My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 128: Baby in the belly



When Wang Ma saw that the young couple came back together in the same car, she couldn't help but smile. Only when the couple had cleared their previous suspicions and reconciled, they welcomed them in and said, "How great is this, this is just like a couple."

Lin Ruoxi said with incomprehension: "Mother Wang, don't think too much, my car broke down."

Mother Wang was so obedient that she had no choice but to froze, she couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile, whispering to herself, "It's better to drop anchor every day," and then went back to the kitchen to get busy.

Lin Ruoxi pretended not to hear anything, and walked upstairs with her bag on her back. When she was halfway there, she suddenly heard Yang Chen calling herself downstairs.

Hmph, remember to explain it to me? Lin Ruoxi turned around pretendingly and indifferently, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yang Chen pointed to the simple and stylish clocks on the wall in black and white tones, "It's almost eating, why are you going up there?"

Lin Ruoxi heard it turned out to be such a reason, and couldn't help but ask unwillingly, "Nothing else?"

"Nothing else? What else do you want to hear?" Yang Chen felt inexplicable.

Actually, this can’t be blamed on Yang Chen. In fact, it’s not a big deal in Yang Chen's mind to kick the steel plate of the car barefoot into the ground. So I didn't expect Lin Ruoxi to worry about such a thing at all.

But Lin Ruoxi was when Yang Chen didn't want to explain to her at all, she deliberately pretended to show her, bit her lip, glared at him, turned around and ran upstairs again.

Yang Chen couldn't figure it out, but felt that this woman was getting more and more weird.

Lin Ruoxi was not late for dinner, but she took a document and looked at it while eating. She took a small bite, which made Yang Chen wonder if she had forgotten to chew and swallowed the meal.

Wang Ma seemed to be accustomed to Lin Ruoxi's way of eating, but she didn't care much.

Yang Chen felt that he had the responsibility to correct the bad habits of this female workaholic, so he quickly grabbed the documents in front of Lin Ruoxi and put them beside him.

"What are you doing, give it back to me soon!" Lin Ruoxi was looking at the information seriously, but when he was suddenly snatched away, his face naturally didn't look good.

"You have to concentrate on eating. You are so focused on doing two things. Indigestion is easy to get stomach problems. You work during the day and go home to eat at night. You are tired. You are not tired." Yang Chen taught.

Lin Ruoxi frowned. She didn't know that such a habit was bad for her health, but she hadn't paid much attention to it since she was a child, and she didn't like the situation being taught by Yang Chen at this moment. Give me the file."

"I'll give it to you after eating." Yang Chen said.

Lin Ruoxi thought, okay, then I won't eat anymore, it depends on what you do!

But as soon as I wanted to say it, I heard Yang Chen say:

"If you don't finish two bowls of rice, I will tear up the papers."

Lin Ruoxi almost exploded suddenly, and said with a sullen face: "Why are you like this! I usually only eat one bowl of rice, so why should I eat two bowls!?"

"If you don't eat it, I will tear it now", Yang Chen picked up the file and made the move to tear it.

Lin Ruoxi complained to Mother Wang, "Look at Mother Wang, Yang Chen bullied me!"

Wang Ma seemed to have heard nothing, her eyes drifted to the empty corner, making it clear that she didn't want to interrupt.

Lin Ruoxi was scared this time, she must be unable to grab it, maybe it was broken, and this guy can do anything, although he can print a copy if he is torn off, but there is nothing marked on it. I have to do it all over again, how can I just be torn off like this!

Holding back his anger, Lin Ruoxi had no choice but to start his teeth and said with difficulty: "I eat, you are not allowed to tear it."

Yang Chen smiled with satisfaction, took the chopsticks and put a piece of steamed mandarin fish in Lin Ruoxi's bowl. The old god said to the ground: "Eat more fish and supplement amino acids, which is good for the baby in the stomach."

Lin Ruoxi made a big red face and shouted in shame, "What nonsense!? Who has a baby in his stomach!?" She was about to collapse, how could this man say anything shameless!

"Oh... not now, there will be in the future, save first, and save nutrition first." Yang Chen said with a smile.

Nutrition exists first! ? You are my camel!

Lin Ruoxi looked at the fish in her bowl, thinking that it was that guy’s chopsticks, she didn’t want to eat it. She was about to pick the fish out, but saw that Yang Chen suddenly picked up the file again and made a move to tear...

"I eat!"

Seeing this stubborn woman finally began to chop the rice in silence and ate the fish in, Yang Chen triumphed slightly, and while feeling a little comfortable, he also gave Lin Ruoxi a few more chopsticks and other dishes.

Lin Ruoxi also accepted her fate, just like eating a bitter and intolerable Chinese medicine, she stuffed the food into her mouth, but her eyes were full of resentment.

Yang Chen felt that Lin Ruoxi in this way was much more interesting than usual. The staff of Yulei International would be surprised when they saw their President Bingberg showing a little woman and angry expression.

After eating, Lin Ruoxi went upstairs to continue working.

Yang Chen lay on the sofa and watched the news. The news of Huaxia Kingdom is actually the same every day. First of all, the people of foreign countries are living fiercely, wars and natural disasters continue, and in short, people are put to death. Furthermore, the leaders of Huaxia Kingdom worked hard and were sympathetic to the people. The cadres sweated like rain and struggled in their jobs. Finally, it is about the rapid progress of Huaxia Country every day, with rapid changes, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. In a word, the people of Huaxia Country are the happiest.

The reason why Yang Chen likes to watch is very simple. There is not such interesting news abroad.

Mother Wang, who was wiping the table, smiled and said to Yang Chen: "Auntie, the problem that the lady is not paying attention to eating has been since childhood. The old lady and the lady were not properly disciplined when they were alive. I did not expect that the uncle would take control of the lady today."

Yang Chen yawned on the sofa and said with a smile: "In fact, they are all grown-ups. There is nothing to understand, it's just that you can't pull them off."

"My lady often forgets everything when I work, and even if my uncle sees something wrong in the future, she can even bring it up. I can see that the lady's anger is only on the surface, and she certainly doesn't resent uncle very much in her heart. Maybe she's still very happy." Wang Ma said with a very understanding face.

Yang Chen didn’t understand this. He saw that the news program of the TV station was over, and he was about to change channels to watch the recent popular blind date program. He was not interested in the women inside, but some of the buddies in it were quite powerful, better than some. The "political report" made by the cross talk actors is much more interesting.

At this moment, the phone rang, and Yang Chen glanced at it. As expected, it was Li Jingjing.

"Hey, Jingjing."

Li Jingjing on the other end of the phone called "Big Brother Yang" and was silent for a while, then hesitated to ask: "Big Brother Yang, you sent the email that our family received today."

Yang Chen showed a slight smile. It seems that Qiangwei has sent someone to deliver the things to Lao Li's house, but Lao Li and his wife don't know how to use high-tech things. Only when Li Jingjing comes home did she release the things in the USB flash drive. .

"Forget it, I asked a friend to send it over." Yang Chen didn't hide it either.

Li Jingjing sighed faintly, "I always thought that although Team Leader Jiang might save face sometimes, he should not be bad, but I didn't expect him to be that kind of person... The woman in that video is the executive deputy of our school. Principal, everyone is afraid of her on weekdays, but she didn't expect her..."

"And Jiang Shuo's father Jiang Meng, your principal, principal, deputy principal, and grade leader, if this drama is broadcast in your school, it is estimated that the ratings will be very good." Yang Chen joked.

Li Jingjing thought that Yang Chen really wanted to do that, and hurriedly said: "No, Brother Yang! If you do that, the school atmosphere will be very bad, and everyone will not believe our school. In fact, most teachers and students are very good at school. Those who work hard and study hard, I don’t want everyone’s hard work to be wasted."

Sometimes the girl’s head is very simple. Yang Chen smiled helplessly: “Jingjing, I’m not a paparazzi, so it’s okay to expose what happened. I will give your family the information, just as a reference for your dad. Mom, don't trust Jiang Shuo and his son too much."

Li Jingjing breathed a sigh of relief and giggled: "Big Brother Yang, you don’t know. My parents were scared and embarrassed as soon as the video was released. It’s going to explode, if it weren’t for Dad’s stopping, I’d almost smash my newly bought laptop."

"You can keep that video, you can choose to send it anonymously to the Jiang family, so that they won't do anything to you anymore. You don't have to say that you are stunned. Who has nothing to do with it?"

Li Jingjing said softly, obviously agreeing with this view. To be honest, when I saw this video, the pure girl had never seen this kind of human-to-human battle before. I didn’t expect that the first time I saw it, it turned out to be an acquaintance, and it was also famous for the Jiang family and the school. The extinction teacher was too paired, and the three of them formed a "hamburger" to play 3P, which really shocked the girl.

Although curious about how Yang Chen got this piece of information, Li Jingjing, who has been used to Yang Chen to bring surprises, did not ask with interest. At this moment, she relieved her burden and spoke a lot lighter, and said, "Big Brother Yang, are you free these days? ?"

"What's the matter?" Yang Chen asked.

"I want to take you to a place, but I don't know if you want it or not. In fact, there is another reason that I want to borrow your car because I have to move some things..."

Borrow a car to move things? You can do it with taxis everywhere. Of course, Yang Chen wouldn't simply think that Li Jingjing was the reason. It must be somewhere that he wanted to go with him.

As the commissioner who bought breakfast, Yang Chen certainly had no reason to refuse the little request of a girl who could not even lie, and readily agreed.

After happily ending the chat with Li Jingjing, Yang Chen stretched his waist and planned to get upstairs to take a bath and sleep. Although the symptoms of illness after the murder have been resolved, experience tells Yang Chen that adequate rest is necessary.

At this moment, Lin Ruoxi, holding a small wallet, walked down the stairs, looked around, did not see the figure of Mother Wang, and forced to ask Yang Chen, "Where is Mother Wang?"