My Wayward Ex-Wife

Chapter 2


He Guan evoked a wicked smile. It seems that the task this time is to reconnect the torn red line, so I don't know what kind of man is on the other end of the original red line

Before Mu Huanqing reached the door, Ji Momo hurried over.

"My little ancestor, finally came back!" Ji Momo was so happy when she saw the young lady, she was so happy that she almost cried when the young lady ran away.

"Doudou, look, you scared mammy to the point of crying." Mu Huanqing pinched her daughter's nose lightly and scolded.

Doudou looked at Ji Momo with a cute smile. "Mother." She called softly, and stretched out a pair of small hands to beg for a hug.

Seeing this smile, Ji Momo's heart melted, and she wanted to take out her heart and give it to the little ancestor, and quickly coaxed: "No wonder, no wonder, Momma loves you."

Mu Huanqing laughed, handed her daughter over to Mammy Ji, told the situation, and asked Mammy to take the child to wash, and later feed her some tremella soup, so that her daughter could reduce the fire. , smoothed the hairpin in her hand.

Mammy knew that the young lady had just had a nosebleed. It turned out that she had eaten too much lychees from the south.

Mu Huanqing turned around and went to the study, sat in front of the desk, picked up the hairpin and looked at it carefully. The workmanship of this butterfly is extremely meticulous, and it is definitely not owned by ordinary people. I am afraid which noble person lost it. I will send someone out to inquire about it tomorrow to see which noble person passed by and left the hairpin.

When she stared at the hairpin, the streamer light on the gems also reflected her eyes, and she suddenly felt dazzling. She couldn't help closing her eyes, but when she closed her eyes, she felt a sudden attack of heavy sleepiness, making her drowsy.

He Guan's beautiful and slender hands caressed her head, and his hoarse laughter was magnetic.

"Sleep! Let me see, who is the man who made you pregnant and who used to have a red thread with you..."

Mu Huanqing's body softened, lying on the desk, sleeping at the desk.

four years ago-

Among the aristocrats in the capital, a shocking news recently came out—the Marquis of Zhenyuan, Fu Yanlin, is getting married.

Fu Yanlin is the best husband in the hearts of noble women in the capital. The woman from the aristocratic family who had his idea secretly wanted to marry him, but it was not easy to marry him. Fu Yanlin is not only handsome and unparalleled, in addition to hereditary titles, he is also an official servant of the general soldier, in charge of 100,000 soldiers.

If you want to marry him, in addition to your own family background, you must have unique luck.

This luck was fortunately snatched by Mu Huanqing, the eldest girl of the Mu family. To be more precise, it was snatched by her father.

Speaking of her father, Mu Cangying, he was the favorite minister of the current emperor. When the emperor was still the crown prince, her father was the prince's young guardian. He used his life to protect him several times, and he supported the prince all the way to become the current emperor. , is still popular.

Everyone said that Mu Huanqing, the eldest girl of the Mu family, was able to grab a good man like Zhenyuan Hou, all because Mu Huanqing asked the emperor for the marriage decree, otherwise Mu Huanqing would be nineteen years old and ordinary. Where would the Houfu's wife get her turn

When the imperial decree was given, the noble ladies in the capital were wailing all over the place. I don't know how many veils were torn to pieces. There was a lot of jealousy and anger. They all said that it was a flower stuck on the cow dung. Of course, this flower refers to the handsome Hou Ye Fu Yanlin.

In fact, Mu Huanqing looks pretty good, but it's just that people can't compare. When Mu Huanqing's beauty is compared with that of a noble girl in the capital, she becomes a green leaf that foils flowers.

At the age of nineteen, she has not left the cabinet until today, and there are good people who say that she cannot marry because of her poor appearance.

But how did they know that on the day Mu Huanqing was brought back to Beijing by the marriage edict, his face was ugly as if he had a deep hatred with someone.

Mu Cangying and Mu Huanqing, the father and daughter, have the same temper. Once the two quarrel, they will be direct and silent. Once they fight, they can turn the Mu Mansion upside down.

Mu Cangying can become the prince's young security, and his martial arts is not weak. He is the number one master in the country that real money can't buy. Although Mu Huanqing is not weak in martial arts, she will definitely lose if she fights with her father.

Since she couldn't beat her, she wouldn't make her father feel better, so when her father's fist came, she deliberately didn't hide, and put her face up to beat him.

That's right, Mu Huanqing doesn't care about the appearance that the girl's family cares about most.

It's a pity that her father's punch didn't hit her in the face, but turned in a wrong direction in time and hit her on the chest. Although her strength was reduced by 30%, she still suffered internal injuries.

She vomited blood on the spot and fainted. When she woke up, she was already lying on the bed, her mother was sitting beside her, and the huge tears fell to her as if they didn't want money.

"Mother..." she called out weakly. She knew that she made her mother sad, and she deliberately let her father beat her, just knowing that if her father hurt herself, her mother would definitely be angry and ignore her father, because her mother was her father's weakness, but she forgot that her mother was also hers cover door.

Her mother was just a concubine of her father, known as Aunt Li, but she was the most beloved woman in her father's heart.

According to Mother Wu, who served her mother, she was a girl her father snatched from the northern prairie back then.

Concubine Li was originally just an ordinary shepherd girl on the grassland, and she also booked a marriage. At that time, Mrs. Mu accompanied the emperor who was still the crown prince to the north to inspect the construction of the Great Wall. By chance one day, Mrs. Mu was riding a horse on the grassland and saw a girl. She drove a few sheep to graze, humming a little tune, and when Mrs. Mu saw her, it was like a wolf seeing a sheep, and his eyes were straight.

After inquiring, I found out that the girl was about to get married, but her father actually thought of a plan to snatch the girl over, and she became a concubine in the Mu Mansion and became Concubine Li.

At that time, Mrs. Mu was already married, and there were many concubines in the mansion, all of whom were beautiful women sent by courtiers from all over the world, but it was strange that Mrs. Mu was only Auntie Li.

Mu Huanqing knew that her mother didn't love her father. Even after so many years, her mother was always cold and indifferent to her father. Wu Wumao said that after the mother gave birth to her, her father decided to put it under the name of the big house and cultivate it as a direct daughter. This is the reason why Mu Huanqing became the direct daughter of Mufu.

Her father did this because he wanted to tell her mother that he was the only one in his heart by pampering his daughter.

Mu Huanqing was indeed lucky, because Concubine Li was the most beloved concubine of Mrs. Mu, so at the request of Concubine Li, Mu Huanqing was able to start martial arts at the age of five.

Her mother's meaning is that she hopes to give her a different life, that she should become strong, not like other boudoir ladies who can only stay in the house all their lives, and the sky they look up at is only as big as the backyard.

As soon as you enter the Houmen's gate, it is as deep as the sea. Like the backyards of other high-ranking officials, the Hou's backyard is full of open and secret fights between wives and concubines. After women grow up and get married, they just change places to continue fighting.

Concubine Li understands the complicated battles in the deep courtyard of the mansion, so when Mu Huanqing was thirteen years old to discuss her relatives, she tried her best to send her to live in the village in the north of Mu's mansion and leave this complex Beijing compound. , in order not to let her live like those noble ladies of high officials and big families.

When Mu Huanqing came to the north and saw the vast and boundless prairie, she suddenly understood.

The environment can support people. Mother was born in the prairie. The world she saw was where her mother lived. Her mother's love for her was to give her a free world to fly.

Maybe one day, with martial arts, she will be able to create a world in the north, take her mother, and stay far away from the capital and those complicated and sinister hearts.

It's a pity that Mu Huanqing is the reincarnation of a thousand-year-old fox. There are more people who have rolled around in the officialdom than others. They can only open eyes to the sky. An imperial decree made Mu Huanqing obediently return to the capital, like a thunderbolt that smashed her from the sky to the ground. , had to squat on the spot.

Outsiders say that the marriage that Mr. Mu asked for her is what all the noble girls in the capital yearn for. The girl in the house is not only her daughter, but her father gave her the best marriage, but Mu Huanqing understood her father very well. In his mind, he was tying her with his marriage, which was equivalent to tying her mother.

Mu Huanqing was very angry. Her father has always used all means in his life to plot against his mother, and now to plot against her daughter, she will fight with her father angrily.

"Mother, don't cry... Daughter is fine..." Mu Huanqing comforted her guiltily, and put one hand on the back of her mother's hand, her mother's tears dripping from it, and it also fell into her heart, making her feel distressed.

Her mother seldom shed tears. There were only two times when she cried. One was to fake crying in front of her father for a certain purpose, and the other was to really cry for her daughter, and now her mother is really crying.

"He actually dared to hurt you! The tiger's poison doesn't eat his son, he... I decided to ignore him!" Concubine Li cried angrily.


"You don't need to explain, my mother understands that his move is to tie our mother and daughter, and it is the mother who harmed you..."

Mu Huanqing held her mother's hand tightly and whispered, "Mother, getting married is no big deal, it's not going to jail, my daughter is not stupid, she knows how to live... Mother knows her daughter's capabilities, doesn't she?" She playfully Blinking at her mother, she finally burst into tears.

Concubine Li caressed her daughter's face, nodded, and cried and smiled, "Don't worry, my mother understands, but I just wronged you."

"My daughter is not wronged. I think for the best, when my daughter goes to the Hou Mansion, she is out of her father's eye. It's easier to do things this way. My daughter will find a way to make a breakthrough. Mother, wait with peace of mind!"