My Vampire Faints at Blood

Chapter 18: Joint dislocation should be quickly reset


"Your existence is already unscientific enough, how can you still live so unscientific..."

Dr. Shang opened his eyes wide in surprise, looking at the depressed Pokéball in front of him, and finally couldn't help but shook his head sadly: "Mu Xi, I've heard you sing before, a person who can be paid by KTV to invite you out, Who gave you the courage to sing to a werewolf?"

"I can't help it, we also have to take the license test - with my background and blood, I don't have to do these front-line grassroots jobs. Because of this problem, I have been demoted three times in a row. If I can't take the third level of vocal music, You can only go to the issuing office to stamp it."

An Muxi shook her head in frustration, then sighed dejectedly: "I was still holding on to the last hope, thinking that werewolves and humans might have different aesthetics, maybe humans find it unpleasant, but it is still useful to werewolves …”

"In the end, after you sang a few lines, that werewolf couldn't help but screamed and ran out madly while beating his chest?"

After listening to his words, Shang Haojia had roughly figured out the context, looked at him helplessly with folded arms, and sighed dumbfoundedly.

Subconsciously nodded, the light elf, who was deeply shocked, stood up in surprise, and looked at the human junior who was suspected of having the blood of the prophet in front of him: "That's it-how do you know so clearly?"

"Because this is also the most authentic reaction every time we hear you sing."

Pulling up the elf ball on the ground, Shang Haojia shook his head helplessly, and patted the other party's shoulder sympathetically: "Please believe me, if bloodline conditions allow, each of them must have turned into madness..."

An Muxi looked at him with tears in his eyes, and was silent for three seconds, then suddenly grabbed his shoulders and shook him vigorously back and forth.

"Doctor Shang—I know you are a good doctor! Is your singing out of tune still cured? If this continues, I will definitely shame my family!"

"Stop, stop, there should be no cure for being out of tune. But if you can calm down and don't shake me to death here, I can help you think of other ways..."

Shang Haojia was dizzy from his shaking, so he took the time to answer. But before he could get away, the hand that was pressing on his shoulder suddenly let go, and a muffled sound came from beside his ear.

Looking intently, the majestic face of his old father had changed in front of him. The elf apostle, who was driven mad by the singing, was about to cry and fell to the ground without tears. One hand was pressed under his body awkwardly, and the other hand was still beating the floor beside him in grief and powerlessness.

"This level can haunt you, have you forgotten all the fighting skills I taught you?"

After admonishing his disappointing son, Shangfu straightened his clothes, then looked at the strange visitor who was still lying on the ground: "Who are you, why do you bully my son?"

"Dad, Dad—this is my senior. He is a little agitated because he suffers from some incurable diseases."

I have been beaten for more than 20 years since I was a child, and I was often chased and beaten by others. My old father's words of helping me vent my anger have never changed. Shang Haojia was so moved that tears filled his eyes, but he stepped forward to explain in time, and pulled up the elf who was still a little stunned: "Besides, according to our professional code, it is still not easy to fight back at this level. of… "

Shang Haojia's fighting was taught by Shang's father. As soon as he saw the pain on An Muxi's face holding his right arm, he touched his elbow twice without asking, then supinated his right forearm, clasped his wrist and swung it outward, shaking his elbow. Sending off, he waved behind him without looking back: "Lend me the tie, and return it to you later."

Unexpectedly, his tracks could be found so easily, and the vampire who quietly came over to watch the excitement raised his eyebrows in surprise. However, he took off his tie neatly, and handed it to the human doctor who had entered the professional state with a smile.

"My doctor, it's an honor to be your assistant. Is there anything else I can do?"

"Need-unbutton the shirt properly, otherwise it won't look good without a tie."

Dr. Shang nodded, gave the second doctor's order, and wrapped the tie around An Muxi's arm a few times, tied it around his neck, and asked him to hang his hands on his chest: "Generally, human beings are It needs to be fixed for two to three weeks, you can convert it according to your own situation, remember to come back for a follow-up consultation."

"Okay, I remember..."

Before he could react, he had already gone through a series of links of being knocked down, dislocated arms, and joint resets. The legs of the elf, who had always been responsible for long-distance transmission of prayer-like spell attacks, were still a little trembling. Looking at the human policeman with strong physical attack output in front of him, he couldn't help swallowing, and took two steps back cautiously.

"Uncle—my name is An Muxi, and I'm an investigator from the Bureau of Special Ability and Race Investigation. This time I'm here to cooperate with our police station in dealing with this emergency..."

Looking suspiciously at the seemingly fragile young man in front of him, Father Shang nodded noncommittally, and suddenly looked at his son beside him: "You know the people they special agent, and there are a group of vampire and werewolf friends—won't you also be awakened? super powers?"

"No, no—Don't worry, dad, I've lived a scientific life in terms of various meanings and indicators up to now."

As a standardized human being, Dr. Shang felt more and more proud and grateful for this identity, and quickly waved his hand to make a serious promise.

After getting his answer, Father Shang nodded in satisfaction, and patted his son's shoulders with relief: "It's not bad, it's not bad that when you were eleven years old, we sent you a letter from a magic school. burnt..."


Shang Haojia blinked his eyes in astonishment, and suddenly felt as if he had missed some extraordinary information. Subconsciously chased after two steps, and was slapped on the top of the head by my old father: "I'm bluffing, I really believe it - if you can be a magician, just appear on a few TV shows, your mother and I will succeed sooner or later." Retired and traveled around the world?"

"Uncle, you still seem to have some misunderstandings about magic. In fact, according to the superhuman and special race convention, their magicians have to pay a high tax of 97.3% for their income from performing magic on TV. of."

The conscientious elf apostle trotted all the way. Although he was breathing heavily in pain, he barely kept up with Shangfu's vigorous pace, and explained to him the unremitting efforts made by the special agency to safeguard human rights and interests: "In addition In addition, we have also imposed a lot of restrictions on magicians engaging in other occupations, and we must do our best to ensure the jobs of ordinary humans... "

Seeing the two walking far away, Dr. Shang, who was almost convinced, wiped off his cold sweat, shook his head and breathed a sigh of relief, when suddenly the gentle and elegant voice of a vampire came from behind him.

"My dear friend, please don't be discouraged by this kind of thing-in fact, the difficulties faced by magicians in daily life are much more serious than those of us non-human races."

"To be honest, after having deep contact with you, I feel that my love for human beings is getting deeper and deeper."

Shang Haojia shook his head and chuckled, turned around and looked at the vampire who had unbuttoned two buttons of his shirt for the first time, and nodded with satisfaction: "But why are magicians stricter than you, because they have to pay taxes?"

"This is only one aspect - in addition, they have to go through a series of internships such as trainee magicians, standardized training magicians, and on-duty magicians, and finally pass the unified examination to obtain the qualification certificate."

Wei Long replied with a smile, let him go to the side of the corridor, and slowly accompanied him back to the lounge: "After successfully obtaining the qualifications of magicians, they have to pass tedious written tests, interviews and practical skill tests every year. If you want to continue to be promoted to a higher level, you must engage in magic research, write a paper of sufficient quality, or invent a new kind of magic... "

"I don't know why, but it always sounds familiar."

Raising his hand and rubbing his chin, Dr. Shang nodded with deep emotion. Before he could express his deep sympathy for the magician friends, he saw the conspicuous tall figure of the werewolf friends at the door.

"Karen, are you being hunted down by another werewolf?"

Slightly startled by the other party's embarrassing appearance, although there is no lack of mutual disgust on weekdays, Wei Long still stepped forward and supported him with concern: "I thought you just made a record to explain some situations …”

"I was going to make a record. They said that I probably have a common language with that bastard werewolf, so they asked me to help interrogate that guy."

He Jialun's clothes were ripped into a mess, there were still two bloodstains on his face, and his hair was in a mess, but he looked extremely proud: "How dare a low-level werewolf laugh at me for wagging my tail—I Without saying a word, I beat him up and tied his tail around his neck!"