My Vampire Faints at Blood

Chapter 10: Remember to debride the wound before suturing


Saving lives is like fighting fires, which is the basic principle that every emergency doctor will keep in mind.

As a very responsible emergency doctor, when Wei Long asked how fast he wanted to reach the hospital, Shang Haojia undoubtedly chose the hell mode option of "the sooner the better".

Of course—this option is actually the hell mode, and Shang Haojia finally realized it deeply when his legs were left limp at the hospital door.

"Are you okay? I felt that you were really in a hurry, so I tried to increase the speed as much as possible. I hope it didn't cause you too much discomfort."

Wei Long supported him to stand firm, asked with concern, and then arranged his clothes considerately: "I'm just worried if it makes you feel uncomfortable again—after all, relatively speaking, the human body always needs It's a bit fragile, and you'll get hurt if you're not careful... "

Trying to switch my emotions back from airplane mode. Shang Haojia took a deep breath and shook his head with lingering fear: "It's okay, but I'm a little dizzy with vampires... I'll go in first. Thank you for your help today. I'll treat you to dinner later."

Hearing his words, Wei Long tilted her head noncommittally, with a look of interest in her eyes: "Thank you for your invitation—I really feel very honored..."

Shang Haojia's mind was already focused on the first aid measures to be taken next, and he didn't pay attention to what he said casually. He waved to him and ran into the hospital quickly.

Looking at the back of the man rushing into the hospital, Wei Long rubbed her chin, some very pale blood flashed in her eyes again, and the corners of her lips raised a meaningful arc.

The night was thick, the vampire turned around and looked at the dim crescent moon, his pupils once again turned into midnight black. Leaping up lightly, he disappeared into the dark night.

The headlights of the ambulance flickered at the entrance of the hospital. After rushing into the outpatient building, Shang Haojia's heart sank at the sight in front of her eyes—the injured and their family members almost filled the corridor outside the emergency department, and even the outpatient hall had several beds, and the nurses kept debridement Bandaged, but there are still wounded being brought over one after another.

"Old Shang, why are you so fast—are you going to sleep in the morgue again!"

Shouts of surprise came from the door of the emergency room. Looking at the already blocked corridor, Shang Haojia simply jumped over the chair in the waiting area, took the white clothes thrown by his colleagues and put them on: "I'll talk to you later. How is the situation? Is this all sent to our hospital?"

"Our courtyard is the closest, and now we are diverting to other courtyards."

The colleague followed him quickly into the emergency room and shook his sore arm: "It's not fatal, and the disease control has already sent the rabies vaccine. The problem now is to debride and suture the wound as soon as possible—there is a nurse for debridement Do it, the sewing hands are too tight, otherwise I wouldn't have called you over in the middle of the night... "

"I see—give me a small operating room, no assistants."

Shang Haojia answered briefly, washed his hands and disinfected them neatly, put on a mask and sterile gloves, and walked quickly into the small operating room of the emergency department.

Lying on the operating bed was a young man in his twenties, with colorfully dyed hair and a tattoo of a wolf's head on his shoulder, which was obviously not a good thing. There were three shocking bloodstains on his chest, and the wound was extremely deep. Fortunately, the ECG and blood pressure were still stable, and he turned his head to look over when he heard the movement at the door, and he was clearly conscious.

"The wounds are all taken care of. I'll give you anesthesia now—don't be afraid, it doesn't matter if you have a few scars on your body. When you go out to fight with others later, take off your clothes, and other low-level gangsters won't dare to move." you."

Shang Haojia carefully inspected the wound that had been cleaned and disinfected, and the wound was covered with sterile diapers. After soothing the young man's emotions with a warm voice, he took out two lidocaine from the debridement bag, and wiped the surrounding area of the wound again with a sterile cotton ball.

The young man's complexion was pale, and his expression was a little sluggish. Hearing his words, he lifted his spirits, took a breath and smiled: "Let's forget it, if it's a knife wound, I can go out and show off - what is this, I told people it was scratched by a dog..."

"Why do dogs have such big paws? Can't you say that you fell into the tiger garden and fought desperately with the tiger?"

Putting on new sterile gloves, Shang Haojia talked and smiled with him in a relaxed tone, tried to distract him as much as possible, and quickly completed the anesthesia. He threaded the needle neatly again, ready to start stitching up the wound.

The young man sneered, but he didn't dare to move. He just shook his head helplessly: "Nonsense, everyone knows that we are going to the concert. It's really a bit too small. I haven't figured it out until now. What is it? something gave me this..."

"It stands to reason that its size should be very large, didn't you see clearly?"

The wound was not too long, but it was extremely deep. Fortunately, no ribs or internal organs were touched. Shang Haojia quickly sewed up the wound layer by layer. Hearing what the young man said, he couldn't help asking a question.

"Who can see clearly, the ground is pitch black, and they are all shaking violently with the music on the stage. When I reacted, my eyes went dark, and I didn't know anything except the pain."

The young man sighed heavily. Seeing him stop, he quickly patted the edge of the bed: "Doctor, doctor—don't just chat with me, why don't you sew up?"

"After sewing, go out by yourself. Remember not to get wet on the wound and don't move too much. Ask the nurse for the rest and call the next one."

Shang Haojia had neatly packed up the things on the examination table, and responded without raising his head when he heard the sound. Only then did the young man come to his senses, he hurriedly stood up on the edge of the bed, looked at the neat stitches on his chest, couldn't help but shook his head and sighed in admiration: "I didn't say—doctor, your stitches are really neat, it's as neat as a stapler. It's like..."

"It's the first time I've heard such a compliment."

Smiling lightly and shaking his head, Shang Haojia took off the contaminated sterile gloves, but the young man suddenly stopped putting on his clothes, and there was some unbelievable look in his eyes: "Doctor, I didn't tease you—but you See if my wound has healed?"

"Aren't you kidding me?"

Shang Haojia couldn't help raising his eyebrows to question, and was about to turn around, but the young man's voice suddenly became extremely painful: "Doctor—Doctor, I seem to be out of breath, it hurts so much, help me—"

Thinking of the legends about werewolves he had heard, Shang Haojia couldn't help but sink in his heart, and the last trace of luck had to dissipate. Immediately turned around to temporarily control the young man behind him, but the cry of pain in his ears had turned into a piercing wolf howl.

"Which song is this..."

Shang Haojia sighed heavily, quickly dodged the young man's wildly waving sharp claws, and locked the door of the operating room neatly. The young man's eyes were already filled with blood, and his expression became chaotic and hideous, obviously he had completely lost his sanity.

After these few days of training, Dr. Shang has obviously developed a strong ability to withstand all kinds of unimaginable situations. Calmly picked up a roll of gauze and stuffed it into the young man's mouth, covered his shoulders with one hand, bent his feet to his knees, pulled out his belt and tied his knees skillfully, and put him firmly on the ground .

There is no sound of chaos and commotion outside the door. It seems that such a wolf transformation is not a common occurrence. In order not to cause unnecessary panic, he obviously couldn't just drag people out of the door.

Shang Haojia swept around the room, wrapped his thumbs behind his back with medical tape, and sat sideways on the examination table beside him. He took out the business card full of crisp noodle style from his trouser pocket, and dialed the phone.

The voice in the microphone rang once, and the elegant voice familiar to vampires came: "My dear—"

"No time dear, my patients here have become half-human, half-wolf stretching their necks and screaming, what's going on?"

Feeling really worried about the situation outside, Shang Haojia jumped off the diagnosis table after confirming that the young man who had turned into a wolf in his room had been brought under control. He held up the phone in one hand, and left the consulting room with his trousers in the other.

"The wolf transformation has already occurred—this was my mistake. I was tracking the werewolf leader here, but I didn't expect that this time it might be an indiscriminate attack by a low-level Ming wolf."

Wei Long's voice sank instantly, and the original almost oily and frivolous elegance instantly dissipated, but instead seemed to reveal a faint sense of brutality and decisiveness.

It was the first time I heard the other party speak in such a tone, Shang Haojia slightly raised his eyebrows, and looked around the consulting room: "I won't ask for the explanation of the term now—just tell me, will the patients here be okay? They will all become werewolves, and what to do after the change is enough."

"No, in a one-time attack of a low-level Ming wolf, only one victim will turn into a wolf. I will take Jia Lun there, this situation can only be handled by them—my friend, are you injured? ? I have confidence in your skills, but you are in poor health after all... "

The opposite party replied firmly, the original murderous intent dissipated almost instantly, and his tone turned into deep concern and worry.

Hearing that only one person will change, Shang Haojia heaved a sigh of relief, walked into the office with his trousers in his hands: "It's fine—then call me when you come, I'll put on my trousers first, so we won't talk anymore .”

After the initial panic, the office finally regained order. The colleague in charge of the duty was busy enthroning the patients who poured in today, when he heard him enter the door, he greeted him casually: "Is it over so quickly? You—"

As soon as he raised his head, the colleague's voice stopped abruptly. He looked him up and down, and suddenly looked at him with a look of horror and pain: "Old Shang, I remember that your patient is a young man—as for you? Such an animal?"