My Vampire Faints at Blood

Chapter 35: Blood loss can cause dizziness and cold sweats


"... dear friend, I think you must have some misunderstanding."

Meeting the questioning and condemning eyes of the human doctor, the vampire coughed lightly and sat up straight, blinking innocently.

"I don't think there's anything to be misunderstood—you're not going to say that this has nothing to do with you?"

Shang Haojia shook his head sadly, looked at the vampire whose thoughts were so bizarre, and couldn't help sighing softly: "People also want to save face. If you come here so recklessly, what will those lionesses think of it? It's called a zoo." What do other tigers and leopards in the village think of it?"

"No no—I am not rash, my dear friend."

The vampire shook his head and smiled helplessly: "You may not believe it, but I did make a deal with it..."

As he spoke, he glanced apprehensively at the driver in front of him who was humming without distraction, and deliberately lowered his voice. The human doctor who put one hand close to his side moved sideways to his ear.

"The male lion in the park has actually been refined, but because it is a stray male lion, its own predation ability is very poor, so it is mixed in the zoo, and usually relies on being cute for a living. But for the sake of the park The health of the animals, they are usually only fed raw meat, so I negotiated with it with ten packs of spicy strips—it turns out that this kind of snack for humans is still very tempting... ”

"Do lion spirits also like spicy strips?"

He shook his head in disbelief. Dr. Shang only felt that his world view had been severely challenged, so he couldn't help but shook his head, and relaxed his body and leaned on the arm behind his neck.

The vampire sat up straight, and thoughtfully embraced the human who was too tired compared to vampires, and patted his arm comfortingly: "Don't worry, it is a very strong adult male lion, even if it is shaved off The mane will grow out in a few days... "

"How many days?"

Dr. Shang, who has always pursued precision, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and repeated a sentence suspiciously. Meeting his gaze, Wei Long couldn't help but groan, rubbed his nose and coughed lightly: "Well... it will take a few months at most, and it will grow together."

"Forget it, anyway, since you two are consensual, I don't have to worry about it."

Shang Haojia couldn't help chuckling, shook his head before sighing, and suddenly noticed that the vampire's expression seemed a little dignified. My heart sank for no reason, and I subconsciously sat up straight: "What's the matter, did you find something?"

"Probably so—my friend, we may have to get off soon."

The vampire nodded slightly, took another breath of morning wind from the car window, sniffed it under his nose, and his eyes were cautiously dignified: "I smell the smell that His Highness Xianlin said - a mixture of various scents. Such a bloody smell, very messy, but there is no human blood... "

"Okay, I see."

After listening to his words, Shang Haojia's originally relaxed expression also became serious. He asked the driver to stop the car, paid the original price, and pulled the vampire out of the car: "Can you feel how far he is from us? He is chasing me?"

"Probably chasing the two of us, after all, we were all his targets."

Wei Long looked around vigilantly, and then stretched out her hand towards him: "Honey, it's too late to explain—I'll carry you back, it will be faster..."

Knowing the urgency of the current situation, Shang Haojia didn't ask any more questions, but just nodded slightly. But before he was picked up again, an inexplicable coolness suddenly spread over his back, he raised his head subconsciously, and his gaze shrank suddenly.

"Be careful!"

Almost as soon as this reminder was uttered, Shang Haojia quickly pulled the vampire behind him, instantly switching the positions of the two of them.

Before he could stand still, a strong gust of wind hit his face, and a heart-piercing pain suddenly came from the human doctor's shoulder.

"Well… "

The blood seemed to be pulled out of the body suddenly by some extremely powerful force, and the rapid blood loss brought an inexplicable sense of weakness to people. Shang Haojia held back the cry of pain that almost blurted out, but before he could react, a strong force suddenly came from his shoulder, he staggered a few steps and managed to stand still, and suddenly there was a light on his shoulder.

The strange vampire pushed the captured prey away and quickly retreated more than ten meters. As if he drank something terrible, he choked his own throat in horror, turned around and leaned on the tree trunk by the roadside, and vomited into the green belt.


First, he chased his own vampire to feed him blood and failed repeatedly, and then this new vampire just bit him, as if he drank something terrible. As a simple and standardized human being, Dr. Shang suddenly felt that his dignity as food had been severely challenged, and even the discomfort caused by blood loss was temporarily covered up by the sudden grief and anger.

"Honey, do you want it?!"

The vampire hugged him forcefully, his eyes were already blood-colored, his lips were tightly pressed in annoyance, obviously remorseful for his negligence just now: "I'll take you back to treat the wound - I was too negligent I didn't expect him to pounce on me just like that..."

"Whether it matters or not—I just want to know one thing right now."

Although he was only bitten on the shoulder, he still sucked a lot of fresh blood. Shang Haojia only felt chills all over his body, and he couldn't stop sweating, and his strength seemed to be exhausted suddenly, but he still managed to hold onto his shoulders and stand firm. He raised his arm abruptly, and pointed at the vampire angrily: "Am I really that unpalatable—how can one or both of you reach this point?!"

"No no honey, of course you're delicious—no, I mean you smell delicious..."

Attracted by her doctor's outburst, Wei Long quickly shook her head and coaxed her subconsciously, but felt that it was obviously inappropriate, so she quickly changed her words. After struggling for a while, he simply hugged him up and kissed his wet and cold forehead patiently.

"Honey, you're injured. Whether it's good or not is not that important for now. We need to deal with your injury first—do you need to go to the hospital? I heard that human beings are bleeding a lot from injuries, and blood transfusions are needed to treat them..."

"It doesn't matter, this location only has the scapular artery network, not the aorta, it will be fine."

Touching the tooth marks of the two canine teeth through the clothes, thinking about the difficulty of explaining, Shang Haojia shook his head resolutely, and rejected the suggestion to go to the hospital: "I am a doctor, I know it well— Dizziness, sweating, rapid heartbeat, feeling weak, and about 500cc of blood loss. Go back and help me get some light salt water to take orally, rest in bed, and take lean pork liver to replenish blood. I am usually in good health, nothing will happen big event..."

Listening to the human doctor proficiently chanting a series of professional terms, the vampire with no medical knowledge only felt that his head was as big as a bucket. Blinking his eyes helplessly, he could only resign himself to memorizing it by rote, and held the person in his arms more firmly, slowing down his voice and approaching his ear.

"Honey, hold on for a while, and I'll take you back..."

"Your Highness Villon, do you really think—that you can leave so easily?"

Before he finished speaking, a cold and elegant voice suddenly came from not far away.

Shang Haojia's heart sank slightly, and he grabbed the vampire's shoulder and tried his best to support himself up. Looking around, I saw four vampires wearing ancient tuxedoes each occupying one side, surrounding the two of them tightly.

"My dear, don't worry, just leave it to me."

Seeing more and more enemies, the vampire's expression became more indifferent, and he even held him firmly in his arms so that he could lean more comfortably.

Shang Haojia never doubted the strength of his own vampire. Hearing this, he slightly raised his eyebrows, nodded slightly, and leaned against his chest.

"Then I'll sleep first—remember to lean pork liver to replenish blood, I want to eat braised yellow chicken and rice, spicy hot pot is also fine."

Although the food system is very different from that of human beings, Wei Long understood the human doctor's words without hindrance as a vampire who had lived in China for a period of time. He smiled helplessly, and patted his arm lightly: "Honey, as long as you want to eat, it's fine—but I don't think there are too many lean meat and pork liver in these two foods..."

"My respected Highness Villon, you have been expelled from the blood race, do you think you can have the bonus of those pure blood abilities?"

A little annoyed by the attitude of these two people, one of the vampires took a step forward with a bit of sarcasm in his tone: "As a vampire who will faint at the sight of blood, why do you break through the cooperation of the four of us?" With a joint attack, you still want to take a fragile human being to escape?"

"I never said I was going to escape or fight, and I didn't necessarily have to bleed my arms and legs..."

Wei Long chuckled calmly, her tone seemed to change subtly suddenly, she closed her eyes for a while and then opened them again, her pupils were already a frightening color of blood.

Sensing the strange breath of the other party, Shang Haojia frowned slightly, raised his head subconsciously, but still didn't speak rashly.

He could feel, as if at that moment just now, something about the vampire was suddenly changed—a frightening coercion suddenly appeared on him, and the natural power that belonged to pure blood was finally exhausted without reservation spread out. The current Wei Longcai is more like a pure-blooded dangerous vampire, a vampire ancestor who has just been awakened from the coffin and has been sleeping for thousands of years.

— Vampires are dangerous beings, very dangerous.

Looking in amazement at the pure-blooded vampire who suddenly awakened his blood, the several vampire elders who were still aggressive opened their mouths wide in horror, all of them were immobilized by the coercion. The blood red in the eyes gradually faded, leaving only a dull black.

"Do you really think that the power of the so-called pure blood is maintained by a gold medal and a few certificates?"

Wei Long easily put one hand around the human being in her arms, walked unhurriedly to the vampire who had just mocked her, and flicked his canine teeth with great interest.

"I will teach you one thing - the reason why for thousands of years, the vampires have said that pure blood is the king of vampires, because only pure blood has a special ability, which is to control the teeth of any low-level vampire. I You can make all your teeth fall out in one day, or you can make your canine teeth become cavities, and you will roll over in pain as soon as you bite into something... Do you want to try it?"