My Weapon is a Loli

Chapter 286: A brief reunion


"The anti-collection chapter has nothing to do with the content of the novel, please do not read it!" ! The correct content is in 6-9-book-bar)

Ten minutes after the email was sent, Times Square broadcast: "I am Blood Spider. Now please leave Times Square. After twelve o'clock, some things that no one wants to see will happen here. There is still time. Please wait under the police's control Orderly evacuation under guidance.”

It sounds like you and the police are on the same team... Yu Ming asked: "The Blood Spider doesn't need to go to such trouble. He can change places. Why must the lights in Times Square be turned on? Would you rather give a warning than change places?"

Simon shook his head. He couldn't figure out the problem and said: "I am imagining that a few terrorists carried bombs and ran all the way from Queens to Manhattan. As a result, they were scattered, so they had to carry the bombs and go back. “Although I know it’s impossible and the crowd will disperse a little, the density is still very high.

Black Spider smiled back at Simon's joke, and then said: "The terrorists who attacked New York this time call themselves the Masked Brigade. They are a branch of the New York branch developed by the base. They have between ten and twelve members. Some people have been under surveillance by the federal police. After the incident early this morning, seven masked terrorists were arrested by the federal police and it was discovered that they planned to respond to the Blood Spider attack a month ago. Dee was a young man who played rock music in his early years. Later, because he could not become famous at the age of thirty-five, he turned to Islam and eventually founded the American branch of the Masked Brigade. Federal police said that Brandi was in Pakistan before becoming a terrorist. At the same time as the training, a comprehensive surgical operation was performed, which will change the appearance and even the gender. Brandi may have used or created a certain dead person to return to the United States to prepare for the jihad.”

Simon said: "It can only be said that modern technology is too advanced. The police use the skull as a prototype. They can add fillers. The police use height as the standard. They can break the Achilles tendon and increase the height of the human body. The gender can also be changed, and the skin color can also be changed. Change."

In martial arts novels, some people can remember the distance between the other person's eyebrows and thus see through the opponent's disguise skills many times. If it were different now, I would probably only be blinded. Yu Ming asked: "How is the imprisoned fake spider doing now?"

"It has been secretly sent to Washington." Black Spider said: "They conducted a lie detector test on Fake Spider. They believe that he did not tell the truth completely, so they may need to use some unconventional means for torture. Fake Spider stated that he only accepts designated media I will only answer some questions during the interview. From my personal point of view, the fake spider is just trying to gain exposure.”

Yu Ming asked: "Has his father been found?"

"No, but many people posted this information on the Internet, and TV stations also broadcast it to help him find his father. But if his father is in New York, we won't know for the time being."

A few people had enough sleep and food. Chatting, the time soon reached twelve o'clock.

At this time, the black spider started shouting. Yu Ming and Simon looked up and saw another bright spot on the satellite image. Black Spider said: "It's JFK Airport in Queens."

"He's walking around." Yu Ming said.

The light began to move, leaving JFK Airport and moving along the highway, using the street lights of the highway, not very fast. About thirty kilometers per hour. The light then moved to Brooklyn, moving from southern Brooklyn toward Manhattan.

Yu Ming said: "Look at this. It is intended to make this bright light meet the lights of Times Square."

Seeing the light's path, Simon nodded: "I thought so too."

At two o'clock in the morning, as the two expected, the light finally arrived in Times Square. The two lights merged and the light moved north. When the light left Times Square, the people in Times Square sighed in disappointment. Almost at the same time, the explosion occurred. A huge electronic screen exploded violently, and broken glass and other items were thrown from a dozen-story building to the crowd below. People below took cover one after another, but it happened too fast, and there were many people stationed in Times Square. Caused heavy casualties at once. At the same time, due to the sound of the explosion, nearby people began to flee in panic, and trampling accidents inevitably occurred. Now there was a chorus of shouting for father and mother.

Everything happened in an instant, the moment the light left, the moment the darkness came back, the explosion happened. It seemed to be the last afterglow of the light, very brilliant.

Simon was furious: "Is the Blood Spider crazy, deliberately killing people like this?" A conservative estimate of the death toll is at least double digits.

Black Spider said: "The Yankees home field is on."

The Yankees baseball team plays home in the Bronx, just north of Manhattan. And now this light is heading north. Yu Ming asked: "How long will it take to get to the Yankees' home court at this speed?"

Black Spider replied: "Two hours."

Simon frowned: "Is it possible that Blood Spider's game is to let the police clear out the Yankees' home court under the current circumstances?"

Black Spider said: "The Yankees have their own generators, and their players and their families have been temporarily living in the Yankees. Because the Yankees are also an urban disaster emergency evacuation site, many people have entered the stadium. It is relatively spacious and there are spectators sitting here. There will be a breeze at the venue, which makes it a relatively comfortable location. The above information is just Mike’s guess, so it’s not accurate, but I know the Yankees have generators.”

Yu Ming looked at his watch: "Arrived at four o'clock?"

"No, at half past three, the speed has accelerated." Black Spider said: "Now the speed has increased to forty-five kilometers per hour. It's strange..."

Yu Ming leaned closer to the screen and looked at it: "Wow, the nine lotus flowers are blooming, this is a rough wave, this is..." Originally there was a pattern, but now lights are on and off in New York, like a city where the parents are not at home, and the three-year-old Children play with the power supply and light it up. This lasted for a minute, then it went out, all the lights went out, and then there was dead silence. Yu Ming asked: "Is it speeding? Rear-end?"

No one knew the answer. At 4:30, a call came to Simon's mobile phone. Simon answered it and immediately pressed the speaker button: "Blood Spider, what is your relationship with the little boy who pretended to be you?"

Blood spider? Yu Ming got off the sofa and approached the phone on the table: "Didn't we verify it? That little guy is the blood spider's plaything."

Blood Spider said: "Yu Ming, I'm in a very irritable mood right now and have no interest in joking. One thing, you can help me kill Brandi from the Masked Brigade, and you can give it to the police. I'll give you a gift."

Brandi from the Masked Brigade, the American terrorist from the al-Qaeda branch? Yu Ming said: "Blood Spider, are you fighting among yourself?"

"Brandy has a girlfriend who joined the band half a year before the band disbanded and also converted to Islam. The FBI has been focusing on monitoring her, and there should be their reasons. Through her, Brandy should be found."

"No, no, no, Blood Spider, we won't be able to help you unless you explain clearly." Yu Ming felt the anxiety in Blood Spider's words, and he was restraining himself.

"Help me and you can get a gift. Otherwise I will open the valve of the chemical plant right now."

"Ah?" Yu Ming was stunned for a moment: "We have already purchased biochemical suits, otherwise yours will not pose any threat to us." I originally wanted to buy a space suit, but it was too expensive, so I couldn't buy it.

Blood Spider took a deep breath for a while and said calmly: "The explosion in Times Square caused deaths and injuries caused by falling objects from high-rise buildings. I did not do this."

"Haha, you are kidding." Yu Ming said: "What a coincidence, the moment you played with overlapping lights, there was an explosion. Do you think anyone will believe it?"

"The Masked Brigade was not created by Brandy, it was created by a senior member of Al Qaeda. I knew him, and I dated him as a terrorist aide for the backdoor plan. He is an elder. , very prestigious, fair in dealing with things, I trust him more. In order to attack New York, I made a plan that I could perfect step by step, and stored it in my personal PDA with a password, and he stole my password. Plan."

"Have your things been stolen?" Simon asked in surprise.

"..." Blood Spider was silent for a while and said: "If I didn't take sedatives to fall asleep, I would talk in my sleep. In fact, I'm not sure if he got my password and downloaded my plan. But only he has the chance. And today's The explosion showed that my plan was indeed leaked. They could not penetrate into the United States, but Brandy was their most effective weapon in New York. For example, he cut into the radio that day and pretended to be me to broadcast information and spread panic information. A technical engineer who studied backdoors at that time explained a research result, which was how to invade the broadcasting system, to illustrate the importance of backdoors and the vulnerability of U.S. civil defense.”

Poisonous Spider Mike interrupted: "Blood Spider, what you are doing now is no different from what terrorists are doing. Although you did not directly cause casualties, you indirectly caused the death of many people."

Blood Spider replied: "People are always going to die, and I won't go out of their way to control it."

Simon asked: "Then why do you want to capture or kill Brandy?"

Blood Spider said angrily: "Because of his intervention, I can't carry out the content of my plan. Besides, it was him who set the fire on the dock yesterday. You don't want him to continue to cause harm, right?"

Simon looked at Yu Ming, who asked: "The gift you mentioned... is cash? Does it need to be taxed? How much is the amount? Is it clean? Will it be traced?"

When Simon wanted to speak, Yu Ming stretched out five fingers and reminded Simon that your criminal funds currently only have 50,000 US dollars. The car rental was all paid by Black Spider, so what qualifications do you have to be aloof

"Money?" Blood Spider thought for a while: "Do you think I made a lot today? No, I didn't make any money. I gave the funds to accounts such as Feimao Logistics, Quanpin, Prophet Intelligence, Investigator Organization, etc."


"Because the police can find you through clues." Blood Spider said: "There is no reason. I just don't like organized people like you. It reminds me of the older kids who bullied me. They are members of the school's Youth Association. Let’s see, I gave 50 million to Montero, 6 million to Marianne, and Yu Ming, your account will have 80 million more in a few hours, as well as the public account I will remit to your organization. Twenty million. You should know what it means." (To be continued...)