My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away

Chapter 31: Marshal's position


On the chair under the flower corridor, Tang Wan sporadically and intermittently injected the healing power into Zong He's body, feeling that there was no way to do it, and kept asking: "Is it like this? Is it comfortable? How do you feel?"

Zong He sat motionless, and commented objectively: "I need to practice more."

Tang Wan nodded, and said in agreement: "I still don't master the method well, I need to practice more."

The twins had already turned into human bodies, sitting not far away, nibbling on some fruit and peeping, Qi Jinze asked in a low voice: "It's so hard work, the ability has just been awakened, and there is no systematic study, so it is impossible for him to be able to heal. "

Qi Jinen said calmly: "You don't care, hasn't the marshal taught you?"

"It's not that you don't know the way he teaches people. He doesn't know anything and only lets you experience it yourself. If you can't understand it, you will think you are stupid. If you don't like it, you can beat you up so that you can experience it personally. Experience." After Qi Jinze finished speaking, he felt an inexplicable pain all over his body. After being specially trained, his body remembered that feeling. When he saw the marshal raised his hand, he felt a big tiger claw greeting him on top of his head.

Qi Jinen also rubbed his shoulder subconsciously, feeling a faint pain.

In the end, the two brothers summed it up: probably, for playing hooligans.

Married men are really troublesome, we don't understand, and we dare not ask.

Tang Wan practiced for a long time until his whole body was exhausted, so he stopped. He was very dissatisfied with his performance, "No, I have to practice more."

Zong He nodded, "Yes, practice tomorrow."

Tang Wan took the tea from the attendant, took a sip and said wearily, "It's a rest day today. The twins are back, why didn't Da Zhuang come?"

Zong He lowered his eyes and said calmly: "Probably because he didn't study well and was making up lessons."

Tang Wan laughed, "Can you be nice to him, either because you dislike his ugly name, or because you tease him for not studying well."

Zong He was silent, and didn't feel disgusted for a moment, the vest couldn't be wrapped tightly.

Tang Wan leaned back on the chair, looked up at the sky, and said resentfully: "It's been a week, I miss him so much, you little heartless, it's not the time when you are weak and need me to hug you every day. I have to rely on me to feed. Now my bones are hard, I can run and jump, and even my father is sick and he doesn’t come back to see me.” The resentment from the empty-nester father was really tearful.

Zong He became even more silent, his back was stiff.


Early the next morning, Tang Wan opened his eyes and found Da Zhuang sleeping next to his pillow. Tang Wan immediately felt relieved of sleepiness, hugged Da Zhuang happily and rubbed his hair. I haven't seen him for a week. This little boy has grown up again. It's a lot bigger, and it's heavy to hold, probably weighing almost ten catties.

Tang Wan hugged him and got up, "Darling, when did you arrive?"

The kitten in his arms cherished words like gold, "Gang."

"Oh~ Our Dazhuang's character library has been updated, and we can speak more and more words, which is great!" Tang Wan stroked the big baby's head, and encouraged the little boy without hesitation, "The more you talk, the more words you can speak. We Dazhuang will be able to communicate normally with people soon."

Zong He understood, Tang Wan still regarded him as a mentally handicapped child.

Tang Wan came to the treatment room with the heavy cat in his arms, the door was ajar, only Zong He's clothes were on the bed, and no one was seen, Tang Wan found Lin Bo worriedly, "Where is Zong He? went out early?"

Lin Bo looked at the cat in his arms, stretched out his hand with a smile, and rubbed the kitten's head reminiscently, "Yes, I was picked up by the adjutant early in the morning."

Tang Wan lowered his head, gently stroking Da Zhuang Shun Mao's hair, a doubt gradually arose in his heart, why was Zong He not there when Da Zhuang came? No matter what time it is, Zong He is always at the military headquarters? Is it intentional hiding, or is there another reason? Tang Wan looked at the handsome cat in his arms. It had exactly the same fur color, eyes, and even temper as Zong He.

Tang Wan thought about it, and asked Lin Bo, "Lin Bo, is Da Zhuang really not Zong He's son? If so, I'm happy to accept it."

Lin Bo's expression froze, and he glanced at the already stiff Zong He, as if he had heard a big joke, he suppressed a smile, and raised his hand to swear: "I swear to you with my old life, it's really not!"

Tang Wan nodded, got it, it wasn't because he had no face to face his illegitimate child and hid, it was because there was some special reason why Zong He and Da Zhuang couldn't meet. Don't tell him about coincidences, there must be a certain relationship between so many coincidences. Why in the end, he still doesn't want to understand.

Tang Wan suppressed this doubt in his heart, "Did Zong He have breakfast when he left?"

Lin Bo smiled and said: "The military department has urgent matters, the marshal is in a hurry to leave, so he went to the military department to eat."

"Then you arrange to cook a few more dishes in the evening, and have a meal with Da Zhuang when he comes back."

Lin Bo immediately agreed, "Okay, I will try my best to arrange it."

Seeing that he agreed happily, Tang Wan felt a thought that had just arisen in his heart and was yet to take shape, but was immediately suppressed.


After breakfast, Tang Wan put Da Zhuang on the balcony and combed him, "Zhuang, you see you are thin and small, and you talk so little, I think you can accept the light waves I emit, one that can make cats change quickly The power to become a tiger!" In fact, Tang Wan felt that what he said was quite secondary, but he had no choice but to try to explain it to him in terms that a cub with an IQ like Da Zhuang could understand.

Zong He rested his forehead with his paws, and Tang Wan used the tone of talking to a mentally retarded person!

With a thought in Tang Wan's mind, a small ball of light appeared in the palm of his hand, as if displaying a fun toy, and he coaxed with a smile: "Zhuang, look, isn't it fun?"

When Tang Wan thought about it, the ball of light could disperse and change into various shapes. This is something he just learned. Anyway, he didn't learn how to heal with others, so he is quite good at playing.

Zong He stretched out his paw cooperatively, and pulled it. Tang Wan's spiritual power should be very high. The purity of this healing power is very high. As long as he touches it, he will feel warm. Zong He doesn't mind being with Xiao The partner played a small game of house, put his head on Tang Wan's palm, closed his eyes and enjoyed his partner's loving touch, temporarily forgetting that Tang Wan regarded him as a stunted imbecile. It can make Tang Wan happier, and the goal of becoming like this has been achieved.

In fact, with Tang Wan's gentle look now, and the eyes full of love when he looks at himself, Zong He still likes Tang Wan to use it when facing other people. It's a pity that Tang Wan is usually very serious when facing other people's figures, and won't act like a baby, which makes Zong He very disappointed.

Tang Wan saw that the little guy was quite enjoying himself. He squinted his eyes and pinched the other's furry ears. Now that he's grown up a bit, he can tell that the big and strong ears don't look like cats. His ears are much rounder than normal cats. , now the chin is not so sharp, and the face is getting rounder and more like a tiger. Taking advantage of the fact that the cub is still young and can't pull out his palm, Tang Wan suddenly rushed over, hugged the little tiger cub who was enjoying himself, pushed him down and rubbed him, and if he didn't rub it anymore, he would grow bigger and bigger in the future. I can't knead anymore.

Zong He has black hair, he can change his face anytime he wants, if he is a normal cub, he will blow his hair out of fright.

Seeing Tang Wan go too far, and using his body to hold him down so that he couldn't move, Zong He quit, bared his teeth at Tang Wan, rubbing it was enough, it didn't feel right to overwhelm him!

Feeling that the little furry child in his arms wanted to struggle, Tang Wan hugged her tightly with a smirk, "Your father is still your father now, but he may not be your father in the future. When he is still your father, you have to obediently call him Dad."

Zong He pursed his ears, and gave Tang Wan an angry sip. How could there be so many fathers, and he would definitely push him down like this in the future, telling him to call his father enough!

Tang Wan didn't stop until he rubbed the cub in his arms into a messy ball of hair, and straightened out the child's fur again, cherishing every comb. The bigger the child is, the more chances he will come to him in the future It's getting less and less, and in a few years, when you're sensible, you should keep your distance from him.

Zong He found that Tang Wan was in a bad mood, so he took the initiative to lean over and rubbed Tang Wan's cheek to comfort him. Human beings are hypocritical, I don't know why they are unhappy, and they have to be more careful in the future, they are too weak, weak in all aspects.

Tang Wan used supernatural powers to sort out the bones of the little tiger cub, and healed, healed, and healed non-stop. He used it in the morning and in the afternoon, but he didn't know how to control it. The good thing was that the big and strong would not refuse anyone, and his expression was very enjoyable. Tang Wan Wan tentatively changed the shape of the supernatural ability, turning it into a hollow ball of light covering the opponent's body, seeing Da Zhuang glowing, Tang Wan was happy, it was so funny!

Zong He had already given up struggling, and Tang Wan could do whatever he wanted until noon, when he suddenly felt that after being treated by Tang Wan, the supernatural core in the Sea of Consciousness did not hurt so much, which surprised Zong He a little, could it be that Tang Wan His mental strength is about the same as his? Normally, people with a lower level of mental power than him use the healing ability to heal him, but the effect is very small, otherwise he would have recovered. He hasn't taken any medicine today, and after being tormented by Tang Wan, he has already achieved the effect after taking the medicine. This is because Tang Wan doesn't know how to use it. Just when Zong He was suspicious, Tang Wan who was beside him suddenly fell down and hit his face directly on his stomach. Zong He grunted when he was hit, and jumped up in the next second, holding Tang Wan's face in his hands to see , Zong He slowly stepped on the fur that exploded, "You idiot!"

Marshal became more serious about how "stupid" his partner was. Tang Wan didn't know how to control his mental power, and he used up all his mental power. He was overdrawn and fell asleep!


When Tang Wan woke up, it was already evening, Da Zhuang was not there, and Zong He hadn't come back either, Tang Wan rubbed his eyes and asked Lin Bo who was playing with the fake flowers by the window: "Zong He hasn't come back yet? "

Lin Bo smiled, "Ma'am, this is the first time. After waking up, I didn't look for the young master, but the marshal."

Tang Wan was slightly taken aback, as if this was really the case, before he knew it, Zong He already had such a status in his heart