My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 153: Severity


The so-called biochemical bomb is not an ordinary bomb. After the explosion, it produces a strong high temperature, causing the air to expand in an instant and terrifying. The biochemical bomb uses a variety of special viruses, bacteria, and microorganisms to achieve the purpose of destruction. human body

Such toxins often make life worse than death. Even if you survive by chance, it is half-life or a painful root of disease. It is a weapon against humanity that is strictly forbidden in the world.

The electronic sound on the phone is extremely arrogant, but such arrogance is helpless, because everyone present will be afraid of death, not to mention that it is a way of death that is better than death.

"Since you didn't directly activate the bomb, you must have your purpose, tell it," Li Deshen said

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and he said, "Chairman Li is not yet confused. In fact, what I want is very simple, 20 million Chinese coins, tonight."

"Ask for money?" Li Deshen glanced at the people around him. Many people seemed to be relieved. After all, as long as the other party asked for money, there would be room for change

"Twenty million, for the wealthy Li family, it shouldn’t be difficult for me, but I can control the situation in the villa at any time. If I find that you dare to call the police or a large number of people have fled the villa, then I will detonate the bomb as soon as possible... Don’t force me. I do what I don’t like"

Li Deshen resisted his anger, "It's easy to say that even if you have money, you don't mean that you can take out 20 million. But I promise you only 20 million. I hope you follow the rules of the game and send money to your account. Or withdraw cash?"

"Transfer? Am I stupid or you stupid? I want cash. It will be delivered to Warehouse No. 3 at the Kanazawa Wharf within an hour. It must be delivered by Chairman Li or the two sons of the Li family, and others will deliver it. , It doesn’t count, I will directly press the detonation switch. Also, if I find other entourages, or the police, I will also press the switch.

Many people at the scene took a sigh of relief. The gangster actually asked the Li family to send money in person. This is not asking for money, but it is also fatal.

"Father, I would rather believe that there is something than if you can't believe it," Li Muhua said with a serious expression.

Li De took a deep breath, "I know that, we can't afford to bet, this money must be sent."

The important guests in Twilight Villa, let alone hundreds of them, if one or two of these people are killed by a biochemical bomb, that would be unthinkable. The Li family can’t take risks.

At this moment, a drake-like voice rushed over from a distance, yelling, "Get out, get out, get out, I want to see my dad"

Li Mucheng wore silk pajamas, swayed to the crowd, threw himself in front of Li Deshen, and cried out in a panic: "Dad, I heard people say that there are biochemical bombs in Zhuangzi? Is it true?"

"Huh, a bomb scared you like this, what kind of style is it?" Li De said angrily.

Li Mucheng's face was pale, "Dad, you have to find a way, I'm still young, I don't want to die yet..."

While talking, Li Mucheng burst into tears on the spot.

"Nie animal... Nie animal... What else can you do besides crying and crying?" Li De was deeply annoyed not to fight, at such a nervous juncture, there is such a stupid son, can he not be angry

"I'm dying, can't I cry? Wow..." Li Mucheng burst into tears, as if crying for himself

Li Deshen really didn't want to look at him anymore, and waved his hand to several entourages and said, "Drag this useless thing back to the room."

Several bodyguards immediately stepped forward and Li Meng, who took care of Li Mucheng personally, helped him up, and pulled Li Mucheng away from the tea room quickly, but it took a long time for Li Mucheng's cry to disappear.

Li Muhua sighed softly when seeing his brother being dragged away, and said, "Father, let me send the money."

"You?" Li Deshen frowned, "No, the future Muyun Group will still need you to host. The Li family can't lack you. Your waste material brother has not been able to save my old bones at all. Great use, I’ll give the money"

"No" Li Muhua said Zhengrong: "Father, I can listen to you for other things, but this time, if you, as a son, watch your father do such a dangerous thing, you can't stop it, just in case. There was a mistake, Mu Hua would not be able to be a man anymore in this life."

"You bastard, can't you tell the difference?"

Li Muhua fell on her knees without hesitation and looked straight at Li Deshen in the wheelchair, "Father, there is nothing more important than you in my heart."

The audience was silent at this moment. Li Muhua's words deeply touched everyone's hearts. At this moment, Li Muhua is not only a young president with both talents and learning, good at management, and heir to a large family, he is the simplest and simplest one. Filial son

Although Li Deshen has always maintained his dignity, he couldn't help crying when his favorite two son said these words.

"Little beast... Get up, don't kneel anymore" Li De sighed deeply, as if he was a few years old, but his wrinkled face showed a gratified smile.

"If my father doesn't agree to let me go, I won't get up" Li Muhua insisted.

Li Deshen smiled helplessly, "I am old, but my mind is still clear. I know that even if you are not allowed to go today, you will definitely force you to go to you kid. Although it is more worry-free than your brother, it is not. Save fuel... I'll listen to you, let you go"

Li Muhua finally breathed a sigh of relief and stood up and said, "Thank you, father, then I will ask someone to prepare 20 million immediately, and personally lead them to send it there."

"Hmm..." Li Deshen stretched out his hand, held Li Muhua's wrist, and squeezed it tightly, "Remember, as long as the person is still there, everything will be there, don't be impulsive."

"I see"

When other people saw this scene, they felt happy and bitter for the father and son. Li Deshen had such a son. It was indeed a blessing for him and the Li family. Unfortunately, the gangsters would do such a terrible thing, forcing the Li family to take such a risk. risk

At the same time, most people wondered, why is Li Muhua's elder brother Li Mucheng who is also a Li family, but he can't help with the slightest effort, but he still adds to the chaos

"Everyone goes back to work, to minimize the impact of this incident, and don't let the guests panic, just as if nothing happened" Li Muhua loudly directed the Li family employees present.

The employees promised together, and they all knew that the best way now is to pretend that everything is intact, otherwise the guests will be messed up, and maybe the gangster will just detonate the bomb.

When these managers left, Li Deshen also left the scene with his entourage and gave all his trust to his son. This obviously also tells Li Muhua that he must live because the future of the Li family depends on him.

Li Muhua took a deep breath, calmed his emotions, and calmly said to Yang Chen and others: "Everyone, I didn't expect that this cooperation will attract so many talents. I can't think of any surprises. The gangsters this time are also possible. It was the trick of the Xu family. Although I don’t know why they did it, unfortunately, they succeeded."

"Mr. Li, don't you really want to go? This shows that you don't know how to die." Although Lu Tao was scared, he was not stupid. He kindly advised

Mo Qianni also nodded, frowning and said: "I think it is better to inform the Royal Police of Hong Kong, or the Flying Tigers, so that the money will pass in vain, and there will be no chance at all. On the contrary, they may be taken hostage by the criminals. Continue Blackmailed"

"Don't talk cold words," Yang Chen curled his lips and stretched out comfortably. "Our current situation does not allow us to take the risk, whether it is to confirm whether there is a bomb or choose to evacuate the Twilight Villa. It is based on the assumption that the gangster is not aware of the specific situation on our side, but at present, the gangster obviously has an inside line to monitor every move here, maybe that person is among our group of people, at any time to inform us as long as we make a slight violation. Whatever the gangsters mean, everyone will die ugly in the next second. Therefore, letting Master Li send money is the only solution."

Li Muhua smiled bitterly, "Mr. Yang's analysis is correct, we have no choice."

"But you can rest assured of Li's second child." Yang Chen called Li Muhua as the "second child" and said: "Since the gangster wants to blackmail money so boringly, it shows that we are not interested in our life, otherwise, We don’t even need to send money to send a few hundred million or so, because it’s impossible to raise so much cash at once, just wait for death and it’s over.”

"I think so too. The best situation now is that the gangsters are not from the Xu family. In that case, I will not be too dangerous. They should flee directly from the sea after they take the money. After all, Kanazawa Bay is far from the open sea. "It’s very close" Li Muhua said along the analysis: "I’m a real Taekwondo black belt. If the gangsters are not too many and have a lot of strong firepower, I want to persecute me, it’s not so easy. After all, I’m also You can go with a weapon"

With that said, the few people present were relieved, but I did not expect that there are so many things that can be analyzed behind this incident.

Mo Qianni glanced at Yang Chen with a weird look, the latter was drinking the cold tea calmly, not arrogant or impatient...

If Ruoxi chose him as the representative of the negotiation, it seems that it was not all because of personal relationship... Mo Qianni's mouth raised slightly, and she was muttering in her heart.

Now that the matter has been settled, the rest of the people dispersed, except for Li Muhua, who went back to their rooms and waited for news. After all, the gangsters said that if a large number of people are fleeing, they will also detonate bombs. Who knows what the gangster said? How many are the large numbers? So it's better to be safe and guard

Yang Chen and Mo Qianni walked back to their guest room together. When entering the corridor of the guest room, Yang Chen suddenly stopped and said with a smile: "My mind is too clear and can't fall asleep, so I can drink a few glasses of wine in the villa before going to bed. , You go back alone" After speaking, turn around and walk back and forth

Mo Qianni looked back at Yang Chen's back, a suspicion flashed in her eyes.