My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 255: Under the riba



"Mr. Yang, it won't be a bank loan. It will not have a good impact on our company." Zhao Teng said worriedly: "If you cooperate with other entertainment and culture companies, it is estimated that there will be disputes over many interests such as copyright. Not very appropriate."

Yang Chen shook his head and said with a smile: "For specific cooperation, I will give you a contact channel. Wang Jie is responsible for the negotiation. You can rest assured about the ability and trust of the other party, but I have to negotiate with the other party. , Let them take the initiative to contact you at that time."

What Yang Chen said was of course Qiangwei. Since Qiangwei wants to use Yulei's influence to wash the funds she has, and gradually build the Red Jinghui's own white industry business, Yang Chen's contribution is beneficial to both parties. .

Large investment in movies and commercial shows, like opening a casino, is the best way to launder money.

Although Wang Jie and Zhao Teng were puzzled, they didn't seem to be joking when they saw Yang Chen. They were also a little excited and expectant.

Then the three discussed the focus of recent work. Zhao Teng was in charge of personnel arrangement and recruitment, and interviews, while Wang Jie contacted and negotiated with all parties, absorbed some idle artists, and digged into the corners of other entertainment companies. The establishment of the company only needs to be done at the beginning.

Yang Chen heard that Wang Jie felt distressed for digging talents, and complained that the so-called little heavenly kings and queens were asking for too high a price. He couldn't help but suggested: "For the time being, if those artists ask for too high a price, don't sign it. With Yulei's signboard, We can cultivate our own superstars."

"Director, do you mean... the draft?" Wang Jie's mind turned quickly.

"Yes, but the season is not very good now. Isn't there any such programs all over the world? If we want to do it, we must do it thoroughly, both for men and women. But at this time, we should make good plans and wait for the weather after the New Year. Get warmer, and then formally implement it," Yang Chen said.

Zhao Teng frowned and said: "Director, the draft is actually a very good idea, but this kind of show is not rare now. We may not be able to make the show start. If there are not enough contestants and the advertising effect is not strong, it will be difficult for us. Get benefits."

"Don't worry about this, I will naturally have a solution when it comes." Yang Chen secretly smiled, isn't it just going to be a gimmick? The big deal is that I will ask some unscrupulous old guy to find someone who can attract people.

Wang Jie and Zhao Teng felt that Yang Chen's words were mysterious everywhere, but they felt very credible, so they didn't say much.

If you didn't pay attention, it was noon. Yang Chen unknowingly talked with the two deputies for several hours, and he felt incredible.

He touched his belly and asked them with a smile, "Are you hungry? I invite you to dinner."

Yang Chen felt that he had to reward these two hardworking guys, and he wanted to be lazy to rely on them in the future.

Of course, Zhao Teng and Wang Jie would not refuse the boss's invitation to dinner. They found it easy to talk to Yang Chen, and they didn't feel the restraint of talking with those bosses before, and they quickly accepted Yang Chen in their hearts.

Yang Chen took the two of them out of the office, and greeted the employees with a smile along the way, and urged everyone to eat. Many people were slightly surprised. Obviously, he felt that this young boss was very strange.

Yang Chen didn't let the two of Zhao Teng drive, and took them to the parking lot. He got in his white BMW and drove directly to the outskirts of the city.

When Zhao Teng and Wang Jie saw that Yang Chen drove a car worth more than one million, they were sure that Yang Chen definitely had a good background. Otherwise, when he started working at such a young age, how could he have the money to buy a car of this grade

No one would have thought that this was actually the result of "eating soft rice."

What made Zhao Teng and Wang Jie even more incredible was the place where Yang Chen took them to eat. Originally, he thought that it was either an exquisite Chinese restaurant or a quiet western restaurant, but who would have thought that Yang Chen chose a casual roadside small hot pot restaurant.

The steaming hot pot restaurant is filled with rough-dressed people and migrant workers. Yang Chen and Zhao Teng walked into the store. They were all well-dressed. At first glance, they knew the upper-level workers. Looked over in surprise.

Especially Wang Jie, who was also born in an upper-class family, had never been to such a restaurant, but she was embarrassed to refuse Yang Chen’s kindness. Seeing the greasy and uncleaned place on the table, she just frowned slightly, but also Dare not say anything.

Yang Chen yelled the proprietress to come over to order, and made dozens of tick marks on the hot pot menu, which made Zhao Teng and Wang Jie's eyes straight.

"Director, I can't eat so much, I can't eat..." Zhao Teng persuaded.

Yang Chen waved his hand, "What are you afraid of? It costs less than one thousand yuan to eat a hundred plates. I am very kind, so I can eat with confidence!"

Zhao Teng and Wang Jie are about to cry. If you dare to order a hundred plates, we can't eat them either!

"By the way, do you want to drink? Ten yuan a bottle of sorghum is good, with the taste of soil shochu, do you want two bottles?" Yang Chen cheerfully suggested.

Ten dollars can still buy liquor!

Zhao Teng and Wang Jie both felt that they were aliens, and they didn't understand the situation at all.

"Well, two bottles are not enough? Those three bottles, one bottle for one person, one catty for one bottle, don't look at the small amount, in fact they are all 50 degrees, very exciting!" Yang Chen said as he finished ordering wine and vegetables, he sat down with Zhao The two of Teng face each other.

Zhao Teng swallowed his throat, and smiled stiffly and said, "Director, Wang Jie is fine with drinking. After doing public relations, I get drunk even if I drink a little bit."

"Oh, like this, tell me when you are drunk, I will help you drink it, don't worry, I don't mind drinking what is left of others, it's a waste of it, save the glory," Yang Chen said with a smile.

Soon, the hot pot with the meat and bone soup was put up, and various seasonings were also brought up. Because Yang Chen ordered a lot, the proprietress also gave an extra plate of pig blood and tofu skin, which made Yang Chen very happy. good.

It’s not that Zhao Teng and Wang Jie have never eaten hot pot, but it’s the first time to eat hot pot in a small restaurant like this. The surroundings are all dirty. Whether the business license is still a problem, and the sanitation permit is more likely. It's a decoration. If they weren't really hungry, they wouldn't dare to eat it.

Yang Chen ordered too many dishes, and a small table could not fit even a shelf of food. Yang Chen didn't care about three or seventy-one, and dragged a table next to his own table.

Zhao Teng and Wang Jie were dumbfounded. They came to such a small hot pot restaurant for the first time to eat, and it was the first time they saw such a heroic owner who dragged the table!

"Hey, the small restaurant is good. You can eat and play as you like. The big restaurant is too troublesome to speak loudly or smoke." Yang Chen said as he smoked a cigarette, lit himself with one hand. Cigarette, holding chopsticks in one hand, put all kinds of lettuce and raw meat into the hot pot, "Eating hot pot requires this atmosphere, lively and lively, it is best to be outside in the snow, drink some strong alcohol, we are all alone, so I too I'll bring it to you casually."

Zhao Teng smiled stiffly: "The director said yes, this is good... ahem..."

The bad smell of tobacco made him cough several times, but he couldn't say anything with a wry smile.

Wang Jie covered her mouth and smiled, "Director, you scared us. I have never seen this before."

"I know", Yang Chen said proudly: "I will take you to dinner today, just to show you how I am, Yangchun Baixue, or even Liba, I don't care about the superficial things very much. I'm lazy, I I don’t have professional knowledge. I like it. I’m just such a person. What you see, the me in the office, is real. Now I am the same old peasant in front of you. It’s also real. Almost half a year ago, I was still a Western District. The small vendors selling lamb kebabs in the vegetable market, whether you believe it or not, I do have a master’s degree from Harvard, but I really sell lamb kebabs."

Seeing that the two of Zhao Teng stayed silent, Yang Chen opened a bottle of the soil shochu that he sent over, filled both of them, and filled it for himself. He raised the cup to respect them, "Come on, take a sip, don’t be silly Looking at me, selling lamb skewers is not within the limit of personal income tax, so I have not escaped tax."

Zhao Teng and Wang Jie finally laughed and picked up the wine glasses. Although they felt that the wine smelled pungent, they each took a sip.

Wang Jie was okay. As soon as Zhao Teng drank the white wine, his throat was like a fire, and he blushed and stopped after coughing for several times.

Yang Chen laughed loudly and asked the proprietress to bring him a glass of cold water instead of letting him drink.

"If you don't know how to drink, just say it, I'm not an alcoholic boss, don't watch subordinates who don't drink, you don't have to force yourself." Yang Chen said.

Zhao Teng smiled awkwardly: "It's not that I don't know how to drink, Mr. Yang, this wine is too strong."

The three of them talked and laughed for a while, and then began to use their chopsticks to eat the hot pot, but Zhao Teng and Wang Jie did not eat as much as Yang Chen alone.

Soon, a lot of food that they could not finish eating in the eyes of the two of them were all stuffed into their stomachs by Yang Chen.

The understanding of Yang Chen in their minds at this moment has changed from clear to fuzzy, fuzzy and clear, but no matter what, they found that they unexpectedly liked this peculiar boss more.

"Mr. Yang, it seems that I can't drive after drinking. How can we get back later?" Zhao Teng said worriedly, "It's better to call someone from the company to pick it up."

Yang Chen waved his hand, "I'm afraid of a bird's egg, I drank alcohol and drove the car, the police station went to the police station, they are almost familiar with each other, let's go! I will send you back to the company!"

Zhao Teng and Wang Jie's faces were blue and white again. Is this the director of the company or someone who ran out of jail?

But just when Yang Chen paid the money and prepared to go out with Zhao Teng, outside the small hot pot restaurant, suddenly a familiar figure walked past.

There was a strange thing in Yang Chen's eyes, and he turned and said to the two people: "You wait ten minutes here, I will meet an acquaintance, and I will be back soon."

Before the two of Zhao Teng could ask questions, Yang Chen had already walked out of the small hot pot restaurant, turned around and walked into a small alley. t