My Teammates Are All Crazy

Chapter 138: Chapter 138


Game start.

As soon as Li Yan's Burial Sword entered the battlefield, it rushed directly into the enemy's wild area.

Jing Yu's Heart of Ice and Snow is in his own jungle, and Li Yan's Burial Sword is in the enemy's jungle, so they don't interfere with each other.

Then, in the 2nd minute, Li Yan's Burial Sword went directly to the enemy jungler.

Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow also gank the middle lane without saying a word, and took the enemy's mid laner's head in minutes.

[System] Burial the sword, one kill!

[System] The enemy Satan has been killed!

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, one kill!

[System] The enemy black flood dragon has been killed!

In the 5th minute, Burial Sword and Frozen Heart both rose to level 6.

Li Yan's Burial Sword rushed out directly from the enemy's jungle, and crossed the tower to kill the enemy's top laner. Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow controlled the enemy's bot lane combination and won a double kill with the cooperation of our passerby shooters!

[System] Burial the sword, one kill!

[System] The enemy Death God has been killed!

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, one kill!

[System] The enemy troops have been killed!

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, double kill!

[System] The enemy mermaid has been killed!

Jing Yu got the lead!

However, soon, Li Yan's Burial Sword rushed to the middle lane, crossed the tower again, and killed the enemy's mid laner.

[System] Burial the sword, one kill!

[System] The enemy black flood dragon has been killed!

The two top junglers in the national service brought the rhythm of the whole team up, and everyone flew everywhere they went!

Not only that, but the wild areas of both sides were all contracted by the two of them, and it was only in the 6th minute of the game that their economy was already ahead of the other side.

The enemy jungler has no wild to brush at all, and the economy is actually lower than the opponent's support.

Finally, in the 14th minute, the enemy group was destroyed and surrendered directly.

An animation of the destruction of the enemy's territory began to play on the screen, followed by two large golden characters "Victory" popping up.

In the end, the MVP of this game was given to Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow, but Jing Yu's "win" was not complete - because he didn't get as many heads as Li Yan, just because he had more assists and a higher participation rate, so The record was 0.1 higher than Li Yan's Burial Sword.

"Come again!" Jing Yu said.

Ye Hong on the side couldn't help laughing and crying: "You two are enough. Fortunately, the match is a passer-by, and the doubles wild match with a professional player will be beaten to death!"

Qin Fei didn't care: "Come on, it's not a game, just be happy."

So, after the three returned to the team page, Jing Yu decisively invited Li Yan, and Li Yan accepted the invitation without hesitation.

As soon as I came in, I couldn't help but shout:

[Friendly]Bal.C-Yan: Goldfish! Come solo!

[Friendly] PG-LeafZ: ... If you want to solo, you come in as a ghost

Jing Yu didn't respond. He took the time to open the barrage and glanced at it, and found that the screen was full of gifts from water friends. He was startled, and then concentrated on thanking him.

Discovering that he was watching the barrage, the water friends sent gifts more diligently, and seized the opportunity to send a few more barrages:

[You two are so cute!]

[Is it okay to fly with the doubles wild?]

[It turns out that as long as the strength is strong enough, any devil lineup can be controlled!]

After another round of thanks, Jing Yu closed the barrage when Ye Hong clicked "Start".

This time, the teammate they matched has the ID "ANE-Fly".

- Isn't this ANE's jungler

When Fly found out that Li Yan and Goldfish existed in the team at the same time, his heart collapsed.

He sent a string of ellipses in dismay.


[Friendly] Bal.C-Yan: Yo.

[Friends] It's a goldfish, not a salted fish: What a coincidence.

[Friendly] Bal.C-Yan: Don't rush to the jungle with me.

[Friends] It's a goldfish, not a salted fish: My lines.

[Friendly] Bal.C-Yan: I'm a jungler!

[Friends] It's a goldfish, not a salted fish: I'm a jungler!

[Friendly] Bal.C-Yan: I'm a jungler!

[Friends] It's a goldfish, not a salted fish: I'm a jungler!

In this way, the chat box was swiped by the two people again.

Ye Hong laughed so hard that he could barely hold the mouse: "You two think about Xiaofei's mood?"

For the first ban position, the system chose to let Li Yan come to ban, and Li Yan banned Frozen Heart without hesitation!

[Friends] It's a goldfish, not a salted fish: Your sister!

For the second ban position, the system chose Jing Yu to ban, and Jing Yu banned Burial Sword without hesitation!

[Friendly] Bal.C-Yan: Slot!


Then, when it was their turn to pick, Li Yan locked the Moon Shadow Spider in seconds, and Jing Yu locked Glimpse in seconds!

Obviously, it's another game of doubles.

Xiao Fei locked Ma Yu silently and walked down.

Ye Hong opened the barrage and glanced at it, and almost fainted on the keyboard with laughter:

[Xiao Fei: I'm wronged, but I won't say it.]

[My real name feels sorry for Xiaofei, but why do I want to laugh so much!]

[Hahaha Xiaofei is too miserable, right?]

Then, one second before entering the battlefield, Xiao Fei replaced the "healing" with "punishment".

[! ! !]

For a while, the barrage went crazy, and everyone who saw this scene swiped the screen with an exclamation mark!

Ye Hong couldn't help but snorted: "Xiao Fei is very strong!"

Is the trio okay

Jing Yu was silent: "Can you kill teammates?"

After the game started, Li Yan really rushed straight into the enemy's jungle and killed the enemy's jungler.

After Jing Yu got the buff of Huilan, the gank failed in the mid lane, turned around and went to the top lane, and cooperated with Qin Fei to kill the enemy's top laner, and then the two went to steal the green devil in the enemy's upper jungle area.

After Xiao Fei pushed back the enemy shooter, he came to his own lower jungle area and brushed up the jungle in the lower jungle area.

Ye Hong has laughed so much that he has no intention of competing: "The monster said that we can't afford so many junglers!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Jing Yu's glance wide open, "Whoo-" appeared in front of Xiaofei, and used punishment to rob the purple devil in the lower field!

Is it alright to rob your teammates' wild Kai

Xiaofei didn't care, and went back to the bottom lane to continue clearing the troops.

At this time, Li Yan rushed to his home's lower wild area with a long "tail".

His Moon Shadow Spider remnant blood, behind the enemy jungler, mage, marksman and support.

He rushed straight to Jing Yu's side, and then a flash circled behind him!

"What the hell?!" Jing Yu's Glimpse, the ultimate move is cooling down, can only rely on displacement to escape, in order to protect Li Yan's Moon Shadow Spider, he chose a not very good direction.

However, the enemy black flood dragon also moved. After catching up with him, he immediately threw a waterspout, pushed him up and drove him straight away!

The three buffs on Glancing Ying fell on Hei Jiao like this.

However, at the moment of Glancing's death, Li Yan's Moon Shadow Spider turned around and switched forms, caught up with Hei Jiao, and killed him with a combo!

The buff on Hei Jiao fell to Li Yan again, plus Li Yan's own buff, he had four buffs!

At this moment, Xiaofei rushed in the direction of the enemy shooter. Li Yan's Moon Shadow Spider hurriedly followed, trying to collect the residual blood of the shooter. Unexpectedly, Xiaofei suddenly stopped attacking, causing a fault in our output. Li Yan's Moon Shadow Spider was counter-killed by the enemy shooter.

Xiaofei flashed past, made up the last blow, and the enemy shooter was killed!

—Ok, the last owner of the four buffs is Xiaofei.


[Friends] It's a goldfish, not a salted fish:…

[Friendly] ANE-Fly: Huh? what happened

[Friendly] Bal.C-Yan: Don't leave after school on your horse!

Ye Hong laughed and accidentally rushed into the enemy defense tower and was killed by the tower.

[System] Tragedy, our Scarlet Wrath was killed by the enemy defense tower!

[System] Our Scarlet Wrath has been killed!

The barrage at this time:

[Hahahahaha this is killing me!]

[on purpose! Xiaofei definitely did it on purpose!]

[Li Yan also did it on purpose!]

[I just realized that the jungler can bring rhythm to pit teammates!]

The situation just now can be summed up like this - Li Yan brought the enemy demon into his wild area to kill Jing Yu, and then Xiaofei led the rhythm to lure Li Yan to collect the head of the enemy shooter, and the output was less at the critical moment. Li Yan died.

And all of this is to grab wild monster buffs.

What a shitty game this is!

Ye Hong: "Hahahahaha! This story tells us that we must not provoke the jungler of the same team, otherwise we don't know how to die!"

Having said that, they still won the game in the end - at 15 minutes, they defeated the opponent and got the magic dragon.

The moment when the three punishments went down to clear the dragon's blood bar was so refreshing!

The MVP of this game is Xiao Fei.

Then the button group named "LD Professional Circle" became lively in an instant:

Bal.C-Li Yan: @ANE-Xiaofeilai solo!

ANE-Xiaofei: …

Bal.C-Li Yan: You have the ability to grab the gain, and you have the ability to duel!

Bal.C-Bone: Huh? what happened

Skr.1-Ashi: Grab the buff? Are you teamed up

ANE-Xiaofei: Emmm... Bone, it's actually like this, I saw your Ayan shamelessly killed the little goldfish of PG's family for the gain of wild monsters, so I cheated him and reported it to the little goldfish hatred.

Skr.1-Ashi: Why are you talking about goldfish again, you three

Skr.1-Ashi: This can't be killed by a jungler...

Skr.1-Ashi: So who will be the jungler in the end

Bal.C-Li Yan: I'm a jungler!

PG-Goldfish: I play wild!

ANE-Xiaofei: I am a shooter.

ANE-Xiaofei: But I brought punishment.


Skr.1-Ashi: Three junglers... Didn't get scolded by teammates

PG-Ze: 2333 I was the teammate who wanted to scold, but ended up laughing to death on the keyboard.

PG-Qin Fei: I placed an order. Suddenly remembered that I can also play wild, come again

PG-leaf: What do you want

PG-Qin Fei: Satan steps up, with punishment.


PG-leaf: Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant.

PG-leaf: I slipped.

Ye Hong decided to stick to solo queue. In the last game, he was really laughing and playing unintentionally, and his final record was terrible, which made the water friends smashed.

He decided to go solo to save his image.

Xiaofei finally accepted Li Yan's gauntlet and played solo with him, but of course Li Yan won.

Then Li Yan, who was not addicted to the game, found the goldfish again. The two played solo three times in a row, winning and losing.

At 6 p.m., Jing Yu started another two-hour live broadcast.

As expected, he was still quite used to this live broadcast, and decided to live broadcast from this point in the future.

So Xiao Yun has another job - helping them edit videos, publish them on various platforms, and select some particularly interesting ones to submit to LD officials.

At the same time, she is also following up on the matter of the man in black.

The result has actually come out. The police followed the clues and found the Qian Group along the men in black. However, some problems were encountered during the investigation, and it was difficult to continue the investigation.

However, a few days later.

The police, who had told her the day before, "This matter is not easy to deal with, we are trying to find a way", changed the word the next day: "This time Qian Jin's house is a problem, don't worry, we will definitely It will give you a satisfactory result."

The real result of this matter came a week later.

Qian Jinjia was arrested by the police for "intentional homicide", which shocked Xiao Yun.

She finally regained her senses and issued a statement on the official WeChat account.

The general content is - the "Men in Black Incident" is a farce created by a parent to get his son to quit the e-sports circle.

There is no mention of who the parents and sons are, nor anything unrelated to the "Men in Black Incident".

In short, it is an explanation for the netizens who are still entangled in the matter, and it is a complete end to the matter.

Jing Yu also heard about Qian Jinjia's arrest, but his heart did not fluctuate.

For him, Qian Jinjia was a stranger, let alone being arrested, it was none of his business if he died.

He only needs to know one thing, and that is - from now on, this person will never come to trouble him again.

A few days later, Jing Yu's mother, Jiao Xi, revealed her relationship with him, and even revealed her own life experience, and announced that she was ready to quit the circle.

I thought there would be a lot of people scolding her, after all, she hid it for so many years.

However, I don't know if it's because of her miserable background or because of her good looks. Under her Weibo, there are actually more voices trying to keep her.

Jing Yu was already prepared - Jiao Xi retired from the circle to support him.

With his current monthly income, he can completely make Jiao Xi worry about food and clothing.

As a result, a few days later, Jiao Xi posted another Weibo post with nine photos. The surrounding eight were pictures of her with a very beautiful woman, and in the middle was the logo of a variety show.

The accompanying text is: President Qi complains that my acting skills are not good, and I can't do it if I don't act! This variety show looks so fun, I'm going to participate~

Jing Yu: ? ?

Qin Fei: ? ?

Jing Yu: "Who is Qi always?"

Qin Fei: "My mother."

Jing Yu: "Huh?"

Only then did the two find out that their mothers had moved in together as early as a week ago, and their relationship was as good as sisters.

Qi Xuan sent a message to Qin Fei: Hahahahaha I'm going to die laughing! I went to a horror movie with one of my sisters today and she screamed and scared everyone around. You don't know the way they look at her, it's a horror hahaha!

Jiao Xi sent a message to Jing Yu: I will never go to the cinema to watch horror movies in my life! Especially with a friend who will scare you from time to time! Wow, that's scary, okay? I don't know if people are scary and scary to death, right

Qin Fei: ... Your sister's name is Jiao Xi.

Jing Yu: ... your friend is called Qi Xuan.