My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 162: towel



Seeing Jane’s suddenly ugly face, Yang Chen was a little helpless, but he didn’t know how to comfort him. He forced a smile and said, “Why is that? It’s not illegal for me to get married. That said."

Jane lowered her head and wiped the corners of her eyes, then raised her head to force her face and said: "Yes, I should congratulate you, our master Persephone, is a beautiful woman..."

"It's beautiful, but she didn't know that she would have such a weird title, and I hope she won't know it in this life," Yang Chen said.

Jane bit her lip, "This shows that you really love her."

"Love is not so much a responsibility between husband and wife. I don't want something that is not very clean to dust her pure soul."

"It seems that you really enjoy your life now." Jane said with some regret: "I think everyone will be disappointed. Many of them are looking forward to your return someday."

Yang Chen shook his head, "I never said that I would leave everyone, but now I need a relatively relaxed environment. You are the person who understands my situation best, and you should understand."

Jane asked anxiously: "Is there any outbreak of the disease now?"

"Occasionally it will be more difficult to control, but as long as it is not overuse of superhuman power, it is still very healthy."

"I'm sorry... I kept saying I would help you get rid of this shackle, but..."

"You have worked very hard. I think no one in this world can help me suppress my illness to this level except you." Yang Chen smiled comfortingly: "By the way, how come you have time to come to Hong Kong, Catherine can You cannot be missing."

"Humph", referring to Catherine, Jane showed a playful expression on her face again, "The old woman thought she was being lazy and threw everything to me to deal with. I gave her some color this time and dumped everything. I plan to do a round-the-world trip. I came to Hong Kong because Xiao Lizi, one of my students, was here. He had always invited me to see his new achievements before, and he came just when he was free."

"It turned out to be like this..." Yang Chen thoughtfully.

Jane giggled, and the figure wrapped in the close-fitting cheongsam trembled with a charming wave, "Our beloved king, don't you think that if you explicitly say that you are not allowed to look for your specific whereabouts, any of us would have the courage? Do you want to come to you? I think many people, even if they know that they happened to meet you, will run away as soon as possible before you find out, so as to avoid your suspicion."

Yang Chen's face was slightly embarrassed, "Don't think so, I'm not that scary, in fact, I'm still very happy to see you."

"Really?" Jane asked in surprise: "Then I can go to Zhonghai to find you next time? I also have a student, Green, who is in Zhonghai, um... By the way, he and Xiao Lizi are working on the same project."

Yang Chen remembered the business, "I am helping Yulei International. In other words, Li Guangxun’s research results are best used to the greatest extent. Green is now working for another competitor. You are their teacher. Can you help? Let me coordinate from it, and let them all help me with the work, so that I might have to dig the wall next time."

Jane lighted her chin and thought for a while, and said, "If I was ordered as a king, I can go and let Green and Xiao Li work together. Most of their achievements today are given by me. I can do that. But... If this is a request for help, then I can’t do it, because in this industry, it is a shame for an expert to betray an employer. Unless Green volunteers, it’s me, the teacher, who does what I’m sorry for him. ."

Yang Chen nodded in agreement, "What you said makes sense, that's it, the big deal is that you can give Li Guangxun a little more guidance and let him develop faster, then it's not a big problem."

"In fact, there are other ways," Jane said easily: "If you want to develop new environmentally friendly materials, I can provide a lot of undisclosed technologies, which are enough to help your company become one of the world's leading companies. one."

Yang Chen knew that this young woman was not telling lies. She was dubbed a "genius girl" since she was a child. She has been walking low-key in the most cutting-edge scientific research in various industries in the world over the years. Only things she is too lazy to study. Anything studied is often a huge breakthrough. And many of these achievements will be thrown aside or destroyed by her casually. In her words, she didn't want the world to progress too quickly, which would lead to the widening of the social class gap caused by technology.

After the two recounted the past, Jane suddenly remembered something and asked, "Yang Chen, how long will you stay in Hong Kong?"

"About three days or so."

"Three days..." Jane thought for a while, "Three days is three days, I will make one thing for you, maybe it will be of some help to you."

Yang Chen didn't know what Jane would do, but if Jane didn't say it, he didn't ask.

The two talked unconsciously for more than half an hour. When they returned to the front entrance of the institute, Li Muhua, Li Guangxun, Mo Qianni and others were already waiting.

When Mo Qianni saw Yang Chen and Jian laughing and talking along the way, her heart became more uncomfortable, but in terms of etiquette, she still smiled at Jian Wei.

Jane also spotted Mo Qianni standing next to Yang Chen early. From her Western perspective, Mo Qianni's beauty would not be outstanding. The main reason is that Jane sees too many beautiful women on weekdays. In comparison, the graceful and intellectual side of Eastern women in Mo Qianni deserves her attention.

The insightful Jane discovered the sour taste in Mo Qianni's eyes at this time, and immediately understood what she was, and smiled playfully at Yang Chen.

"Teacher, you can count it, let's go to the restaurant." Li Guangxun smiled, leaning forward and asked Jane to get in the car.

Jian faintly frowned, "Little Lizi, since you are developing an important project, you will wait until the research and development is over before leaving the institute. I will come back and check your research results after dinner."

Li Guangxun uttered "Ah", but when he heard a brief review of his research results, he immediately became energetic. The discouragement that he could not eat with the teacher he admired was gone, and he ran back to the research institute.

Li Muhua kindly suggested: "Miss Jian, in fact, my fourth uncle has been very hard in the past few months. It is good to go out and relax occasionally."

"I'm sorry, I have never listened to other people's opinions in terms of academics and education." Jane finished politely, and took the initiative to get into the car.

Li Muhua was choked out for a while. Although there was a fire in his heart, he knew that this was definitely not someone he could provoke, so he forced everyone to start with a strong smile.

The restaurant Li Muhua chose to entertain Jane is a famous western restaurant in Kowloon, Hong Kong, near the blue water.

The entire restaurant is designed based on the Western Gothic church, but the whole is prolonged, and the towering spires and flashy stone porches are well used everywhere.

The mottled stained glass windows reveal a melancholy and solemn atmosphere, but when the bright sun shines through the window into the restaurant, the quaint oriental style surrounding design echoes each other, but it becomes complex and interesting.

When they came to a reserved round table with a sea view, everyone sat down and quickly ordered a whole set of western food. While waiting for the waiter to serve the food, Li Muhua as the host, although he was a little scared, he still bit the bullet Asked: "I don't know how Ms. Jian and Mr. Yang met. Could it be that the two have worked together?"

This problem also troubles the other people present, especially Mo Qianni. It is really difficult for her to put Yang Chen and such a woman together. After all, the temperament, speech, and behavior of the two are too different.

"I only met a few times when I was abroad. Mr. Yang helped me a little bit, so we met." Jane said in a very general way.

Everyone suddenly felt that wanting to do that kind of busy work would be a tiring job, but Li Muhua felt that maybe Yang Chen helped Jane get rid of someone, after all, Yang Chen's force value seemed extremely terrifying to him.

Several people said nothing. When the waiter served the dishes, Yang Chen, who was originally lazy, suddenly felt a little strange...

Sitting on his right is fat Lu Tao. The first one to serve is him. At this moment, he has picked up a knife and fork, looking at a plate of main dishes brought by the waiter, and is ready to feast on it.

The waiter held a large plate in one left hand, and hung a white towel in the other, and walked with a gentle smile.

Yang Chen stood up and suddenly stopped between the waiter and Lu Tao.

"Mr. Yang, what's the matter?" Lu Tao asked suspiciously, feeling very hungry before he had time for breakfast.

Several other people also showed confusion, only Jane seemed to have thought of something, and slowly stood up.

The waiter smiled and asked Yang Chen: "This gentleman, do you need anything?"

Yang Chen pointed to the white towel on his right hand, "I need your towel."

The waiter smiled politely, "You have towels for guests on your seats."

"I want you." Yang Chen said with a smile.

The waiter's eyes were a little dazed at first, but in the end he nodded and stretched out the hand holding the towel in front of Yang Chen, "Sir, take it if you want."


After Yang Chen finished speaking, he shot like an electric light, and patted the waiter's small right arm with a palm!


Almost at the same instant, a gunshot came from the waiter's right hand towel!

The white towel was smashed, and the waiter held a revolver in his right hand. The bullet fired at the moment was originally intended to hit Yang Chen’s chest, but because of Yang Chen’s timely shot, the bullet shot directly. On the dome!


Exclamations sounded in the restaurant. The guests ran away, scurrying, and more, began to hide under the table, in the corner of the wall, after all, the shooting was too terrifying for the general public!

Seeing that there was already a mess in the whole hall, the waiter who failed to hit Yang Chen with a shot took a step backwards with a stern look, and his eyes were fiercely planning to aim at Yang Chen and shoot again!

How could Yang Chen give him a chance? Before he could take aim, Yang Chen had moved behind him unknowingly, hitting the back of his neck with a palm, knocking the waiter to the ground.

"This... what's going on!?"

Li Muhua shouted angrily, he didn't bring a few bodyguards, and the bodyguards were also outside the restaurant. Fatty Lu Tao hid under the table in fear.

Mo Qianni's face was also pale, and she subconsciously ran to Yang Chen's side. Yang Chen covered her by her side and said to everyone: "Be careful, the killer move is too simple, there should be accomplices..."

Before Yang Chen finished speaking, the two middle-aged and fat couples who had just hugged each other suddenly stood up, each with a Colt pistol in his hand, and aimed murderously at Yang Chen and Li Muhua respectively! t