My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 137: Chapter 137


When Li Yan sprayed, she turned her head to make up for it, but she didn't spray Ren Cai.

But he accidentally choked, coughed for a long time before recovering, and then grabbed the mobile phone from the coach's hand: "How is it possible?!"

PG 4-3 narrowly beat KID, he still believes, what kind of cosmic joke is the 4-0 victory? !

Don't forget, in the first game of the points match, PG was beaten by KID!

Li Yan's teammates seemed to be a little drunk. Seeing Li Yan's shocked expression, they leaned over with a smile: "Hahaha, what is your expression? What are you looking at?"

Li Yan exited the current page and searched again. After confirming that PG really defeated KID 4-0, she pinched her leg fiercely!

Hiss - it hurts, it's not a dream!

"Fuck, PG is too fierce, right?" Li Yan said, throwing the phone back to the coach, "4-0, where do you put KID's face?"

The teammates next to Li Yan haven't reacted yet: "4-0? What 4-0?"

Li Yan turned to look at him, and after confirming that there was nothing in his mouth, he responded calmly: "PG 4-0 defeated KID in the finals."


When the other teams knew the score in the finals, they all gave shocking reactions, they couldn't believe it was true!

Not to mention those who didn't go to the scene, even those who witnessed the whole process at the scene didn't recover for a long time after the game.

PG won the fourth game in one go, and when the two golden characters of "Victory" appeared on the screen, the audience was silent for a few seconds.

In those few seconds, it was really silent, even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard.

A few seconds later, the commentator excitedly announced the result, and then the scene broke out with unprecedented applause and screams, and the deafening sound almost knocked off the roof of the competition venue!

The atmosphere reached its climax at the moment when a close-up of the PG Arena was given on the big screen - I saw the PG Arena, where five people hugged and screamed wildly, and everyone's faces were filled with uncontrollable excitement. !

Their excitement was transmitted to everyone on the scene through the big screen, so that when the MVP animation was shown, the sound of the special effects and the voice of the monster could not be heard at all - completely overwhelmed by the noisy sound of the scene.

The MVP of this game was finally given to Luo Yiming's Dark Cupid.

However, both the commentator and the audience feel that there is no absolute MVP in this game at all—everyone in PG is an MVP!

After all, victory belongs to the team!

The cheers of the audience did not stop for a long time. The five KID members went down the stairs and left the venue directly amid such cheers.

The host chased after them and wanted to keep them, but was pushed away domineeringly, and in the end they could only let them go.

When he turned around, he looked at the five PGs standing on the stage holding the championship trophy, and the madness of the audience, and sighed helplessly - that's fine.

At this moment, the entire scene belongs to PG.

They are the champions of the finals, the overlords of this scene!

[Quiet! Please be quiet!]The host called out several times before he lowered the volume of the scene a little, and then started his interview.

He faced the five PGs: [Excuse me, what did you rely on to win KID?]

The first to grab the microphone is always Luo Yiming.

But this time, without a single teammate to stop him, he can respond to the host's question unscrupulously: [Because we are better than KID, it's that simple!]

The arrogant response is indeed in line with his character.

Host: [Does goldfish think so too?]

Jing Yu, who was named, was stunned for a moment, and smiled when he took the microphone: [The winner must be strong, there is nothing wrong.]

The same is quite domineering words, but what he said actually made people feel a little cute.

The host looked at Qin Fei again: [What did the captain say?]

Qin Fei took the microphone, different from the laziness and indifference of the past, at this moment, he was actually smiling: [Very happy. I've always wanted this trophy. Got it today.]His tone is also much softer than usual, [However, we will not stop here, if we have the opportunity to play international competitions, we will continue to move forward!]

Immediately, the scene erupted into fierce applause, expressing support and encouragement to PG in this way.

Yes, the domestic champions are very dazzling, but on top of this, there are international champions!

PG will not stop there, they will attack towards higher goals!

When you win the championship trophy, it must be a good celebration.

After leaving the game, the five PGs and one Fang Luofan went directly to a nearby hotel and booked a private room.

Fang Luofan called Xiao Yun and asked her if she was coming. Xiao Yun said with a smile, "No, you six big men have a good time tonight! But be careful not to drink too much and come back early."

Fang Luofan: "Okay."

Qin Fei poured himself a glass of red wine, and was about to pour a glass for Jing Yu, but when he saw his hands covering the mouth of the glass, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Qin Fei raised his eyebrows: "Don't drink today?"

Jing Yu covered his cup and nodded, "No more."

Qin Fei: "Why?"

Jing Yu remembered the last time he was drunk, he coughed awkwardly, lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Qin Fei: "I'm afraid of being drunk."

He didn't expect him to give a reason so readily, Qin Fei couldn't help laughing, and broke his hand: "You won't get drunk if you drink red wine, you have to celebrate when you win the championship, take your hand away, be good."

Jing Yu originally wanted to fight, but when he heard the "good guy", for some reason, his hand loosened, and Qin Fei easily broke it apart.

Qin Fei poured half of his wine glass, then raised his full glass of red wine: "Cheers!"

Everyone present responded to him cooperatively: "Cheers!"

Jing Yu also obediently picked up his half glass of red wine and drank it!

After the dinner, it's singing K.

After the five PG sang K, it was almost early morning when they returned to the club.

Tired and sleepy, I really want to go to sleep without taking a bath... However, Jing Yu still took a hot shower to wash himself clean and fragrant. Then he stepped into Qin Fei's room wearing a bathrobe, sat on his bed, and quietly waited for him to come back from the bath.

He didn't forget that they made an appointment - "together" after the game.

Qin Fei was almost half asleep and half awake after taking a shower, and then returned to his room with a yawn. Seeing Jing Yu in his bed, he was stunned for a moment, then closed the door and said, "I'm sleepy, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Jing Yu: "..."

Jing Yu was a little lost, but it was really late now.

Just as he was about to get up, he didn't expect Qin Fei to bring him directly onto the bed when he went to bed: "Go to sleep." After saying that, he reached out and turned off the light.

In the darkness, Jing Yu blinked his eyes, felt the breath and temperature of the people around him, instantly calmed down, and then tried his best to drill into Qin Fei's arms.

Qin Fei chuckled and hugged him gently: "Good night."

Jing Yu: "Good night, Fei-ge~"

The next day, of course, the two woke up from the same bed.

Strange to say, when Qin Fei fell asleep, it was easy to react aggressively to the movements around him, but today, Jing Yu rubbed him a few times early in the morning. Instead of beating him, he hugged him even tighter. Confusedly said: "Don't make trouble..."

At this time, Jing Yu was already awake, and he felt Qin Fei's hand touch his lower abdomen, itchy and numb, causing a shudder.

What about the bathrobe

Jing Yu touched his body, but he didn't touch it for a long time, thinking that it was probably too hot to take off after falling asleep.

He didn't care, he let himself be held naked by Qin Fei, then reached out to touch the phone and checked the time - it was only 6 o'clock, and the alarm hadn't even sounded.

Thinking that there was nothing to do today, he simply turned off the alarm clock.

Just as he was about to go to Weibo to see what big news, he suddenly felt Qin Fei's hand move down.

Jing Yu took a breath.

At this moment, he was facing Qin Fei with his back against his chest.

One of Qin Fei's arms wrapped around him and landed on his lower abdomen, almost touching his...

Jing Yu's hand gradually softened, and the phone slid onto the bed.

He blinked, feeling his heartbeat, and his mind was full of bad images. The brain fills the brain fills up, and it reacts.

Hmm... can't sink alone, can it

After struggling on the bed for a while, Jing Yu turned around decisively and went to toss Qin Fei's body.

Being touched awake - what could be worse

When Qin Fei woke up, he looked at Jing Yu who was almost lying on top of him and didn't know what to say: "...So exciting early in the morning?"

Jing Yu rubbed his head on his chest like a gesture of goodwill: "Let's do it."

Qin Fei: "..."

I have been able to feel the reaction, and when I heard such a refreshing invitation, I really have no reason to refuse.

Qin Fei turned over and pushed Jing Yu under him.

For the first time, pain was inevitable, even though Qin Fei was as gentle as possible, Jing Yu was still in pain.

However, for him, the pain is the proof of being alive, instead of making him fear, it makes him even more crazy.

Qin Fei couldn't help gasping and scolding: "You fierce beast!"

Unexpectedly, he would have a day when he said that others are beasts.

Jing Yu groaned, raised his hand to hook his neck, and kissed the corner of his lips lightly.

Then, the two slept for a few more hours...

As it approached noon, Ye Hong couldn't find Jing Yu anywhere, and he understood everything in an instant.

Qin Fei slept until noon, which was a common occurrence, but Jing Yu had never stayed in bed.

If you stay in bed, it must be Qin Fei's fault.

Ye Hong: "You don't have to wait for them for lunch, just the three of us."

Luo Yiming: "Huh? Why?"

Ye Hong smiled inexplicably: "They played high last night, they must be tired, let them sleep a little longer."

"Okay." Luo Yiming responded, complaining in his heart - I didn't feel tired even after singing ten songs last night!

So, when Qin Fei and Jing Yu finally got up from the bed, everyone in the club was gone, and the door was locked.

The two took a shower, then went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Noticing that Jing Yu would change his posture every time he sat for a while, Qin Fei sighed helplessly, knowing that he was in pain: "Let you waver? Can't you take it easy for the first time?"

Jing Yu coughed, bit the bun and responded vaguely: "I don't hurt..."

Qin Fei didn't say anything, just raised a hand and gently touched Jing Yu's head: "Don't broadcast live these days, and have a good rest."

Jing Yu hesitated for a moment: "But today is the last day of this month..."

"Live broadcast is not allowed." Qin Fei interrupted him forcefully, "I'm just lying on the bed today, don't do anything."

Jing Yu: "Okay."

After Jing Yu had breakfast, he obediently went to bed and lay down.

But he couldn't sleep, so of course he picked up his phone and swiped it up.

First, I opened Weibo and glanced at it. I saw that there was overwhelming news of PG winning the championship, and there was no shadow of the "Men in Black Incident", so I finally felt relieved.

Then, he clicked on the button and found that the group called "LD professional circle", the news was already 99, mixed with countless pieces of Li Yan's declaration of war against him...

Jing Yu ignored it, found Jiao Xi's button and opened it, and organized the language.

Jing Yu: We won the finals. We beat KID 4-0 and we are the champion. Then, there is something I want to tell you...

After he sent this message first, he slowed down before sending the next one.

Jing Yu: I found that I like Fei Ge, the captain of our PG. We are together.

After typing this line, Jing Yu bit his lower lip, no matter how nervous he was, he decisively clicked "Send", and then threw the phone aside, a little afraid to read Jiao Xi's reply.

After a while, he picked up the phone and glanced - no reply.

He threw the phone aside again and closed his eyes resignedly.

He decided that even if Jiao Xi objected, he still wanted to be with Qin Fei!

He will try his best to convince Jiao Xi!

However, what he didn't know was that at this moment, Jiao Xi didn't have time to read the reply.

She received a message from an unfamiliar number early in the morning.

The content is: If you still want to continue your career, go downstairs now and someone will pick you up.

This commanding tone, at first glance, thought it was a threat.

Jiao Xi hesitated for a while, and finally decided to go downstairs to have a look.

As a result, as soon as I walked out the door, I saw a polite man in a suit.

Jiao Xi remembered him—the one who brought a group of black-clothed bodyguards to the PG club to rescue him the day before yesterday.

"Hello, Ms. Jiao Xi, my name is Tan Xiuyuan, you can call me Xiao Tan. We should have met." The man's voice was very magnetic, and it sounded very sexy and comfortable.

Jiao Xi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Well, I remember you, what's the matter?"

Tan Xiuyuan: "That's right, there is a very important thing that needs your cooperation. If this thing happens, it will be good for you and Jing Yu."

Jiao Xi hesitated for a moment: "Can I ask what's the matter?"

Tan Xiuyuan always smiled slightly and said in a calm tone: "I can only tell you that it is related to your career, and it is also related to the past and future of you and Jing Yu. More specifically, when you get in the car, I will meet Mr. Qi. , you'll know."

Jiao Xi: "Mr. Qi?"

Tan Xiuyuan: "The legal person of Feixuan Game Entertainment Co., Ltd., Qi Xuan." After a while, "I may have the opportunity to cooperate with you in the future."

In the end, Jiao Xi chose to get in the car.

After a while, she appeared on the top floor of Feixuan Game Entertainment Co., Ltd., Qi Xuan's office.

Qi Xuan: "Sit."

Jiao Xi sat down according to the words and carefully looked at the woman behind the desk - a serious suit could not hide her own beauty, she obviously did not put on too much makeup, but it gave a very strong visual impact.

The big red waves scattered behind her, showing her temperament to the fullest.

To be fair, if Tan Xiuyuan had not introduced this person to Jiao Xi beforehand, Jiao Xi would have thought she was a senior in the circle.

When Jiao Xi was looking at Qi Xuan, Qi Xuan was also looking at Jiao Xi - Huo, her appearance was really high, her temperament was pure and harmless, and she was a little cute. It was the type that most men liked. .

It's a pity that those dramas were really...

Qi Xuan put down the document in her hand: "To be honest, you are not a good actor."

Jiao Xi was stunned for a moment, then blinked his eyes suspiciously.

Qi Xuan's second sentence: "But you are a good mother."

Jiao Xi: "…"

For Jiao Xi, these words were more ironic than compliments.

Jiao Xi was silent for a while, then sighed helplessly: "No, I'm not. Thinking about it, I haven't been with Xiaoyu much... He has always been alone. I can't even do the most basic companionship, so how can it be considered as such? A good mother?"

Not to mention, at first, she wanted to kill Jing Yu.

"It doesn't matter." Qi Xuan said lightly, winking at Tan Xiuyuan, who immediately turned on the projection and showed Jiao Xi some photos.

Then, under Jiao Xi's puzzled gaze, Qi Xuan went straight to the subject: "There are two things that asked you to come here, one, you were followed and photographed on the way to the PG club, and the photos were posted everywhere, and now there are my people here. I helped to control it, so things didn't become a big deal, but the relationship between you and Jing Yu can't be concealed anymore. I think about what to do. Second, who sent the man in black, the police haven't responded yet, but according to my investigation, the police have not responded. The Qian Group can't get rid of it. They almost hurt my son, so I have to get revenge? For example, let them go bankrupt or something... But this thing needs your cooperation, so I want to ask if you are willing?"

"..." Jiao Xi was dumbfounded.

It was obvious that he heard the news that was not good for him, and the other party's tone was very self-conscious, full of condescending feelings, but Jiao Xi didn't hate it at all, and even felt a little carefree.

There is always a feeling that as long as you cooperate with this woman, everything can be solved.

Jiao Xi couldn't help but smile: "I am willing to cooperate with you, everything is up to you."

"Huh, it's refreshing." Qi Xuan also smiled, "Okay, sign these documents. Then I pushed the work over the past few days, follow me, and you can do whatever I ask you to do."

This time, Jiao Xi didn't respond immediately, but tilted his head and asked suspiciously, "Can I ask, why do you want to help me?"

She looked innocent, but not that stupid. She knew that Qi Xuan intended to help her and Jing Yu.

But why

This is not how a stranger treats another stranger.

Qi Xuan thought for a while, and spoke with some playfulness, but did not answer her question: "My family is quite big, I live alone, will you come and accompany me?"

Jiao Xi: "Huh?!"

If Jiao Xi stayed at her house, Jing Yu would definitely come. Jing Yu is here, does Qin Fei dare not to come

Thinking like this, Qi Xuan smiled and said, "But this is another story. Let's settle the things that need to be solved first. As for this matter - you can think about it slowly."

Jiao Xi: "…"

Jiao Xi didn't know how he got back to the office, nor what he had for lunch.

She took a week off in a trance, turned off all the work for the next week, returned to the lounge, and searched for the person "Qi Xuan".

The proper Bai Fumei is still a rich second generation. His parents live abroad and he is a famous brand designer.

Well, none of that matters.

The point is... Does this person like men or women

If you have a son, you should have been with a man, and then the people who repost and like her on Weibo are basically Xiao Xianrou.

Doesn't feel the same

Jiao Xi sighed and picked up the phone to see if he missed any news.

Then I saw Jing Yu's message.

He said that he was with Qin Fei.

Seeing this message, Jiao Xi's first reaction—ah! I see! No wonder Qi Xuan wanted to help me, it turned out to be my in-laws!

The second reaction is - huh? !

The fact that his son was the same did surprise Jiao Xi for a moment, and thought it was incredible.

But she accepted it quickly, even with a sense of relief.

To be honest, she didn't want Jing Yu to get married and have children. She hoped that he would do what he wanted to do in his life, not be tied down by anything, be free and happy.

But Jing Yu's life can only be decided by Jing Yu himself.

Therefore, she never urged him to find a girlfriend, nor did she deliberately stop him, but just reminded him not to be deceived by women.

But now, he has found his own happiness, and Jiao Xi is sincerely happy for him.

She replied to him: very good, you have to be happy duck~

Xiao Yun and Qi Xuan were following up on the men in black at the same time.

The PG five didn't ask any questions at all, and were busy with other things.

Ye Hong: "It's a new month, and the live broadcast is starting?"

The contract of the five and JJ's live broadcast has come into effect, and starting today, they will each have to broadcast at least an hour a day.

After Jing Yu rested for a day, the pain was less so, and he sat on the gaming chair eager to try.

It was the first time for him to broadcast live with his teammates, and it was quite novel.


Luo Yiming: "I made an appointment with someone to go out to play today, and I'll come back tonight!"

Han Leng: "I'm going back to my hometown today, and I'll be back in a few days to make up for it."

"Okay, then..." Ye Hong looked at Qin Fei and Jing Yu on his right, "How about you?"

Jing Yu: "Broadcast!"

Qin Fei: "Play it."

As a result, five blacks became three blacks, and the remaining two teammates could only be matched randomly.

After the three started broadcasting, Ye Hong pulled Qin Fei and Jing Yu into his room and clicked to match.

When matching, Ye Hong couldn't help but say: "If the C position is not there, it is like the mobile phone can't receive the signal. I panic."

Jing Yu calmed down: "It's okay, it's not me! The jungler leads the fly~"

As soon as the voice fell, the teammates were successfully matched and entered the ban&pick session.

Then, Jing Yu looked at the ID of one of his teammates and was slightly taken aback: "Li Yan?"

The two teammates they randomly matched, one ID is "Ferocious King Kong Lolita", which looks like an ordinary passerby, and the other is "Bal.C-Yan". Isn't this Li Yan's professional account

[Friendly] Brave King Kong Lolita: Damn it! Goldfish and Li Yan? myself? !

[Friendly] Bal.C-Yan: Yo.

[Friends] It's a goldfish, not a salted fish: Well, me.

[Friendly] PG-LeafZ: Me too!

[Friends] Brave King Kong Lolita: I'm your fan! This game is up to you to fly!

[Friendly] It's a goldfish, not a salted fish: OK, I'll be playing wild and flying!

[Friendly] Bal.C-Yan: No, I'm a jungler!

As the news rolled around, the two sides each banned two versions of the stronger version, and then it was their turn to choose the demon, Jing Yu and Li Yan seconds to lock the heart of ice and snow and the sword of burial!

[Friends] It's a goldfish, not a salted fish: I'm a jungler!

[Friendly] Bal.C-Yan: I'm a jungler!

The two of them all brought punishment and chose to play wild.

[Friends] It's a goldfish, not a salted fish: I'm a jungler!

[Friendly] Bal.C-Yan: I'm a jungler!

Next, the message box basically contained the words "I'm a jungler".

[Friendly] Brave King Kong Lolita:…

Ye Hong looked at the countdown with only 5 seconds left, and said, "I think it is also possible to consider the double-playing field with flying."

As soon as the voice fell, the countdown ended, and the two sides entered the battlefield.

The lineup on their side is: Heart of Frozen and Buried Sword as double junglers, with no support.

If the three PGs opened the barrage at this time, they would know that their water friends were already laughing crazy:

[hhhhh I'm dying of laughter!]

[Goldfish and Li Yan are too cute!]

[The game can be lost, but the jungler position cannot be given up!]

[Hahaha, I really look forward to how they will play in this game!]