My Weapon is a Loli

Chapter 287: postscript


As the remaining executive marshal of the German High Command, Kelt knew a lot about the current affairs in Germany. He thought for a moment and then said:

“Our troops and equipment on the Oder, Neisse and Berlin lines amounted to a total of forty-eight infantry divisions, nine motorized divisions, nine armored divisions, and the capital garrison.

The total number of troops is 800,000, 1,200 artillery and mortars, 500 Tigers, Panthers and several King Tiger tanks and assault artillery, 342 combat aircraft, and bombers have been There were less than thirty, and the reserve force in Berlin numbered eight divisions and 160,000 men;

Of course, we still have some aircraft and tanks in stock in the Berlin area, but unfortunately we don't have enough fuel to support operations.

There are still 600,000 troops on the front lines in Würzburg and Frankfurt, and there are still one million troops fighting the Allies in the Ruhr Theater. However, there are still 150,000 troops who have just been evacuated from the periphery of the Ruhr Industrial Zone to the rear. As for our The navy is still there, but it no longer has large warships. Now it only relies on submarines to carry out sneak attacks on allied ships. "

Xu Fei took a look and saw that from the direction of the Soviet attack, the Soviet army consisted of 270 divisions and cavalry divisions from three fronts including the 1st and 2nd Belarusian Fronts and the 1st Ukrainian Front, 20 tank corps and Mechanized Army, fourteen air force armies, totaling 2.5 million troops;

It is also equipped with 2,450 aircraft, 14,200 artillery pieces, 1,500 tanks and self-propelled artillery, including a large number of Katyusha rocket vehicles, with a total strength of 6,250 vehicles Tanks and assault guns, 41,600 guns. seven thousand five hundred aircraft;

Compared with the current miserable military strength of the German army, the Soviet Union now has completely taken the initiative, not to mention the flanking attack from the Allied forces in the south. Germany has indeed entered the final moment.

"You have quite a large number of troops now. At least there are nearly a million troops on the Berlin front. The troops in Frankfurt are surrendering if they can't defeat the Allies. It seems that they won't be able to stop the American and British Allies for long.

As for your armaments, it is estimated that you can barely maintain defense now, right? Marshal Celt, how long will it take for those in your army to be able to fly aircraft and operate tanks and artillery? Of course, I am asking about the army in the Berlin theater. "Xu Fei said calmly after hearing the German troop strength that was the same as in history.

The Celtic marshal nodded and replied:

"Currently in the Berlin theater are the entire Vistula Army Group and a large number of independent troops. There are about 550,000 people in total, as well as the 4th Tank Army of Army Group Center, about 150,000 people, and the Berlin garrison, about 100,000 people in total. Twenty thousand people. Commanded by Marshal Heinrich, Marshal Scherner and garrison commander General Weidling;

There were originally a large number of pilots and armored personnel in these troops, but now we have lost a lot of aircraft and tanks and are short of fuel, so what is on the battlefield is our most advanced equipment;

And the news we got is that the Soviet Russian army will launch a general attack on the Oder River and Neisse River defense lines tomorrow. The head of state has ordered Marshal Heinrich to lead an armored group to open the Soviet Russian army's defense from both sides. To delay the opponent's attack. "

"It's only one day. It seems that we have to speed up the pace. Your Excellency, Madam President Xi, I wonder if you are willing to temporarily hand over the command of the army to me. You also know that the war has reached this point, without the ability to defy the heavens. That's no way to win this battle;

I can tell you now that as long as I can command your army, Germany's defensive war will end with Germany's victory, and you will personally preside over the future war situation. what do you think? "Xu Fei said while looking at Madman Xi, whose white eyes were red and his pupils were shrinking.

With mental erosion, Xu Fei is not worried that Madman Xi will have other ideas. Now the entire German top management is in chaos. To win this battle would be extremely unnatural behavior;

What's more, the Soviet Union will launch a general offensive tomorrow. Without sufficient capabilities and equipment, even the reincarnation of the God of War can't do anything. Except for Xu Fei, a monk who has already done things against heaven, no one understands how to fight the war at this time.

Xu Fei asked for the supreme command of the German army when he opened his mouth, which surprised Kelt even more. You must know that Madman Xi now regards the final military power as extremely important, but he also knows that there is no absolute sovereignty in a war. It is impossible to win at all. The current situation in Germany is caused by the dictatorship and indiscriminate interference of the Greek madman.

"The right to command the army. If Berlin is captured, the future of our Greater Germany will be gone. General Xu, I believe you will be able to help our German nation win the final victory;

I will sign the supreme order immediately. The remaining troops and civilians in Germany will be under your command. You will be our nominal military commander. "Madman Xi said with rare clear eyes.

Xu Fei smiled faintly, the victory of the Germanic nation? All this is for the victory of the Chinese nation. Otherwise, even if the whole of Europe is turned upside down, so what, in a word, it has nothing to do with me;

However, he is not willing to act as a nominal military commander. If he gets that name, he might become a so-called fascist accomplice in the future. He must not leave a name when he does bad things. He said with a smile:

"As long as you have command authority, you don't need a commander-in-chief. Just let Marshal Celtic be my assistant. You are still the supreme commander of Germany. You can also watch me kill those old fools and allied troops." Yes, the German High Command is here for the time being.

Marshal Celtic immediately informed Marshal Heinrich to come here, and asked him to lead enough tank crews for 2,500 tanks, 15,000 heavy artillery gunners, 10,000 truck drivers and 2,500 truck drivers. The pilots of hundreds of advanced fighter planes arrived here and asked Marshal Scherner to command the troops to shrink the defense along the Oder and Ness rivers;

Let General Weidling lead 50,000 people and enough trucks to the Sinai Farm, and prepare to start transporting various materials and distributing them to the people around Berlin. When the war begins again with victory, they will be the strongest support for the German tanks. The large airport is beginning to be cleared and enough planes must be able to land by early tomorrow morning.

Marshal Celt immediately informed General Guderian to return to the army. He will be the commander of the new tank army group. Please execute it immediately. Personnel everywhere need to be in place before two o'clock in the morning tonight, especially when all ministries rush to my place. time. "

After seeing that several German army bosses had confirmed his command authority, Xu Fei began to issue orders one by one. However, the way he issued orders was still the Japanese-destroying army command method. A series of orders followed.

He said it casually, but there was an undeniable taste in it.

The people present secretly glanced at Crazy Xi. At this time, Crazy Xi had put all his chips on Xu Fei. He narrowed his eyes and said nothing. Kelte and others were already familiar with Crazy Xi’s character and hurriedly followed Xu Fei’s orders. Begin execution. (To be continued...)