My Wayward Ex-Wife

Chapter 9


Not only did he not guard against them, the young lady's schedule was clear at a glance. After getting up in the morning to wash and change clothes, I went to greet the old lady and then went back to the yard to teach the maid to read and write.

After teaching for an hour, the young lady would read a book until lunch time. After finishing her meal, she would take a walk in the courtyard and then take a nap.

Mu Huanqing knew very well in his heart that the pair of brothers and sisters who had been inserted into the room could be seen from their walking pace and breathing in and out, that they were practitioners.

They didn't know Mu Huanqing knew martial arts, they just thought she was an ordinary woman, so they didn't hide in front of her, but Mu Wuqing deliberately changed the way she walked in front of them, and deliberately appeared to be vain, this is an ordinary woman way of walking.

Since the other party came to monitor her, of course she would hide deeper.

She was able to accept the Liu family brothers and sisters so readily because she knew that instead of letting people spy on them, it would be better to put it on the bright side, so that it would be convenient for everyone.

Besides, since she gets along with the Fu family in a gentle and submissive manner, she has to continue. If she wants to monitor, she can monitor them. She wants to see how capable they are.

During this period, Mu Huanqing picked up another servant and returned to the yard. This man was called A Niu, who was originally responsible for cleaning up horse manure.

Everyone said that A Niu was a fool, because he was always taken advantage of by others. After the monthly payment was deducted, it turned into a few cents and steamed buns in his hands, but he did not argue, and he would eat the steamed buns. , Don't ask why the case of silver is so little, so everyone thinks he is a fool, and leaves him to do the dirty work of cleaning horse manure.

Mu Huanqing likes honest people, so she asked the chief executive to transfer people to work in her yard.

When the general manager came to report that the young lady had picked up another servant and returned to the yard, and the servant was still recognized as a fool, the pen in Fu Yanlin's hand stopped. He was writing a letter at the time.

"What does she want that fool to do?"

"Liu Mu said that the lady probably felt that the fool was pitiful, so she transferred him to the yard to sweep the floor."

Fu Yanlin pulled the corners of his mouth noncommittally. "Give it to her if she wants, as long as she stays safe and doesn't make trouble."

"Yes." The general manager took the order and left. In fact, such a trivial matter, the general manager would not report to Lord Hou on weekdays, but Lord Hou had instructed that if the young lady wanted to arrange anyone to enter the yard, she had to tell him, and then she went back and forth.

After Ah Niu arrived at Mrs. Shao's yard, Mu Huanqing asked him to clean the inner yard, giving him new shirts and trousers to wear, increasing his daily food intake, and giving him a monthly silver bill.

Mu Huanqing felt that A Niu was tall and big, but he was always bullied. It would not go on like this, so she searched for a day and asked A Niu to wait at the stable during her nap, while she concealed it from Sister Liu. Brother, use Qinggong to sneak into the stable, and secretly teach Aniu some self-defense skills.

She thought that it would take a lot of work to get Aniu to learn, but she didn't expect that Aniu would be able to play the same moves after just watching it once, not bad at all.

Mu Huanqing was surprised, and tried to teach A Niu a set of boxing techniques. There were 108 moves in this boxing technique, but A Niu had only watched it three times before remembering all of them, so he still typed out the moves and showed her. This made her happy again.

Unexpectedly, A Niu, who is regarded as a fool by everyone, is actually a martial arts prodigy, and he is also extremely powerful. He is a treasure at all!

This Hou Mansion is really hiding dragons and crouching tigers, and Mu Huanqing only picked up two people, one is unforgettable, and the other is a martial arts genius, why didn't she teach her to steal fun

She gave Aniu a new name "Li Yuan", and she decided to train Li Yuan to be the most powerful bodyguard around her.

With the addition of Xinyu and Liyuan, Mu Huanqing's life is more interesting. She taught Xinyu literacy and sign language so that Xinyu could communicate with her? She taught Liyuan martial arts at the stable, so that this pearl would not be dusted. With these two loyal servants by his side, Mu Huanqing lived a peaceful and comfortable life.

It's a pity that good times don't last. After more than a month, Mu Huanqing's peaceful days set off a huge wave—

She accidentally got pregnant.

Mu Huanqing lowered her head and stared at her lower abdomen and gently touched it with her hand. She looked up at the doctor with a look of disbelief.


"Yes, according to the old man, my wife has been pregnant for more than a month." In front of her was the doctor of the pharmacy.

Mu Huanqing wore a black gauze hat to cover her face. She didn't reveal her identity, she just didn't want people to recognize her.

Does she actually have it? Mu Huanqing was dumbfounded. Because she has no symptoms of morning sickness at all, she still eats and sleeps every day without any discomfort. It was not until she remembered that her menstrual period seemed to have not come for a long time that she realized that the situation was serious.

She originally had a fluke mentality, but she sneaked out of the house today, and after seeing a doctor to check her pulse, she was diagnosed with a happy pulse.

She only had the same room with Fu Yanlin once, so that's it? God will really find something to do for her.

"Madam?" Xu Shi was stunned for too long, and the doctor reminded her.

Mu Huanqing came back to her senses, thinking that now is not the time to be in a daze. After she paid the money and thanked her, she left the medical workshop. From beginning to end, she did not take off the black gauze hat on her head.

She was walking alone, all the way, she was thinking, this unexpected pregnancy disturbed her calm heart.

She still needs to think more about it before deciding whether to tell the people in the Hou residence.

Quietly returning to the Hou Mansion, Mu Huanqing heard the sound of fighting in her yard. She looked at the roof tile and saw that Liu Mu and Li Yuan were fighting, and Xin Yu was holding a wooden stick to guard At the door of the bedroom, staring at Liu Yun to prevent her from breaking into the bedroom.

Mu Huanqing immediately rolled over, slipped into the room through the window, and then shouted loudly, "What's going on outside? Xinyu, where are you?"

When the outsiders heard this, Liu Mu and Li Yuan stopped their hands, Liu Yun was stunned, and Xin Yu hurriedly pushed the door in, and then hurriedly closed the door.

As soon as she entered the inner room and saw the master coming back, she hurriedly played tricks on the master. Mu Huanqing looked at her gestures and realized that her mother-in-law had sent someone to send a message, and Liu Yun wanted to enter the room to answer, but Xin Yu said that the master was taking a nap, and that no matter what she said, she would wait until she woke up. But Yun refused and insisted on entering the house. He refused to give in, and Li Yuan also came to stop him. Liu Mu came to help his sister, and started a fight with Li Yuan.

After hearing this, Mu Huanqing smiled and touched Xinyu's face. "So that's what happened, it's a trivial matter, don't worry."

Xinyu hurriedly grabbed her again, made some gestures, and said that Liu Mu was skilled, and Li Yuan had to use martial arts to prevent them from coming in.

"Oh? Is that so? It's alright, as long as you know it, it doesn't matter, it's fine with your master covering it."

Xinyu looked at the master's bright smile, her uneasiness was instantly appeased, and she nodded with a smile.

Mu Huanqing walked out of the house unhurriedly, looked at the twin brothers and sisters outside the house, yawned before asking, "Tell me, the old lady sent someone to send a message, what's the matter?"

Liu Yun saw that the young lady was really in the room, as if she had just woken up. Although she was suspicious, she replied respectfully.

"If you go back to the young lady, Concubine Lin has it."

Mu Huanqing was stunned, and then smiled gently. "Oh? This is a happy event!" I didn't expect that at the same time as she was pregnant, Aunt Lin was also happy again. Since she is the mother, she should be concerned about it.

She turned around and instructed Xinyu to stay in the yard to wait for her, then turned to Liu Yun and Liu Mu and said, "You two, follow me to Aunt Lin's place to see."

"Yes, ma'am."

Mu Huanqing took the two out of the yard. When she came to Concubine Lin's yard and entered the arch, it was another different scene.

Compared with the elegance in her yard, Concubine Lin’s yard is planted with peonies, flowers and plants, rockeries and ponds, pavilions and pavilions are exquisitely repaired, carved beams and painted buildings, and one scene and one object, all of which are ingenious, as if they all tell people, The woman who lives here is the person on the top of Hou Ye's heart.

Mu Huanqing knew that in order to make up for Lin Ruoyou's grievance by being a concubine, in addition to the difference in rank, Fu Yanlin gave her the best, whether it was food and clothing, or the servants and maids she served. Her yard is wider than that of her wife.

This man did not shy away from her at all, and his doting on Aunt Lin was not only because he was his sweetheart, but also because he wanted to show his prejudice against her shepherd.

In fact, it wasn't just him, the entire Hou residence had prejudices against the shepherd's family, and she understood all this.

As soon as she entered the room, she found that Fu Yanlin was also there. He should be still in court at this time. It seems that he got the news, so he returned to the house early.

This man has led the army for a long time, and he was born handsome and tall. Lin Ruoyou is a beautiful woman made of water. The two stand together. The handsome man and beauty are like a match made in heaven, and the atmosphere of the fit between them is like an invisible wall. , blocking all outsiders, including her.

Her appearance really stopped the chatting and laughter of the two people, as if a beautiful piano sound was cut off by someone, she looked at everything in her eyes, but her face pretended to be okay.

"Master Hou." She respectfully blessed her husband, then raised her face, and found that his smile had disappeared when he saw her, and changed to a cold look.

She pretended not to see it, and then looked at Aunt Lin, her smile disappeared, and she turned cautious and fearful.

However, as soon as she made a move, she was stopped by Fu Yanlin.