My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 22: A moment of life and death


022 After coming out of the Rose Bar, Yang Chen drove back, but almost drove the wrong way because Yang Chen was not used to the fact that he moved into the luxurious villa of Longjingyuan. When he thought of going home, he might have to face Lin Ruoxi's beautiful and cold face, Yang Chen unexpectedly had a little expectation. My wife always makes herself have the urge to tease, as if she had been a friend in her previous life.

When the car drove to the suburbs, just after getting off the highway intersection, Yang Chen suddenly saw a car behind him illuminating himself with spotlights.

Frowning his brows, Yang Chen chose to avoid another lane. Who knows, just moved to another lane, another car behind started shooting itself, and the rearview mirror in the ground-illuminating car reflected a strong light.

At this time, there was very little traffic on the main road in the suburbs, and it was a one-way two-lane road. Yang Chen was a little depressed to find that he seemed to be attracted by a few speeding parties...

However, the BMW m3 is not an ordinary car after all. It is almost a first-class car at the top of the mass-produced coupe pyramid. It is not something ordinary other cars can catch up with. Obviously, this group of speeding parties has a good car.

Sure enough, without waiting for Yang Chen to figure out how to deal with it, the other's two cars screamed through from his left and right, respectively!

Two car shadows, one black and one white, suddenly exerted force, and the 120-speed BMW m3 was severely left behind. Then, two cars stood side by side in front of the m3!

Yang Chen finally saw the two cars in front of him. He didn't know it. He was shocked when he saw it, it turned out to be a Ferrari f430 and a BMW m6! Both cars are super coupes that can surpass their own m3. Although the f430 is just an improvement to the f360 in Ferrari's models, it belongs to the entry-level Ferrari, but it is a Ferrari after all, and the speed of 320 is not bragging. Yes, it was roaring out with the engine!

As for the BMW m6, although it is only 3 more than your own m3, it already belongs to the BMW 6 series. How can the 5.0 displacement be easily dealt with? The single price will be more than 700,000 yuan higher, an absolute luxury!

Yang Chen felt a little helpless. If the two cars in front were to deal with him, Yang Chen would still be confident that with his extraordinary technology, he could find a chance to surpass them and get rid of them, but when Yang Chen glanced at the person behind him. When he was driving, Yang Chen had to give up, it turned out to be a red Porsche 911!

This famous Porsche car with a history of more than 40 years, after so many years of updating, the core technology has hardly any changes, which shows that the level of its comprehensive level is unimaginable.

My own BMW m3 is only 70 or 80 different from others' top speed, which can't be dumped.

It’s just that after seeing these cars, Yang Chen felt a little clear. These guys must not be robbed speed car races. Those who can buy these cars will definitely not be short of money. It seems that they are just boring rich boys who come out for a ride. To play with your own small coupe.

I once again felt that in this world, when the children did not learn to make troubles, Yang Chen didn't bother to fight with them. It's better to do more than to do less. So he slowed down the car and planned to let them go and talk about it first.

However, there are a few unsatisfactory things. Before Yang Chen slowed down, the Porsche behind had already started honking the horn, and immediately following, the two cars in front also started to slow down, actually sticking to their own car and reluctant to go. Far!

According to China Shipping’s current laws and regulations, if the car behind hits the car in front, the owner of the car behind must compensate for all losses. Therefore, from the current situation, if Yang Chen hits the two cars in front, he must pay for two. Individuals, and if the Porsche behind hits him, he can only get compensation from one person. Therefore, he will lose money in this transaction!

After trying to understand the thoughts of these dudes, Yang Chen smiled at the corners of his mouth, which is really nasty... If he talks about playing cars, he dare not say that he is the best in the world, but it is also a first-class level. There are less than a dozen famous cars, and most of them are close to the record of those cars.

After a little calculation, Yang Chen decided to give these guys a hard blow. As the saying goes, since their parents didn't teach them well, his young uncle would do it for him.

Just at the moment of thinking, Yang Chen's hands already moved, clutch, brake, handbrake, and the steering wheel suddenly turned! After a series of dazzling adjustments, the entire m3 presents a semi-circular 180-degree drifting turn in an instant!

"Bah Bah Bah..."

The tires and the asphalt pavement made a harsh rubbing sound, and the white smoke appeared particularly conspicuous at night!

The red taillights threw out a beautiful and rapid red line. When the m3 moved forward again, it had already rammed the Porsche 911 backwards!

The sudden change made the drivers of the surrounding cars dumbfounded, how did this guy do it! ? drift! ? He regards him as Fujiwara Takumi in the initial d!

However, human instinct tells the driver of the Porsche behind that this guy is going to drive to collide with him, and he wants to collide at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour!

Two roaring car shadows are like two violent cannonballs, and there is about to be a violent collision on the opposite side!

At the same time that Porsche, which was running at a speed of over 160 per hour, saw this scene, there was almost no hesitation time, only to use the steering wheel to steer the car toward the parking lane by the side of the road!

What made several car drivers feel extremely frightened was that this BMW m3 didn't even mean any moving direction at all! Go straight through that road!

If it wasn't for Porsche to change direction in the first time, then this is a car accident that will inevitably be seriously injured and the body completely destroyed! Even one of them will be squeezed into meatloaf!

The owners of several cars started to sweat, this guy is playing his life! Isn't he really afraid of death!

Both the m6 and f430 in front stopped, stopped by the side of the road, and walked off the two young men wearing brand-name T-shirts, their facial expressions blocked in the front lane with a little bad expression.

Yang Chen slowly turned the front of the car, parked the car on the side of the road, got out of the car and walked over to the two of them. He knew that they would not let the way if he didn't make it clear.

The owner of the Porsche 911 also got out of the car. To Yang Chen’s surprise, this turned out to be a girl, but the girl’s dress was unusually different. She wore a pink mushroom head wig and a white cartoon t-shirt with a hole underneath. In short jeans, the girl’s earrings are two skulls, and the bracelets and necklaces are silver crosses. On the contrary, his face is moisturized, and his eyes are clear, and a pair of eyes are already showing a bit of green charm, but the figure is still not long, and it is still a green apple. It should be the age of high school.

The girl’s brilliant eyes stared at Yang Chen as she approached. When she was in front of her, she suddenly stretched out a small white hand with purple butterfly tattoos, showing her cute tiger teeth, and smiling vigorously. My name is Tangtang, and I am glad to meet you."

Yang Chen looked at the girl named Tangtang in front of him with some surprises. He thought she would cry and make a lot of noise, but he did not expect to shake hands with him in a friendly manner.

Without hesitation, Yang Chen stretched out his hand and shook Tangtang lightly, "My name is Yang Chen, I am not very happy to meet you."