My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away

Chapter 12: Make you a little skirt


In this situation, a normal couple, talking about the issue of species on the bed, and one of them is disheveled, which is ambiguous no matter how you look at it, Tang Wan's heels are nailed to the ground, and he can't move.

"Afraid of what? Afraid that I will eat you?" Zong He asked unhurriedly, quietly watching Tang Wan's embarrassed look, not in a hurry. He had already figured out Tang Wan's temperament, too soft to be good, he didn't feel the pressure, so he wouldn't force himself to come out from behind the hard protective clothing. It doesn't work if it's too hard, it will only make him more wary of him, and even less likely to trust him.

Zong He saw that Tang Wan's face was unnatural, and he would be annoyed if he was pushed too hard, so he smiled calmly, "I'm not in good health yet, so you don't have to worry about me fulfilling my obligations with you right now."

Tang Wan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, said earlier, this tough attitude shocked him!

"What species issue do you want to talk to me about?" Tang Wan walked slowly to the bed, sat at the end of the bed, and kept a safe distance from the other party.

Zong He was amused, "Why are you afraid of me?"

Tang Wan smiled awkwardly, moved forward, to the waist, "I'm not afraid."

The next second, he was grabbed by the other party's hand. Tang Wan gasped for breath, and his body froze for two seconds. After all, he didn't shake off, "What do you want to talk to me about, talk about it."

From teasing the cat to being naughty, he suddenly became serious, Zong He was helpless, this torturer!

Zong He told him very seriously: "Da Zhuang is not a cat, but a tiger."

"...Pfft!" Tang Wan couldn't hold back, and was amused by the helpless explanation of the marshal. To say such a thing so seriously, is Da Zhuang too wronged or can't bear to be an uncle? "Did Zhuang sue you?"

Zong He nodded, acquiesced.

Tang Wan asked with a smile: "Why did he sue you? Meow?"

Zong He pinched his fingertips, "Why meow?"

Tang Wan chuckled, "It's the kitten suing Meow Meow."

Zong He smiled, "Your meow sounds better than him."

Tang Wan pursed his lips, deliberately making him meow like a cat, isn't his heart dark

Zong He patted the inside of his body with a smile, signaling Tang Wan to go to bed, "He's a tiger, he can't meow."

Tang Wan crawled over Zong He, feeling helpless, why is this person stuck in this position every time! As soon as Tang Wan climbed over, his waist was hugged tightly. Tang Wan was stunned for a moment, and then a big head was placed on his shoulder. Tang Wan looked back and looked nervously at the person who came over. people

Zong He was still stubborn, "It's a tiger, not a cat."

"Okay, okay, it's a tiger, not a cat, listen to you." While coaxing the other party like a big cat, Tang Wan wanted to climb out, inexplicably feeling that he had been suppressed by him before, unable to crawl out, it was very uncomfortable !

"Just sleep like this, don't move." The voice in my ear was laziness, but it could not be discussed.

Tang Wan hurriedly calmed down, raised his hand, tested several times, and finally put his palm on Zong He's hair with his backhand, stroked it lightly, and coaxed the big cat, "Go to sleep, good night."

Zong He chuckled, turned off the light, and gently kissed Tang Wan's chin, "Good night."

Tang Wan blushed, and pressed his head on his shoulder, making you dishonest!


Early in the morning, Tang Wan squatted beside the fish pond, feeding the koi.

Zong He stood behind him, calmly looking at those ugly fish that made people lose their appetite, wondering why Tang Wan liked this kind of ugly fish without hair.

Tang Wan watched the fish scrambling for food, "These fish have a long lifespan, it is said that they can live for hundreds of years."

Zong He couldn't hide his disgust in his eyes, but he still said seriously: "When we get old, you still like their words, and you can take care of them for the elderly."

It's hard to imagine how ugly she was when she was a child, and how ugly she is when she grows up, with different colors, and there are also three flowers, who are very picky about the color of their coats.

Tang Wan didn't turn his head back, he raised his eyebrows, reached into the water, patted the water surface lightly, and a group of fish swam by in an instant, "You mean, we can grow old together?"

"Then what else?" Zong He stepped behind Tang Wan, his tall figure blocked the sunlight, covering Tang Wan's figure in his own shadow, "You still want to divorce me?"

Tang Wan raised his head, and saw the seriousness in the other's eyes at a glance, and the sun was warming behind him. Under this bright sunlight, Tang Wan narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt that the golden eyes of the other party were like a ball of burning fire, with Can melt the power of the mind. Tang Wan pursed her lips and smiled, "Okay, I believe you." Tang Wan stretched out his hand, "Pull me up."

Zong He was surprised instead, this time won't keep a distance from him

Tang Wan urged, "Hurry up, my feet are numb."

Zong He raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand to pull Tang Wan up, watched Tang Wan bouncing on the spot, stomping his feet non-stop, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and stretched out his hand to poke Tang Wan, Tang Wan was standing by the pool, his feet were still numb , was taken aback by this poke, and reflexively grabbed Zong He's arm and ran up. Zong He put his arm around his waist and nodded with satisfaction, "Yeah."

"What the fuck! What does um mean!" Tang Wan slapped Zong He angrily, and only after the slap was done did he realize that the slap didn't feel right.

Zong He bowed his head, kissed the man who dared to be in a daze in his arms, and agreed to take care of the elderly together, and then don't even think about leaving.

This time, Tang Wan slapped Zong He on the back mercilessly, blushing and said in disgust: "There are still people here, pay attention to the impact!"

Zong He looked around, who was there? He has good ears.

Tang Wan raised his forehead, the emphasis was wrong, it should be that hooliganism is not allowed in marriage!

In the afternoon, Zong He went to the treatment again. Tang Wan wanted to follow him, but felt embarrassed, so he asked Lin Bo to make sure he was fine, and went back to his room to sleep.

He can sleep better than normal, and he doesn't know why.

In the evening, after enough sleep, Tang Wan released Jin Xiaopang, carried him to the side of the fish pond, and wanted to see the expression on the cat's face that he couldn't catch the fish.

Jin Xiaopang is very face-to-face, not at all as cold as Da Zhuang. After seeing the fish, the little fat man excitedly circled around the fish pond, trying to reach out his claws tentatively, trying to catch the fish. But it doesn't like water yet, so it quickly withdraws its paws when they touch the water, shakes it twice, licks it again, licks the paws clean, and stretches out the paws again.

Tang Wan was amused by its movements, took pictures with his smart brain, and posted them on Weibo: Cat, Fish and Water.

Jin Xiaopang couldn't catch the fish, so he hummed anxiously, and occasionally meowed a few times, like a child who couldn't get a toy. Tang Wan smiled and picked up the little guy, gave it jerky to eat, and praised: "It's so good!" It’s a real cat! A cat has to meow!”

Not far away, on a crabapple tree, a black and gold fur ball stared at Tang Wan hugging Jin Xiaopang with a serious face, his eyes were cold, as if real.

Tang Wan immediately felt that something stabbed the back of his head, subconsciously looked back, and instantly met a pair of golden eyes. Tang Wan was taken aback by this look, quickly put Jin Xiaopang away, and asked flatteringly, "Da Zhuang is back, come down quickly, give me a hug from Dad!"

The kitten snorted coldly, jumped down from the tree, and hit the grass, smashing the grass crookedly, and a pit appeared.

Tang Wan ran over with a smile, picked up his sweetheart, and held it high~

Zong He's eyes fell on Logan's chest, and the cat's eyes narrowed slightly, turning into unfriendly triangular eyes, where there was a golden cat hair!

Tang Wan hurriedly patted his body, hugged Da Zhuang and rubbed his face to please him, smiling, which really made people feel irritated.

After coaxing the possessive, bad-tempered and headstrong kitten, Tang Wan hugged him, strolled in the garden, and discussed it nicely: "Zhuang, Dad is going to discuss with you, it's a very serious matter."

Zong He looked at his paw silently, the thousand and fifty-first father!

Tang Wan continued: "The next live broadcast, I need you to help."

Zong He pressed Tang Wan's forehead with his paws, without even thinking about it! He wouldn't do such a shameful thing!

Tang Wan smirked, "I want to prepare a piece of cloth to make you a new set of clothes."

Zong He suddenly had a bad feeling.

Holding the cat in his arms, Tang Wan trotted back to the room, took out a piece of fabric with pink floral patterns from the express box, and showed off to Zong He, "I want to make you a pair of floral pants and a pink floral pair." The small bib won't get dirty when eating later."

Zong He:! ! !

After Tang Wan finished his dinner, he found that the little pink floral cloth he had prepared had disappeared. Tang Wan looked suspiciously at the cat lying on the window sill, closing his eyes and dozing, "Da Zhuang, don't you like that color? Take it away and bury it." gone?"

The cat lay motionless on the windowsill.

Tang Wan was helpless, "I am teasing you to prepare it for Jin Xiaopang, you should find it for me quickly!"

Zong He opened his eyes and looked at Tang Wan with distrust.

Tang Wan raised his hand, "I swear."

Zong He just jumped down from the window sill, walked to the trash can in the corner, pressed the trash can with his paw, threw it in, and wanted to pick it up by himself.

Tang Wan opened the trash can and saw that the cloth was already dirty and could not be used. He stared at the kitten for a while, looking at the beautiful big eyes, Tang Wan sighed, "You won, who made you look good?" ?”

Xinsai Tang's father took out the other cloth, and there was still a piece of red inside, and he muttered silently: "If this is made into red pants..."

Zong He's eyes became even more disgusted, wearing a cat like a bullfighter, are his eyes hot or not? In case Tang Wan suddenly changed his mind and wanted to put on red pants for him, Da Zhuang was soon "picked up by his family" and the marshal left the treatment room after the treatment was over.

Tang Wan was still very regretful, in fact, he really wanted to wear the red underpants for Da Zhuang. With Da Zhuang's appearance, he must be so handsome.

Tang Wan hugged Jin Xiaopang and showed off with Zong He, "Look, isn't it cute? This fur color is also pretty!"

The marshal told him calmly, "We can't have this color, but Da Zhuang is still possible."

Tang Wan's eyes lit up, then he smiled, and asked anxiously, "I've never seen what you look like in person."

Zong He proudly said: "It's a thousand times stronger than 3 0340."

Tang Wan thought about the size, then glanced at the other person, "Are you kidding me? It's a thousand times bigger, Big Mac or Godzilla?"

Zong He smiled and said, "Yes, just to tease you."

Tang Wan rolled his eyes, "Boring!"

Zong He held back Tang Wan's face, "I'll show you when you sleep."

Tang Wan thumped in his heart, it was nothing at all, why did he feel so ambiguous when the other party said that? Should he expect it, or should he pretend to be blind