My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1648: postscript



It's over, "Wife" is finally over...

When I typed the word "postscript", I found that my fingers were stiff on the keyboard and I didn't know where to "remember".

I even felt a little bit hot in my eyes and wanted to shed tears... Hehe, fortunately, it didn't fall.

I want to say too much, from February 16, 2011 to April 7, 2014.

More than three years... A person's life, awake, can have a few three years.

More than 4.8 million words, on average, I write more than 130,000 words every month!

My three years, three years of youth, dedicated to this work.

When other peers are playing games, dating, watching movies, listening to music, playing mobile phones, playing around... I spend a lot of my time thinking about and writing this novel.

Perhaps for many people, this is a bit boring, because no one can teach you how to write, only you, and you can only rely on yourself...

But for me, this is the most profound meaning of my three years!

I have always firmly believed that as long as a person is alive, as long as he has the ability, he must do what he likes to do, regardless of whether it makes money or not, whether it has reputation or status, whether it has material or spiritual benefits.

As long as it is what you like, it is not illegal to steal or steal, then you should work hard to complete it.

I like to write books, I like to conceive the stories I want to write, so I did it.

Speaking of, this book was born purely because I was boring studying in the United States. I wanted to read some novels to pass the time, but found that there were too few books that I could read, so I wanted to write a book by myself.

It's not that other authors did not write well. The book is not good or bad, only likes and dislikes.

As the saying goes, literary has no first, and Wu has no second.

Martial arts can always be superior and inferior, strong and weak, but the article... No matter how you have the ability, you don't like what you don't like. If you like it, even if it is boiled water and running accounts, readers will love it!

What I want to write is not a book that is better than anyone else, but... the book I like to read first.

Perhaps it is also because this purpose of my writing has attracted some like-minded book friends who like this kind of story, all the way to the present.

The journey of writing a book is lonely, but the process of sharing makes people feel colorful.

I like to see all kinds of comments and comments on my Weibo and WeChat.

Although I am very stubborn and don't listen to opinions on the plot, I still benefit a lot, knowing what readers like and hate.

Of course, at least half of them are scolding me.

Speaking of scolding me, I might be more concerned about it for about a year and a half, but after that, I really got used to it.

In fact, I have been thinking very openly. After all, I am not a professional. It is inevitable that things will go wrong. Stopping the watch and releasing the pigeons is really commonplace.

Netizens usually talk very tricky. I myself occasionally spit out a few words, and I feel relieved when I think about it. I can just scold it. Do you still like me

No one can be perfect, everyone understands you, right

Speaking of the update, because I didn't plan to write this book well from the beginning, but just casually wrote the beginning of a story in accordance with my own wishes.

My editor, also a sister I recognize, Happy Ranger, asked me to sign a contract, and then went on step by step.

It can be said that I didn't have any deposits at all, it was from the beginning. I don’t even have an outline!

For online novel authors, it is as difficult as ever to maintain a stable update without saving the manuscript.

Just think of it this way. When you go to school, writing an essay with 800 words is a headache for many people.

I have to write a chapter with at least 2,000 to 3,000 words. Two chapters are the least with more than 5,000 words. I have to write this way every day. It is not a simple mental task, but also a physical task.

I think the most difficult thing about writing novels and novels is not how to write novels, but how to persist until the end.

If I hadn't relied on the interest of one cavity, and decided that I would not stick to the end, even if I finished writing, it would not be finished with guaranteed quality.

Speaking of "quality", many people have to mention the issue of my irrigation.

I want to solemnly say-"I never pour water on biscuits."

Believe it or not, I just don't even have the idea of irrigating it!

What is irrigation? The author deliberately delayed the plot, deliberately interspersing nonsense, just called irrigation.

And me? I didn't try to delay the plot, my only consideration was how to tell the story well, nothing more!

Many people say that I irrigate, because what I wrote is different from what you think!

If I tell the story purely, then I will show you an outline and a running account, won’t it be over

But then, it looks good

In fact, if this book talks about the main storyline, then the chapter of "love" is over.

The reason why I wrote so many chapters later, telling the follow-up story life of Yang Chen's family and other characters, is to satisfy some of the book friends who are more cute, cute, who prefer urban love, and some they hope. Something to see.

The stories after these ten years, for many readers who are more rational and like fighting and fantasy, must think that I am pouring water.

However, those readers (including myself) who have cuteness and love love stories will find it very interesting.

Look, this is the truth, what you like is not called irrigation, and what you don't like is irrigation.

As for what you want to say that some of my text "renders" and "lays ground" is also watering, then I can only say that you may not like my writing style.

I remember an editor told me that my book focuses on expressing the sense of picture. I think about it. It may be because I spend a lot of pen and ink to render and foreshadowing to create an atmospheric relationship.

I didn't write "The whole book is finished" at the end, but wrote "The whole play end" because, in my eyes, this story is a serial drama that has been played in my mind for three years.

Let me think... what's next... Forgive me everyone, I have complicated emotions in my mind now, a bit of logic disorder...

By the way, about the general process of my creation.

The first is the title of the book. You may not know it. The name of the online novel is not what you want to call it. Many titles are used up, and the duplicates are not allowed. So I had to take this very long and very vulgar. The name of-of course, I am more vulgar and related, I just thought about it at a glance, my book has the longest name!

Later, the popularity of the book increased, and it was even harder for me to change it. It was a bit tacky, so my family still don't know what book I wrote.

When I first started, I just made up some openings in my mind, and then I wrote it. I didn’t even think about what the sacred stone was for, let alone make Yang Chen’s identity so complicated, let alone. What gods, what monks, they were all written temporarily after inspiration.

I don’t have a fixed outline. I found that my outline is simply unreliable. As long as I have a new idea, the outline will be completely scrapped!

Therefore, I didn't use the outline, I kept it all in my head, and wrote it now.

Except for some of the more important pits, I have to record them, so as not to forget to fill in the pits later, and I want to write the rest temporarily.

This also makes me very slow to write, and I often can't figure out how to compose it for two or three days, and how to round out my previous story.

Even so, I probably know it well.

I asked the readers for their opinions and opinions on filling the holes. It's not that I really don't know anything. I just need everyone to confirm something for me.

Although I am not particularly smart, I am not a fool. I can't really forget everything.

Some readers think that the pits I didn't fill in are actually not pits. Sometimes I like to play mystery. You may think that I am playing mystery, and some of them are really just a handful of mystery.

For example, Luo Pingchao said "that person" is two guards, any one of them. There is nothing to think about, so don't think too much about it.

If I wrote the words "guard of the formation", wouldn't it be exposed early? There must be suspense.

Besides, there are many things, as a creator, it is difficult for me to explain more, because the more I explain, the easier it is to argue. I opened my mouth, how can I tell thousands of netizens.

After all, it is nearly five million words long. Please forgive me for some small omissions. I really tried my best. Sometimes my manpower is exhausted...

In the early days of creation, I also had a particularly impressive plot about Tangtang being given to Yuan Ye.

I was so scolded at that time. I thought that most of the readers would not want to read it. After all, for readers who like yy's novels, the plot of "giving off a girl" is thunderous.

I was also struggling at that time. There was still a slight accident and a bottom line to the mother-daughter double income.

If I might choose again, I won't write that paragraph, and I will collect Tangtang. More than two years ago, I was a little cleaner than I am now, so I gave it to Yuan Ye.

Fortunately, there was a little girl Zhenxiu who could make up for it later. Fortunately, many readers still stayed. Congratulations to those of you who stayed. Don't the good show come out later? Hey-hey.

Regarding Yu Xuening, I also hesitated, but did not hesitate too much.

Because in my conception, this is already a fairy-like woman, she should not easily change her choice for 50,000 years.

Therefore, I think that her reunion with Meng Xiaoyao after fifty thousand years is a reasonable result. Don't fight with me. I am the author and I have the final say (huh, look up proudly).

In the whole book, what I like most is the part about love entanglements, and the most annoying part is the part of fighting and fighting, because it is much easier for me to want to be lingering, love-hate and hatred than to fight.

But no matter what, I have finished writing, and the last large section of fantasy content can be regarded as exhausting me.

Okay, next, it's time to talk about the new book that many people asked me.

About the "new book".

I can definitely write, but I have to rest for a while, get rid of the old stories in my mind, and infuse new inspirations and ideas.

This time I have to prepare a certain amount of manuscripts to avoid unstable updates, and then plan a reasonable release time according to the arrangements of my life and study.

The new subject matter is not far from ten, and it will still be based on the city, and the fantasy content may not be available, or it may be written in a smaller size and focus on the city content.

But rest assured, the style will still maintain my own style, there will be some passion, some emotion, and some.

I don't know what kind of new book I can write. For me, the starting point of "Wife" is a bit high, and it is not a simple thing to want to surpass.

This book has very good results in the reading of the waves, the mobile reading base, and the telecom Tianyi reading, thanks to the readers' love.

All in all, try to make everyone more satisfied, hey, it's stressful, sad...

I can't disclose too much about the new book. Anyway, the specific process, what information is released, I will post it on my Sina Weibo, WeChat, and Tencent Weibo. I believe that readers who are interested will never miss it.

At the latest, maybe it will be early June. I can't guarantee the others. In short, I will notify you in advance and tell everyone where you can watch it, for sure!

Finally, I have to thank some people.

Thanks to my editor, Happy Ranger sister. Last time I returned to China, I went to Nanjing to talk to her for two days. I bought a table of dishes and I was full after only a few mouthfuls. I was not embarrassed, so I plan to give it back next time. She invited me, and I tried to eat more.

Thanks to the vast number of book friends, whether you have come to see it or have been there, whether you support or like it, or if you come and scold me for something, I want to thank you for your attention.

Special thanks to those readers who have subscribed to the original version on Tianyi Reading, which is the mobile wireless reading base, of course.

In our country, there are not many people who are willing to spend money to read the original copy to support the author's creation. You have given me the belief that I will insist on writing books with quality.

Readers who read the original copy in Zhulang know very well that I am not like other authors. I don’t ask for anything, flowers, recommendation tickets, or even collections.

I firmly believe that the quality of the work is the responsibility of the author, asking readers to give, asking the author to invest money, that's a piece... Anyway, I don't like that way.

The reason why I publish the anti-piracy chapter is not because I think that many people will look at the original version. I just hate those pirated websites.

People who are unwilling to read the original will never see the original. I know very well that I am not targeting certain readers. Everyone should know this.

I love novels deeply, and I hope that the online novel industry can continue to develop, rather than decline, so that I may have the opportunity to write novels all the time.

I hope that when my new book comes out, many old friends will still be there, and I will strive to make some progress to give back to everyone's expectations.

Looking at that time, "Don't come to the sea, stop talking to the sky clock"!

Moldy Dried Vegetable Biscuits April 7, 2014

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