My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 220: Block the muzzle



Someone in the local area called the police and found a group of gangsters armed with guns, but when the police asked about the license plate number, the police officer found out that the two trucks did not seem to have license plates!

Searches can only be carried out in the form of a large truck, but this kind of efficiency is pitifully inefficient. After all, it is not a matter of a half-time to immediately block the highway around the city. What's more, the city traffic jams and economic losses that occur in that way are absolutely Not the police can easily resist.

Inside the large container, after the three people took out their mobile phones, they found that there was no signal in the car. This showed that the quality of these gangsters was quite high, and they directly cut off the communication signal in some way.

"What do they do, where are they taking us? Aren't they going to kill us in the wild?" Tangtang is a girl after all, no matter how naughty she is on weekdays, she is still scared at such a moment.

Yuan Ye caringly persuaded: "Don't be afraid, Tangtang, I will protect you, and I will never let them hurt you."

"How do you protect me? Didn't you see that they have guns? Are you still blocking the muzzle of me like a revolutionary martyr?" Tangtang said in frustration.

In the dim light, Yuan Ye was silent for a while, and his eyes burnt and said: "Yes, if they really hold the muzzle at you, I will stand in front of you. Even if the bullet shoots you, it must penetrate me. Body first!"

Yuan Ye's words were extremely sincere and clear, as if he had made a promise at the expense of his own life, and he was not stingy with the other small requests that Tangtang made in his daily life.

Tangtang looked at Yuan Ye in a daze. After a long time in a daze, he "pushed" a smile, and his fear was wiped out. "Brother Yuan Ye is also true. Who wants you to block your muzzle? Besides, how can they do that? Will hit you, not from behind?"

"I... I mean it." Yuan Ye blushed a little, but in a hurry, he didn't know how to express his true thoughts.

Tangtang stretched out her white tender little hand to block Yuan Ye's mouth, and made a "silence" gesture, "Don't say such things, it's really uncomfortable."

Yuan Ye was taken aback by Tangtang's sudden gentle tone, and then softly responded.

Listening to the simple and touching dialogue between the young couple, Yang Chen was slightly embarrassed. It seemed that the scene of getting along with Lin Ruoxi was not like they were together as a husband and wife.

"If they really let us get out of the car and feed us bullets, it would be considered sympathetic to them. I'm afraid that their method of letting us die is not shooting at all." Yang Chen said.

Yuan Ye and Tangtang asked suspiciously: "Then what are they doing?"

"For example, throwing the entire container into the middle of the sea, throwing us down with people in the car, or throwing a few grenade into the container, and blowing us up in the container," Yang Chen thought of two ways, and said. : "In this case, it is more direct and effective than shooting, and there is no trace to be found."

Yuan Ye and Tangtang heard their scalp numb, and Yuan Ye slapped his thighs, "I knew I would bring some bodyguards out. I thought driving such an ordinary car would not be noticed by anyone."

"No, we won't die so easily. They arrested us. They must have other purposes. Besides, we are gone. Brother Yuan Ye, your family will come to us as soon as they find out. They won't succeed so easily. !" Tangtang calmed down a bit.

Yang Chen asked: "How many enemies are there in your two families? I've only encountered a single sugar sugar being kidnapped and attacked twice. Does your Yuan family also have it?"

Yuan Ye shook his head, frowned, and said, "If you really want to talk about enemies, there are many. The Fang family where Uncle Fang is, and our Yuan family, there are so many people who hate us in Zhonghai, and even many families from other provinces also follow us. We have a festival, but there are absolutely few companies who dare to do so blatantly. If you really want to do this, it will definitely break the net. So I don't understand who is so impatient to kidnap us in this way."

"It's really not easy for the rich..." Yang Chen nodded understandingly.

In the discussion of the three people without a word, the car finally seemed to stop. After the iron door behind the container was lowered, the rough men with guns instructed the three Yang Chen to get out of the car door and get out of the car.

The three of them were facing each other slightly, and naturally they didn't think much about it. After getting off the car in a proper manner, they discovered that there was already an empty small pier all around them.

In coastal cities like China Shipping, the piers on the fragmentary islands in the direction of Haikou are not counted. Such small piers at the entrance to the sea are already numerous, and most of them have been abandoned. It is just that the unified plan of the government has not been able to close these piers in time. .

"Where is this place?" Yuan Ye asked Yang Chen.

"I don't know, it hasn't been a year since I returned to China." Yang Chen said.

A man held a gun against Yuan Ye's back, "What is it! Go!"

Under the captivity of seven or eight gunmen, the three of them could only follow them to the unloading warehouse next to the pier. There were also many small speedboats moored by the sea. Obviously they were also well prepared for the sea route.

The big iron gate of the warehouse was pushed open from the inside. The same man with a gun closed the iron gate immediately after everyone walked in, and did not send anyone to stay outside. From the outside, there was nothing special at all.

In the huge warehouse, because of disrepair for a long time, there is a smell of mold and metal rust, which makes people feel that the whole frame will collapse at any time.

Yang Chen discovered that the number of gangsters in the entire warehouse was more than 20 people, and all of them were silent, like well-trained terrorists, who were well-positioned to monitor the surroundings of the entire warehouse.

The three were led to the corner of the warehouse, and a leading man pointed a gun at the three benches.

"Sit here obediently and don't move around, otherwise, you will be killed directly!"

After speaking, the three men rushed up, pressed the three Yang Chen and sat down on the stool, took out three sets of handcuffs, and tied the hands of the three people back and handcuffed them.

Yang Chen didn't resist, he knew that these people were just runners, and the real master would definitely appear later. Besides, the other party didn't do anything to threaten the lives of the three, so he was not in a hurry to take action.

Not long after, the iron door was opened again, and a handsome man in a suit and tie walked into the door, followed by a big man with his back crouched and his nose picking as he walked.

Yang Chen took a closer look. He was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that it was the pair of masters and servants, Xu Zhihong and Mao Qiu!

On that day, both Xu Zhihong and Zeng Xinlin were frustrated by Lin Ruoxi's calculations. The Zeng family withdrew from the competition for hegemony in China Shipping. Xu Zhihong's Donghua Technology suffered heavy losses and completely lost its ability to compete with Yulei in the future market.

After that, Xu Zhihong seemed to be a lot low-key. He never heard from him again. Unexpectedly, this appearance would lead to a scene of kidnapping on the street.

When Xu Zhihong and Mao Qiu approached, they were obviously surprised. Seeing Yuan Ye and Tangtang was what they expected, but Yang Chen was also sitting in the corner, which was not what they expected!

"Mr. Yang, don't come here unharmed." Xu Zhihong's eyes flashed many expressions, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Mr. Yang would be invited here as a guest."

Yang Chen smiled slightly and said nothing.

Mao Qiu said with great joy: "Boss, this kid seems to be destined to fall in our hands. We didn't want to fuck him, he was all caught by us!"

"Shut up!" Xu Zhihong frowned and reprimanded, turning his head to Yuan Ye and Tangtang and said: "Master Yuan, the daughter of the Fang family, my humble person Xu Zhihong, you all know who I am if you want to come."

Yuan Ye stared angrily, "Xu Zhihong, your Xu family is also a big family in Zhonghai. By doing this, are you declaring war on our Yuan family and Fang family!?"

"No, no, the Yuan family and the Fang family, an economic leader, and a political crocodile, we are caught in the middle of the Xu family, how dare you declare war with your two elders," Xu Zhihong hurriedly waved his hands off.

Although Tangtang has never seen Xu Zhihong several times, he is also very clear about the big families of Zhonghai. When he saw the Xu family who couldn't beat her suddenly kidnapping herself, she screamed: "Xu Zhihong, you This coward! You can't win in the shopping malls, and you can't get up in the political arena. I just want this kind of sneaking, conspiracy, and tricks. My father and them won't let you go!"

Xu Zhihong didn’t care at all, and sneered: “Miss Tangtang, Mr. Yuan Ye, although it’s a bit nonsense to tell you this, but you don’t seem to understand it very well. Since I came here in person and let you see me, then I’m clear. , Don’t plan to stay behind.”

"What do you mean, are you going to kill us!?" Yuan Ye asked nervously, moving his body in front of Tangtang subconsciously.

Tangtang saw Yuan Ye move almost instantaneously, and his eyes were slightly moist.

Xu Zhihong waved his fingers, "Don’t say it’s so ugly. Actually, I don’t like seeing blood. Of course, my subordinates might like it very much. This time I invite you two to come and sit down. The main reason is to borrow Yuan Ye’s birthday. By the way, the elders of the two families will all sit together, we don’t have to report separately. Besides, the recent economic downturn and the policy are not fair to us, so we plan to take this opportunity to communicate with the two parents. Have a good chat. Two of you are here. I think the elders in your family will be happy to have a good talk with us."

After speaking, Xu Zhihong sent someone to send a cordless phone with a weird appearance, like a specially modified cordless phone.

"After the call is connected, your elders will definitely have a lot to ask you two. When that happens, don't just cry, but say a few more words." Xu Zhihong squinted his eyes like a cold front.

Neither Yuan Ye nor Tangtang were stupid, they immediately understood Xu Zhihong's general purpose, and stared at Xu Zhihong fiercely, knowing that it would be a waste of energy to scold him.

Yang Chen felt a little more puzzled. Since Xu Zhihong had already stepped forward, he planned to rip his face and go to war with the Yuan family and the Fang family. The reason was nothing more than profit. After Lin Ruoxi's trick was to come, Donghua Technology really had a hard time, so Xu Zhihong jumped the wall and took the risk.

Yuan Ye is the only son of the Yuan family. It is very possible that the Yuan family was slaughtered by Xu Zhihong for Yuan Ye's safety. Tangtang is even more involved with more people. Her father, the secretary of the municipal party committee alone, has great power.

However, if it was just the Xu family, then Xu Zhihong would have been too impatient. After all, as soon as things happened today, he would have no turning back. Today, whether Yuan Ye and Tangtang are safe or not, he will face both parties. Family attack! Therefore, there must be people who cooperate and participate, and the strength is absolutely good. Who will go to the Yuan family and the Fang family to carry out the activities on that side

At this moment, the specially modified telephone rang. t