many times I watch it, I feel very bloody and shocking.

Ah Ban explained excitedly, both the volume and the speed of speech soared to the limit of what he could do.

Candy can only be used on the side [Yes! ], [Yes!],[so amazing! ] to go along with him.

In the end, when the game reached 21 minutes, PG successfully destroyed KID's territory.

At that time, Jing Yu had just used the Heart of Ice and Snow to connect to the enemy Sander, and before he had time to pull himself over, a picture of KID's territory being destroyed suddenly appeared on the screen, and two big golden characters "Victory" popped up.

So, Jing Yu just pressed "w" and stared blankly at the two big characters, ushering in the victory of the fourth game.

at the same time-

Also a finals victory!

"Win?" Ye Hong raised his eyebrows, "That's it?"

In the past, after winning the game, they always shouted and danced in a lively manner, but today, even Luo Yiming was sluggish for a while before he reacted: "Hey, did you win? We are the champions?!"

Han Leng hesitated, wanting to respond "yes", but even he couldn't believe it - did he really win? !

In the end, it was Jing Yu who released the "w" button and calmly announced the result: "Well, we won—the finals, we won!"

Ye Hong: "Oh oh oh oh!"

Luo Yiming: "Ahhh!"

The two who got the affirmative answer immediately jumped up from their chairs and hugged each other.

Immediately afterwards, Han Leng also jumped up and gave the two a big bear hug!

Qin Fei looked up at them, unable to restrain the joy in his heart, and laughed silently.

Suddenly, Ye Hong roared and stretched out a hand to him, the meaning could not be more obvious.

Qin Fei sneered and looked disgusted, but still held his hand.

After getting up, he stretched out his hand towards Jing Yu again.

So, along with the excited voices of the commentator and the audience, the scene in the competition room was shown on the screen - I saw five PGs hugging each other, everyone was extremely excited, and the commentator and the audience couldn't help being excited.

Emotions are indeed contagious.

At that moment, the atmosphere at the scene reached a climax. Some people laughed and cried, and they couldn't control their emotions.

It's really not easy to fight PG all the way!

But even so, they still won! Championship!

Finals champion!

But, having said that, 4-0 victory over KID - is this record a bit exaggerated

At this time, Li Yan and his teammates were having dinner outside to celebrate their team's third runner-up. In any case, compared to last season, they were one step ahead.

Progress is always good.

Suddenly, their coach looked at his phone and said, "The results of the finals are out."

"I bet on PG to win, and the goldfish won't explain it." Li Yan guessed casually and took a sip of the drink.

The coach glanced at him and suddenly smiled, with a sly smile: "You win the bet, PG wins the championship, the score: 4-0."


Just like that, Li Yan sprayed all the drink he just drank!