My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1639: I lost to myself


Wechat on the public platform of sesame seed cakes: meigancaishaobing, which is called "mold dry vegetable sesame seed cake". Those who are interested can pay attention to it and share some things in and out of the book.

Sina and Tencent Weibo are also "mould dried vegetable biscuits", Sina has certification, Tencent does not.

The original chapter of my wife of the beautiful president is published on There will be no wrong chapters. Any repeated chapters are pirated.

Almost at the same time, Yang Chen's figure topped the sky above the crowd, and the force derived from the heavens and the earth twisted into a whirlpool-like shield, and suddenly collided with the three beams of light!

For a while, the entire mid-air was full of silver and gray! The antimatter energy is like a pouring rain, splattering around a vacant shield, turning into a little rain!

This seemingly gorgeous scene is deadly!

Yang Chen only felt that the bones of the whole body were about to be shattered, and the blood was tumbling, as if countless streams and mountain torrents erupted, constantly impacting all the painful nerves in his body!

This feeling that was more painful than death and tearing made Yang Chen couldn't help groaning.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of the mouth uncontrollably, and a fishy smell was spilled!

"Yang Chen!!"

Everyone on the ground feels that their hearts have fallen to the bottom even if they look at it like this!

Tang Wan and Cai Ning reddened their eyes, biting their lips!

Just now the combined attack of those antimatter energy cannons has already been quite difficult to resist. Now Yan Buwen has suddenly increased the antimatter energy by more than three times. It is more than just stacking!

Whenever a limit is reached, the more it exceeds a point, it may bring a complete collapse!

It is like a bridge whose load reaches the highest point, and the next one, even if an ant goes up, may cause a collapse!

Although Yang Chen’s power of heaven and earth at this moment can be quickly replenished, the non-queen anti-matter energy is also the purest kind of unstable energy in the universe, and it can be said to be restored with the filling of absolutely pure crystals like the god stone. Endless!

And "Wang Nian Xing Xing Jing" does not have any special techniques that can make the power of heaven and earth form so powerful destructive power. All the tricks used by Yang Chen are obtained through his own exploration and comprehension.

It's a good idea to deal with ordinary monks above the stage of transforming gods, but dealing with the same is the stage of crossing the catastrophe, and there are magic weapons and spells, it may not be able to take much advantage.

And Yan Fu in front of him, as if completely controlling the sacred stone, and after integrating with himself, all the anti-matter energy is used to carry out pure destruction and destroy everything, and it is definitely not a half-way monk like Yang Chen that can resist!

If it weren't for the power derived from the heavens and the earth is indeed much stronger than the ordinary true essence, with extremely strong resilience, and quick replenishment, Yang Chen would have been beaten to death!

Yang Chen reluctantly stabilized his figure, his complexion pale, and he fell to the bottom in the air, panting for constant restoration of his body and the power of heaven and earth.

"Why, I can't stand it in just one shot? Didn't you say that the outcome is unknown? Don't you think you are great?" Yan Buwen twisted his hideous face, like teasing a reptile.

Yang Chen gritted his teeth and roared with anger in his heart, but there was no good way to fight this guy.

Although antimatter energy is not something he understands, as far as he knows, it is also the most primitive energy in the universe, just like an anode must have a cathode.

For the universe to be stable, and for space to be stable, there must be a stable force, and anti-matter energy is precisely what makes all the space, this stable world, become unstable!

In other words, if purely theoretically speaking, the energy in a conventional stable space is weak for antimatter energy, unless it can be an absolutely pure and stable force!

However, what kind of power is absolutely stable, pure enough to compete with antimatter!

Yang Chen can definitely have it, just like poison has an antidote, but he doesn't know what it is!

Without waiting for Yang Chen to think about it, Yan Buwen's heart, the round silver-gray light group burst out again with a beam of light more than twice as thick as before!

On both hands, huge light clusters gradually condensed, as if to press antimatter energy into a huge sphere!

Yang Chen didn't have time to think about it, so he could only do it abruptly!

At this time, he can escape, but the woman on the ground has no chance to dodge!

The force derived from heaven and earth that was barely recovered, formed a huge void shield that was thicker than that of Shicai, and collided with the beam of death!


Yang Chen only felt that his bones were falling apart, and the corners of his eyes were beginning to see bloodshot eyes. Such continuous heavy injuries, because of his abnormal body, could not continue to resist!

If this goes on, it will be sooner or later to lose!

Cai Ning, who had just solved a few biochemical warriors on the ground, saw this scene, and finally a rare excitement appeared on his cold face.

"Yang Chen! Don't just defend and not attack! He is so unscrupulous because you are only protecting us!"

Li Moshen, Cai Yuncheng and others were embarrassed. If they didn't want to escape, and they had no fighting power, how could they be reduced to such a useless level and drag Yang Chen's hind legs!

Yang Chen smiled bitterly in his heart. If he were to attack, not to mention whether he could defeat Yan Buwen, Yan Buwen would just shoot two beams of light like a talented person, even if Cai Ning could dodge it, Tang Wan! ? Where's the injured Li Dun!

The yellow-faced Li was trembling with anger, leaning against Tang's heart, but staring at the sky triumphantly, sneered at everything.

"I actually held back Lao Yang..."

For the arrogant him, since meeting Yang Chen, he is not Yang Chen’s opponent. After all, they have different experiences, but Yan Buwen has become able to treat him like an ant because of pure scientific research, but his name is Li. Very blunt and uncomfortable!

Tang Xin's tears rained down, watching the rare change from a hippie smile to such a solemn, but so haggard man, she suddenly found that she didn't care what Yan did to her, but instead looked at Li Dun. The pain, my heart is cut.

Yan Buwen looked down on everyone and sneered: "What a bunch of stupid bugs. I wasted time with you guys. I can only say that I'm too lazy. If I were more diligent, I would have killed you all. , It’s not necessary to use a strategy to bring you all together today... If you have any last words, let’s say it as soon as possible. Of course, I won’t help you realize it.

Except, let you die faster..."

After all, Yan Buwen's two groups of hands have been condensed into a huge anti-matter energy body like a hot air balloon, flowing with silver-gray light spots, like electric lights intertwined, crashing down!

This kind of bombing is more explosive than the beam!

Yang Chen hasn't figured out how to win by surprise, but now he can only do his best to resist this wave of offensive, otherwise, let alone the people below, I am afraid that the ground will have to become a crater!

Even on the side of Tang Zhechen, the people of the Tang family who had already flashed far away, they all ran away again in amazement.

Yang Chen has exhausted all ten percent of his cultivation base at this time. Compared with the previous match against Yan Fu, he has to do his best. Although the sky and the earth are rolling and the wind is whistling, there is no need for thunderclouds to roll. sign!

Yang Chen couldn't wait to be able to come to the Nine Heavens God Thunder Tribulation at this time, maybe he could smash Yan Buwen to death, and resign himself to his fate.

However, the tribulation that has been carefully guarded against, seems to be far away from him!

Yang Chen knew that with his current cultivation base, I'm afraid there is still a long way to go for the second crossing of the catastrophe, and it would be unrealistic to upgrade his cultivation base during the battle.

But she could resist it purely with the power of heaven and earth, and perhaps it was not enough to deal with this offensive.

After gritting his teeth, Yang Chen took out the "Qianyuan Tiangang Bracelet" from the sloppy Taoist hand from the parallel space. This bracelet is a defensive weapon. According to Xiao Zhiqing, it should be of the middle and low grade, and it should be larger than the previous monk. The bronze shield is more advanced.

Although he is not very good at using magic treasures, Yang Chen still intends to use it all energetically!

This series of thinking is just a matter of lightning.

When the two groups of huge antimatter energy blasted in front of the eyes, the Qianyuan Tiangang bracelet in Yang Chen's hand was also energized by the special true essence of the power of heaven and earth, bursting out with platinum brilliance!

A relatively small platinum light curtain was displayed above everyone, and all the power derived from the world of Yang Chen formed the second layer of shield, which once again enveloped everyone!

When the collision came, everyone was almost deaf, and most of them closed their eyes directly, not daring to watch the cruel scene that was coming!

However, Tang Wan and Cai Ning stared at Yang Chen intently. When they found that the two groups of energy had been exhausted, they were overjoyed at first, but they all screamed immediately afterwards!

After a tremor, Yang Chen's body fell suddenly!

982 In mid-air, after exhausting everything and resisting the two groups of antimatter energy, Yang Chen's body and mind were thundered, and his internal organs were twisted.

When he realized that the Dantian Qi Hai was empty, Yang Chen could no longer support his body.

It was dark, light and fluttering, as if being blown off the cloud by a gust of wind, Yang Chen felt a huge pull and pulled himself down vertically...

As if to hear the crying, as if to hear the roar, as if to hear the harsh laughter...

But all this seems to be unimportant, Yang Chen feels that he is too tired to think about anything... ru