My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 198: leaf



The man who was smashed let out a painful cry, and blood flowed down from the top of his head, and was directly smashed to the ground, tumbling painfully on the middle aisle.

At this time everyone turned around and saw that the man hitting the man with a pole was a young girl wearing a fire-red, slightly wide old cloth coat and a black rubber band with a ponytail. She looked like a young girl. Perhaps it was because the children in the mountains were early in their homes, and there were reasons to be farming. They seemed to be much older. A pair of sullen eyes were shining brightly. At this moment, like an angry little lioness, they looked at the men in the mountains.

Yang Chen cast a questioning look at Mo Qianni. This little girl has a pretty eyebrow. Could it be Mo Qianni's cousin or something

Mo Qianni's response was at a loss, and she didn't know the little girl either.

The group of men also recovered. The black loach was the first to be angry, rushed forward and grabbed the girl's pole, pushed it with a big hand, and directly pushed the girl to the ground!

"Which mad woman from here! I want you to be nosy!?"

"Black Loach, Shanzi's blood keeps flowing, this girl is desperate!?"

"He played with her and avenged Shanzi!"

The few guys didn't care about their original target, Mo Qianni. They all blushed, and after supporting the man named Shanzi on the ground to the seat of the car, they rushed directly at the girl.

The girl screamed, and when someone tried to touch her, she opened her mouth and bit the man’s arm frantically!

There was a mess in the carriage, and the girl alone made the group of men afraid to approach, but the girl's strength was ultimately small. After struggling for a little while, she was immediately held back by the two men. With her slender arms, one person held her head, no matter how hard she struggled, it was of no avail.

The black loach snarled out of breath: "Why, you're touching a mad woman, if you don't get her belly up, our brothers will lose out!"

Although the girl was controlled, a pair of red eyes stared at the guys, as if they were about to eat them.

Seeing that the little girl who helped by hand was about to be tarnished by the group of beasts on the spot, Mo Qianni eagerly wanted Yang Chen to rescue her. She knew that Yang Chen could easily do it.

But as soon as he was about to let Yang Chen pass, he saw that Yang Chen had already walked behind the group of men.

Yang Chen pushed the two guys at the bottom, "Hey, let's go."

"Don't worry! Fuck you both later!" the guy yelled.

Yang Chen frowned and stopped talking. He directly patted the back of the two men's necks with both hands. Before they could react, the huge pressure made the two of them weaken their legs first, and then their heads were dizzy. , Fell down on the spot.

The four remaining men in front, including the black loach, realized that the situation was not quite right, and let go of the girl who had continued to resist, and picked up the most recent pole to be bored towards Yang Chen!

The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly reached a point of suffocation, and everyone watched the scene that shocked them and did not dare to breathe.

Yang Chen calmly moved up with his bare hands, and the two poles that had been smashed down were broken into two directly by a reaction force!

The hands of the two smashed men were numb, and before they backed up, Yang Chen reached out and slapped two slaps on the cheeks of the two of them. The huge force directly caused the teeth in their mouths to spurt out with blood. The two of them fell aside unconsciously, swaying and unable to stand up.

The black loach and the other guy at the back were frightened and kept backing up until they reached the end of the carriage.

Yang Chen walked forward slowly, turned around, and opened the door of the carriage.

This old-fashioned train travels very slowly. After opening the door, the buzzing of the wind blowing in is mixed with the sound of train wheels, but it is not very strong, and it is better at the climbing stage, the speed is exceptionally slow.

Yang Chen pointed to the opened car door, "Jump down by myself, or should I throw you down?"

The black face of the black loach turned into a white face, "big... big... big brother! We were wrong! Don't..."

Without waiting for Black Loach to continue speaking, Yang Chen had already impatiently grabbed his collar with one hand, and straightly tugged him blankly!

The black loach rolled directly on the grass outside with a pole! After rolling a few times with the inertia of the car, it was thrown directly behind the car!

Yang Chen looked at another man who was already numb in his legs and gradually slipped against the wall of the carriage, and sighed, "It seems that you have no strength to jump."

But before Yang Chen finished speaking, the man yelled "No" and almost threw out the car door!

The remaining few men, except for the poor guy who had been smashed and unaware, were thrown on the seat, and the others were dragged out of the car by Yang Chen. Finally, the car door was closed by the way.

When the other passengers in the carriage saw Yang Chen's deeds, they all shrank to the other side of the carriage subconsciously, and they looked at Yang Chen with a bit of fear.

Mo Qianni had already helped the girl up, let the girl sit next to her, and took out a tissue to wipe the girl's tears, and wipe all the stains on her face.

Yang Chen returned to the seat, the girl was obviously a little scared of him, took a peek at Yang Chen, and immediately drew back and sat down beside Mo Qianni with a restrained expression.

"Yang Chen, take out the corn sausage I prepared in the bag and give Ye'er some." Mo Qianni directed.

Yang Chen smiled, "The little girl's name is Ye'er? You guys talk fast."

"She's Ye Zi, her nickname is Ye'er, this name sounds good." Mo Qianni kindly touched Ye Zi's ponytail. She liked this little girl who didn't know each other but dared to help.

Yang Chen took out a few packs of snacks and put them on the table. Mo Qianni immediately gave them to Ye Zi to eat. Ye Zi made a few refusals, but couldn't help Mo Qianni's stern face, so she had to sip and eat.

Gradually, Ye Ye realized that Yang Chen and Yang Chen were very good-natured, so he let go. He was hungry when he thought about it. After a while, he ate two sausages and a bag of dried tofu without putting any soup on his fingers. pass.

Mo Qianni sighed softly, took out a paper towel and gently wiped the corners of Ye Zi's mouth, "Are you still hungry? Would you like to eat more?"

Ye Ye shook his head and said in a clear voice: "No, thank you, big brother and sister."

"Don't be polite to us, you help us like this, what is it to ask you to eat something", Mo Qianni said, and planned to take it to her by herself.

Ye Zi hurriedly pulled Mo Qianni, "I really don't need it, my mother would definitely hit me if she knew I was so cheeky."

"You are so good, who is willing to beat you? Fortunately, those bad guys were all thrown off the train," Mo Qianni said with a smile.

Ye Zi looked at Yang Chen with some admiration, "Big Brother, you are so strong, I have never seen the men in our village with such strength."

Yang Chen smiled knowingly. That little bit of effort just now was really strong, and it might scare the little girl to death.

"Ye'er, are you going home?" Yang Chen felt good about this simple girl. She was also a girl from the country. Ye'er was much more ordinary than the Chen Rong she had seen before, but she had a little female leopard. Such tenacity, let him appreciate it very much.

Ye Er was relieved from the tension at the moment. Seeing the two of them so close, she let go, nodded and smiled and said, "Yes, my hometown is in Kunshanzhai, and I have to walk a long way to the terminal. You can go home on the road. Big brother and sister, are you going there to travel?"

"Kunshan Village!?" Mo Qianni's eyes lit up, her face full of surprises, "Good Ye'er, so you are my little fellow!"

Ye Er was stunned when she heard Mo Qianni's words, "Sister, are you also from Kunshanzhai?"

"Yes, I was there when I was a child, but then I went to study and work in Zhonghai. This is the first time I went home in more than ten years. We are so fate!" Mo Qianni became more happy.

Ye'er was also excited, "Sister, which family are you from? I'm from Nancun, how about you, sister?"

Mo Qianni said regretfully: "It turns out to be from Nancun, I'm from Beicun. I guess you don't know the people in our family. You should be very young when I left home, but it's only two hills away. When I get home, we can meet again."

Suddenly I ran into a fellow villager, and it was still such a comforting scene. The young woman and the young woman were topics that could be chattering and chatting.

Yang Chen was also quite moved when she saw Mo Qianni's happy eyebrows.

When I first returned to China, even if I knew where I was born and only knew that I was from China, I would have a strong sense of belonging.

It is conceivable that for someone like Mo Qianni who has been away from the memorable hometown for more than ten years, how urgent it is to return to her hometown.

Since Mo Qianni hadn't been back to Kunshan Village all year round, many new things were eager to learn from Xiao Ye Zi, and the two of them talked for more than an hour without knowing it.

It was only during the conversation that Ye Zizi started selling local products from the mountains into the city before finishing her studies at Ye Zi Junior High School. At first, she joined her mother with her mother. Since last year, she has already carried the burden on her own.

Gradually, they got acquainted with Yang Chen and Mo Qianni, and yelled very smoothly with Big Brother Yang and Sister Mo.

Later, Ye Ye had a dry mouth and a slightly hoarse voice. Mo Qianni realized that she had said too much. She embarrassedly took out a bottle of undrunk mineral water to make Ye Zi moisten her throat.

Seeing Ye Ye who is cautious about drinking water, Mo Qianni's eyes are full of affection, just like her mother looks at her daughter, "Ye'er, you are so brave. It was so dangerous just now. Other men dare not come up. You dare to take it. Is it your mother taught you to beat people with a pole?"

There was something strange on Ye Zi’s face. He screwed on the cap of the mineral water bottle and shook his head. There was a bit of pain in his eyes, "I... I can’t help it when I see those people. I... I want to kill them..."t