My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 149: Brother Li



Just now, Li Deshen, who was still at ease, talking and laughing with everyone, suddenly became angry and shocked everyone present. Soon several executives of the Muyun Group asked what happened to the old chairman.

Li Deshen looked unhappy and did not speak, while Li Muhua beside him frowned, as if thinking of something.

At this moment, a man in a floral shirt staggered in from the door of the box. His complexion was drunk and red, and he shouted something indiscriminately, and he could smell the alcohol from far away.

The appearance of the man was very similar to Li Muhua. He was slightly shorter, and seemed to be very drunk. He couldn't stand still. He just ran into the box and suddenly fell on the ground, crawling on all fours, and rushed to Li Deshen’s heels. He hugged Li Deshen's legs, and started crying!

This scene made everyone feel embarrassed. After all, it was obviously the family affair of the Li family, no matter who the man was, such a move was enough to shame Li De deeply.

"Asshole stuff!"

Li Deshen's body was not so good. At this time, his anger rose and his face turned into an unnatural pig liver color. Because of the inconvenience of his legs and feet, he directly pushed the young man's head away with his hands.

The young man was pushed to the ground, but he didn't wake up, he cried and hugged Li Deshen's thigh, but he cried even louder.

"Wow... Dad!! My life is so bad... Tina doesn't want me... Tina ran away with other men... Wow..."

Several members of the Muyun Group present naturally knew the identity of this person, but it was only then that the four of Yang Chen realized that this was another son of Li Deshen.

Li Deshen was embarrassed in front of everyone, and he was naturally very angry, but the beast in front of him is his own son no matter how bad he is. My son, Mu Cheng, didn’t teach well since he was a child, and he didn’t do business all day. I was helpless, but everyone laughed."

"The chairman of the board does not have to worry about it. There are hard-to-read scriptures in his family. I think the eldest son may have suffered a lot of love, so he suddenly ran here to cry to the chairman." A senior manager reluctantly comforted.

At this time Li Muhua stood up and walked to his brother Li Mucheng, trying to help him up with both hands, "Brother, if you have anything to say, don't hold your dad like this, there are guests there."

Instead, Li Mucheng turned around and hugged Li Muhua's thigh, "Brother! Your brother I am so miserable... I will give her everything Tina wants... Why did she leave me... ooh..."

"Brother... Don't cry. If you have something to say, I will help you figure out a solution, OK?" Li Muhua became like an older brother instead, pacifying Li Mucheng with heartache and helplessness.

Li Mucheng was as reluctant as children, constantly crying "Tina don't want me", "Let me die" and other drunken nonsense.

Putting this picture on the eldest son of such a big family is really not a good thing, let alone in such a situation where there is an away presence.

When everyone was awkwardly silent, a man in black, with a strong build and a sharp face appeared at the door. When the man saw Li Mucheng, he immediately stepped forward to hold him and control it. Li Mucheng refused to let him get down, and then bowed to Li Deshen calmly, "I'm sorry, the chairman, I failed to stop the old man from running in, it was my negligence."

Li Deshen's face was a little slow, and he asked, "Li Meng, I made you look at this beast, why did he become like this again!?"

"The chairman of the report, Miss Tina, the daughter of Earl Scott, chose to return to the UK to get married after studying here, so she broke off the relationship with the eldest son. It's like this now." Li Meng replied blankly.

"For a big Yanma, when will he be ashamed!?" Li De coughed deeply, causing Li Muhua on the side to step forward nervously to comfort him.

Seeing Li Muhua’s caring eyes, Li Deshen was slightly relieved, and waved to Li Meng, “Take this kid back to his room, don’t be embarrassed here! Clear my mind and talk about it, if you dare to drink for women anymore. Go crazy, I will put him in confinement for three months!"

"Yes, chairman", Li Meng's strength was so great, Li Mucheng failed to break free this time, and while yelling indiscriminately, he was forcibly dragged out.

Li Deshen stared at the door in a daze for a while, before his face was depressed, and he smiled reluctantly, and said: "It shocked everyone. The biggest regret in my life is that I didn't teach this eldest son well. But fortunately for me, The second son, Mu Hua, being able to take over my class is a bit of pity from God."

Hearing Li Deshen's words, several executives of Muyun Group immediately praised Li Muhua for his outstanding performance in the company. Even Lu Tao, as a guest, echoed a few words, saying that Li Muhua's praise is only in the sky, and it is hard to find in the world. Look like.

Li Muhua was praised in front of everyone, and was not too happy. He said to Li Deshen somewhat euphemistically: "Father, I don't think the eldest brother is bad in his heart, but he hasn't really understood his father's good intentions. I will understand later, naturally. He will change his wickedness and do his best for the company. Father should give him some opportunities."

"Huh!" Li De snorted coldly: "Give him a chance!? Didn't I give him a chance, three years ago, I let him participate in the investment project, it was a mess! If I didn't intervene personally later, I might not lose to what extent! I have known all day long about Jiuchi Roulin, licking the feet of women, what is there to do! You treat him as your brother, what did he do for your brother since childhood!?"

"But… "

"No but! I value you very much, you must not let me down!" Li Deshen said with a serious face.

Li Muhua couldn't help but nodded and stopped talking.

Yang Chen held a piece of snake meat in silence while watching the family drama of Li's family, a few doubts flashed in his eyes, and it was fleeting.

After the wind banquet, the group of Muyun Group stayed in Muise Villa. After all, this is a place for leisure and entertainment, and there are also some other dignitaries, wealthy merchants and businessmen in the villa, so they will not be boring. Go for fun when you find your favorite entertainment.

Yang Chen and the other four arrived first in the luxurious room arranged for them. Yang Chen and Mo Qianni each sleep in a single room, and they are next to each other. Lu Tao and his assistant are the same, but the assistant took the room key. Later, he only put his luggage in Lu Tao's room, and he knew what he meant.

As the person in charge of Muyun's party in this discussion, Li Muhua kindly waited for the four to settle down, and then began to lead the four to wander around in the Muise Villa, while introducing the various recreational facilities in the villa, hot springs, and saunas. There are everything in general, such as fitness, fitness and tea ceremony. There is even a martial arts hall. Behind the villa, there is a winding road sports car track for those famous cars that are not allowed to drive on ordinary roads.

When the last stop came to the casino in the Twilight Villa, it was already dark. Lu Tao and his assistant had already gone to enjoy their time. Only Yang Chen and Mo Qianni were left to follow Li Muhua into the casino to visit.

There are obviously more guests in the casino than in other places. Although Hong Kong is no better than Macau, the casino is also a hot business.

Yang Chen has never been interested in gambling. The reason is that the greatest pleasure of gambling, the mental shock brought by the sudden mass acquisition of that kind of material, is far less exciting to Yang Chen than the other things he does.

Li Muhua smiled and introduced the history of the casino and some interesting things that happened here. He also greeted some acquaintances in the mall along the way, which seemed very easy-going.

When the three of them came to the Mahjong area, a somewhat familiar figure came into view.

Wearing a fancy Western-style suit and dangling a cigar, Li Mucheng sat at a mahjong table and played mahjong with a few middle-aged men with big bellies. As a bodyguard who took care of him, Li Meng stood unsmilingly behind him.

Li Muhua didn't seem to look down on this elder like the others, and immediately walked forward with a smile when he saw him, "Brother, how are you feeling?"

Li Mucheng slowly turned his head and glanced at his younger brother, and said angrily: "It was not bad just now, and the cards now smell so bad to the touch. What's the matter with me, it turns out that you are here."

Hearing Li Mucheng's words about Li Muhua, Mo Qianni, who had already felt good about Li Muhua, frowned. "He is your brother. Isn't it too rude for you to say this to him?"

When Li Mucheng saw Mo Qianni, his eyes lit up, and he looked up and down a little greedily, "Miss, your surname, where did you come from? How much is it for a night?"

"you… "

Seeing Mo Qianni getting angry, Li Muhua quickly persuaded: "Brother! Don't be like this, Miss Mo is an important guest sent by Zhonghai Yulei International, not that kind of woman."

"Hey, isn't it what you say? This kind of woman, ten of them are all smuggled goods, it depends on whether you can afford the price, I have seen a lot, what do you pretend to be pure?" Li Mucheng was smug. Shook his head disdainfully.

Because of Li Muhua's pleading, Mo Qianni was not easy to have a seizure. It was like that. She was still very uncomfortable when she was told that she was the kind of woman in front of so many people. First ran out of the casino.

Li Muhua hurriedly called two bodyguards to follow Mo Qianni to protect her safety and guide her back to the room. You must know that the layout of Twilight Villa is huge, and it is difficult to recognize the way at the first time. Obviously, he is very careful and considerate. .

Yang Chen walked forward silently, patted Li Mucheng on the shoulder, and looked at him with a smile.

"Why? I'm not gay!" Li Mucheng kept his distance vigilantly.

Yang Chen grinned and said: "I think you are more handsome than your brother, so I don't know how your gambling skills are. Would you dare to gamble?" t