My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away

Chapter 9: Can eat and strengthen Jin Xiaopang


On Tang Wan's side, the two younger brothers helped him deliver his things to the room opposite the bedroom. This place has been cleaned up and will be used as Tang Wan's live broadcast room in the future. After dismantling the courier, the two brothers ran away.

Tang Wan looked at the materials of the cat climbing frames in this place, and discussed with Da Zhuang with a good temper: "Zhuang, Dad has something to discuss with you."

The kitten in his arms was motionless, as if he didn't hear himself talking to him. Tang Wan wasn't angry either, he was already used to this kid's bad temper, and he always had a domineering look looking down on the world. Coupled with the appearance of this cute little milk cat, it seemed that he had reached the late stage of the second illness. But, so what about the second-year illness, he is cute, even if he is cute, he is just! Tang Wan doted on him.

Tang Wan coaxed with a smile, "I want to buy a cat."

Zong He's eyes flashed, and he wanted to stand up in an instant. It's not enough to have him, do you want other cats

Tang Wan coaxed with a good temper: "Don't worry, Dad still loves you the most, you are the cutest!" Da Zhuang is about to go to school, and there will be no cats around him, how will he live without cats? What's more, he wanted to broadcast live. He wanted to take the cat out for a long time. Before, he had been taking care of the sick Da Zhuang's mood, worried that he would be sensitive and jealous, so Tang Wan never dared to buy a cat in the system. Now that Da Zhuang doesn't come back often, he doesn't have to think so much, he wants to buy cats of various breeds. Of course, I still hope that his big baby can accept it.

Just like raising a cat, when you have a second child, you must first consider the elder’s thoughts. When the kitten comes, you can’t pamper it. In order for the older cat to accept the younger one, let it know that its status is not threatened and that it is still the father’s eldest. Baby, in this way, the big cat will accept the little milk cat more easily, and will take the initiative to help you take care of the cubs. Although Da Zhuang is not a pet cat, he is smarter and more sensitive than a pet. Tang Wan felt that Da Zhuang could understand these words.

Zong He wiped the dust off the paw pads on Tang Wan's chest, thinking he would be jealous? What a joke, how could he be jealous with a pet cat

Seeing that he didn't react much, Tang Wan happily decided that he agreed, and hugged the kitten happily and kissed him several times, "I knew it, you are a sensible and good boy."

Tang Wan turned on the system and bought an English short gold gradient that he wanted for a long time. The moment the other party appeared, Tang Wan was so excited that his whole body was full of wit and his heart melted. The golden little fat man is close to adulthood, with a chubby figure and emerald green round eyes, so cute that he will explode! Tang Wan felt that it would take all his energy to take care of a big and strong kitten, and it would be very tiring to take care of another kitten, so he simply bought a bigger one.

Zong He squinted his eyes and stared at Tang Wan coldly, not letting go of his expression, his ears naturally collapsed, a bit like airplane ears. If Tang Wan rubbed that cat like he rubbed him, he'd beat him bald! Raise one, beat one bald! See what he rubs against!

Sensing the "danger", Tang Wan quickly calmed down, looked coldly at Jin Jianlayer who was standing on the ground with a confused face, held back his excitement and hugged Da Zhuang tightly, and ignored the little fat man, "You are Dad's favorite cub Son, yes, I love you the most." Tang Wan tried his best to comfort his big and strong baby sincerely, telling him that he is still the one he loves the most, and other cats are just clouds and fur.

Zong He squinted his eyes, snorted, and still knew his position. He raised his paw, and stroked Tang Wan's head in relief. Humans are not good at this, they have less hair, so it's not easy to stroke. Having been masturbated so many times by Tang Wan, he couldn't fully masturbate him back.

Tang Wan looked at the little fat man with gradual layers of gold, and burst into tears in his heart, he was so cute! Looking at it like this, my heart melts, I really want to hug it! But, he can't!

The system is bound to Tang Wan's spirit, so the pets bought in the system have some sympathy with Tang Wan, and they are very close to him. Tang Wan has always called this group of furry children sons, and these furry children also regard him as their father. Fat Ju subconsciously leaned towards Tang Wan, hugged Tang Wan's calf with two paws, and wanted to climb up, Tang Wan immediately felt his legs sink, this fat man is really fat!

Zong He lowered his head and stared at the other party expressionlessly.

Sensing the danger, Fatty Jin froze all over, and stood motionless on the spot, both paws were stiff.

Tang Wan sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and nervously put the fat cub at his feet back into the system, planning to hug him again when Da Zhuang was not around, in case Da Zhuang was aroused jealousy, the child's violent temper would make him The newcomer casts a shadow in his heart. Alas, the cubs whose parents are not around are lacking in love, sensitive, and easily irritable. They are in the second grade ahead of schedule. Tang Wan strokes Da Zhuang's head, gently smoothing his hair.

Zong He let out a "cut" in disgust, and slapped Tang Wan's paws twice. This fat orange is a coward, not worth mentioning. I don't understand why Tang Wan likes such weak chickens.

The pets that have already been purchased in the system are all in the "Purchased" column. Tang Wan clicked on it mentally and looked at it. The new Xiaojin Gradient is at the front and is still in the "unnamed" state. Tang Wan carefully filled in "Jin Xiaopang (Tie Niu)". Judging from his many years of experience in raising cats, with such a strong name, the body of the cat is as strong as a calf, and it is especially easy to raise.

The system changed itself.

Name: Jin Xiaopang (nickname: Tie Niu)

Gender: male (neutered)

Species: Felidae - British Shorthair Golden Gradation

Age: ten months

Personality: Lively, active, clever and clingy.

Specialty: can eat!

Tang Wan was amused. Is it serious to be able to eat this specialty


In the evening, Aunt Dilis, a maidservant beside Zong He's mother, finally saw Zong He who had quietly transformed into a human body. After explaining his intentions, Zong He only told her: "She doesn't want to attend my funeral, so wait until I get well." toss."

Dilis followed Mrs. Zong since she was a child, and later married Mrs. Zong to the Duke's mansion. Watching Zong He's birth, and seeing the relationship between mother and son become what they are now after the death of the Duke, this fifty-year-old The attendant persuaded earnestly: "Master, madam is really worried about you. She has been talking about you a lot these past few years. If you are free, take young madam back to see her. She has that temper, just coax her." gone."

Zong He snorted coldly, and said unfeelingly: "I'm not in good health yet, it's not convenient to go back to see her, you go back and tell her, what kind of partner I want to find is my business, and she doesn't need to intervene, if she dares If I hurt a hair of his, I will sever the mother-child relationship with her."

Di Lis sighed in disappointment. Today's trip was wasted again. "Okay, I will tell Madam what you mean."

After sending the female officer away, Zong He told Lin Bo, "Strengthen the guards and choose a few capable people to follow Tang Wan secretly, just in case."

Lin Bo shook his head helplessly. It is a lesson learned from blood that a son can guard his mother to such an extent.

"The madam was stimulated after the death of the Duke, and she became like this. She always felt that the Duke would not listen to her, and she would die, so that she is too controlling now. If the Duke is still alive... "

"There is no if in this world," Zong He interrupted Lin Bo seriously, "I only know that without your protection, I have been killed by her several times, and I cannot become a puppet in her hands, Tang Wan And she won't become a victim in her hands. If this doesn't change, she will stay in the Duke's mansion all the time and don't go out. "

After speaking, Zong He transformed into a little tiger cub again and went to find Tang Wan.

Lin Bo looked at Zong He's back with distress, and thought of the scene of little Zong He hiding in the basement late at night, covered in blood, licking his wounds. Mrs. Zong kept her word and wanted Zong He to follow the path she had drawn. Even if she didn't say a word according to her meaning, she would be severely punished. However, Zong He has such a strong temper, the more the opponent oppresses him, the more he twists and turns, so that the punishment ranges from confinement, deprivation of food, to a severe beating in the end. In order to survive, Zong He entered the military academy at the age of fourteen, and went to the battlefield at the age of eighteen. Mrs. Zong was so angry that she sent people several times to kill Zong He. In her own words, the disobedient son, Rather than dying outside, it would be better to die by her side. Now Zong He is almost thirty years old, and the mother and son are still facing each other, and they are like enemies when they meet.


At 7:30 in the evening, Tang Wan, who didn't know anything about it, held his darling in his arms, and asked solemnly: "I will turn on the touch function in a while, and tell the audience in the live broadcast room, touch your fifty star coin , Am I going to make a fortune tonight?"

Zong He gritted his teeth and really wanted to ask: Are you stupid for letting your husband be touched by others

Tang Wan smiled, "I'm just kidding~"

Zong He's eyes softened, and at this moment, Tang Wan asked again: "I wonder how much you can sell it for?"

Zong He raised his eyes, a bit of anger flashed in his golden eyes, he stood up in Tang Wan's arms, holding Tang Wan's face with his two front paws, staring at him seriously, I will give you another chance to reorganize your words !

Tang Wan continued to smile, tilted his head and kissed his little paw, and coaxed in a good-tempered way: "Just kidding, how can I be willing to sell you, I can't sell you even if I sell the marshal, you are my big baby! "

Zong He: "..."

The sharp claws hidden in the claw pads trembled for a moment, looming between the claw pads, sticking to Tang Wan's fair and delicate face, as long as he was not careful, he could scratch a bloodstain on this white and tender face. The marshal raised his paw angrily, stuffed it into his mouth and took a bite. He couldn't beat or scold him, and he could only bite himself when he was angry! Sooner or later, he will be submissive after being treated!

Tang Wan landed in the live broadcast room with a smile, and hugged the kitten tightly in his arms, "Please save face and meet the audience."

As soon as the fans saw Tang Wan's online presence, and saw Da Zhuang in his arms, they all screamed: Da Zhuang is my favorite in this life, please turn on the touch function!

Speaking of what race Da Zhuang is, I have never seen such a small cub!

I haven't seen it clearly either, is Da Zhuang's real name Da Zhuang

Tang Wan looked down at Da Zhuang. He really didn't know what Da Zhuang's real name was. He heard Lin Bo call him Young Master. He was the marshal's distant nephew. It was said that he was of mixed blood and mentally unstable. He borrowed the marshal's attending doctor to see him here. Tang Wan felt that a child should have a strong-sounding name, so he was called Da Zhuang.

Tang Wan stroked Da Zhuang's neck, ran down his hair, and introduced to everyone, "My Da Zhuang looks like a cat. The specific species is kept secret."

Zong He jumped out of Tang Wan's arms, closed his eyes and fell asleep in disgust, his claws trembled, and married a silly wife who couldn't recognize her husband's species.

Audience: Please touch it!

Ask for a reward!

Tang Wan regretted, "This one won't work, it's my favorite, my favorite big baby, the others are fine."

A lot of comments followed: the upstairs doesn't ask for it anymore, it's useless, Tang Tang loves Da Zhuang the most, and no one can touch it.

The audience is helpless, Tang Wan always wears a 3D cat face mask, covering the upper half of his face, they don't even know what a real person looks like, and now even the species of a little cub is so mysterious, how can it be so mysterious? Well, they are not here to see what the blogger looks like, but to see the cute pets that have disappeared from the earth.

Zong He shook his ears, jumped off the chair, and walked away coldly. He was satisfied with Tang Wan's answer just now, so he gave him some space to play freely.

Seeing him go out, Tang Wan felt relieved, and enthusiastically introduced to everyone: "Today, I will also introduce my cat to everyone. I have summoned a new little guy, and this time I can pet it."

The audience is curious: what is a cat

Tang Wan waved his hand, and released Jin Xiaopang in the system at the same time. Tang Wan peeked at the door, but didn't see Da Zhuang's shadow. He hugged the child excitedly, and enthusiastically introduced to everyone: "This is my new family. The cub here, his first name is Jin Xiaopang, and his nickname is Tie Niu!"

Zong He, who had already walked to the opposite bedroom, blew his beard angrily, turned his head and went back. no! Still very upset!

The author has something to say: I'm sorry for the late update, I'm so busy, I haven't eaten yet, I'm so hungry_(:3」∠)_

Today I still draw 60 red envelopes, so I love you~~Thank you for the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: _gigu_ 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Can't keep people, 10 bottles of Yuyao; 4 bottles of Miss Shiliang; Jingjinghang 918, I changed my nickname again and again, Yueluoxi, Nuonuo, shallow ink rhyme, the future can be expected, and I want to be with you in the rain 1 bottle of Yuyu and Muli;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!