My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 124: Qiangwei's choice



The patter of autumn rain lightly fell on the surface of the pool in the small courtyard, causing ripples.

Two huge plantains swayed gently with the wind, and the broad leaves blocked the already dim light, making the fuzzy shadows rubbed on the floor inside the floor-to-ceiling glass door.

Early in the morning, Qiangwei's bedroom looked cold and quiet, and the bedside lamp decorated with primitive pictures and texts was not turned off all night. As it was cloudy, the light was yellowish and dizzy at the moment.

Yang Chen, who had changed into a blue and white loose linen pajamas, lay on his back on the bed, closed his eyes, and let out a weak but even breath, but his thick black brows were lightly locked.

The brown sheets, like liquid chocolate, were unbearably folded, as if to tell others how violent the man who fell asleep in bed last night did.

At this time, the door of the room was quietly pushed open, and Qiangwei, who was carrying a plate of millet porridge and a plate of sugar garlic, had changed into a milky white silk nightdress, her beautiful face was full of melancholy and worry, and Lianbu moved lightly. He walked to Yang Chen's bed and put down the congee and vegetables, leaned down and stretched the quilt for Yang Chen.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Qiangwei looked at the sleeping man with a complicated expression. She stayed up all night and took Yang Chen to the hospital first. After the examination, she called a private doctor to come here to treat Yang Chen. After Yang Chen calmed down and determined that there was no danger, Qiangwei went to deal with the matters after the banquet.

After quickly and surprisingly made a series of important decisions affecting the future underground pattern of the West District, Qiangwei hurriedly returned to the house and took care of Yang Chen personally until this morning.

This man once again gave her a complete shock, but at the same time, it also made her once feel the gap between each other!

Qiangwei didn't like this feeling, she had too many questions, but everything had to wait for Yang Chen to wake up.

While Qiangwei was meditating on some complicated pictures, Yang Chen, who had originally closed his eyes, opened his eyes anxiously and let out a long breath.

Qiangwei sensitively caught this moment, and suddenly a burst of surprise surged, and she firmly grasped one of Yang Chen's hands, "Husband, are you awake?"

"What time is it?" Yang Chen smiled faintly and cast a look that made Qiangwei relieved.

"It's still early, it's only seven o'clock, do you want to rest for a while?" Qiangwei looked at Yang Chen's pale face, her heart was sour, but she forced a smile and said: "You scared me, suddenly it's so strange. Weird, I haven't slept all night!"

Yang Chen put his arms on the bed, sat up by himself, and kissed Qiangwei's cheek, "I'm fine, but what happened after I fainted last night?"

Seeing that Yang Chen didn’t mean to explain it, Qiangwei did not ask for it. “I took you to the hospital yesterday. After a simple examination, the doctor said there was nothing special. It’s just that you seem to be very excited and your heart beating. It was faster. After sedating you, you were much quieter. Later, I took you back here and invited my personal doctor to prescribe some tranquilizers for you, and you have been sleeping until now."

"Really... I don't remember anymore." Yang Chen smiled bitterly and touched his forehead. In fact, the only thing he remembered was the intense pain that exploded in his brain.

I originally thought that after a year of training, and after the leisurely life of more than half a year, even if I had to act once and kill dozens of people, I would not be as uncontrollable as in the past, but I did not expect that my old problem would still be gone. It's getting better.

Fortunately, as the realm of his weird kung fu continues to improve, he has been able to barely restrain the horrible violent emotions, and only then has the scene where Qiangwei stuns himself, otherwise...

Yang Chen was afraid after a while. It seems that he is still getting bigger. In the future, he must still keep his nerves relaxed and relax his mentality. It's hard to recover from a big mistake.

Qiangwei continued: "As for the banquet venue, only Situ Mingze and the four bodyguards survived. I have imprisoned Situ Mingze. The Ximenghui is now in a mess, and almost all important people have been killed by you. I have asked my subordinates to cooperate with Zhang Hu to rectify the forces of the Ximenghui. There may be a lot of things in the next days, but it won’t be long before the three words “Ximenghui” will not appear in the entire Western District. By the way, the funny thing is that the old fox Zhou Guangnian, after receiving the news, took the initiative to call to congratulate me and said that he would live in harmony in the future."

Yang Chen nodded and asked, "What do you plan to do with Situ Mingze?"

A sharp light flashed in Qiangwei's eyes, but after hesitating for a long time, he sighed: "I don't know, I plan to spend a while, send him abroad, choose a small European country, give him a sum of money, and let him go. Give it to the elderly."

"You won't kill him?" Yang Chen was a little surprised. In his opinion, Qiangwei obviously has the potential of a queen of the iron-blooded underworld.

Qiangwei looked at Yang Chen with complicated eyes, "If it were before, I would definitely kill him, but now, because of you, I don't think I can kill him."

"Why?" Yang Chen felt that he was not smart enough.

Qiangwei smiled sadly: "Actually, he said something right. No matter who he is, whether he is a human or a beast, his blood is flowing in my body. This fact will never change. He is my father. , Although I hate him and look down on him, it is indeed that he and my mother brought me into this world. Without him, there would be no me. I think, for whatever reason, a daughter who kills her father is an inexcusable mistake… "

"It's like..." Qiangwei fixedly looked at Yang Chen and said: "It's like, if we have children in the future, I really can't imagine how the child can kill you, kill his father... even as a mother, even if I was dead at that time, and I would be heartbroken in another world."

Yang Chen was startled, and then smiled: "This seems to be incomparable. How can I be like Situ Mingze? I won't let my children hate me or even want to kill me."

"Situ Mingze didn't want my daughter to hate him and want to kill him from the beginning." Qiang Wei grumbled.

Yang Chen was speechless, speechless, and after thinking about it, he said, "It's up to you, as long as you think it's correct. I will support you."

With a smile, Qiang Weitian stepped forward and kissed Yang Chen moistly on her lips, and then used her lilac uvula to smoothly draw a cool trace on Yang Chen's face, and her watery eyes were affectionate, "Husband, Thank you, thank you for everything you gave me."

"No thanks, I'm just doing what I like to do." Yang Chen said with deep feelings.

"I decided to tell you a secret." Qiang Wei suddenly made an important decision. "I originally planned not to say it for the rest of my life, but now I feel that concealing the past is irresponsible for our feelings."

Yang Chen frowned and remained silent.

Qiangwei took a deep breath and said, "Actually, the reason why I left Situ Mingze and embarked on the road today is not only because I hate his behavior, but there are other reasons."

"Husband, do you know, I look almost exactly the same as my mother when I was young..." Qiangwei said.

Yang Chen nodded. He remembered that Situ Mingze mentioned this matter in the bar.

"When I was a child, Situ Mingze led a large group of people from the Ximenghui to work hard in the Western District. He was drunk every day, and even went home with a bloody smell. He treated us mother and daughter. , When it’s good, it’s like the best husband and father in the world. He loves my mother very much, and he will give me whatever my mother wants. He also loves me very much. When I cry, he will make me laugh and hold me. I go around and take me on a swing..."

"However, whenever he gets drunk, or kills a lot of people, and is in a bad mood, he is like a different person... He is violent, cruel, and inhuman. He will use any small flaws when he gets home. He came and beat and scolded my mother, and even hit my mother with a wine bottle... and... He would do that kind of thing to my mother in front of me..."

"Wait", Yang Chen asked suspiciously: "Your mother, didn't you pass away at a very young age?"

"That's a fake, this is a lie I told Situ Mingze together." Qiangwei smiled bitterly, and continued to tell...

"At that time I was very young and didn't understand many things about adults, but I knew that Situ Mingze was a moody lion. You are by his side, and you never know whether the next moment will be life or death."

Speaking of this, Qiangwei paused, seeming to recall a lot of past events, wiped his eye sockets, and then continued:

"Until one day, I heard my mother quarrel with Situ Mingze again. At that time I was in elementary school and I could understand what they were talking about... My mother cheated, and she had a relationship with one of Situ Mingze's men. , And also tried to leave this mentally disordered man, wanting to elope... However, Situ Mingze noticed him and stopped him early."

"The sound of Situ Mingze's quarrel with his mother that day was so loud that I felt that the whole building was about to collapse. I hid outside the door of the room, trying to escape, but I didn't have the strength to leave."

"In the end, I heard my mother's screams from the room. My mother kept calling for help. The shouting made me scared, but I didn't know anything but crying..."

"When the room became quiet, the door was opened. At that time, Situ Mingze walked out and saw me crying at the door, but kicked me away with a kick, and then left without looking back..."

Qiangwei bit Yin Hong's lips and smiled sadly: "Husband, do you know, I saw a dead person for the first time in my life, it was my mother who died..."

"My mother was beaten and kicked alive by Situ Mingze, her body was stained red with blood when she kicked the floor, and she died at home and died in front of me. I still have nightmares, and dreaming of that scene will still wake up because of my mother's My eyes are open, I seem to feel that she is looking at me, she seems to hate me, hate me for not being able to go in and stop... But... But what can I do as a ten-year-old girl..."

Yang Chen listened quietly without speaking. From his memory, apart from his own name, Yang Chen, he didn't know the so-called family or the so-called parents. So although Qiangwei's past was sentimental, Yang Chen couldn't really understand it. Can only listen silently.

"Later I grew up slowly, and Situ Mingze didn't do anything to me. He seemed to forget that he killed my mother and his wife. He laughed at me when he was happy, and he still laughed when he was angry. Beat and scold me..."

"I lost my mother, but I always convinced myself that it was because my mother had betrayed my father. That's why I didn't resist Situ Mingze. I think he must love me in his heart."

"Until... my eighteenth birthday..." Qiangwei's tears in the corners of her eyes gradually dried, and she said coldly: "That night, after celebrating my birthday with some uncles, he returned home together. He was suddenly very special. Came into my room and talked a lot with me, some about my childhood, some about his business, some about the gang, and some other people's children..."

"I didn't understand why he said so much, but I kept listening like that... In the end, he started talking about his mother who had never mentioned it..."

"He said that he missed his mother very much, and he regretted beating his mother to death because he couldn't control his emotions, but he hoped that I would not blame him because he was more painful than anyone else..."

"Actually, many things have faded after a long time. Although I am sad and resentful towards him, he cried so sadly in front of my eyes and begged me for forgiveness. It is really difficult for me to blame him. After all, he is my biological father."

"But..." Qiangwei's breathing was a little short, "but he suddenly said, saying that I am very similar to my mother, just like the first time he saw her mother. He suddenly looked at me with infinite desire and aggressive eyes. , Asked me if I would like to help him make up for his shortcomings and take the place of his mother and become the hostess of the Ximenghui!"

"He wants his biological daughter to be his woman!!!"

The last words seemed to exhaust all Qiangwei's strength. Qiangwei lowered her head and muttered: "I don't remember what I thought at the time. I just madly pushed him out of the room and cried in the quilt all night... Later... I finally realized his hopelessness, and I made up my mind to leave him..."

Yang Chen didn't expect things to have such a background. Qiangwei has a father like Situ Mingze. It is indeed fortunate not to go on the road of no return. Seeing Qiangwei's prostration and tender body, he reached out and took her into his arms and patted her. Soft spine, "Speaking of it, it should take off a lot. At least I can help you share it. For a heartless person like me, it's best to help women share these headaches."

Qiangwei lay on Yang Chen's chest, pursing her mouth and grinning: "Yes, I feel a lot more comfortable. No matter how you look at my husband, I can already face you with a clear conscience."

"Actually, you didn't have to hide it from me. It was not your fault, you were just a victim." Yang Chen said indifferently.

Qiangwei suddenly struggled and turned around, raised her head and stared into Yang Chen's eyes. She was extremely concerned, and asked aggrievedly: "Then husband, should you also tell me something about your past? At least, I want to know you yesterday. Late, what's the matter?"t