My Wife Came From A Thousand Years Ago

Chapter 56: so terrible


Xu Qing got up, raised her arms and sniffed at herself, but she didn't know what she smelled.

"Dare to ask why the heroine made such a statement?"


"Smell?" Xu Qing was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that it must have been on Wang Zijun's flirtatious car.

"No, I won't go to that kind of place. I'm a good citizen and I don't do anything illegal."

"Not going?"

"Don't go, I'm afraid of being caught. When the old man goes to lead people, his copper-headed belt can be used again."

Xu Qing lay down slowly again, reeking of alcohol, half-closed his eyes and wanted to rub the winter melon a few more times, but the winter melon thought he was smelly, so he took the opportunity to turn around and jump away.

"It's very dirty, what's there to do, I might as well watch a movie at home... Bah, anyway, I won't go - what's going on in your little head


Jiang He seemed to relax a bit, "Actually... it's normal to go to a brothel. A young man with literary talents like you, who knows a lot, will definitely be very popular."

"Me? Young master? Literary talent?" Xu Qing almost laughed out loud, "Continue, praise again."


"Personal and talented, Yushu Linfeng is handsome and unrestrained..." Seeing that Jiang He didn't speak, he shamelessly lay on his back on the sofa and praised himself, "Such a handsome man who looks better than Pan...Pan An, goes shopping in brothels. In the end, you were caught, and you squatted on the ground with disheveled clothes and hugged your head. If you were caught by a mouse, the fun would be even greater. This is called social death—you are a very bad person.”

"I... What's wrong with me?" Jiang He didn't understand what he was muttering.

"You encouraged me to go to the brothel."

"I didn't instigate, I just said... just that it's normal, you don't have to go secretly."

"I didn't go secretly!"

Xu Qing covered his forehead with one hand, "And it's not normal. It's illegal. I don't think I've recruited enough police when I'm free?"

"Illegal? Will be arrested by the police?" Jiang He was a little taken aback.

"Yes, it's illegal. There is no such thing as a brothel now, and selling yourself is not allowed, so you don't have to worry that I will sell you out someday when I run out of money."


Jiang He once again refreshed his cognition, there are many rules in this world.

"So why did I say that it was very dangerous outside? Because you might know which behavior would be illegal, such as sneaking up on the wall in the middle of the night, such as carrying a sword, such as seeing the police resisting and hurting people, such as eating bully meals Credit...too much."

Xu Qing squinted at the light, shook her head in a daze, and turned to look at her: "Fortunately, I met me."

If he hadn't met him, Jiang He might have had other encounters, maybe he would have met the second generation of a wealthy family or something, but it was more of an accident.

To eat and drink, to learn how to live, and to gradually stabilize—from the current situation, this is already the top level of luck.

"You are a good guy."

"No, I'm not a good person."

"You are."

"I'm not."


"Besides, I'm a good person, so I'll treat you as a housewarming girl to let you know that the society is dangerous!"

Xu Qing got up from the sofa, finished speaking viciously, then turned to the kitchen to look for the food that Jiang He had left for him.

It's nice to have a meal left when I come back.

You have to eat some if you are not hungry, or what if you don’t stay next time.

"I'm not a hothouse girl!" Jiang He shouted from behind.

"Then don't say good people, I hate this word." Xu Qing came out with a bowl in his hand, "And benefactors, I don't like them either, or I'll..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that he seemed unable to fight, so he could only lower his head and eat sullenly.

"Aren't those whorehouse casinos illegal?"

"That's right, none of them are allowed to exist. You can do it secretly, but if you are found out, you have to be arrested, criticized and educated, or put in a prison."

Xu Qing glanced at her, "Including selling one's body, slaves, etc... are not allowed, like selling one's body to bury one's father back then, it didn't exist.”

"Why?" Jiang He's little head was filled with great doubts, "If someone is desperate, I would like you..."

"I can't do it if you want, it's protecting you, and ordinary people like me."

"What does it have to do with me?" Jiang He blushed, "I won't sell... sell... I won't!"

"Let me know if you can."

Xu Qingle, holding a bowl to eat two mouthfuls of rice, then raised his head and thought for a while, and said: "You know there is something called an elephant? Its ivory is very valuable, and many people like it very much, but it is forbidden to buy and sell, even if you pick it up. It doesn’t work, do you know why?”

"I don't know, what does it have to do with me?" Jiang He was depressed, still struggling with what happened just now, "I don't know how to catch elephants and sell them for money."

If she had to choose between selling her body and selling an elephant, she might learn how to catch an elephant.

"Because there aren't enough dead ones, someone will kill them alive and sell them - as long as someone likes it, someone will poach and kill an elephant, kill it, and sell it 'legally'."

"and then?"

"This is human nature. You think that if you pick up ivory and sell it, it's 'if you want', but there are more people who can't find ivory. They will secretly create dead elephants and claim that they picked them up. — Elephants are weak, and we ordinary people are also weak.”

"The freedom of the strong is the hell of the weak. There must be a rule here, otherwise they have countless ways to make you 'willingly' go to the brothel, become a slave, sell yourself... Oh, and sell your kidneys, lungs, Selling livers, in short, rich people have everything they need, and they only need to pay money, and countless poachers will help them turn you into a legal trade item."

Jiang He's eyes widened, and his lips moved twice, "Sell...kidneys? Lungs?"

"It's scary, right?" Xu Qing raised an eyebrow.

"How could there be such... such a heartless thing?"

"It's okay, although there are those who have their kidneys stolen, and some who are tricked into selling one... But it's better than no restrictions, so you can be lucky."

Xu Qing lowered his head and picked up two more mouthfuls of rice, eating very deliciously, "And you back then, I remember that some people ate children for the sake of longevity, and no one cared, that would be called devoid of conscience, it was terrible."

"I... I haven't heard of it."

"You can go and hear about it now. There were hundreds of years and thousands of years ago. Isn't there Baidu?" Seeing her frightened look, Xu Qing found it funny, "So remember, don't drink outside if you don't know Don’t drink water from people you don’t know, and don’t eat food from people you don’t know, be vigilant.”

In the past, he also thought that if someone sells it, he will sell it, and he has to control others if he likes me. Later, he was restricted in doing up and cursed those regulations.

But when you calm down and think about it, it’s easy to understand—human nature really can’t stand the test, maybe he thinks he’s just making a video in peace, and it’s too much to cut in a harmonious picture once in a while and get blocked, but if it’s not like this, Countless people will rely on this to sell meat, turning the good platform into a mess, and even young ladies will change their careers to get a share of the pie.

"very scary… "

Jiang He, who was in Baidu, exclaimed, and looked at Xu Qing with some fear.

Fortunately, he didn't dig out his own heart and liver to sell.