My Vampire Faints at Blood

Chapter 28: Three meals a day should be regular


The cloak cut off the coolness after the rain, and slept soundly all the way. When Shang Haojia opened his eyes again, he was already lying on the big bed that he had slept in once.

Every deep sleep can dispel the original tiredness very well. The human doctor rubbed his eyes and sat up, yawning lazily rarely.

This time the vampire was not guarding the room, only a warm yellow desk lamp was lit on the corner table, the window was half open, and the air was filled with the fresh breath after the rain. Feeling that the clothes on her body were still there, Shang Haojia was finally completely relieved, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, followed the memory to find the stairs, and walked down one level after another.

"My dear friend—are you resting well?"

The vampire was sitting on the sofa in the hall, when he heard his footsteps, he got up with a smile and walked towards him: "This winged lion apostle has been waiting for you here for a while, if you have recovered your energy , he probably wants to ask you something very urgently.”

"It's okay, I know that human bodies are relatively weak. If you can't hold on, you can take a rest. I'm not in such a hurry."

Probably because of the need for others, the Winged Lion's attitude is very open-minded. While drinking the drink in the cup, he waved his huge paw heartily.

"Let me introduce myself first—my name is Saint Copic, and I belong to the Winged Lion family among the sixteen beasts of the Holy Clan. I am currently working in the Sky Branch of the Special Administration's Traffic Accident Management and Investigation Bureau."

"My name is Shang Haojia. I'm a human doctor. I'm currently working in the emergency department of the city hospital..."

Learned his way and made a self-introduction. Realizing that he was becoming more and more accustomed to self-reporting his race, Dr. Shang, who seemed to be getting more and more divorced from human society, couldn't help rubbing his forehead, and suddenly felt a faint worry about his future.

San Kebike obviously didn't notice what was on his mind, and just nodded towards him in a friendly way: "Your vampires have a land license, and I don't care about it, but if you can really help me, I can help you. A flying horse comes—although the dragon that caused the trouble said that flying horses are timid, they are also the most docile, and among the races that are allowed to go to heaven, they are the most suitable for near-human races like you, humans and elves."

"I don't have any plans to go to heaven yet, thank you for your kindness."

Shang Haojia smiled and shook his head, declined the other party's overly enthusiastic kindness, walked to the sofa and sat down. Just as he was groping around for a piece of paper to record his medical records, the vampire at the side had already handed over a piece of delicate kraft paper.

"Need some light refreshment? I can send them over."

Sitting down beside the human doctor, the vampire leaned slightly towards him, and lowered his voice considerately: "I heard that human beings should live according to the rules of three meals a day. Maybe what I said is a bit too much, But my dear friend, your way of life is obviously very unscientific."

He was actually taught by a vampire to talk about science. Dr. Shang finally realized the magic of this world once again, but he still nodded in resignation and humbly accepted the vampire's health education: "Is there anything that can satisfy your hunger?" ?I feel like I'm literally starving right now..."

"Don't worry, I've already prepared it for you."

There was a euphoric smile on the pale and handsome face of the vampire, and he clapped his hands twice, and a plate of cake and a plate of cookies fluttered down the stairs and landed tremblingly on the table superior.

"Okay—let's get started, Mr. St. Copic, can you briefly introduce your condition? I need to know more about your situation before I can decide whether I should provide you with some simple treatment options first, or Which colleague would you like to recommend to help you take another look?"

Already accustomed to this obsessive-compulsive way of serving food, Dr. Shang nodded politely towards the void, folded his arms around his chest, leaned forward slightly, and entered a standard professional state again.

"Okay, then I won't go around in circles with you."

The Winged Lion nodded repeatedly, took two steps forward, and couldn't help sighing heavily: "I have a headache when I mention this—I used to have a beautiful mane. It can be regarded as a standard male lion. Who knew that just after the beginning of summer, my mane began to fall off, and I tried many ways to no avail. In a fit of anger, I shaved my head, but who knew that after I shaved my head, those bastards laughed at me again, saying that our bitches don’t look like a male lion at all! I’m so mad... "

"Okay—I guess I get it."

Shang Haojia nodded ponderingly, took the opportunity to stuff two biscuits into his mouth, and took a sip of the milk tea handed by the vampire at the side: "Apart from hair loss, do you have any other discomfort? Any special changes, did you suffer from any disease before the hair loss?"

"No way... You are human, you don't know, it's not easy for us non-human races to get sick."

Apparently not noticing the small movements of the two of them, the winged lion tilted his head and pondered carefully for a while, then shook his head uncertainly: "But one day, I gave a wizard a ticket because of an unlicensed broomstick. , he was very angry, so he cursed me. At that time, I thought that I was blessed by the power of the saints, so I didn't take it seriously—couldn't it be because of this?"

"It's true that I'm a human, but judging from the non-human races I've seen so far, it seems that there are not too many people who are not sick..."

After asking about the past history, the wizard was already found. Dr. Shang shook his head and resolutely gave up on continuing to record the medical records: "If it is a physical disease, I can always find a solution. But if it is a spell, I may just We can come up with some ideas to treat the symptoms but not the root cause.”

"Hey my god - that's enough! As long as it makes me stop being so unfairly stuck, you can do whatever you want!"

After hearing his words, the winged lion was not only not disappointed, but sat up straight excitedly, and flapped his wings excitedly: "Say it quickly, let's treat the symptoms and the root cause, give me an idea first, Now this is almost killing me..."

"That's right, Mr. Winged Lion."

Shang Haojia couldn't help chuckling, sat up a little straight, and looked at him solemnly: "Among us humans, if the treatment effect is not good, or if the patient loses hair due to some special reasons, there is usually another choice—— Buy a wig."

Suddenly, two soft coughs came from beside him. Shang Haojia turned his head, and the vampire on the side was struggling to hold back his smile. When he saw him looking over, he hurriedly waved at him apologetically: "I'm very sorry, I'm just really surprised by this solution. …”

"What is that? Is there anything our winged lions can use?"

The winged lion flapped its wings excitedly, moved closer to him, raised a paw and patted his back lightly: "Get me one, and I'll get you a flying horse—if you really If you don't want to go to heaven, I'll get you an invisibility cloak. Anyway, even though it's forbidden to sell offensive equipment casually now, it seems that no one cares about invisibility cloaks, and you can have an extra means of self-protection... "

This is obviously a tempting suggestion. Shang Haojia raised his eyebrows slightly, and was thinking about whether he should agree, when the vampire at the side suddenly took a step forward and shook the winged lion's paw with a smile: "Mr. From the wig to the wig, I hope you can fulfill your promise."

"It's easy to say, you two belong to the same family anyway, if he promises to me, it will be treated as yours."

The Winged Lion nodded cheerfully. Seeing that the opponent had changed from a weak human to a vampire, he no longer retained his strength, and shook his paw enthusiastically: "I still have to be on duty, so I can't stay with you for long. Three days Can it be done? If not, it will take two more days—”


Realizing that the vampire obviously had other intentions, Shang Haojia nodded indistinctly, and took over his words: "Then it's settled, we'll still meet here at this time three days later—is it okay? "

"Yes yes, absolutely no problem—then I won't bother. See you later, and I'll bring you the cloak in three days."

The Winged Lion nodded in a friendly manner towards him, then turned around and went out the door, flapped its wings twice and soared into the sky, submerged into the dark night sky.

"My dear friend, please forgive me for agreeing so rashly to you."

After beckoning the door to close slowly, the vampire turned to the human doctor at the side, put his hands on his shoulders and bent slightly apologetically: "I really have something to hide, I have to deal with this matter as soon as possible..."

"Does the wizard he's ticketed live here too?"

Shang Haojia didn't feel any discomfort, picked up the teacup and took a sip, went back to the sofa and sat down: "Seeing you stand up, I can guess it more or less—but what is he thinking? What a miracle Only the way of thinking will curse others to be bald..."

"I will explain this matter to you in detail later, my dear friend—we are now facing a more serious situation."

The vampire shook his head lightly, his expression became serious, and he refilled his teacup before sitting on the opposite sofa again.

"While you were resting, I used my network to investigate the identity of that Wayne Rocky. If there are no mistakes or omissions, he should probably be the first heir of the Rice family. This is a refusal to sign Covenant, the soprano family that was first blacklisted at the vampire hunter."

Having no idea about every term, Shang Haojia stuffed a piece of cake into his mouth and nodded thoughtfully: "Then when you investigated, did you find that their family has the habit of sucking the blood of other species?"

"Not yet, so this matter still makes us feel very strange. But according to intelligence, he had a conflict with another werewolf family who is also the underworld, and the two families are still fighting each other—you went to the police before In the game, I was blocked because of a fight between a low-level vampire and a werewolf, so I'm afraid it has something to do with it."

The vampire responded slowly, with serious eyes: "If they continue to fight like this, the worst result is that the special agency will expel all non-human races from this city. If we don't If you leave, you will be judged to be staying illegally."

"Come on, let's sort out the current situation carefully and see what happened."

Hearing that the result would be so severe, Shang Haojia's expression also became solemn, and he sat up straight and unfolded the kraft paper: "The current situation is that Wang Laoji is confronting another werewolf, let's call him Jia Duobao for now..."