My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 143: President



The change in the scene made everyone gasp, what is this man thinking!

Zhao Hongyan felt that her hip was covered by a big fiery hand. She rubbed her hand a few times with contentment and kneaded her tender meat several times. While Zhao Hongyan was ashamed and dying, her strange sensitivity made her feel ashamed. Her legs were so weak that she couldn't even resist the strength!

There were staff from Yulei International standing around him, and his husband and uncle were directly opposite. The man's hand touched his ass. What's more, he didn't have the energy to break free!

Zhao Hongyan felt that her heart was beating to her throat, which was more exciting than riding on a roller coaster. She was afraid that people around her would see her abnormality, but she was a little bit hopeful and enjoyable...

When people surpass their own psychological endurance, they can often see their truest side. At this moment, Zhao Hongyan realized with shame that she did not reject Yang Chen's excessive behavior, because she had already begun to have dew flooding under her. feel…

Is it true that he is a pretty woman

This question of ethics and morals made Zhao Hongyan forget the embarrassing environment in front of him, and fell into a struggle of self-ideology.

Yu Hui saw that the woman she was thinking about was held in her arms by Yang Chen, and she touched her buttocks with her hands, and itching her teeth angrily. He said to the silly big brother Yu Guang: "Big brother, by doing this, he just looked down on you and looked down on you. You are tantamount to despising our entire Yu family, we can't bear it!"

Yu Guang was just angry about Yang Chen's boldness. At this moment, when he heard his brother's explanation, his head immediately became hot, "Yang Chen! Are you a provocation to our Yu family!?"

"So what?"

"Do you dare to say it again... Do you know the consequences!?" Yu Guang asked angrily.

Yang Chen was too lazy to speak again, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and suddenly he stretched out his other hand and gently pinched Zhao Hongyan's smooth and round chin with two fingers.

Zhao Hongyan was in a sluggish stage and didn't do any resistance at all. She let Yang Chen pinch her chin, lifted her head slightly, facing Yang Chen with her delicate facial features, her eyes misted and she didn't know what she was thinking. .

The next moment, the audience was another incredible exclamation.

I saw Yang Chen lowered his head without hesitation, rubbed his lips together, and kissed Zhao Hongyan straight!

Whether it was the Yu family brothers or the employees present, after watching Yang Chen kiss Zhao Hongyan, they began to squirm their lips, and began to kiss selflessly.

Zhao Hongyan's brain was almost blank. The moment Yang Chen kissed her, the fiery breath was like a sky thunder hitting her already complicated and heavy mind, instantly purifying all her thoughts!

There was only one thought that was enough to stop her heartbeat—he kissed me! He is kissing me! He kissed me!

The downtime of the brain made Zhao Hongyan unable to control her body at all. Before she knew it, Yang Chen had already invaded her fragrant lips, crossed her teeth, entangled her tongue, and Qiongjin secretly crossed.

The kisses of the two made all kinds of lingering and temptation sounds. These ambiguous sounds, coupled with such a scene, seemed extremely romantic to many young men and women around, and many people began to applaud and applaud.

The two brothers' faces turned black and white, and they stood speechless.

After a long time, Zhao Hongyan was already drunk and bewildered, and her body was as soft as water, and Yang Chen slowly let go of her breathless and beautiful colleague.

Zhao Hongyan didn't realize it, still half-opening her lips, looking at Yang Chen, that attractive and familiar posture made many male employees feel intensely jealous of Yang Chen.

"I... I... I want to see your boss! Your leader of Yulei! Immediately! I strongly demand that this shameless scum be driven out of here! People like him should be put in jail!" Yu Guang roared angrily. Some blue veins appeared on the forehead, pointing to Yang Chen, his body trembled!

"Who wants to see me..."

A cold and sweet voice suddenly appeared at this moment, and all Yulei employees who listened to this voice showed nervous expressions and turned back respectfully to look at the people coming.

Lin Ruoxi, in a pure black tunic tailored uniform, accompanied by secretary Wu Yue and several high-level executives, stepped on silver-gray crystal shiny high heels and walked gracefully towards the rest area. His face was as indifferent and dignified as before, as if not stained. Fairy of mortal fireworks.

"Hello, Mr. Lin!"

A group of onlookers immediately greeted them loudly and bowed slightly. They did not dare to breathe. Obviously, Lin Ruoxi's Jiwei had reached a terrifying level on weekdays.

Lin Ruoxi glanced at them coldly, "I am paying you, not for you to watch the fun."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was as if they had been stimulant, they scattered their legs and fled, busy squeezing the elevator, running the stairs, and in short, they tried their best to leave the scene as soon as possible. In their eyes, Lin Ruoxi might be a super beautiful woman, but When beautiful women become their parents, they may become demons.

The Yu brothers were also shocked by Lin Ruoxi's appearance. They never expected that the president of such a big company would be such a young girl, and the frosty breath also made the Yu brothers feel weak.

Zhao Hongyan, who was being held by Yang Chen, suddenly woke up. Seeing Lin Ruoxi's seemingly unintentional gaze, his body bounced away from Yang Chen like an electric shock. Her face was flushed and her head bowed, just wanting to escape the scene, but she was afraid of her feet. Stick to the ground and dare not move.

A pair of moist and seductive eyes quietly looked at Yang Chen. This man had miserable himself. He didn't know why he couldn't be angry with him. He was going crazy...

Yang Chen smiled wryly, touching his nose is not easy to say. The original plan to play tricks on the Yu family brothers was completely disrupted by Lin Ruoxi’s sudden arrival. What’s worse, Lin Ruoxi’s "murderous" appearance was obviously there. Seeing the scene of a passionate kiss between myself and Zhao Hongyan!

In front of my wife, in my wife's company, kissing a female colleague in the company, if it weren't for Lin Ruoxi, other women would come and tear themselves up early!

"I'm the executive president and chairman of Yulei International, Lin Ruoxi, what are you doing?" Lin Ruoxi only took a look at Yang Chen, then stopped looking at him, and turned to ask the Yu family brothers.

Yu Guang was relieved, and stood up straight forcibly: "I am the editor-in-chief of Guanghua Daily and Zhengqi magazine. Yu Guang, the eldest son of the Yu family, is my younger brother Yuhui. Your company This person named Yang Chen had an adulterous relationship with my wife, Zhao Hongyan, and did that kind of nasty things on the spot! As the president of the company, I think Miss Lin you should expel them all!"

Adultery? Lin Ruoxi glanced at Yang Chen indifferently, then glanced at Zhao Hongyan's side face a few more times, feeling weak in her heart, she was indeed very beautiful, and this guy had a really good vision.

Although he knows that this man should not play less, he is a married woman, so he can't restrain himself!

Just now, I was inspecting the office with a few management personnel. I just happened to run into such a thing, even if I wanted to ignore it, I didn't have a chance to avoid it.

Lin Ruoxi felt bitter, but when she got married, she said she would not interfere in the private life of the other party, and she had never fulfilled his wife’s obligations. She was really embarrassed to stop Yang Chen’s life, so she had to open one eye and close one eye. , Even if he was angry, he swallowed it in his stomach.

After thinking about it, Lin Ruoxi asked Wu Yue, who was quickly typing something on his handheld computer, "Secretary Wu, does the company stipulate that male and female employees are not allowed to associate?"

"Report to the president, there are no relevant rules!" Wu Yue replied simply.

"Then I'm sorry, this matter is not in my control, this is the employee's own problem, please solve it privately." After speaking, Lin Ruoxi planned to leave.

Yu Guang, how could it be so, only when Lin Ruoxi deliberately wanted to shield Yang Chen and the two, and said ruthlessly: "Miss Lin, you are irresponsible for doing this! As an entrepreneur, you should shoulder social responsibility, so rebellious and unconventional. Things should be punished painfully! If you do nothing and leave them alone, I must disclose the filthy culture of your company in our magazine! Let everyone know that Yulei International is raised Such an adulterous woman!"

Lin Ruoxi turned around with a frosty face, "Mr. Yu, can I interpret this as a kind of coercion?"

"If Miss Lin insists on thinking that way," Yu Guang was very proud, thinking that Lin Ruoxi must be afraid, after all, what such a big company fears most is its reputation.

Lin Ruoxi suddenly asked Wu Yue, who had been searching for something next to him, "Wu Yue, have you checked it out?"

"Report President, according to data,'Guanghua Daily' and'Zhengqi' magazines are political journals founded by Yu Jia for more than 30 years, and are mainly distributed to the government departments in Southern China. The total brand value is about 560. One hundred and fifty thousand Chinese coins, the initial statistics of the Yu family’s assets are about 12 million Chinese coins." Wu Yue is like a fast-running smart computer. She is ready to understand Lin Ruoxi’s character, and she quickly reported the information. .

Lin Ruoxi nodded, and stretched out her soft jade hand towards Wu Yue.

Wu Yue understood, and immediately took out a bank cheque book from his briefcase and handed it to Lin Ruoxi.

Lin Ruoxi picked up a pen that she carried with him, and wrote "swish" on the cheque book.

The Yu brothers couldn't figure it out and didn't understand what Lin Ruoxi was going to do, but their expressions were tense. Even if the beautiful woman in front of them didn't speak, the coercion would make them two men feel terrified.

Zhao Hongyan breathed a sigh of relief. She was originally worried that Yang Chen would be fired because of her own business. Now it seems that the president did not have that plan. She carefully looked at Yang Chen next to her and found that this guy was still there. Smile with a relaxed expression! Oh my! His nerves are too rough!

At this time, Lin Ruoxi finished writing the check and tore it lightly, and handed the remaining check back to Wu Yue.

"This Swiss bank cheque is my personal account and has nothing to do with the company’s finances. The denomination is 20 million Chinese currency, which is about 4 million more than your newspapers, magazines, and all your assets combined. You can go to the Swiss bank branch of China Overseas Bank to withdraw or transfer money at any time. If Mr. Yu wants to report today’s event, I don’t mind compulsory acquisition of all your newspapers and magazines. Although we only engage in fashion magazine publishing, it is more than In terms of assets of 90 billion yuan, it doesn't matter if you have a small political magazine company. Don't doubt my determination. In the face of absolute funds, you have no chance of winning."

After Lin Ruoxi finished speaking, he handed over the written check to Wu Yue, who was next to him, "Secretary Wu, if you see something you shouldn't see, use the method I said."

"Yes, President." Wu Yue put the check in his briefcase steadily, and when he put it away, it was a huge sum of 20 million!

Brother Yu Guang's lips were pale and his legs were speechless. He watched Lin Ruoxi leave with a group of executives with straight waists, but he didn't have the courage to shout the first sentence. If their own industry were acquired, even if they took the money, they would not be able to start such a high-profile magazine in just a few years, and they would only sit back and forth. That would be something they could not imagine!

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, Wu Yue, who had not walked far with Lin Ruoxi, suddenly turned back, walked in front of Yang Chen and Zhao Hongyan, and said mechanically, "Lin always wants to see you, five minutes later. Go to her office."t