My Vampire Faints at Blood

Chapter 32: Intelligence includes memory reasoning


"Dude, didn't we say that you—won't you just sing and go out of tune, why cry so loudly?"

Before Shang Haojia could figure out how to comfort his friend who had lost the meaning of elf life, a bottle of beer was suddenly placed on the table. Looking sideways, he saw a tall and burly boy.

The boy who came up was obviously one of the group of cosplayers, wearing a weird black dress, wearing a bow tie, and carrying a huge chainsaw on his shoulder: "Okay, listen to my advice. Blow this bottle of wine, yes Men, don’t cry. There are too many people playing cosplay, so does everyone have to sing well?”

"You're just playing cosplay—I'm not a man, I'm a male elf!"

The elf, whose mentality had completely collapsed, shot up angrily. But before he could open his mouth, Shang Haojia quickly covered his mouth, and pressed it down involuntarily.

"He said—what did he say he was?"

The boy was taken aback and stammered a question.

Dr. Shang pressed the man firmly on the table with one hand, raised his head calmly, still calm and calm: "It's okay, he said he was a Smurf."


Frightened by the bluffing male elf, the boy patted his chest, and he was relieved. Shang Haojia kicked under the table hard, then nodded at him with a friendly smile: "He's just getting into a dead end. Let me tell him, it doesn't matter, thank you for your kindness."

"It's okay, we are also staying here until dawn and worrying, so just come over and say something."

The boy waved his hand heartily, pulled away the chair and sat down familiarly, and tugged the elf's ears twice with great interest.

"Not to mention, the quality of your elf ears is really good, there is no trace at all - where did you buy it? Let's take a look later, the elf ears in our group look like robots, and usually dare not tease them hair."

After being stomped hard, An Muxi was mostly sober from the wine, and finally remembered that she was in the human world. Unable to get off the horse, the boy pinched his ears for a long time before he answered in a low voice, "I—I shopped online, and I didn't bring my phone with me..."

"Then I'll leave you a contact information. Send me the store later, and I'll definitely send you a big red envelope."

The boy obviously took it seriously, took out a business card from his pocket and stuffed it for him, then patted his shoulder affectionately.

"Brother, I didn't say that - based on your condition, there are countless people who can take pictures with you at the comic exhibition. It's okay to tidy up a little, wear nice clothes, and just be a starlet Why do you have to hang yourself while singing?"

"Because I just want to sing. My biggest dream in this life is to sing. I am a soul abandoned by the Lord who longs to sing!"

Being asked so much that he wanted to cry without tears, the elf of light who was riding a tiger hung his neck and answered loudly, then ran out of the bar in grief and indignation.

Looking at the accident in front of him unexpectedly, the boy blinked blankly, looked at Shang Haojia who couldn't bear to look directly at him, and patted him on the shoulder sympathetically: "Brother, your friend is very good-looking, but This brain—do you have to take him to the hospital to have a look later..."

"It's okay, he's just drunk, just tell him to be quiet."

I can't bear to admit that I am a doctor. Shang Haojia smiled helplessly, planning to get up and go out to have a look. Just standing up, the boy grabbed his arm: "I didn't notice just now, your appearance is quite good, do you want to play cosplay?"

"I don't play, I'm too busy with work."

Looking at the boy who was obviously still young, Shang Haojia smiled and shook his head, and answered patiently.

"Then you and him are not in the same group! Do you have anything to do during the day, can you do us a favor?"

Hearing his answer, the boy became excited instead, stood up and put his hands on his shoulders: "One of the cos wizards in our group can't come. The manga show is going to be on stage today, and there is only one person- Just stand with us for 20 minutes, and we'll give you 200 yuan, okay?"

"I don't have anything to do during the day, but I've never played these things before, I'm afraid I won't be able to cooperate with you..."

I just met a Hogwarts international student with a unique style of painting, but I didn't expect that it was my turn to be invited to play a wizard. Shang Haojia laughed helplessly, and was thinking about how to tactfully reject the other party, when a pair of glasses were poked on his face suddenly, and there was a decent-looking exquisite magic wand in his hand: "Look, look, you think he's doing it for Yige?" no?"

"Not to mention, it seems to be quite similar, and the figure is similar."

The gentleman dressed as a devil at the side heard the reputation and came over, looked him up and down, then nodded slightly, and got up and walked in front of him.

"We really can't find a solution. If we don't get enough people, we won't be able to go on stage, and we have to pay the deposit from the organizer—we cover all the props, make-up and styling, and we will pay for it. The price is OK It's up to you, I wonder if you can help us with this?"

"When I was in college, I used to be a resident singer here. I know that you want to pursue the taste of what you like..."

Looking at the eager and nervous students in front of him, Shang Haojia suddenly changed his mind. He nodded with a chuckle, and looked at the boy dressed as a vampire beside him.

"I do this favor for you today, and you don't need to pay me anything—the little brother who plays the vampire, do you still have this kind of braces, can you give me a new pair?"

"Yes--I have several new ones here, if you are interested, take them all!"

Hearing his words, the boy with vampire makeup nodded excitedly, took out five or six braces with canine teeth from the prop bag on the ground, and put them on the table: "This belt is used to everything. It doesn’t matter, you can still hide it in your mouth, do you have this interest too?”

"It's not me, it's my—"

Picking up a braces and playing with them, the dedicated Dr. Shang was still thinking about new treatments. When the address came to his lips, he turned around again, changed his mouth without a trace, and changed the topic to one side again.

"...It's a friend of mine who is currently in need of some experiential therapy—when are you leaving for Comic-Con, and how do I fit in with your time?"

"We have time to start at eight o'clock, and it's only four o'clock now. You can go to accompany your friend first, or send him home, as long as you leave us a contact information."

The leading gentleman nodded to him sincerely, then took out a pen and paper and handed it to him: "Thank you very much, you have helped us a lot..."

"You're welcome, I actually agreed for the braces."

Shang Haojia shook his head with a smile, and raised his hand to take the pen and paper. Just as he was about to sign his name habitually, An Muxi, who just ran out of the bar, rushed in and grabbed his wrist: "Potato Chips, come with me, you're in trouble..."

"What's wrong?"

Not expecting any trouble for himself, Shang Haojia raised his eyebrows in surprise. Just about to ask carefully, someone patted on the shoulder suddenly: "Friend, can you tell us your name and identity?"

Looking back, there were two middle-aged people at the table. They were all wearing black windbreakers, with huge sunglasses covering their faces, and the collars of the windbreakers were pulled up quite high, making it almost airtight.

Dr. Shang, who had seen countless ghosts, raised his eyebrows calmly, looked at the two blood races in front of him who were also lifeless, and calmly patted his arm. He avoided the group of students and led them to a secluded corner.

"What do you think my name is, and what is my identity?"

"I heard the elf who came in just now call you potato chips, but based on our understanding of human society, there shouldn't be such a strange name. Otherwise, His Royal Highness Loki wouldn't be—"

Before the blood race in front could finish speaking, he was kicked by another blood race: "His Royal Highness Luo Ji has repeatedly emphasized that we are not allowed to mention His Highness Luo Ji's name, have you just drank the blood!"

"I forgot, I forgot—I'm guilty, I'm ashamed of my trust in Lord Loki..."

The blood clan who was kicked quickly stood up straight, drew a cross on his chest respectfully, and sincerely repented of his crime.

Can't help but sighed, Dr. Shang obviously had a certain assessment of the identity and intelligence level of his opponent in this round. Sitting down on the sofa, he poured himself a glass of wine, and calmly played with the wand in his hand: "So, you were sent by Loki—who did he tell you to catch?"

"No, no, we were not sent by His Highness Loki, and His Highness Loki's name has never appeared in our mouths."

The other blood race quickly shook its head, denied it categorically, and then looked at him vigilantly: "You have a magic wand in your hand, logically speaking, you should be a wizard, but the person we are looking for Not a wizard."

"Then why did you come to me?"

In my heart, I quickly thought about why I was targeted first. Shang Haojia suppressed the faint anxiety, calmly sipped his wine, leaned back on the sofa, and asked a question patiently.

The vampire seemed to be questioned by him, hesitated for a while, and then took out another photo from his pocket: "We are looking for this male human. The elf said he knew this human, and it was in the bar .”

Seeing his stupid ID photo in that pale and skinny hand, Dr. Shang raised his eyes and looked kindly at the elf who was sneaking close to the side.

An Muxi had already regained her human appearance, she shrank her neck in fright from his gaze, but she still obediently slipped to the edge of the sofa and sat down: "I said I was drunk, I didn't look carefully..."

"Look, let me help you sort it out—first, what you're looking for is an ordinary human being, am I an ordinary human?"

Too lazy to pay attention to the useless elves, Dr. Shang quickly started his professional status, leaned forward patiently, and looked at the two blood races in front of him persuasively.

This question is not too difficult. The two blood races shook their heads without hesitation, and their movements seemed to be quite consistent: "No, you are a wizard."

"very good."

Dr. Shang nodded in satisfaction, gave a word of encouragement, and tapped the glasses that had just been poked on with his wand: "Second, I am wearing glasses. Does the person in that photo wear glasses?"

"No, he didn't wear glasses."

Encouraged by Dr. Shang, the blood race who had been reprimanded by his companions had already learned to answer quickly, and he nodded in his heart: "I understand, this human is not you, and you are not the person we are looking for."

"Very well, you can go."

Finally, he barely fooled the past, but he was not sure if there would be any new changes in the future - after all, the villain's IQ cannot always be so touching. Almost sure that he must be being targeted, the indifferent Doctor Shang wiped the cold sweat from his palms without any trace, but his heart became more and more vaguely heavy.


Another blood race suddenly grabbed its companion, took out a notebook, and solemnly took out a quill: "We still need to know the names of the two of you, the name Potato Chips is too suspicious, and it doesn't look like a good person at first glance." .”


Shang Haojia took a deep breath and raised his head calmly: "My name is Leshi, Happy Le, troublemaker."

"Very well, this name is much more normal. I know that human society has the surname Le."

The vampire nodded in satisfaction, then looked at An Muxi who was beside him: "It's your turn, Mr. Elf, what's your name?"


An Muxi was at a loss for words for a while, and met Shang Haojia's stern gaze. After a while, she finally sighed heavily in despair, and bowed her head deeply in resignation: "Okay, I won't hide it from you, my name is Moslian..."