My Wayward Ex-Wife

Chapter 33


When they saw the baby in the hands of their son, the two old men stared straight at each other. When they heard the baby girl calling them grandparents, they couldn't take their eyes off the corners of their mouths. bent up.

Fu Yanlin raised the corners of his mouth when he saw the light in his parents' eyes. As he expected, his parents would definitely like Doudou as soon as they saw it, just like himself, who taught Doudou that this daughter is too lovable.

Sure enough, it was his mother who couldn't help it first.

The old lady of Hou Mansion immediately stepped forward and wanted to touch her granddaughter's little face, and Doudou also gave her face very much. When grandma touched her, she immediately burst into laughter and reached out to touch it back, making the old lady so excited that she forgot about herself. The mother who didn't like this baby once, even forgot the rules for her daughter-in-law and getting rid of the horse, and focused all her attention on this beautiful granddaughter, which was very rare.

If Fu Yanlin is said to be the handsome prince in the capital who fascinated noble ladies, then Doudou has inherited her father's strengths, but she is even more of a heartthrob.

Seeing that the two elders like their daughter so much, Mu Huanqing can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although she doesn't care whether they care about this granddaughter, she is still very happy to see them treat Doudou well, but she also finds it strange that Doudou, who recognizes her life on weekdays, is not afraid of life at all when she sees her grandparents. Still very close to them, even followed the two elders into the main room to talk

How could she know that along the way, there was a young man with an invisible hairpin who was teaching her daughter to curry favor with others. Doudou listens to Uncle Butterfly. When her uncle tells her to laugh, she laughs like a flower? When her uncle tells her to call someone, she calls someone softly. Uncle acts as her military adviser and teaches her to use thousands of people. The style of the fans, let's get the two old people first.

This time, when Mu Huanqing came back, almost everyone in the whole house met, except for Fu Rong and Aunt Lin, who were married two years ago. But it was normal for Aunt Lin not to come out to meet her. She didn't take it seriously until she returned to the yard where she used to live, and heard the maid tell her that Aunt Lin had been sent out of the house and was no longer Lord Hou's concubine. The other concubines were also dealt with by Hou Ye, and Mu Huanqing was stunned.

"Send it all away?"

"Yes, Marquis now has only your wife and no auntie." The maid replied respectfully.

The four maids in front of her were exactly the four people she had arranged to serve in her house when she married into the Hou Mansion. This time she returned to Fu as these four maidservants, but they were respectful to her. Nothing less than that, because they knew that the lady's status was different now.

Mu Huanqing never expected that Fu Yanlin would actually send away her aunt. She didn't have to think about it to know what he was doing.

He is showing his heart to her, and now there is no other woman by his side besides her.

"Understood." Mu Huanqing only said lightly, and then ordered them to prepare to take a bath. She had to wash up and go to bed.

She didn't plan to stay for a long time when she came back this time, so she only brought Li Yuan, Xinyu, Ji Momo, and Liu's sister and brother a total of five servants back to the house.

After seeing Sister Ji and the three of them following the lady, the servants of the Hou residence were in better spirits and complexion than they were four years ago. At first glance, they knew that life was going well, and they understood that the lady would indeed treat those who follow her well; Now that Hou Ye went to pick up his wife in person, it showed that his attention and love to his wife were different from before, and everyone was more respectful to her, serving her wholeheartedly and not daring to make mistakes.

This is Mu Huanqing's first time to celebrate the New Year in Hou's Mansion. When she went to offer tea to her parents-in-law and pay respects to the ancestors of the Fu family, Fu Yanlin was by her side from beginning to end, which made her suddenly have an illusion. Four years ago, she was the only one who suffered the same scene alone, but this time, Fu Yanlin accompanied him all the way.

She quietly glanced at Fu Yanlin, remembering what Ji Momo went to inquire about, saying that Marquis had put a lot of effort into bringing her back, and the matter of sending her concubine out of the house was opposed by the old lady, especially the old lady. When Aunt Lin was sent away, the old lady was so angry that she did not speak to her son for a month. The old man was prejudiced against the shepherd's family, and also opposed to his son bringing his daughter-in-law back for the New Year. Fu Yanlin communicated with the two elders one by one, and insisted on it to the end, even hiding the matter from her until everything was dusty. After it was settled, they went to Zhuangzi to pick up their mother and daughter.

Since the two elders were very fond of Doudou, the granddaughter, they were a lot more friendly to her daughter-in-law. It turned out that Fu Yanlin was busy with this matter after not going to Zhuangzi for so long. Aunt Lin bribed someone to kill her concubine. Although this matter was suppressed by Fu Yanlin, Fu Yanlin was very disappointed with Aunt Lin's vicious nature. He could not keep her any longer, so he sent her back to her parents' home, and she could choose another person to marry. If she wants to marry, he will prepare a generous dowry for her; if she does not marry, he will also give her a sum of money for the rest of her life.

For Aunt Lin, Fu Yanlin has done his best.

Thinking of Aunt Lin, Mu Huanqing couldn't help shaking her head and sighing. She is a beautiful beauty like flowers and jade, but she spends all her energy on fighting in the backyard, wasting the good appearance that God gave her.

Fu Yanlin's thoughts couldn't be more clear, and it also showed that he never gave up. When he said he wanted to save her, he used his actions to prove that he could do this. If Mu Huanqing didn't accept his love, she herself It all feels a bit unreasonable.

Her heart has already begun to shake, and the dream of spring every night disturbs her heart, so that she can't look at him right now, because she is afraid that she will regret it if she can't hold it. God, she is really reluctant to give up her weapons and surrender like this.

She knows very well that once this door is opened, it will not affect herself and her daughter Doudou. She has to think carefully.

I thought that tidying up the backyard was Fu Yanlin's last resort, but he didn't expect that he would have a back-up move.

On the first day of the new year, Baiguan entered the palace to pay New Year's greetings to the emperor. Fu Yanlin got up before dawn to prepare, and Mu Huanqing, as his wife, had to follow him into the palace this time.

Mu Huanqing felt a little strange. Logically speaking, she could be absent in the past few years, doesn't that mean that she doesn't have to follow him into the palace? The explanation he gave was that ministers above the third rank would bring their wives into the palace on important festivals, so he had to take her there once. Since her father and her husband had begun to suspect, the emperor might also become suspicious, so she You should follow him into the palace to pay New Year's greetings.

Mu Huanqing also makes sense to think about it. After all, entering the palace is not a child's play. Since he said so, she will cooperate!

It's just that she underestimated Fu Yanlin. Once this man aims at his goal, he will never give up unless he achieves his goal, and visiting the palace for New Year's greetings is his trump card.

When the courtiers entered the palace to pay New Year's greetings to the emperor, their wives paid New Year's greetings to the concubines. Before entering the palace, Mu Huanqing also roughly learned some court etiquette. She thought it was just New Year's greetings, eating, drinking and toasting with everyone, listening to songs and dancing, and going back when the banquet was over, but where would she think, The queen of the mother-in-the-world actually called her forward to speak.

"Speaking of this matter, the emperor also cares about his subjects. After all, your marriage was given to you by the emperor, and the Marquis of Zhenyuan is a talent that the emperor valued. He didn't have a son yet, and he even sent out all the women that the emperor gave him. This really made the emperor's face, but the emperor thought that Zhenyuanhou loved his wife so much, and he didn't want other concubines in the backyard to block his wife. This is also a human being. As a matter of fact, since your husband and wife are deeply in love, you should 'share the same bed' and give birth to a son as soon as possible, so as to gain the reputation of the emperor's perfection, and the name of Zhenyuan Hou's love for his wife, don't you think?"

The soft and soft words came out of the Queen's mouth softly and firmly. It sounded like a chat between women, but it actually conveyed the Emperor's meaning.

Mu Huanqing sat in the lower seat, bowing his head in response, but his heart was like a river overturned.

Does the emperor know? How could the emperor know? Did Dad complain again? No, on the palace road this morning, she saw her father, and her father saw them walking together with a satisfied smile on his face.

If it wasn't for what Dad said, then there would be only Fu Yanlin.

Mu Huanqing suddenly realized, but she still couldn't believe that Fu Yanlin would use the emperor to oppress her

Although she was shocked, she still dealt with it carefully, and humbly said that she would work hard to serve her husband and give birth to a son as soon as possible in order to repay the kindness of the king, queen and concubine.

After leaving the harem, she and a group of courtiers and ladies walked in the direction of the carriage. Fu Yanlin was already waiting for her there. The two boarded the carriage together. When the door was closed, she turned to look at Fu Yanlin and saw him with a calm and solemn face. , looks mighty and calm, but his ears are slightly red.

At this moment, Mu Huanqing can almost sit back and guess. This man actually took advantage of the grace of God and wanted her to have an affair with him

Mu Huanqing kept staring at him like this, Fu Yanlin felt guilty for a while by her gaze, but he tried his best to pretend to be calm, but his heart was full of confusion.

The fact that the queen asked her to talk was caused by him, because he knew that the best way to get her back to the palace was the imperial decree.

In fact, this is what he came up with unintentionally. In order to clean up the backyard, he sent out the woman that the emperor had rewarded. The emperor was very angry when he found out about this, but the emperor could not directly attack him on this matter, so he went to him and scolded him under the pretext of political affairs. .

The emperor would not have bothered with his backyard affairs, but the fact that he did not consummate the marriage with his wife reached the emperor's ears, and he knew his dissatisfaction with the marriage, which made the emperor very unhappy. Sending it out will make the emperor even more unhappy, so he will target him.