My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 154: Who said to turn on the lights



Of course, Yang Chen can’t really go to drink in pain, not to mention that he can’t be immersed in alcohol because of his brain. As far as the current situation is concerned, Yang Chen thinks it’s too interesting, and others may not be able to see some inner things. But in Yang Chen’s eyes, there are too many things worthy of scrutiny and doubt, and even many details, full of various potential deep meanings. How can he choose such a wonderful moment to drink

After passing a few corners with no people, Yang Chen came to a small exit at the back of the villa, and through a small door there, it was the open-air parking lot behind the villa.

For such a huge building complex, there are naturally many doors to go out, and it is impossible to have only one door, so Yang Chen easily found such one.

But Yang Chen didn't rush out, but turned around slowly and shouted into the empty corridor: "Miss Mo, it's not a good habit to follow a person, especially a beautiful woman who follows a man with a wife."

After holding back for a while, Mo Qianni, who was flushed, walked out from a corner sadly, and said angrily: "Who told you to lie to me on purpose, you obviously want to escape by yourself!"

"Escape? I didn't say I want to escape." Yang Chen slowly approached Mo Qianni.

A Mingwu flashed in Mo Qianni's eyes, "I see, you want to go to the warehouse at the Kanazawa Wharf, where you want to go to Li Muhua! Right!?"

"It's really smart, but what does this have to do with you?" Yang Chen said bluntly.

"I can't let you go, it's too dangerous!" Mo Qianni said anxiously.

"But you can't stop me", Yang Chen shrugged and smiled.

Seeing Yang Chen getting closer and closer, Mo Qianni subconsciously took two steps backwards, "Then you take me with me, I can't let you go to such a dangerous place alone!"

Yang Chen asked somewhat curiously: "You know the danger, why are you still going with me?"

"I... I don't worry about you..." Mo Qianni said faintly, her cheeks glowing red in the light.

She can't let Yang Chen go to such dangerous occasions alone, although knowing that such words are too straightforward, it is equivalent to expressing her intentions in disguise, but at a critical juncture, Mo Qianni can no longer be too reserved!

Yang Chen was also stunned. He didn't expect Mo Qianni to express her thoughts so directly, but once a woman tells you so softly, she doesn't worry about you, can you still treat her with a tough attitude!

Yang Chen couldn't, so Yang Chen gave up his original plan to stun Mo Qianni. Make a *book* (.com)

After a moment of silence, Yang Chen sighed and smiled relaxedly, "I was planning to faint you and throw it back in the room, but I have a soft heart, and I can't listen to women's good words, especially the icing of beauties. Cannonball, since you want to go with me so, let me fulfill you."

"You..." Mo Qianni's tears were about to come out, and she looked at him aggrievedly, "You want to faint me!?"

"Nonsense, you are worried about my safety, and I am also worried about you." Yang Chen said.

Mo Qianni suddenly lost her voice, and her heartbeat immediately increased several times faster. Renbi Huajiao moved her gaze away, pursing her mouth, not letting herself laugh happily.

The ambiguous relationship between the two seemed to have received a real response at this moment. It seemed meaningless to talk more, as long as this kind of dim sweetness was fine.

"Hey, silly girl, do you have to be so happy? Are you still leaving?" Yang Chen asked with a smile.

Mo Qianni quickly came back to her senses, "Of course go, but you have to take me with you." Her eyes were pitiful, just like a small woman in a puffy bag, without the tough side of a strong woman.

Yang Chen hooked her finger at the woman, and Mo Qianni quickly followed.

When we came to the exit of the small door, there was already a black-clothed bodyguard standing outside the door, obviously to prevent any guests from leaving without authorization.

"Brother, come in," Yang Chen waved to the bodyguard with a smile on his face.

The black brothers walked in the door quickly and asked kindly, "Is something sir?"

"Well, trouble you to faint."

Before the black-clothed bodyguard could react, Yang Chen's lightning-like hand knife was already slapped on the back of his neck, and the black-clothed man immediately fainted to the ground.

Mo Qianni opened her small mouth in surprise, looking at Yang Chen kind of cute, "Did you want to faint me like this before?"

"Guess." Yang Chen blinked at her and walked out the door.

In the dark, there was only the whirling sound of the wind blowing across the mountains and forests in the parking lot, and a few brand-name cars parked in the parking lot, glamorous.

Mo Qianni felt that the temperature was a little low, and she asked Yang Chen with her arms folded, "Are you going with Li Muhua? We don't have a car."

Yang Chen smiled evilly and said, "Who said there are no cars, aren't they all cars here?" He said and pointed to the cars in the parking lot.

"Do you want to steal the car!?"

Mo Qianni was the first and two big, but before she could stop her, Yang Chen had already walked to the door of the nearest black Lexus.

"Hey! Are you kidding me?" Mo Qianni asked with a reluctant smile.

Yang Chen touched his chin, and after circling the car, he seemed to confirm something, suddenly stretched out his hand, likened to a "cone shape", and slammed into the window of the car!


The glass shattered, and a big hole suddenly appeared in the car window!

"Have you seen it?" Yang Chen pointed to the car door that he easily pierced through the glass. "This type of Lexus has a very weak alarm system. As long as it is not forced to unlock, it will not sound an alarm."

After finishing speaking, under Mo Qianni's stunned cute expression, Yang Chen reached out his hand to unplug the door lock from the inside at will, then opened the door of the cab and sat in.

Mo Qianni was about to faint, Yang Chen's actions completely surpassed the limitations of "morality", "law", and "physical" that ordinary people understand. This is not something ordinary women like her can understand.

"Get in the car quickly," Yang Chen gestured to her and unlocked the co-pilot's door.

When Mo Qianni got in the car, Yang Chen had already unloaded a plastic plate-shaped part under the steering wheel of the car, and stretched out his hand to smash something inside.

After Mo Qianni had some psychological preparation, she was not too surprised this time, and asked slightly confused: "What are you doing now? Can you start the car like that?"

"Nonsense," Yang Chen gave her a white glance and fiddled with the lines in the car to himself, "I don't have a key, of course I have to use a special method."

As soon as the voice fell, Lexus' instrument panel suddenly lit up, and immediately after the engine "boomed", the car started!

Regardless of Mo Qianni's surprised look, Yang Chen adjusted the seat skillfully, ready to set off.

"Wait!" Mo Qianni thought of something and reminded: "There must be a lot of people watching outside the villa now, even if the ring road is some distance away from the villa, but we drive out, the lights of the car will definitely make people notice our!"

"Count you smart", Yang Chen shaved off Mo Qianni's nose with admiration, causing the latter to blush again.

"Then how do we get out?"

"Who said you must turn on the lights when driving at night?"

"Don't you..."

Regardless of Mo Qianni's "seeing crazy" expression, Yang Chen laughed and turned off the headlights of the car. The whole car was just like the daytime, half of the lights were not on!

Immediately afterwards, Yang Chen put into gear and the car left the parking lot smoothly and started to drive towards the outer highway!

Mo Qianni saw the darkness in front, and it was difficult even to see the road three meters away. When she thought that Yang Chen would drive down the mountain to Kanazawa Bay like this, she wanted to jump off the car in horror!

"Are you... Are you crazy!? If you drive like this, you will rush down the mountain!"

Yang Chen glanced at her in the darkness and said: "If you believe me, just sit there and don't talk. Although I promised to take you to Kanazawa Bay, you must obey my arrangements. Otherwise, I am There is no guarantee that you will be stunned in the car and lost in the back seat."

As soon as she said this, Mo Qianni immediately shut her mouth wittily and murmured a few words bitterly, but she had to wear her seat belt and obediently not speak.

The black Lexus has no lights, like a ghost at midnight, galloping on the dark mountain road, but the speed is not slow at all.

It just so happened that there were few cars on the mountain road at this time, so the fast-moving car did not cause much commotion without turning on the lights, but occasionally the car passed by, and the driver thought it was a mistake.

Gradually, Mo Qianni realized that her previous worries were unnecessary, because Yang Chen drove a "black car" with no lights, and there was no difficulty in identifying the road at all, as if this was not night, it was day at all!

While breathing a sigh of relief, Mo Qianni thought of another question, "Hey, Yang Chen, do you know the way to Kanazawa Bay?"


"Why do you know, isn't it the first time you have come to Hong Kong?"

"Remember, listen to me in the future and say ten sentences, eleven sentences are all fake!"

"There are only ten sentences in total. How come there are eleven lie, don't tell me..." Mo Qianni said dumbly.

"It's a decimal point, and I don't understand this mathematical truth."

In the silent conversation between the two, the car had already drove down the mountain, and Yang Chen turned on the headlights naturally. After all, at this time, no one would doubt it.

After driving until the trail to Kanazawa Bay, the surrounding traffic gradually decreased, and Yang Chen resumed driving in black light.

Not long afterwards, there was only one car in front of him driving towards Jinze Bay, and Yang Chen smiled, "It seems that I am not late. The one in front should be Li Muhua."

Mo Qianni has changed from panic and fear at the beginning to excitement and full of freshness at the moment. Such secret tracking allows her to experience a different kind of life, but slowly to reach Kanazawa Bay, she is also worried about the two of them. When he was in danger, he couldn't help but said: "Wait, how do we get there? Will we go with Li Muhua to send money?"

"Silly girl, if I want to send money with Li Muhua, why should I follow him secretly with the lights off, so that he won't find me?"

Mo Qianni was not angry when she was said "silly girl" again. She only felt that the relationship between the two at this moment really got closer, and she smiled sweetly and stopped talking. t