My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 242: simply


Just read a novel~Read a novel~242

The next day, Yang Chen finally went to work as usual. After a leisurely morning, he ate with Zhao Xiuyan and Zhang Cai in the staff canteen. Liu Mingyu was promoted to minister. Although he was a little reluctant, everyone in the company did that. I had to go to a dedicated area for dinner with other executives

After Zhao Xiuyan returned to being single, the family’s problems were solved, and she was in a good mood. Although her salary was cut in half, she was not the kind of moonlight clan at first, but the impact was not great. She laughed with Zhang Cai and had a meal. Time is not short

Yang Chen immersed himself in eating. After eating most of the two women, he only ate a little bit. He couldn't help but said with a wry smile: "If you want to talk back to the office, it's okay to eat this way, and the time to go back to take a nap is delayed."

"Huh, you just take a nap, we work in the office," Zhang Cai said dissatisfied

Zhao Xiuyan gave Yang Chen a chicken leg from his plate, "eat yours"

"I'm enough, you eat yourself", Yang Chen said

"Do you want me to take it back?" Zhao Xiuyan gave him a white look and continued to talk to Zhang Cai

This kind of warmth in daily life and work makes Yang Chen very useful, so I don’t want to talk about these two young women and eat by themselves.

After returning to the office, Yang Chen found out that Yuan Ye on msn actually called himself

This kid recovered very quickly, Yang Chen thought to himself, and clicked on the dialog box.

"Are you able to surf the Internet?" Yang Chen asked

Yuan Ye made a big smile, "Still in the hospital, but the wireless network is very fast. I'm bored and want to play Warcraft with you."

"You have a gunshot wound on your chest. The doctor said you can play games?" Yang Chen worried that his wound would open.

"Don't worry, the doctor said that as long as it is not a large amount of manual labor, it is okay, and I don't know what's going on. When the bullet is taken out, my wound will heal faster than others. The doctors think this is quite scary. It takes less than a month to recover," Yuan Ye said in a good mood

Yang Chen smiled secretly. It seemed that the true energy that he had left in his body was still useful. Due to his special physique, he still couldn't feel the effect of the Sutra on ordinary people's recovery. , Hengjing Jing heals ordinary people very quickly

Since Yuan Ye is okay, Yang Chen was just idle and bored, so he went online with him and killed a few games.

After more than two hours, Yuan Ye said: "He has recovered from the serious illness and I am a little tired. I will be here today. I have to deal with some club affairs."

"Then take care, I'm taking a nap"

Before Yang Chen went offline, Yuan Ye suddenly sent a message, "Wait first, my mother is next to me. He said he has something to tell you."

"your mom?"

Yang Chen was stunned, Yuan Ye’s mother was naturally Yang Jieyu, the woman who made herself uneasy and didn’t want to think too much.

"My mother said that she would like to buy you a cup of coffee and ask you something, is it okay? If you don’t want it and it’s okay, she will be very curious about you, you know, I am also a person with few friends, this time you She didn’t officially thank you for saving me," Yuan Ye said

Yang Chen thought for a while, and felt that there was no reason to refuse, "Well, what time and place?"

"Mengzhilan Coffee Shop near Yulei, you should pass by to and from get off work, see you there in an hour"

Yang Chen does know that coffee shop, the location is very good, but because of the high consumption, the passenger flow is not much

After agreeing to Yang Jieyu’s invitation, Yang Chen felt a little nervous. She didn’t know what she would say to herself. She was a little scared and hopeful, and her mood was very complicated.

After staying quietly in the office for half an hour, Yang Chen set off to Mengzhilan Café

Because it is in the urban area, parking is very inconvenient, so Yang Chen did not plan to drive there by himself. From the Yulei bus stop in front of the company, you can directly take a 10-minute bus to arrive.

After five minutes, a bus full of advertisements with sleeves stopped, because it was after noon when many white-collar workers ate from outside and returned to the company. There were quite a lot of people on the bus and there were no seats. It was crowded. Standing full of the whole car

It doesn’t matter if Yang Chen has returned to China for so much time, he has already learned about China’s population problems.

I got on the car, took out a stack of cash from my pants pocket, took out two boxes that were stuffed into the cash register, and walked to the standing passengers

Because after two stops, Yang Chen directly knocked down a place slightly near the lower door

Yang Chen grabbed a railing, his mouth and nose smelled of suffocation in the car, frowned, he couldn't help but regret it, he might as well walk over by himself, because the temperature is not high anyway, and he basically won’t sweat.

Just when Yang Chen was depressed, a crisp voice said beside him: "Big brother, you are uncomfortable, are you squeezing you?"

Yang Chen looked back and saw that she was a petite young girl, about ten years old, with black hair hanging down her shoulders, fair skin, and a small melon-seeded face with delicate facial features, especially large. Eyes, thick and delicate curved eyebrows, at this moment, looking at me with a little guilty expression, make me feel pity

The girl is wearing an old tan coat, black skinny jeans, and a large plastic bucket that resembles vegetable oil in front of her

Although the girl looks pretty and smart, she knows she is a migrant girl from the outside, she smells of omnivorous food, and most people choose to keep a distance as much as possible after a glance.

Yang Chen smiled and shook his head, "No, I just feel a little dull, it's none of your business"

The girl nodded timidly, "Oh, then I'll take the oil drum away a bit"

The girl still felt that Yang Chen was upset because she was holding the oil drum, so she moved the white oil drum to the side slightly.

"Oh my pants." A white-collar worker with heavy makeup was standing there. Her pale yellow trousers were rubbed by the oil drum. Although there were no traces, she still made her jump like a thunder. Did you put your stuff in the car like this? Can you afford to pay if my pants are dirty? Little bitch... I'm so unlucky."

"sorry Sorry… "

The girl trembled with fright, she kept saying sorry, and bowed to the woman with her head, but the car braked slightly, and the girl accidentally knocked her head on the railing next to her.

"Ah… "

The girl was in pain, she covered her head and her eyes were sleeved, as if she would cry at any time

"Retribution, tell your dirty thing to touch my pants for thousands of dollars, can you afford to pay for it?" The female white-collar worker seemed to be in a very bad mood, and the girl hit her gun again and ridiculed her

Yang Chen sighed, and silently pulled the girl's arm, and said, "Get closer to me, come and stand behind me."

The girl shook her hand hurriedly, "No, big brother, you are already bored, I just stand here."

"If you touch other people's pants again, they will have to stabb you to death with a knife. Come here." Yang Chen pulled the girl close to him and bent down to pull her heavy oil drum to his feet.

The girl gave Yang Chen a grateful look, and said many "thank you" continuously.

Yang Chen smiled gently, "Why do you use so much oil for cooking?"

The girl's white face was slightly dizzy, and she whispered: "It's for small business. There is a grain and oil store over there. The oil is cheap, so I took the bus to buy it."

"Oh... It's not easy to come out to do business at such a young age," Yang Chen said

"Hmm..." the girl answered softly, her expression a little dim, she stopped talking

Yang Chen turned his head, a playful and helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

More than five minutes later, the car stopped at a stop. The girl bent over and picked up the oil drum, and waved to Yang Chen, "Big brother, thank you, I got off."

"Oh, I got off the car too", Yang Chen jumped out of the car with the girl

There was no one else at this site, so Yang Chen and the girl walked to the side of the road, and the bus drove away slowly

When the girl saw Yang Chen following, her face was slightly unnatural, and she smiled lightly and said, "Big brother, are you going down here too? Where are you going?"

"Which way I am going, you are going in the opposite direction to me?" Yang Chen asked with a smile

The girl's pretty face turned pale, her timid and innocent smile disappeared, her complexion became a little cold and helpless...

"Uncle, you really have two sons", the girl suddenly said, as if she had changed herself.

Yang Chen reached out and touched his trouser pocket, flipping it gently, revealing a hole under the trouser pocket

"Little sister, return my money and mobile phone to me. I'm still in a hurry, so I won't bother you." Yang Chen said with a faint smile

The girl simply took out Yang Chen’s mobile phone and a pile of cash from the pocket of her big coat, and gave them to Yang Chen.

"So refreshing?" Yang Chen was a little surprised, and asked as he took it.

The girl snorted softly, "You saw me in the car and didn't hand me over to the police. I owe you, and now it's back to you. We don't owe each other."

"Yeah, little sister, you are so cute", Yang Chen thought this little girl was very interesting

Just now in the car, after the girl tried Yang Chen’s sympathy, she went to provoke other people’s disgust, and asked Yang Chen to accept her approach, and then she cut through Yang Chen’s trouser pocket without knowing it. With cash and mobile phone, everything would be a perfect layout and work, but unfortunately, Yang Chen’s senses are much higher than ordinary people, and he can easily perceive the girl’s true thoughts.

"Don't call my little sister, I'm twenty years old and can be married by law. I ask you, you knew I was a pickpocket from the beginning?" The girl was obviously puzzled by her failure in the crime. Asked

Yang Chen shrugged and blinked at her, "Secret"

"Hey, even if you don’t say it, it will be indefinite after the uncle." The girl still simply, without muddy, turned around, lifted the big barrel of oil, and strode away. Her strength is not weak, and it feels hard to lift the big barrel of oil. No, obviously the situation on the car is also installed

Yang Chen looked at the girl walking away and smiled. This world is full of wonderful talents of all kinds. If you get in touch with it, you will always find interesting things.

There is still ten minutes away from the appointment time with Yang Jieyu, and Yang Chen no longer delays for this episode, and walks quickly towards Dream Blue Cafe.

When it was about two minutes away, Yang Chen entered the coffee shop on time and asked the waiter, Yang Jieyu had already booked the location.

Yang Chen walked to the southernmost window of the luxuriously decorated coffee shop, dressed in a small suit jacket with deep sleeves and a white sweater. The young and fashionable Yang Jieyu was already sitting there early, sipping the smell gracefully. Fragrant coffee