My Wayward Ex-Wife

Chapter 16


It happened that a soldier could not dodge in time, and he was about to be hit, and his face was pale in fear, but at the critical moment, the black horse jumped hard and jumped over his head, leaving everyone far behind at once. .

Seeing this, Fu Yanlin immediately turned on his horse and chased after him. Seeing the speed and the leap of just now, he knew that this was a rare good horse, and he couldn't lose it.

Mu Huanqing never thought that he would be separated from everyone in the forest.

Just now, a heavy fog suddenly appeared, blocking the direction. She listened to the sound and thought she was heading in this direction. When the fog cleared, she found that the brothers around her were gone.

When she was troubled, a butterfly flew over and dangled in front of her eyes. She looked at the butterfly and suddenly felt a little strange.

This butterfly is the exact same color and pattern as the one she found in the study, is it a coincidence

While she was pondering, she suddenly heard the neighing sound of the horse. She moved in her heart and immediately looked for the source of the sound, but the butterfly did not fly away, but followed her all the way.

Mu Huanqing still felt it was a coincidence and didn't take it seriously, her whole mind was on the horse. According to Li Yuan's inquiries, the robbers might be hiding in the woods, so she had to be careful.

It didn't take long for her to discover a black foal and immediately recognized that this black foal was the Qianli horse she was looking for.

It took her a month to tame the horse. Everyone who keeps horses has the ability to know horses, and Mu Huanqing is no exception. When ordinary people see horses, they may not be able to distinguish the appearance of horses, but Mu Huanqing can know the difference.

She immediately walked to the horse, who seemed startled to see her.

Mu Huanqing took out the prepared pill and threw it at the black colt. This danye is the horse's favorite fruit, and the black horse might be hungry. She has to give it food first so that it can put its guard down, and maybe the black horse will remember her.

Sure enough, as soon as Heiju smelled the scent of Danye, he lowered his head and sniffed at the fruit, then ate the fruit, raised his head and seemed to recognize her, and walked towards her with a wagging ponytail.

Mu Huanqing happily touched its black mane. To be able to find this black horse is a great fortune among misfortunes.

"Let's go, let's go home," she said to the black colt, pulling its reins to leave, but she was too happy when she heard a cold order.


Mu Huanqing was stunned, she held the hilt of the sword at her waist with one hand vigilantly, and at the same time looked at the source of the sound, she was shocked when she saw it.

Fu Yanlin

"Let go of that horse," he ordered in a low voice.

Mu Huanqing was stunned for a while. She never expected to meet him here, and because she was holding the horse, she was just blocked by the horse, so Fu Yanlin did not see her appearance clearly.

"Who are you?"

Mu Huanqing didn't want to recognize him, so she quickly took out a handkerchief and put it on her face while the horse was covering her, leaving only her eyes exposed.

She has nothing to do with Fu Yanlin anymore, but in order not to cause trouble for herself, she doesn't need to let him know who she is.

"Why didn't you answer this official's question?" There was more warning in his cold tone.

Mu Huanqing covered his face and walked out from the side of the horse. "I am the owner of this horse."

Fu Yanlin only knew it was a girl when he heard the voice, and the other party covered his face with a handkerchief, clearly very suspicious.

"You are the owner of this horse? Proof?"

When the horses were transported, in order to prove that the horses belonged to them, they naturally prepared the number of transactions and documents for the government to verify, but after Wu Gang and others encountered the bandits, the proof was naturally lost.

"My people met with robbers, they robbed horses and killed people, and the proof was lost," she said.

Anyone who knows horses will know that this black colt is a rare one, and a thousand-mile colt is hard to find, so Fu Yanlin naturally doesn't believe the other party's words.

"In other words, you can't prove that the horse is your proof?"

Mu Huanqing frowned. Hearing this tone, Fu Yanlin did not admit that the horse was hers.

"Even if I can't bring it up, it doesn't mean that the horse is not mine." She ignored him and was about to leave with the black horse.

Fu Yanlin suddenly stepped on the ground and performed light work to come to her, blocking her way.

"This official doesn't want to bother with you, you can go." He put his hands behind him and looked at her coldly, with the final warning in his indifferent tone.

Mu Huanqing was not afraid of him, knowing that it would be useless to talk to him, she suddenly got on the horse, pulled the reins, and was about to drive away.

Fu Yanlin sneered. "Humph! I don't know what's wrong." He stepped a little and jumped up, like a big eagle spreading its wings, stretched out his big palms to grab her.

When the palm wind hit, Mu Huanqing slammed his sword and swung it in the direction he grabbed. Fu Yanlin immediately retracted his palm and rolled over, avoiding her sword qi.

Mu Huanqing didn't intend to hurt him, just wanted to stop him from chasing after him.

"Drive!" She urged the horse to run fast, not wanting to toss with him, but Fu Yanlin was not someone who could get rid of him so easily.

"Want to run?" He snorted coldly and jumped up on the spot. After a few jumps, he took out the riding whip around his waist, threw it at her, wrapped one of her arms, and dragged her off the horse.

Mu Huanqing exclaimed and rolled a few times on the ground. The whip contained internal energy, so she couldn't shake it off, so it pulled her off the horse and fell hard.

Seeing that he was about to attack her mercilessly, she immediately raised her hand and shouted.

"Slow!" She suddenly stopped, causing Fu Yanlin to stop. Taking advantage of this gap, she hurriedly spoke. "I admit defeat, I'll give you the horse and say goodbye!" As soon as she let go of the whip, she immediately performed light work and left.

Fu Yanlin did not expect this woman to admit defeat so readily, and escaped without a trace. Because her face was covered with a cloth, covering her face, only a pair of eyes were exposed, so he didn't know what she was like when she was born

He wanted to find the black horse, not arresting anyone, so he let her escape. He turned his head to look for it, and soon found the black colt. The horse ran not far and stopped under a tree. He strode towards the black colt. The black colt, seeing him approaching, turned his head immediately. to run.

Fu Yanlin immediately stepped forward with Qing Gong, sat on the horse, and pulled the reins.

The black horse was tamed by Mu Huanqing and only recognized her. Suddenly, a strange man mounted him and started to jump and struggle, trying to get rid of him.

Fu Yanlin was slammed out by the horse, and after a round, he landed safely, but he didn't give up and wanted to tame the horse again. Before he got close, there was a sudden cracking sound, and the thick fog exploded in front of him. He was startled, and immediately retreated, holding his breath at the same time, fearing that it was some poisonous fog.

He suddenly felt a tingling pain in his neck, thinking that it was bitten by some insect, and when he touched it with his hand, he found a very thin needle.

He fell to the ground softly, and immediately used his internal force to try to force the toxin out. At this time, the fog gradually dissipated, and the figure of a woman slowly appeared in the fog, officially the masked woman.

Fu Yanlin's dark eyes stared at her, his eyes were cold and murderous, even if he was sitting on the ground now, he was still full of danger, like a beast that would slaughter at any time.

Mu Huan was not afraid of his threatening gaze. If he didn't come to provoke her, she wouldn't use any tricks against him. She was using a hidden weapon similar to blowing arrows, and the needles shot were coated with a liquid that would temporarily paralyze people.

"Don't worry, this anaesthetic won't kill you, it will only temporarily immobilize your body." The anaesthetic could last for two minutes, enough for her to take the black horse away.

Now no one's bothering her anymore. She turned and walked towards the black horse, but if she knew that Fu Yanlin's abilities were more than that, she would never turn her back on him so easily.

The Marquis of Zhenyuan, who had once wrapped his body in horse leather, killed the enemy in blood, and was the champion of martial arts, could take the position of the commander-in-chief by no means a mere shot of anesthesia.

Mu Huanqing only took two steps when she felt a chill on the back of her neck. She turned her head and met Fu Yanlin's face that was close at hand.

Her heart shrank suddenly, and before he could fight back, he had already pinched her neck and crushed her to the ground.

How is this possible? She widened her eyes in horror, and saw that he was exuding arrogant arrogance, his strength was terrifying, as if the king of hell came from hell, his eyes were staring at her.

"Hmph! You dare to plot against this officer, but this officer wants to see who you are!" He reached out and pulled the veil off her face, but before he could see clearly, he was beaten upside down by the opponent's fist.

Mu Huanqing smacked his face, and at the same time kicked him away from himself with another foot, then quickly got up, rushed to the black colt, jumped on the horse's back, and drove the horse away in a hurry, leaving on his back. Fu Yanlin on the ground.

The anesthetic is still effective, but his physical strength is too strong, so the effect is slower.

He stared at the sky, a nosebleed slowly flowing out.

Damn woman! She'd better pray not to be found by him, that no one can take his horse, plot against him, and after punching him again, she can sit back and relax.

He will find her, he swears!

He Guan squatted beside him amusingly, admiring Fu Yanlin's livid face, he shook his head. Look at this handsome face, she was beaten with nosebleeds, that woman is really willing, this is still her husband!

From beginning to end, He Guan watched from the side. These two are really a pair of real enemies. He finally created an opportunity for the two to meet. Mu Huanqing, a woman who didn't take the opportunity, even covered her face. admit.